How to setup Webscorer PRO with the Feibot A400 active chip timing system. [More]
Participants select their own predicted time which is compared to the actual finish time - the participant with the closest prediction will be the winner. [More]
The Announcer View is a simple way to get a copy of the results in real time from the main timing device for the race announcer or the race director over Bluetooth or the web. [More]
We've started Webscorer Users Group on Google - learn how to join the group. [More]
This article lists the types of chip readers supported by the Webscorer PRO timing app. [More]
The Windows version of Webscorer PRO 6.1 added support for the TR-2265 USB RFID reader by Thinkify which has a listed retail price of USD 485. [More]
Webscorer PRO 6.0 (and later) supports MyLaps decoders and chips. The following decoders are supported using the MyLaps P3 protocol:BIB Decoder
BibTag Decoder
AMBrc Decoder
AMBmx3 Decoder
RC4 Decoder
TranX3 Decoder
ChipX Decoder
ProChip Decoder
X2 Decoder [More]
It is now possible to program RFID chips using the same reader and antenna you use for timing the race. [More]
SPORTident chips are popular in orienteering, trail running and enduro mountain biking events. This article focuses on how to use Webscorer PRO to obtain & post results from an enduro mountain bike race timed with SPORTident chips. [More]
Webscorer PRO v4.8 now supports also the active chip timing with Race Result hardware. Active chips have a battery whereas passive (RFID) chips do not. [More]
An enduro mountain-biking race consists of anywhere from 2 to 8 (or more) timed stages, [More]
This article explains the hardware components recommended for chip-timing with Webscorer PRO, including pricing and links to AtlasRFIDstore to view hardware details.[More]
The Webscorer PRO app is now available for laptops, desktops and tablets running Windows 10 as well as Mac computers running macOS Catalina (version 10.15 or later). [More]
Webscorer PRO 4.0 adds support for the external NFC reader by Advanced Card Systems Ltd. model ACR-1 [More]
Read this article to learn how to keep the Webscorer app running in the background when the Android 7+ device goes to sleep - either on its own, or when the screen is turned off by the user. Chip detections will happen without the app visible. [More]
This feature may be of interest to you, if:
1. You’re using Webscorer online registration2. Yo [More]
Step-by-step instructions how to setup Webscorer PRO software for RFID chip timing.[More]
The new LLRP chip-timing support in Webscorer PRO 2.1 was thoroughly tested at the 2nd biggest cyclo [More]
Until now, Webscorer PRO has been purely a manual-timing product - you'd tap the screen to record a[More]
Until now, Webscorer PRO has been purely a manual-timing product - you'd tap the screen to record a[More]