1 | 23 | Fresh Air + Trek Bikes | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:06.43
- +0:43.0
- 19:06.43
- +0:43.0
- 2
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:19.41
- -
- 38:25.81
- -
- 3
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:24.41
- -
- 57:50.21
- -
- 4
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:28.51
- -
- 1:17:18.71
- -
- 5
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:24.22
- +0:01.2
- 1:36:42.91
- -
- 6
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:26.81
- -
- 1:56:09.71
- -
- 7
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:17.91
- -
- 2:15:27.61
- -
- 8
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:26.71
- -
- 2:34:54.31
- -
- 9
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:56.02
- +0:33.9
- 2:54:50.31
- -
- 10
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:59.11
- -
- 3:14:49.41
- -
- 11
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 19:59.81
- -
- 3:34:49.21
- -
- 12
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 20:10.41
- -
- 3:54:59.61
- -
- 13
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 20:06.12
- +0:27.6
- 4:15:05.71
- -
- 14
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 20:43.51
- -
- 4:35:49.21
- -
- 15
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 22:30.12
- +0:05.6
- 4:58:19.31
- -
- 16
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 21:13.23
- +0:29.4
- 5:19:32.51
- -
- 17
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 20:46.62
- +0:50.7
- 5:40:19.11
- -
- 18
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 20:43.41
- -
- 6:01:02.51
- -
- 19
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 21:34.03
- +1:11.5
- 6:22:36.51
- -
- 20
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 22:07.04
- +2:02.9
- 6:44:43.51
- -
- 21
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 21:50.32
- +1:06.2
- 7:06:33.81
- -
- 22
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 22:01.22
- +1:14.7
- 7:28:35.01
- -
- 23
- 23
- Fry, Kyle
- 21:26.91
- -
- 7:50:01.91
- -
7:50:02.0 | 164.4523--100%0.00%0.00% |
2 | 59 | Fresh Air Top Fuels | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 59
- Anderson, Steven
- 18:23.41
- -
- 18:23.41
- -
- 2
- 59
- Ailey, Keith
- 20:46.73
- +1:27.3
- 39:10.12
- +0:44.3
- 3
- 59
- Gillingham, Josh
- 22:20.49
- +2:56.0
- 1:01:30.52
- +3:40.3
- 4
- 59
- Tofinetti, Pete
- 22:23.97
- +2:55.4
- 1:23:54.42
- +6:35.7
- 5
- 59
- Anderson, Steven
- 19:23.01
- -
- 1:43:17.42
- +6:34.5
- 6
- 59
- Ailey, Keith
- 20:45.72
- +1:18.9
- 2:04:03.12
- +7:53.4
- 7
- 59
- Gillingham, Josh
- 21:23.16
- +2:05.2
- 2:25:26.22
- +9:58.6
- 8
- 59
- Tofinetti, Pete
- 21:53.92
- +2:27.2
- 2:47:20.12
- +12:25.8
- 9
- 59
- Anderson, Steven
- 19:22.11
- -
- 3:06:42.22
- +11:51.9
- 10
- 59
- Ailey, Keith
- 21:11.65
- +1:12.5
- 3:27:53.82
- +13:04.4
- 11
- 59
- Gillingham, Josh
- 22:22.13
- +2:22.3
- 3:50:15.92
- +15:26.7
- 12
- 59
- Tofinetti, Pete
- 21:53.74
- +1:43.3
- 4:12:09.62
- +17:10.0
- 13
- 59
- Anderson, Steven
- 19:38.51
- -
- 4:31:48.12
- +16:42.4
- 14
- 59
- Ailey, Keith
- 21:21.72
- +0:38.2
- 4:53:09.82
- +17:20.6
- 15
- 59
- Gillingham, Josh
- 22:24.51
- -
- 5:15:34.32
- +17:15.0
- 16
- 59
- Tofinetti, Pete
- 22:50.35
- +2:06.5
- 5:38:24.62
- +18:52.1
- 17
- 59
- Anderson, Steven
- 19:55.91
- -
- 5:58:20.52
- +18:01.4
- 18
- 59
- Ailey, Keith
- 21:43.83
- +1:00.4
- 6:20:04.32
- +19:01.8
- 19
- 59
- Gillingham, Josh
- 22:31.15
- +2:08.6
- 6:42:35.42
- +19:58.9
- 20
- 59
- Anderson, Steven
- 20:04.11
- -
- 7:02:39.52
- +17:56.0
- 21
- 59
- Tofinetti, Pete
- 22:16.73
- +1:32.6
- 7:24:56.22
- +18:22.4
- 22
- 59
- Ailey, Keith
- 20:46.51
- -
- 7:45:42.72
- +17:07.7
-1 lap | 157.3022----- |
3 | 41 | Chain Smokers | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 41
- MacIsaac, Callum
- 20:27.85
- +2:04.4
- 20:27.85
- +2:04.4
- 2
- 41
- Nichols, Orran
- 21:29.74
- +2:10.3
- 41:57.54
- +3:31.7
- 3
- 41
- Fischer, Anton
- 22:00.16
- +2:35.7
- 1:03:57.63
- +6:07.4
- 4
- 41
- MacIsaac, Callum
- 19:59.02
- +0:30.5
- 1:23:56.63
- +6:37.9
- 5
- 41
- Nichols, Orran
- 23:03.89
- +3:40.8
- 1:47:00.43
- +10:17.5
- 6
- 41
- Fischer, Anton
- 22:27.48
- +3:00.6
- 2:09:27.83
- +13:18.1
- 7
- 41
- MacIsaac, Callum
- 19:50.62
- +0:32.7
- 2:29:18.43
- +13:50.8
- 8
- 41
- Nichols, Orran
- 23:31.08
- +4:04.3
- 2:52:49.43
- +17:55.1
- 9
- 41
- Fischer, Anton
- 22:32.09
- +3:09.9
- 3:15:21.43
- +20:31.1
- 10
- 41
- MacIsaac, Callum
- 20:07.92
- +0:08.8
- 3:35:29.33
- +20:39.9
- 11
- 41
- Nichols, Orran
- 23:36.48
- +3:36.6
- 3:59:05.73
- +24:16.5
- 12
- 41
- Fischer, Anton
- 23:33.08
- +3:22.6
- 4:22:38.73
- +27:39.1
- 13
- 41
- MacIsaac, Callum
- 20:23.93
- +0:45.4
- 4:43:02.63
- +27:56.9
- 14
- 41
- Nichols, Orran
- 23:16.86
- +2:33.3
- 5:06:19.43
- +30:30.2
- 15
- 41
- Fischer, Anton
- 23:41.75
- +1:17.2
- 5:30:01.13
- +31:41.8
- 16
- 41
- MacIsaac, Callum
- 20:43.81
- -
- 5:50:44.93
- +31:12.4
- 17
- 41
- Nichols, Orran
- 23:36.510
- +3:40.6
- 6:14:21.43
- +34:02.3
- 18
- 41
- Fischer, Anton
- 23:29.05
- +2:45.6
- 6:37:50.43
- +36:47.9
- 19
- 41
- MacIsaac, Callum
- 20:22.51
- -
- 6:58:12.93
- +35:36.4
- 20
- 41
- Fischer, Anton
- 27:56.39
- +7:52.2
- 7:26:09.23
- +41:25.7
- 21
- 41
- MacIsaac, Callum
- 20:44.11
- -
- 7:46:53.33
- +40:19.5
-2 laps | 150.1521----- |
4 | 122 | Superior Racers | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 21:31.010
- +3:07.6
- 21:31.010
- +3:07.6
- 2
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 20:22.92
- +1:03.5
- 41:53.93
- +3:28.1
- 3
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 22:41.410
- +3:17.0
- 1:04:35.34
- +6:45.1
- 4
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 21:05.04
- +1:36.5
- 1:25:40.34
- +8:21.6
- 5
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 23:21.011
- +3:58.0
- 1:49:01.34
- +12:18.4
- 6
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 21:53.14
- +2:26.3
- 2:10:54.44
- +14:44.7
- 7
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 23:21.812
- +4:03.9
- 2:34:16.24
- +18:48.6
- 8
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 21:53.92
- +2:27.2
- 2:56:10.14
- +21:15.8
- 9
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 23:54.213
- +4:32.1
- 3:20:04.34
- +25:14.0
- 10
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 22:29.06
- +2:29.9
- 3:42:33.34
- +27:43.9
- 11
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 23:40.610
- +3:40.8
- 4:06:13.94
- +31:24.7
- 12
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 22:58.57
- +2:48.1
- 4:29:12.44
- +34:12.8
- 13
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 24:17.912
- +4:39.4
- 4:53:30.34
- +38:24.6
- 14
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 22:23.13
- +1:39.6
- 5:15:53.44
- +40:04.2
- 15
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 24:33.99
- +2:09.4
- 5:40:27.34
- +42:08.0
- 16
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 23:12.97
- +2:29.1
- 6:03:40.24
- +44:07.7
- 17
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 25:14.516
- +5:18.6
- 6:28:54.74
- +48:35.6
- 18
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 27:22.317
- +6:38.9
- 6:56:17.04
- +55:14.5
- 19
- 122
- Nyitrai, Nolan
- 24:41.28
- +4:18.7
- 7:20:58.24
- +58:21.7
- 20
- 122
- Cooper-Landry, Russell
- 21:23.22
- +1:19.1
- 7:42:21.44
- +57:37.9
-3 laps | 143.0020----- |
5 | 97 | Fresh Air Women's Team | 3-5 Person Team (All Female) | |
- 1
- 97
- Sauder, Allison
- 19:47.84
- +1:24.4
- 19:47.84
- +1:24.4
- 2
- 97
- Ailey, Brooke
- 23:28.312
- +4:08.9
- 43:16.15
- +4:50.3
- 3
- 97
- Ailey, Char
- 24:21.918
- +4:57.5
- 1:07:38.09
- +9:47.8
- 4
- 97
- Sauder, Allison
- 20:45.23
- +1:16.7
- 1:28:23.27
- +11:04.5
- 5
- 97
- Ailey, Brooke
- 23:45.812
- +4:22.8
- 1:52:09.07
- +15:26.1
- 6
- 97
- Ailey, Char
- 25:51.623
- +6:24.8
- 2:18:00.68
- +21:50.9
- 7
- 97
- Sauder, Allison
- 20:35.35
- +1:17.4
- 2:38:35.98
- +23:08.3
- 8
- 97
- Ailey, Brooke
- 23:24.77
- +3:58.0
- 3:02:00.67
- +27:06.3
- 9
- 97
- Ailey, Char
- 25:49.319
- +6:27.2
- 3:27:49.97
- +32:59.6
- 10
- 97
- Sauder, Allison
- 20:57.44
- +0:58.3
- 3:48:47.37
- +33:57.9
- 11
- 97
- Ailey, Brooke
- 23:20.77
- +3:20.9
- 4:12:08.07
- +37:18.8
- 12
- 97
- Ailey, Char
- 26:08.020
- +5:57.6
- 4:38:16.07
- +43:16.4
- 13
- 97
- Sauder, Allison
- 21:31.94
- +1:53.4
- 4:59:47.97
- +44:42.2
- 14
- 97
- Ailey, Brooke
- 23:12.75
- +2:29.2
- 5:23:00.67
- +47:11.4
- 15
- 97
- Ailey, Char
- 26:52.219
- +4:27.7
- 5:49:52.86
- +51:33.5
- 16
- 97
- Sauder, Allison
- 20:50.52
- +0:06.7
- 6:10:43.36
- +51:10.8
- 17
- 97
- Ailey, Brooke
- 22:23.25
- +2:27.3
- 6:33:06.55
- +52:47.4
- 18
- 97
- Ailey, Char
- 26:59.016
- +6:15.6
- 7:00:05.56
- +59:03.0
- 19
- 97
- Sauder, Allison
- 20:58.52
- +0:36.0
- 7:21:04.05
- +58:27.5
- 20
- 97
- Ailey, Brooke
- 22:11.35
- +2:07.2
- 7:43:15.35
- +58:31.8
-3 laps | 143.0020----- |
6 | 113 | Life Behind Bars | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 20:39.57
- +2:16.1
- 20:39.57
- +2:16.1
- 2
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 22:40.07
- +3:20.6
- 43:19.56
- +4:53.7
- 3
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 21:22.24
- +1:57.8
- 1:04:41.75
- +6:51.5
- 4
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 22:42.88
- +3:14.3
- 1:27:24.56
- +10:05.8
- 5
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 21:47.14
- +2:24.1
- 1:49:11.65
- +12:28.7
- 6
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 23:20.612
- +3:53.8
- 2:12:32.25
- +16:22.5
- 7
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 22:03.69
- +2:45.7
- 2:34:35.85
- +19:08.2
- 8
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 23:51.69
- +4:24.9
- 2:58:27.45
- +23:33.1
- 9
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 22:31.78
- +3:09.6
- 3:20:59.15
- +26:08.8
- 10
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 24:27.512
- +4:28.4
- 3:45:26.65
- +30:37.2
- 11
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 23:10.16
- +3:10.3
- 4:08:36.75
- +33:47.5
- 12
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 25:17.916
- +5:07.5
- 4:33:54.65
- +38:55.0
- 13
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 22:39.09
- +3:00.5
- 4:56:33.66
- +41:27.9
- 14
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 25:06.313
- +4:22.8
- 5:21:39.96
- +45:50.7
- 15
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 23:00.53
- +0:36.0
- 5:44:40.45
- +46:21.1
- 16
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 25:36.117
- +4:52.3
- 6:10:16.55
- +50:44.0
- 17
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 22:55.38
- +2:59.4
- 6:33:11.86
- +52:52.7
- 18
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 25:15.813
- +4:32.4
- 6:58:27.65
- +57:25.1
- 19
- 113
- Randall, Matthew
- 23:08.86
- +2:46.3
- 7:21:36.46
- +58:59.9
- 20
- 113
- Randall, Todd
- 25:27.18
- +5:23.0
- 7:47:03.56
- +1:02:20.0
-3 laps | 143.0020----- |
7 | 63 | Gears 'N Beers | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 63
- Martin, Robb
- 21:41.013
- +3:17.6
- 21:41.013
- +3:17.6
- 2
- 63
- Green, Caleb
- 23:19.010
- +3:59.6
- 45:00.011
- +6:34.2
- 3
- 63
- Nelson, Craig
- 26:28.324
- +7:03.9
- 1:11:28.318
- +13:38.1
- 4
- 63
- Fischer, Braden
- 23:31.413
- +4:02.9
- 1:34:59.716
- +17:41.0
- 5
- 63
- Martin, Robb
- 22:32.96
- +3:09.9
- 1:57:32.612
- +20:49.7
- 6
- 63
- Green, Caleb
- 23:39.713
- +4:12.9
- 2:21:12.312
- +25:02.6
- 7
- 63
- Nelson, Craig
- 25:53.421
- +6:35.5
- 2:47:05.714
- +31:38.1
- 8
- 63
- Fischer, Braden
- 22:49.95
- +3:23.2
- 3:09:55.612
- +35:01.3
- 9
- 63
- Martin, Robb
- 23:16.811
- +3:54.7
- 3:33:12.411
- +38:22.1
- 10
- 63
- Green, Caleb
- 23:13.99
- +3:14.8
- 3:56:26.310
- +41:36.9
- 11
- 63
- Nelson, Craig
- 25:50.716
- +5:50.9
- 4:22:17.010
- +47:27.8
- 12
- 63
- Fischer, Braden
- 22:46.36
- +2:35.9
- 4:45:03.310
- +50:03.7
- 13
- 63
- Martin, Robb
- 22:21.18
- +2:42.6
- 5:07:24.49
- +52:18.7
- 14
- 63
- Green, Caleb
- 23:56.48
- +3:12.9
- 5:31:20.88
- +55:31.6
- 15
- 63
- Nelson, Craig
- 26:06.415
- +3:41.9
- 5:57:27.28
- +59:07.9
- 16
- 63
- Fischer, Braden
- 23:18.98
- +2:35.1
- 6:20:46.17
- +1:01:13.6
- 17
- 63
- Martin, Robb
- 22:50.07
- +2:54.1
- 6:43:36.17
- +1:03:17.0
- 18
- 63
- Green, Caleb
- 24:04.99
- +3:21.5
- 7:07:41.07
- +1:06:38.5
- 19
- 63
- Nelson, Craig
- 26:21.412
- +5:58.9
- 7:34:02.47
- +1:11:25.9
- 20
- 63
- Fischer, Braden
- 22:24.97
- +2:20.8
- 7:56:27.37
- +1:11:43.8
-3 laps | 143.0020----- |
8 | 47 | Crooked Cranks | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 47
- Mcbride, Jeremy
- 22:42.918
- +4:19.5
- 22:42.918
- +4:19.5
- 2
- 47
- Jones, Christopher
- 22:22.96
- +3:03.5
- 45:05.812
- +6:40.0
- 3
- 47
- Tilson, Kyle
- 23:02.411
- +3:38.0
- 1:08:08.211
- +10:18.0
- 4
- 47
- Dempsey, Juanita
- 24:56.321
- +5:27.8
- 1:33:04.512
- +15:45.8
- 5
- 47
- Santerre, Jesse
- 28:17.430
- +8:54.4
- 2:01:21.917
- +24:39.0
- 6
- 47
- Mcbride, Jeremy
- 22:26.87
- +3:00.0
- 2:23:48.713
- +27:39.0
- 7
- 47
- Jones, Christopher
- 21:32.17
- +2:14.2
- 2:45:20.812
- +29:53.2
- 8
- 47
- Tilson, Kyle
- 22:41.24
- +3:14.5
- 3:08:02.09
- +33:07.7
- 9
- 47
- Dempsey, Juanita
- 24:59.115
- +5:37.0
- 3:33:01.110
- +38:10.8
- 10
- 47
- Santerre, Jesse
- 27:24.324
- +7:25.2
- 4:00:25.411
- +45:36.0
- 11
- 47
- Mcbride, Jeremy
- 22:22.44
- +2:22.6
- 4:22:47.811
- +47:58.6
- 12
- 47
- Jones, Christopher
- 22:15.75
- +2:05.3
- 4:45:03.511
- +50:03.9
- 13
- 47
- Tilson, Kyle
- 22:17.37
- +2:38.8
- 5:07:20.88
- +52:15.1
- 14
- 47
- Dempsey, Juanita
- 25:05.712
- +4:22.2
- 5:32:26.59
- +56:37.3
- 15
- 47
- Mcbride, Jeremy
- 23:14.04
- +0:49.5
- 5:55:40.57
- +57:21.2
- 16
- 47
- Santerre, Jesse
- 27:43.022
- +6:59.2
- 6:23:23.59
- +1:03:51.0
- 17
- 47
- Jones, Christopher
- 21:53.94
- +1:58.0
- 6:45:17.48
- +1:04:58.3
- 18
- 47
- Tilson, Kyle
- 24:49.611
- +4:06.2
- 7:10:07.08
- +1:09:04.5
- 19
- 47
- Dempsey, Juanita
- 24:50.39
- +4:27.8
- 7:34:57.38
- +1:12:20.8
- 20
- 47
- Jones, Christopher
- 21:33.73
- +1:29.6
- 7:56:31.08
- +1:11:47.5
-3 laps | 143.0020----- |
9 | 126 | The Big Swede’S | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 22:36.417
- +4:13.0
- 22:36.417
- +4:13.0
- 2
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 23:57.416
- +4:38.0
- 46:33.814
- +8:08.0
- 3
- 126
- Berglund, Eric
- 23:56.416
- +4:32.0
- 1:10:30.215
- +12:40.0
- 4
- 126
- Berglund, Eric
- 24:04.714
- +4:36.2
- 1:34:34.915
- +17:16.2
- 5
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 22:57.68
- +3:34.6
- 1:57:32.511
- +20:49.6
- 6
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 23:07.810
- +3:41.0
- 2:20:40.311
- +24:30.6
- 7
- 126
- Berglund, Eric
- 23:35.015
- +4:17.1
- 2:44:15.311
- +28:47.7
- 8
- 126
- Berglund, Eric
- 23:58.610
- +4:31.9
- 3:08:13.910
- +33:19.6
- 9
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 22:16.36
- +2:54.2
- 3:30:30.29
- +35:39.9
- 10
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 23:10.08
- +3:10.9
- 3:53:40.28
- +38:50.8
- 11
- 126
- Berglund, Eric
- 25:01.714
- +5:01.9
- 4:18:41.98
- +43:52.7
- 12
- 126
- Berglund, Eric
- 24:28.112
- +4:17.7
- 4:43:10.08
- +48:10.4
- 13
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 24:24.714
- +4:46.2
- 5:07:34.710
- +52:29.0
- 14
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 25:57.115
- +5:13.6
- 5:33:31.810
- +57:42.6
- 15
- 126
- Berglund, Eric
- 24:07.57
- +1:43.0
- 5:57:39.39
- +59:20.0
- 16
- 126
- Berglund, Eric
- 24:39.411
- +3:55.6
- 6:22:18.78
- +1:02:46.2
- 17
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 24:33.111
- +4:37.2
- 6:46:51.89
- +1:06:32.7
- 18
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 25:08.412
- +4:25.0
- 7:12:00.29
- +1:10:57.7
- 19
- 126
- Berglund, Oskar
- 24:18.37
- +3:55.8
- 7:36:18.59
- +1:13:42.0
- 20
- 126
- Berglund, Eric
- 22:14.16
- +2:10.0
- 7:58:32.69
- +1:13:49.1
-3 laps | 143.0020----- |
10 | 90 | We're Back For The Snacks! | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 90
- Lightwood, Hal
- 21:46.614
- +3:23.2
- 21:46.614
- +3:23.2
- 2
- 90
- Manary, Jordan
- 21:33.55
- +2:14.1
- 43:20.17
- +4:54.3
- 3
- 90
- Walker, Alex
- 24:16.017
- +4:51.6
- 1:07:36.18
- +9:45.9
- 4
- 90
- Boucher, Murray
- 25:19.026
- +5:50.5
- 1:32:55.111
- +15:36.4
- 5
- 90
- Arruda, Dinis
- 30:06.935
- +10:43.9
- 2:03:02.019
- +26:19.1
- 6
- 90
- Lightwood, Hal
- 21:56.25
- +2:29.4
- 2:24:58.216
- +28:48.5
- 7
- 90
- Manary, Jordan
- 21:48.28
- +2:30.3
- 2:46:46.413
- +31:18.8
- 8
- 90
- Walker, Alex
- 24:03.611
- +4:36.9
- 3:10:50.014
- +35:55.7
- 9
- 90
- Boucher, Murray
- 25:00.816
- +5:38.7
- 3:35:50.813
- +41:00.5
- 10
- 90
- Arruda, Dinis
- 32:36.032
- +12:36.9
- 4:08:26.815
- +53:37.4
- 11
- 90
- Lightwood, Hal
- 22:11.92
- +2:12.1
- 4:30:38.715
- +55:49.5
- 12
- 90
- Manary, Jordan
- 21:31.02
- +1:20.6
- 4:52:09.713
- +57:10.1
- 13
- 90
- Walker, Alex
- 24:40.515
- +5:02.0
- 5:16:50.213
- +1:01:44.5
- 14
- 90
- Boucher, Murray
- 26:29.216
- +5:45.7
- 5:43:19.413
- +1:07:30.2
- 15
- 90
- Arruda, Dinis
- 31:36.625
- +9:12.1
- 6:14:56.015
- +1:16:36.7
- 16
- 90
- Lightwood, Hal
- 22:00.44
- +1:16.6
- 6:36:56.414
- +1:17:23.9
- 17
- 90
- Manary, Jordan
- 21:18.13
- +1:22.2
- 6:58:14.513
- +1:17:55.4
- 18
- 90
- Walker, Alex
- 24:05.810
- +3:22.4
- 7:22:20.313
- +1:21:17.8
- 19
- 90
- Lightwood, Hal
- 21:54.54
- +1:32.0
- 7:44:14.810
- +1:21:38.3
-4 laps | 135.8519----- |
11 | 74 | Rad Dads | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 74
- Mills, Matt
- 20:34.76
- +2:11.3
- 20:34.76
- +2:11.3
- 2
- 74
- Gotwals, John
- 22:48.08
- +3:28.6
- 43:22.78
- +4:56.9
- 3
- 74
- Kunnas, David
- 23:27.312
- +4:02.9
- 1:06:50.07
- +8:59.8
- 4
- 74
- Bailey, Eric
- 23:08.610
- +3:40.1
- 1:29:58.68
- +12:39.9
- 5
- 74
- Mills, Matt
- 21:13.83
- +1:50.8
- 1:51:12.46
- +14:29.5
- 6
- 74
- Gotwals, John
- 23:14.311
- +3:47.5
- 2:14:26.76
- +18:17.0
- 7
- 74
- Kunnas, David
- 23:30.014
- +4:12.1
- 2:37:56.77
- +22:29.1
- 8
- 74
- Bailey, Eric
- 23:17.26
- +3:50.5
- 3:01:13.96
- +26:19.6
- 9
- 74
- Mills, Matt
- 21:57.15
- +2:35.0
- 3:23:11.06
- +28:20.7
- 10
- 74
- Gotwals, John
- 22:54.67
- +2:55.5
- 3:46:05.66
- +31:16.2
- 11
- 74
- Kunnas, David
- 24:03.812
- +4:04.0
- 4:10:09.46
- +35:20.2
- 12
- 74
- Bailey, Eric
- 23:49.611
- +3:39.2
- 4:33:59.06
- +38:59.4
- 13
- 74
- Mills, Matt
- 21:47.16
- +2:08.6
- 4:55:46.15
- +40:40.4
- 14
- 74
- Gotwals, John
- 23:20.27
- +2:36.7
- 5:19:06.35
- +43:17.1
- 15
- 74
- Bailey, Eric
- 48:51.430
- +26:26.9
- 6:07:57.712
- +1:09:38.4
- 16
- 74
- Kunnas, David
- 24:32.510
- +3:48.7
- 6:32:30.212
- +1:12:57.7
- 17
- 74
- Mills, Matt
- 23:05.59
- +3:09.6
- 6:55:35.710
- +1:15:16.6
- 18
- 74
- Gotwals, John
- 23:38.56
- +2:55.1
- 7:19:14.210
- +1:18:11.7
- 19
- 74
- Kunnas, David
- 25:09.610
- +4:47.1
- 7:44:23.811
- +1:21:47.3
-4 laps | 135.8519----- |
12 | 94 | Barbies On Bikes | 3-5 Person Team (All Female) | |
- 1
- 94
- Morency, Katherine
- 23:32.621
- +5:09.2
- 23:32.621
- +5:09.2
- 2
- 94
- Vidlak, Kristen
- 23:34.313
- +4:14.9
- 47:06.919
- +8:41.1
- 3
- 94
- Kwasny, Alyssa
- 24:52.019
- +5:27.6
- 1:11:58.919
- +14:08.7
- 4
- 94
- Morency, Katherine
- 24:07.215
- +4:38.7
- 1:36:06.118
- +18:47.4
- 5
- 94
- Vidlak, Kristen
- 24:04.013
- +4:41.0
- 2:00:10.116
- +23:27.2
- 6
- 94
- Kwasny, Alyssa
- 24:36.415
- +5:09.6
- 2:24:46.515
- +28:36.8
- 7
- 94
- Morency, Katherine
- 23:28.213
- +4:10.3
- 2:48:14.715
- +32:47.1
- 8
- 94
- Vidlak, Kristen
- 24:40.714
- +5:14.0
- 3:12:55.415
- +38:01.1
- 9
- 94
- Kwasny, Alyssa
- 24:24.314
- +5:02.2
- 3:37:19.714
- +42:29.4
- 10
- 94
- Morency, Katherine
- 25:07.414
- +5:08.3
- 4:02:27.112
- +47:37.7
- 11
- 94
- Vidlak, Kristen
- 23:37.09
- +3:37.2
- 4:26:04.112
- +51:14.9
- 12
- 94
- Kwasny, Alyssa
- 24:58.914
- +4:48.5
- 4:51:03.012
- +56:03.4
- 13
- 94
- Morency, Katherine
- 25:36.620
- +5:58.1
- 5:16:39.612
- +1:01:33.9
- 14
- 94
- Vidlak, Kristen
- 23:59.410
- +3:15.9
- 5:40:39.012
- +1:04:49.8
- 15
- 94
- Kwasny, Alyssa
- 25:00.212
- +2:35.7
- 6:05:39.211
- +1:07:19.9
- 16
- 94
- Morency, Katherine
- 23:38.09
- +2:54.2
- 6:29:17.210
- +1:09:44.7
- 17
- 94
- Kwasny, Alyssa
- 26:38.920
- +6:43.0
- 6:55:56.112
- +1:15:37.0
- 18
- 94
- Vidlak, Kristen
- 23:49.57
- +3:06.1
- 7:19:45.612
- +1:18:43.1
- 19
- 94
- Kwasny, Alyssa
- 26:57.813
- +6:35.3
- 7:46:43.412
- +1:24:06.9
-4 laps | 135.8519----- |
13 | 110 | Ghosts Of Trowbridge | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 20:54.68
- +2:31.2
- 20:54.68
- +2:31.2
- 2
- 110
- Hunt, Michael
- 26:18.027
- +6:58.6
- 47:12.620
- +8:46.8
- 3
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 21:16.13
- +1:51.7
- 1:08:28.712
- +10:38.5
- 4
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 22:09.16
- +2:40.6
- 1:30:37.89
- +13:19.1
- 5
- 110
- Hunt, Michael
- 26:33.123
- +7:10.1
- 1:57:10.910
- +20:28.0
- 6
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 22:24.76
- +2:57.9
- 2:19:35.69
- +23:25.9
- 7
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 22:41.011
- +3:23.1
- 2:42:16.69
- +26:49.0
- 8
- 110
- Hunt, Michael
- 26:41.620
- +7:14.9
- 3:08:58.211
- +34:03.9
- 9
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 21:26.13
- +2:04.0
- 3:30:24.38
- +35:34.0
- 10
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 23:48.310
- +3:49.2
- 3:54:12.69
- +39:23.2
- 11
- 110
- Hunt, Michael
- 27:08.120
- +7:08.3
- 4:21:20.79
- +46:31.5
- 12
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 23:34.59
- +3:24.1
- 4:44:55.29
- +49:55.6
- 13
- 110
- Hunt, Michael
- 29:15.727
- +9:37.2
- 5:14:10.911
- +59:05.2
- 14
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 23:59.39
- +3:15.8
- 5:38:10.211
- +1:02:21.0
- 15
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 24:50.011
- +2:25.5
- 6:03:00.210
- +1:04:40.9
- 16
- 110
- Hunt, Michael
- 28:15.823
- +7:32.0
- 6:31:16.011
- +1:11:43.5
- 17
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 24:36.813
- +4:40.9
- 6:55:52.811
- +1:15:33.7
- 18
- 110
- Hunt, Palmer
- 23:51.88
- +3:08.4
- 7:19:44.611
- +1:18:42.1
- 19
- 110
- Hunt, Michael
- 28:51.014
- +8:28.5
- 7:48:35.613
- +1:25:59.1
-4 laps | 135.8519----- |
14 | 118 | Rajin' Butts | 2 Person Team (Female) | |
- 1
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 22:58.219
- +4:34.8
- 22:58.219
- +4:34.8
- 2
- 118
- Buttemer, Gwen
- 23:50.814
- +4:31.4
- 46:49.017
- +8:23.2
- 3
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 23:46.014
- +4:21.6
- 1:10:35.016
- +12:44.8
- 4
- 118
- Buttemer, Gwen
- 24:27.417
- +4:58.9
- 1:35:02.417
- +17:43.7
- 5
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 24:06.814
- +4:43.8
- 1:59:09.213
- +22:26.3
- 6
- 118
- Buttemer, Gwen
- 25:01.517
- +5:34.7
- 2:24:10.714
- +28:01.0
- 7
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 24:41.918
- +5:24.0
- 2:48:52.616
- +33:25.0
- 8
- 118
- Buttemer, Gwen
- 24:53.715
- +5:27.0
- 3:13:46.316
- +38:52.0
- 9
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 25:16.518
- +5:54.4
- 3:39:02.815
- +44:12.5
- 10
- 118
- Buttemer, Gwen
- 25:33.917
- +5:34.8
- 4:04:36.714
- +49:47.3
- 11
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 25:04.115
- +5:04.3
- 4:29:40.814
- +54:51.6
- 12
- 118
- Buttemer, Gwen
- 26:05.519
- +5:55.1
- 4:55:46.315
- +1:00:46.7
- 13
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 25:16.416
- +5:37.9
- 5:21:02.715
- +1:05:57.0
- 14
- 118
- Buttemer, Gwen
- 25:27.514
- +4:44.0
- 5:46:30.214
- +1:10:41.0
- 15
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 25:11.613
- +2:47.1
- 6:11:41.813
- +1:13:22.5
- 16
- 118
- Buttemer, Gwen
- 25:08.514
- +4:24.7
- 6:36:50.313
- +1:17:17.8
- 17
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 26:13.919
- +6:18.0
- 7:03:04.214
- +1:22:45.1
- 18
- 118
- Buttemer, Gwen
- 25:21.614
- +4:38.2
- 7:28:25.814
- +1:27:23.3
- 19
- 118
- Rajewicz, Jill
- 25:37.911
- +5:15.4
- 7:54:03.714
- +1:31:27.2
-4 laps | 135.8519----- |
15 | 131 | The Polish Air Force | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 20:58.09
- +2:34.6
- 20:58.09
- +2:34.6
- 2
- 131
- Balec, Brad
- 25:00.821
- +5:41.4
- 45:58.813
- +7:33.0
- 3
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 21:49.35
- +2:24.9
- 1:07:48.110
- +9:57.9
- 4
- 131
- Balec, Brad
- 24:47.520
- +5:19.0
- 1:32:35.610
- +15:16.9
- 5
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 21:51.65
- +2:28.6
- 1:54:27.29
- +17:44.3
- 6
- 131
- Balec, Brad
- 25:37.620
- +6:10.8
- 2:20:04.810
- +23:55.1
- 7
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 22:33.010
- +3:15.1
- 2:42:37.810
- +27:10.2
- 8
- 131
- Balec, Brad
- 27:47.727
- +8:21.0
- 3:10:25.513
- +35:31.2
- 9
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 23:23.812
- +4:01.7
- 3:33:49.312
- +38:59.0
- 10
- 131
- Balec, Brad
- 28:50.226
- +8:51.1
- 4:02:39.513
- +47:50.1
- 11
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 23:44.511
- +3:44.7
- 4:26:24.013
- +51:34.8
- 12
- 131
- Balec, Brad
- 28:34.927
- +8:24.5
- 4:54:58.914
- +59:59.3
- 13
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 24:21.013
- +4:42.5
- 5:19:19.914
- +1:04:14.2
- 14
- 131
- Balec, Brad
- 29:02.525
- +8:19.0
- 5:48:22.415
- +1:12:33.2
- 15
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 23:54.86
- +1:30.3
- 6:12:17.214
- +1:13:57.9
- 16
- 131
- Balec, Brad
- 31:09.726
- +10:25.9
- 6:43:26.915
- +1:23:54.4
- 17
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 25:06.715
- +5:10.8
- 7:08:33.615
- +1:28:14.5
- 18
- 131
- Balec, Jeremy
- 30:36.621
- +9:53.2
- 7:39:10.215
- +1:38:07.7
-5 laps | 128.7018----- |
16 | 68 | On Broken Wings | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 68
- Cameron, Sean
- 31:54.943
- +13:31.5
- 31:54.943
- +13:31.5
- 2
- 68
- Marostica, Mitch
- 24:15.017
- +4:55.6
- 56:09.933
- +17:44.1
- 3
- 68
- Salomon, Adam
- 25:04.320
- +5:39.9
- 1:21:14.231
- +23:24.0
- 4
- 68
- Jordan, Peter
- 23:01.69
- +3:33.1
- 1:44:15.824
- +26:57.1
- 5
- 68
- Gautier, Rick
- 25:51.818
- +6:28.8
- 2:10:07.624
- +33:24.7
- 6
- 68
- Marostica, Mitch
- 28:30.032
- +9:03.2
- 2:38:37.627
- +42:27.9
- 7
- 68
- Salomon, Adam
- 24:32.317
- +5:14.4
- 3:03:09.924
- +47:42.3
- 8
- 68
- Marostica, Mitch
- 24:12.212
- +4:45.5
- 3:27:22.121
- +52:27.8
- 9
- 68
- Jordan, Peter
- 22:19.27
- +2:57.1
- 3:49:41.317
- +54:51.0
- 10
- 68
- Gautier, Rick
- 27:01.823
- +7:02.7
- 4:16:43.117
- +1:01:53.7
- 11
- 68
- Marostica, Mitch
- 30:06.730
- +10:06.9
- 4:46:49.819
- +1:12:00.6
- 12
- 68
- Marostica, Mitch
- 23:49.110
- +3:38.7
- 5:10:38.917
- +1:15:39.3
- 13
- 68
- Jordan, Peter
- 23:21.811
- +3:43.3
- 5:34:00.716
- +1:18:55.0
- 14
- 68
- Gautier, Rick
- 26:44.917
- +6:01.4
- 6:00:45.616
- +1:24:56.4
- 15
- 68
- Marostica, Mitch
- 27:44.620
- +5:20.1
- 6:28:30.216
- +1:30:10.9
- 16
- 68
- Marostica, Mitch
- 25:32.616
- +4:48.8
- 6:54:02.816
- +1:34:30.3
- 17
- 68
- Jordan, Peter
- 22:39.86
- +2:43.9
- 7:16:42.616
- +1:36:23.5
- 18
- 68
- Marostica, Mitch
- 28:29.020
- +7:45.6
- 7:45:11.616
- +1:44:09.1
-5 laps | 128.7018----- |
17 | 34 | Brew Crew | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 34
- Throop, Kevin
- 21:39.112
- +3:15.7
- 21:39.112
- +3:15.7
- 2
- 34
- Grant, Seija
- 29:38.839
- +10:19.4
- 51:17.924
- +12:52.1
- 3
- 34
- Sokolowski, Dave
- 23:45.113
- +4:20.7
- 1:15:03.022
- +17:12.8
- 4
- 34
- Naroski, Kathleen
- 29:19.634
- +9:51.1
- 1:44:22.625
- +27:03.9
- 5
- 34
- Throop, Kevin
- 22:42.77
- +3:19.7
- 2:07:05.322
- +30:22.4
- 6
- 34
- Grant, Seija
- 28:59.033
- +9:32.2
- 2:36:04.324
- +39:54.6
- 7
- 34
- Sokolowski, Dave
- 24:25.716
- +5:07.8
- 3:00:30.021
- +45:02.4
- 8
- 34
- Naroski, Kathleen
- 29:14.231
- +9:47.5
- 3:29:44.222
- +54:49.9
- 9
- 34
- Throop, Kevin
- 21:47.64
- +2:25.5
- 3:51:31.818
- +56:41.5
- 10
- 34
- Grant, Seija
- 30:06.729
- +10:07.6
- 4:21:38.520
- +1:06:49.1
- 11
- 34
- Sokolowski, Dave
- 24:07.213
- +4:07.4
- 4:45:45.718
- +1:10:56.5
- 12
- 34
- Naroski, Kathleen
- 30:38.832
- +10:28.4
- 5:16:24.518
- +1:21:24.9
- 13
- 34
- Throop, Kevin
- 21:47.05
- +2:08.5
- 5:38:11.518
- +1:23:05.8
- 14
- 34
- Grant, Seija
- 29:27.026
- +8:43.5
- 6:07:38.519
- +1:31:49.3
- 15
- 34
- Sokolowski, Dave
- 24:30.08
- +2:05.5
- 6:32:08.518
- +1:33:49.2
- 16
- 34
- Naroski, Kathleen
- 29:58.125
- +9:14.3
- 7:02:06.620
- +1:42:34.1
- 17
- 34
- Grant, Seija
- 28:06.423
- +8:10.5
- 7:30:13.021
- +1:49:53.9
- 18
- 34
- Throop, Kevin
- 21:26.52
- +0:43.1
- 7:51:39.517
- +1:50:37.0
-5 laps | 128.7018----- |
18 | 102 | Women Of Oz | 3-5 Person Team (All Female) | |
- 1
- 102
- Mellerup, Diana
- 28:58.237
- +10:34.8
- 28:58.237
- +10:34.8
- 2
- 102
- Schiewe, Nicki
- 24:57.920
- +5:38.5
- 53:56.131
- +15:30.3
- 3
- 102
- Ponka, Beth
- 26:58.929
- +7:34.5
- 1:20:55.030
- +23:04.8
- 4
- 102
- McCartney, Judy
- 27:58.633
- +8:30.1
- 1:48:53.631
- +31:34.9
- 5
- 102
- Ailey, Marilyn
- 24:13.915
- +4:50.9
- 2:13:07.529
- +36:24.6
- 6
- 102
- Mellerup, Diana
- 28:22.230
- +8:55.4
- 2:41:29.729
- +45:20.0
- 7
- 102
- Schiewe, Nicki
- 25:06.419
- +5:48.5
- 3:06:36.128
- +51:08.5
- 8
- 102
- Ponka, Beth
- 26:02.417
- +6:35.7
- 3:32:38.528
- +57:44.2
- 9
- 102
- McCartney, Judy
- 26:48.522
- +7:26.4
- 3:59:27.022
- +1:04:36.7
- 10
- 102
- Ailey, Marilyn
- 24:01.411
- +4:02.3
- 4:23:28.422
- +1:08:39.0
- 11
- 102
- Mellerup, Diana
- 27:56.723
- +7:56.9
- 4:51:25.121
- +1:16:35.9
- 12
- 102
- Schiewe, Nicki
- 25:02.215
- +4:51.8
- 5:16:27.319
- +1:21:27.7
- 13
- 102
- Ponka, Beth
- 25:31.618
- +5:53.1
- 5:41:58.920
- +1:26:53.2
- 14
- 102
- McCartney, Judy
- 28:20.423
- +7:36.9
- 6:10:19.320
- +1:34:30.1
- 15
- 102
- Ailey, Marilyn
- 24:45.210
- +2:20.7
- 6:35:04.519
- +1:36:45.2
- 16
- 102
- Ailey, Marilyn
- 25:17.615
- +4:33.8
- 7:00:22.117
- +1:40:49.6
- 17
- 102
- Schiewe, Nicki
- 25:47.117
- +5:51.2
- 7:26:09.217
- +1:45:50.1
- 18
- 102
- Ponka, Beth
- 26:48.015
- +6:04.6
- 7:52:57.218
- +1:51:54.7
-5 laps | 128.7018----- |
19 | 82 | The Skidmarks | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 82
- Uchtenhagen, Steven
- 24:53.224
- +6:29.8
- 24:53.224
- +6:29.8
- 2
- 82
- Stewart, Nathan
- 28:49.535
- +9:30.1
- 53:42.730
- +15:16.9
- 3
- 82
- Lafountain, Ryan
- 26:47.228
- +7:22.8
- 1:20:29.929
- +22:39.7
- 4
- 82
- Quarrell, Nathaniel
- 24:20.116
- +4:51.6
- 1:44:50.026
- +27:31.3
- 5
- 82
- Molendijk, Sam
- 26:55.324
- +7:32.3
- 2:11:45.326
- +35:02.4
- 6
- 82
- Uchtenhagen, Steven
- 22:29.79
- +3:02.9
- 2:34:15.022
- +38:05.3
- 7
- 82
- Stewart, Nathan
- 31:01.333
- +11:43.4
- 3:05:16.326
- +49:48.7
- 8
- 82
- Lafountain, Ryan
- 26:48.821
- +7:22.1
- 3:32:05.126
- +57:10.8
- 9
- 82
- Quarrell, Nathaniel
- 23:04.910
- +3:42.8
- 3:55:10.019
- +1:00:19.7
- 10
- 82
- Molendijk, Sam
- 26:14.819
- +6:15.7
- 4:21:24.819
- +1:06:35.4
- 11
- 82
- Uchtenhagen, Steven
- 22:39.85
- +2:40.0
- 4:44:04.617
- +1:09:15.4
- 12
- 82
- Stewart, Nathan
- 37:48.136
- +17:37.7
- 5:21:52.724
- +1:26:53.1
- 13
- 82
- Lafountain, Ryan
- 26:31.121
- +6:52.6
- 5:48:23.823
- +1:33:18.1
- 14
- 82
- Quarrell, Nathaniel
- 23:12.24
- +2:28.7
- 6:11:36.021
- +1:35:46.8
- 15
- 82
- Molendijk, Sam
- 26:35.618
- +4:11.1
- 6:38:11.622
- +1:39:52.3
- 16
- 82
- Uchtenhagen, Steven
- 23:11.06
- +2:27.2
- 7:01:22.619
- +1:41:50.1
- 17
- 82
- Lafountain, Ryan
- 28:37.024
- +8:41.1
- 7:29:59.620
- +1:49:40.5
- 18
- 82
- Quarrell, Nathaniel
- 23:02.84
- +2:19.4
- 7:53:02.419
- +1:51:59.9
-5 laps | 128.7018----- |
20 | 106 | A What? Abbink | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 24:55.225
- +6:31.8
- 24:55.225
- +6:31.8
- 2
- 106
- Abbink, Andrew
- 23:11.59
- +3:52.1
- 48:06.721
- +9:40.9
- 3
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 26:46.627
- +7:22.2
- 1:14:53.321
- +17:03.1
- 4
- 106
- Abbink, Andrew
- 23:10.511
- +3:42.0
- 1:38:03.820
- +20:45.1
- 5
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 26:21.522
- +6:58.5
- 2:04:25.320
- +27:42.4
- 6
- 106
- Abbink, Andrew
- 23:49.414
- +4:22.6
- 2:28:14.719
- +32:05.0
- 7
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 26:13.723
- +6:55.8
- 2:54:28.419
- +39:00.8
- 8
- 106
- Abbink, Andrew
- 24:38.513
- +5:11.8
- 3:19:06.917
- +44:12.6
- 9
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 27:21.323
- +7:59.2
- 3:46:28.216
- +51:37.9
- 10
- 106
- Abbink, Andrew
- 25:30.416
- +5:31.3
- 4:11:58.616
- +57:09.2
- 11
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 27:18.921
- +7:19.1
- 4:39:17.516
- +1:04:28.3
- 12
- 106
- Abbink, Andrew
- 27:27.224
- +7:16.8
- 5:06:44.716
- +1:11:45.1
- 13
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 27:31.123
- +7:52.6
- 5:34:15.817
- +1:19:10.1
- 14
- 106
- Abbink, Andrew
- 28:52.724
- +8:09.2
- 6:03:08.517
- +1:27:19.3
- 15
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 28:06.321
- +5:41.8
- 6:31:14.817
- +1:32:55.5
- 16
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 31:33.427
- +10:49.6
- 7:02:48.221
- +1:43:15.7
- 17
- 106
- Abbink, Andrew
- 24:37.214
- +4:41.3
- 7:27:25.418
- +1:47:06.3
- 18
- 106
- Abbink, Hanna
- 27:36.919
- +6:53.5
- 7:55:02.320
- +1:53:59.8
-5 laps | 128.7018----- |
21 | 100 | Gnarwhals | 3-5 Person Team (All Female) | |
- 1
- 100
- Moffett, Nicole
- 25:41.828
- +7:18.4
- 25:41.828
- +7:18.4
- 2
- 100
- Haberer, Alexa
- 27:19.032
- +7:59.6
- 53:00.827
- +14:35.0
- 3
- 100
- Murphy, Rita
- 26:36.625
- +7:12.2
- 1:19:37.427
- +21:47.2
- 4
- 100
- Moffett, Nicole
- 25:25.427
- +5:56.9
- 1:45:02.828
- +27:44.1
- 5
- 100
- Haberer, Alexa
- 27:13.827
- +7:50.8
- 2:12:16.628
- +35:33.7
- 6
- 100
- Murphy, Rita
- 25:50.622
- +6:23.8
- 2:38:07.225
- +41:57.5
- 7
- 100
- Moffett, Nicole
- 25:54.222
- +6:36.3
- 3:04:01.425
- +48:33.8
- 8
- 100
- Haberer, Alexa
- 27:29.826
- +8:03.1
- 3:31:31.224
- +56:36.9
- 9
- 100
- Murphy, Rita
- 25:14.717
- +5:52.6
- 3:56:45.921
- +1:01:55.6
- 10
- 100
- Moffett, Nicole
- 25:52.018
- +5:52.9
- 4:22:37.921
- +1:07:48.5
- 11
- 100
- Haberer, Alexa
- 28:10.024
- +8:10.2
- 4:50:47.920
- +1:15:58.7
- 12
- 100
- Murphy, Rita
- 26:42.122
- +6:31.7
- 5:17:30.021
- +1:22:30.4
- 13
- 100
- Moffett, Nicole
- 26:33.322
- +6:54.8
- 5:44:03.321
- +1:28:57.6
- 14
- 100
- Haberer, Alexa
- 27:41.919
- +6:58.4
- 6:11:45.222
- +1:35:56.0
- 15
- 100
- Murphy, Rita
- 25:58.214
- +3:33.7
- 6:37:43.421
- +1:39:24.1
- 16
- 100
- Moffett, Nicole
- 25:38.918
- +4:55.1
- 7:03:22.322
- +1:43:49.8
- 17
- 100
- Haberer, Alexa
- 27:42.621
- +7:46.7
- 7:31:04.922
- +1:50:45.8
- 18
- 100
- Murphy, Rita
- 27:25.718
- +6:42.3
- 7:58:30.621
- +1:57:28.1
-5 laps | 128.7018----- |
22 | 134 | The Wheely Fun Guys | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 18:23.62
- +0:00.2
- 18:23.62
- +0:00.2
- 2
- 134
- Sepa, Milos
- 26:08.626
- +6:49.2
- 44:32.29
- +6:06.4
- 3
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 21:05.22
- +1:40.8
- 1:05:37.46
- +7:47.2
- 4
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 21:05.95
- +1:37.4
- 1:26:43.35
- +9:24.6
- 5
- 134
- Sepa, Milos
- 27:00.625
- +7:37.6
- 1:53:43.98
- +17:01.0
- 6
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 21:05.53
- +1:38.7
- 2:14:49.47
- +18:39.7
- 7
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 20:10.93
- +0:53.0
- 2:35:00.36
- +19:32.7
- 8
- 134
- Sepa, Milos
- 27:13.523
- +7:46.8
- 3:02:13.88
- +27:19.5
- 9
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 1:04:35.648
- +45:13.5
- 4:06:49.425
- +1:11:59.1
- 10
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 20:48.63
- +0:49.5
- 4:27:38.024
- +1:12:48.6
- 11
- 134
- Sepa, Milos
- 27:28.322
- +7:28.5
- 4:55:06.324
- +1:20:17.1
- 12
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 21:40.03
- +1:29.6
- 5:16:46.320
- +1:21:46.7
- 13
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 22:46.010
- +3:07.5
- 5:39:32.319
- +1:24:26.6
- 14
- 134
- Sepa, Milos
- 27:43.520
- +7:00.0
- 6:07:15.818
- +1:31:26.6
- 15
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 28:35.522
- +6:11.0
- 6:35:51.320
- +1:37:32.0
- 16
- 134
- Sepa, Dejan
- 24:52.713
- +4:08.9
- 7:00:44.018
- +1:41:11.5
- 17
- 134
- Sepa, Milos
- 28:48.725
- +8:52.8
- 7:29:32.719
- +1:49:13.6
-6 laps | 121.5517----- |
23 | 56 | Fresh Air Pinoy Cyclists | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 56
- Toring, Mark Kent
- 26:07.231
- +7:43.8
- 26:07.231
- +7:43.8
- 2
- 56
- Tagubansa, Jeffrey D.
- 27:04.531
- +7:45.1
- 53:11.728
- +14:45.9
- 3
- 56
- Calabit, Allan
- 27:03.331
- +7:38.9
- 1:20:15.028
- +22:24.8
- 4
- 56
- Toring, Mark Kent
- 25:10.224
- +5:41.7
- 1:45:25.229
- +28:06.5
- 5
- 56
- Toring, Mark Kent
- 26:06.221
- +6:43.2
- 2:11:31.425
- +34:48.5
- 6
- 56
- Tagubansa, Jeffrey D.
- 26:58.626
- +7:31.8
- 2:38:30.026
- +42:20.3
- 7
- 56
- Tagubansa, Jeffrey D.
- 27:05.827
- +7:47.9
- 3:05:35.827
- +50:08.2
- 8
- 56
- Calabit, Allan
- 27:01.722
- +7:35.0
- 3:32:37.527
- +57:43.2
- 9
- 56
- Calabit, Allan
- 28:28.825
- +9:06.7
- 4:01:06.323
- +1:06:16.0
- 10
- 56
- Toring, Mark Kent
- 25:24.715
- +5:25.6
- 4:26:31.023
- +1:11:41.6
- 11
- 56
- Toring, Mark Kent
- 27:00.619
- +7:00.8
- 4:53:31.622
- +1:18:42.4
- 12
- 56
- Tagubansa, Jeffrey D.
- 26:55.823
- +6:45.4
- 5:20:27.423
- +1:25:27.8
- 13
- 56
- Tagubansa, Jeffrey D.
- 28:02.626
- +8:24.1
- 5:48:30.024
- +1:33:24.3
- 14
- 56
- Calabit, Allan
- 27:56.222
- +7:12.7
- 6:16:26.223
- +1:40:37.0
- 15
- 56
- Calabit, Allan
- 31:00.323
- +8:35.8
- 6:47:26.524
- +1:49:07.2
- 16
- 56
- Toring, Mark Kent
- 24:52.212
- +4:08.4
- 7:12:18.723
- +1:52:46.2
- 17
- 56
- Tagubansa, Jeffrey D.
- 27:43.822
- +7:47.9
- 7:40:02.523
- +1:59:43.4
-6 laps | 121.5517----- |
24 | 139 | Two Pye’S In A Pod | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 21:36.411
- +3:13.0
- 21:36.411
- +3:13.0
- 2
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 23:23.411
- +4:04.0
- 44:59.810
- +6:34.0
- 3
- 139
- Pye, Bryan
- 29:34.635
- +10:10.2
- 1:14:34.420
- +16:44.2
- 4
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 23:18.012
- +3:49.5
- 1:37:52.419
- +20:33.7
- 5
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 24:26.916
- +5:03.9
- 2:02:19.318
- +25:36.4
- 6
- 139
- Pye, Bryan
- 29:37.034
- +10:10.2
- 2:31:56.321
- +35:46.6
- 7
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 25:25.120
- +6:07.2
- 2:57:21.420
- +41:53.8
- 8
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 26:19.719
- +6:53.0
- 3:23:41.120
- +48:46.8
- 9
- 139
- Pye, Bryan
- 31:43.428
- +12:21.3
- 3:55:24.520
- +1:00:34.2
- 10
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 24:46.613
- +4:47.5
- 4:20:11.118
- +1:05:21.7
- 11
- 139
- Pye, Bryan
- 34:15.935
- +14:16.1
- 4:54:27.023
- +1:19:37.8
- 12
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 24:33.413
- +4:23.0
- 5:19:00.422
- +1:24:00.8
- 13
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 25:20.317
- +5:41.8
- 5:44:20.722
- +1:29:15.0
- 14
- 139
- Pye, Bryan
- 32:53.231
- +12:09.7
- 6:17:13.924
- +1:41:24.7
- 15
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 26:31.017
- +4:06.5
- 6:43:44.923
- +1:45:25.6
- 16
- 139
- Pye, Bryan
- 37:41.228
- +16:57.4
- 7:21:26.124
- +2:01:53.6
- 17
- 139
- Pye, Jack
- 24:35.312
- +4:39.4
- 7:46:01.424
- +2:05:42.3
-6 laps | 121.5517----- |
25 | 3 | Hiebert, Brian | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 26:03.830
- +7:40.4
- 26:03.830
- +7:40.4
- 2
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 25:49.723
- +6:30.3
- 51:53.525
- +13:27.7
- 3
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 25:13.421
- +5:49.0
- 1:17:06.924
- +19:16.7
- 4
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 24:33.818
- +5:05.3
- 1:41:40.721
- +24:22.0
- 5
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 25:32.117
- +6:09.1
- 2:07:12.823
- +30:29.9
- 6
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 28:29.131
- +9:02.3
- 2:35:41.923
- +39:32.2
- 7
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 26:53.126
- +7:35.2
- 3:02:35.023
- +47:07.4
- 8
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 29:18.132
- +9:51.4
- 3:31:53.125
- +56:58.8
- 9
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 45:07.638
- +25:45.5
- 4:17:00.728
- +1:22:10.4
- 10
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 29:24.327
- +9:25.2
- 4:46:25.030
- +1:31:35.6
- 11
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 28:46.027
- +8:46.2
- 5:15:11.029
- +1:40:21.8
- 12
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 26:29.121
- +6:18.7
- 5:41:40.127
- +1:46:40.5
- 13
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 28:02.425
- +8:23.9
- 6:09:42.525
- +1:54:36.8
- 14
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 27:45.421
- +7:01.9
- 6:37:27.925
- +2:01:38.7
- 15
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 26:29.616
- +4:05.1
- 7:03:57.525
- +2:05:38.2
- 16
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 26:43.021
- +5:59.2
- 7:30:40.525
- +2:11:08.0
- 17
- 3
- Hiebert, Brian
- 25:52.218
- +5:56.3
- 7:56:32.725
- +2:16:13.6
-6 laps | 121.5517----- |
26 | 15 | Astete, Ricardo | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 23:02.620
- +4:39.2
- 23:02.620
- +4:39.2
- 2
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 23:55.015
- +4:35.6
- 46:57.618
- +8:31.8
- 3
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 23:51.515
- +4:27.1
- 1:10:49.117
- +12:58.9
- 4
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 30:58.937
- +11:30.4
- 1:41:48.022
- +24:29.3
- 5
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 23:06.610
- +3:43.6
- 2:04:54.621
- +28:11.7
- 6
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 26:28.324
- +7:01.5
- 2:31:22.920
- +35:13.2
- 7
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 30:33.032
- +11:15.1
- 3:01:55.922
- +46:28.3
- 8
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 27:57.328
- +8:30.6
- 3:29:53.223
- +54:58.9
- 9
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 34:24.030
- +15:01.9
- 4:04:17.224
- +1:09:26.9
- 10
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 26:44.122
- +6:45.0
- 4:31:01.325
- +1:16:11.9
- 11
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 40:36.737
- +20:36.9
- 5:11:38.025
- +1:36:48.8
- 12
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 27:41.725
- +7:31.3
- 5:39:19.725
- +1:44:20.1
- 13
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 34:41.632
- +15:03.1
- 6:14:01.327
- +1:58:55.6
- 14
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 26:55.918
- +6:12.4
- 6:40:57.226
- +2:05:08.0
- 15
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 37:26.629
- +15:02.1
- 7:18:23.826
- +2:20:04.5
- 16
- 15
- Astete, Ricardo
- 26:21.519
- +5:37.7
- 7:44:45.326
- +2:25:12.8
-7 laps | 114.4016----- |
27 | 133 | The Trailblazing Turtles | 2 Person Team (Female) | |
- 1
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 25:07.327
- +6:43.9
- 25:07.327
- +6:43.9
- 2
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 37:54.853
- +18:35.4
- 1:03:02.140
- +24:36.3
- 3
- 133
- Puiras, Emmi
- 26:45.026
- +7:20.6
- 1:29:47.137
- +31:56.9
- 4
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 25:14.425
- +5:45.9
- 1:55:01.533
- +37:42.8
- 5
- 133
- Puiras, Emmi
- 27:01.226
- +7:38.2
- 2:22:02.732
- +45:19.8
- 6
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 24:44.316
- +5:17.5
- 2:46:47.032
- +50:37.3
- 7
- 133
- Puiras, Emmi
- 28:39.829
- +9:21.9
- 3:15:26.832
- +59:59.2
- 8
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 26:09.218
- +6:42.5
- 3:41:36.030
- +1:06:41.7
- 9
- 133
- Puiras, Emmi
- 31:05.927
- +11:43.8
- 4:12:41.926
- +1:17:51.6
- 10
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 30:12.730
- +10:13.6
- 4:42:54.627
- +1:28:05.2
- 11
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 28:53.728
- +8:53.9
- 5:11:48.326
- +1:36:59.1
- 12
- 133
- Puiras, Emmi
- 29:17.730
- +9:07.3
- 5:41:06.026
- +1:46:06.4
- 13
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 31:15.428
- +11:36.9
- 6:12:21.426
- +1:57:15.7
- 14
- 133
- Puiras, Emmi
- 34:05.432
- +13:21.9
- 6:46:26.827
- +2:10:37.6
- 15
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 35:48.328
- +13:23.8
- 7:22:15.127
- +2:23:55.8
- 16
- 133
- Zavitz, Emma
- 28:48.024
- +8:04.2
- 7:51:03.127
- +2:31:30.6
-7 laps | 114.4016----- |
28 | 30 | The Lone Rider | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 25:03.326
- +6:39.9
- 25:03.326
- +6:39.9
- 2
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 25:28.622
- +6:09.2
- 50:31.922
- +12:06.1
- 3
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 26:17.523
- +6:53.1
- 1:16:49.423
- +18:59.2
- 4
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 26:42.629
- +7:14.1
- 1:43:32.023
- +26:13.3
- 5
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 28:24.332
- +9:01.3
- 2:11:56.327
- +35:13.4
- 6
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 28:05.029
- +8:38.2
- 2:40:01.328
- +43:51.6
- 7
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 29:05.230
- +9:47.3
- 3:09:06.529
- +53:38.9
- 8
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 28:12.429
- +8:45.7
- 3:37:18.929
- +1:02:24.6
- 9
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 35:46.333
- +16:24.2
- 4:13:05.227
- +1:18:14.9
- 10
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 29:48.528
- +9:49.4
- 4:42:53.726
- +1:28:04.3
- 11
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 32:43.732
- +12:43.9
- 5:15:37.430
- +1:40:48.2
- 12
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 29:27.231
- +9:16.8
- 5:45:04.630
- +1:50:05.0
- 13
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 37:42.734
- +18:04.2
- 6:22:47.330
- +2:07:41.6
- 14
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 29:55.427
- +9:11.9
- 6:52:42.730
- +2:16:53.5
- 15
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 35:29.727
- +13:05.2
- 7:28:12.428
- +2:29:53.1
- 16
- 30
- Zavitz, Ruth
- 26:42.020
- +5:58.2
- 7:54:54.428
- +2:35:21.9
-7 laps | 114.4016----- |
29 | 40 | Caboose | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 40
- Haering, Patrick
- 37:48.254
- +19:24.8
- 37:48.254
- +19:24.8
- 2
- 40
- Weber, Phil
- 27:27.133
- +8:07.7
- 1:05:15.342
- +26:49.5
- 3
- 40
- Van Duyn, Kevin
- 27:02.030
- +7:37.6
- 1:32:17.340
- +34:27.1
- 4
- 40
- Haering, Patrick
- 33:59.140
- +14:30.6
- 2:06:16.435
- +48:57.7
- 5
- 40
- Weber, Phil
- 27:48.328
- +8:25.3
- 2:34:04.735
- +57:21.8
- 6
- 40
- Van Duyn, Kevin
- 27:32.127
- +8:05.3
- 3:01:36.835
- +1:05:27.1
- 7
- 40
- Haering, Patrick
- 35:58.736
- +16:40.8
- 3:37:35.535
- +1:22:07.9
- 8
- 40
- Weber, Phil
- 29:11.830
- +9:45.1
- 4:06:47.333
- +1:31:53.0
- 9
- 40
- Van Duyn, Kevin
- 28:45.726
- +9:23.6
- 4:35:33.033
- +1:40:42.7
- 10
- 40
- Haering, Patrick
- 35:32.834
- +15:33.7
- 5:11:05.833
- +1:56:16.4
- 11
- 40
- Weber, Phil
- 29:27.129
- +9:27.3
- 5:40:32.933
- +2:05:43.7
- 12
- 40
- Van Duyn, Kevin
- 31:07.533
- +10:57.1
- 6:11:40.433
- +2:16:40.8
- 13
- 40
- Haering, Patrick
- 39:22.335
- +19:43.8
- 6:51:02.733
- +2:35:57.0
- 14
- 40
- Weber, Phil
- 30:27.729
- +9:44.2
- 7:21:30.431
- +2:45:41.2
- 15
- 40
- Van Duyn, Kevin
- 31:01.724
- +8:37.2
- 7:52:32.129
- +2:54:12.8
-8 laps | 107.2515----- |
30 | 45 | Community Jokes | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 45
- Plourde, Shawn
- 24:18.222
- +5:54.8
- 24:18.222
- +5:54.8
- 2
- 45
- Cameron, Ian
- 29:20.637
- +10:01.2
- 53:38.829
- +15:13.0
- 3
- 45
- Fummerton, Dawna
- 35:45.946
- +16:21.5
- 1:29:24.734
- +31:34.5
- 4
- 45
- Plourde, Shawn
- 24:42.119
- +5:13.6
- 1:54:06.832
- +36:48.1
- 5
- 45
- Cameron, Ian
- 31:27.537
- +12:04.5
- 2:25:34.333
- +48:51.4
- 6
- 45
- Plourde, Shawn
- 25:46.021
- +6:19.2
- 2:51:20.333
- +55:10.6
- 7
- 45
- Fummerton, Dawna
- 36:42.437
- +17:24.5
- 3:28:02.733
- +1:12:35.1
- 8
- 45
- Cameron, Ian
- 30:52.633
- +11:25.9
- 3:58:55.332
- +1:24:01.0
- 9
- 45
- Plourde, Shawn
- 27:32.924
- +8:10.8
- 4:26:28.232
- +1:31:37.9
- 10
- 45
- Fummerton, Dawna
- 40:27.339
- +20:28.2
- 5:06:55.532
- +1:52:06.1
- 11
- 45
- Cameron, Ian
- 33:32.534
- +13:32.7
- 5:40:28.032
- +2:05:38.8
- 12
- 45
- Plourde, Shawn
- 28:22.226
- +8:11.8
- 6:08:50.232
- +2:13:50.6
- 13
- 45
- Fummerton, Dawna
- 42:09.236
- +22:30.7
- 6:50:59.432
- +2:35:53.7
- 14
- 45
- Cameron, Ian
- 32:24.730
- +11:41.2
- 7:23:24.132
- +2:47:34.9
- 15
- 45
- Cameron, Ian
- 32:05.926
- +9:41.4
- 7:55:30.030
- +2:57:10.7
-8 laps | 107.2515----- |
31 | 124 | Team Ocron | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 124
- Balabuck, Rudy
- 22:04.016
- +3:40.6
- 22:04.016
- +3:40.6
- 2
- 124
- Fay, Scott
- 24:38.618
- +5:19.2
- 46:42.615
- +8:16.8
- 3
- 124
- Balabuck, Rudy
- 22:13.78
- +2:49.3
- 1:08:56.313
- +11:06.1
- 4
- 124
- Fay, Scott
- 25:00.722
- +5:32.2
- 1:33:57.013
- +16:38.3
- 5
- 124
- Balabuck, Rudy
- 25:55.420
- +6:32.4
- 1:59:52.414
- +23:09.5
- 6
- 124
- Fay, Scott
- 25:24.619
- +5:57.8
- 2:25:17.018
- +29:07.3
- 7
- 124
- Balabuck, Rudy
- 26:42.024
- +7:24.1
- 2:51:59.017
- +36:31.4
- 8
- 124
- Fay, Scott
- 27:15.924
- +7:49.2
- 3:19:14.918
- +44:20.6
- 9
- 124
- Balabuck, Rudy
- 59:15.946
- +39:53.8
- 4:18:30.829
- +1:23:40.5
- 10
- 124
- Fay, Scott
- 26:21.321
- +6:22.2
- 4:44:52.128
- +1:30:02.7
- 11
- 124
- Balabuck, Rudy
- 28:23.925
- +8:24.1
- 5:13:16.027
- +1:38:26.8
- 12
- 124
- Fay, Scott
- 29:10.729
- +9:00.3
- 5:42:26.729
- +1:47:27.1
- 13
- 124
- Balabuck, Rudy
- 32:12.629
- +12:34.1
- 6:14:39.328
- +1:59:33.6
- 14
- 124
- Fay, Scott
- 34:17.133
- +13:33.6
- 6:48:56.428
- +2:13:07.2
-9 laps | 100.1014----- |
32 | 128 | The Bike Wranglers | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 128
- Streutker, Harry
- 22:03.815
- +3:40.4
- 22:03.815
- +3:40.4
- 2
- 128
- Faiers, Kaleb
- 24:44.319
- +5:24.9
- 46:48.116
- +8:22.3
- 3
- 128
- Streutker, Harry
- 22:09.17
- +2:44.7
- 1:08:57.214
- +11:07.0
- 4
- 128
- Faiers, Kaleb
- 25:04.123
- +5:35.6
- 1:34:01.314
- +16:42.6
- 5
- 128
- Streutker, Harry
- 25:52.019
- +6:29.0
- 1:59:53.315
- +23:10.4
- 6
- 128
- Faiers, Kaleb
- 25:21.618
- +5:54.8
- 2:25:14.917
- +29:05.2
- 7
- 128
- Streutker, Harry
- 26:44.125
- +7:26.2
- 2:51:59.017
- +36:31.4
- 8
- 128
- Faiers, Kaleb
- 27:15.924
- +7:49.2
- 3:19:14.918
- +44:20.6
- 9
- 128
- Streutker, Harry
- 59:17.147
- +39:55.0
- 4:18:32.030
- +1:23:41.7
- 10
- 128
- Faiers, Kaleb
- 26:21.020
- +6:21.9
- 4:44:53.029
- +1:30:03.6
- 11
- 128
- Streutker, Harry
- 28:24.226
- +8:24.4
- 5:13:17.228
- +1:38:28.0
- 12
- 128
- Faiers, Kaleb
- 29:08.828
- +8:58.4
- 5:42:26.028
- +1:47:26.4
- 13
- 128
- Streutker, Harry
- 32:13.530
- +12:35.0
- 6:14:39.529
- +1:59:33.8
- 14
- 128
- Faiers, Kaleb
- 34:36.034
- +13:52.5
- 6:49:15.529
- +2:13:26.3
-9 laps | 100.1014----- |
33 | 6 | Balec, Josh | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 27:50.035
- +9:26.6
- 27:50.035
- +9:26.6
- 2
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 29:32.738
- +10:13.3
- 57:22.734
- +18:56.9
- 3
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 29:51.536
- +10:27.1
- 1:27:14.232
- +29:24.0
- 4
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 30:04.835
- +10:36.3
- 1:57:19.034
- +40:00.3
- 5
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 31:02.736
- +11:39.7
- 2:28:21.734
- +51:38.8
- 6
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 31:18.436
- +11:51.6
- 2:59:40.134
- +1:03:30.4
- 7
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 37:12.738
- +17:54.8
- 3:36:52.834
- +1:21:25.2
- 8
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 34:34.834
- +15:08.1
- 4:11:27.634
- +1:36:33.3
- 9
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 34:43.032
- +15:20.9
- 4:46:10.635
- +1:51:20.3
- 10
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 42:28.142
- +22:29.0
- 5:28:38.735
- +2:13:49.3
- 11
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 41:54.038
- +21:54.2
- 6:10:32.735
- +2:35:43.5
- 12
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 35:22.435
- +15:12.0
- 6:45:55.134
- +2:50:55.5
- 13
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 33:04.831
- +13:26.3
- 7:18:59.934
- +3:03:54.2
- 14
- 6
- Balec, Josh
- 30:09.428
- +9:25.9
- 7:49:09.333
- +3:13:20.1
-9 laps | 100.1014----- |
34 | 77 | The Shepherds | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 77
- Gibson, Fraser
- 39:23.855
- +21:00.4
- 39:23.855
- +21:00.4
- 2
- 77
- Wiltmann, Victor
- 25:49.723
- +6:30.3
- 1:05:13.541
- +26:47.7
- 3
- 77
- Valente, Dave
- 41:53.855
- +22:29.4
- 1:47:07.347
- +49:17.1
- 4
- 77
- Gibson, Fraser
- 46:53.351
- +27:24.8
- 2:34:00.649
- +1:16:41.9
- 5
- 77
- Urbanski, Ben
- 29:51.833
- +10:28.8
- 3:03:52.443
- +1:27:09.5
- 6
- 77
- Wiltmann, Victor
- 42:16.245
- +22:49.4
- 3:46:08.641
- +1:49:58.9
- 7
- 77
- Wiltmann, Victor
- 20:23.24
- +1:05.3
- 4:06:31.836
- +1:51:04.2
- 8
- 77
- Radley-Hansen, Tristin
- 40:27.745
- +21:01.0
- 4:46:59.538
- +2:12:05.2
- 9
- 77
- Wiltmann, Victor
- 41:24.536
- +22:02.4
- 5:28:24.036
- +2:33:33.7
- 10
- 77
- Pylypchuk, Anders
- 41:32.041
- +21:32.9
- 6:09:56.038
- +2:55:06.6
- 11
- 77
- Wiltmann, Victor
- 25:53.817
- +5:54.0
- 6:35:49.836
- +3:01:00.6
- 12
- 77
- Wiltmann, Victor
- 25:29.017
- +5:18.6
- 7:01:18.836
- +3:06:19.2
- 13
- 77
- Wiltmann, Victor
- 25:34.819
- +5:56.3
- 7:26:53.635
- +3:11:47.9
- 14
- 77
- Wiltmann, Victor
- 24:44.811
- +4:01.3
- 7:51:38.434
- +3:15:49.2
-9 laps | 100.1014----- |
35 | 4 | Santorelli, Ryan | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 25:56.029
- +7:32.6
- 25:56.029
- +7:32.6
- 2
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 26:06.225
- +6:46.8
- 52:02.226
- +13:36.4
- 3
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 26:12.122
- +6:47.7
- 1:18:14.325
- +20:24.1
- 4
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 26:46.230
- +7:17.7
- 1:45:00.527
- +27:41.8
- 5
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 28:19.531
- +8:56.5
- 2:13:20.030
- +36:37.1
- 6
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 29:44.935
- +10:18.1
- 2:43:04.931
- +46:55.2
- 7
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 30:27.731
- +11:09.8
- 3:13:32.631
- +58:05.0
- 8
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 35:53.436
- +16:26.7
- 3:49:26.031
- +1:14:31.7
- 9
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 32:42.329
- +13:20.2
- 4:22:08.331
- +1:27:18.0
- 10
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 31:10.031
- +11:10.9
- 4:53:18.331
- +1:38:28.9
- 11
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 33:02.133
- +13:02.3
- 5:26:20.431
- +1:51:31.2
- 12
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 33:18.534
- +13:08.1
- 5:59:38.931
- +2:04:39.3
- 13
- 4
- Santorelli, Ryan
- 34:50.133
- +15:11.6
- 6:34:29.031
- +2:19:23.3
-10 laps | 92.9513----- |
36 | 55 | Cruisin’ Cullis’ | 3-5 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 55
- Cullis, Kamia
- 40:00.458
- +21:37.0
- 40:00.458
- +21:37.0
- 2
- 55
- Cullis, Makaio
- 26:37.930
- +7:18.5
- 1:06:38.349
- +28:12.5
- 3
- 55
- Cullis, Donna
- 43:37.856
- +24:13.4
- 1:50:16.148
- +52:25.9
- 4
- 55
- Cullis, Kel
- 25:36.828
- +6:08.3
- 2:15:52.940
- +58:34.2
- 5
- 55
- Cullis, Kamia
- 51:04.353
- +31:41.3
- 3:06:57.245
- +1:30:14.3
- 6
- 55
- Cullis, Makaio
- 26:36.125
- +7:09.3
- 3:33:33.339
- +1:37:23.6
- 7
- 55
- Cullis, Donna
- 43:34.842
- +24:16.9
- 4:17:08.140
- +2:01:40.5
- 8
- 55
- Cullis, Kel
- 25:44.116
- +6:17.4
- 4:42:52.236
- +2:07:57.9
- 9
- 55
- Cullis, Kamia
- 54:13.042
- +34:50.9
- 5:37:05.239
- +2:42:14.9
- 10
- 55
- Cullis, Makaio
- 27:39.125
- +7:40.0
- 6:04:44.336
- +2:49:54.9
- 11
- 55
- Cullis, Donna
- 42:46.039
- +22:46.2
- 6:47:30.337
- +3:12:41.1
- 12
- 55
- Cullis, Kel
- 25:39.318
- +5:28.9
- 7:13:09.637
- +3:18:10.0
- 13
- 55
- Cullis, Makaio
- 27:52.324
- +8:13.8
- 7:41:01.936
- +3:25:56.2
-10 laps | 92.9513----- |
37 | 108 | Brake Brothers | 2 Person Team (Open) | |
- 1
- 108
- Balabuck, Brock
- 24:49.423
- +6:26.0
- 24:49.423
- +6:26.0
- 2
- 108
- Fay, Leo
- 26:28.029
- +7:08.6
- 51:17.423
- +12:51.6
- 3
- 108
- Balabuck, Brock
- 27:12.932
- +7:48.5
- 1:18:30.326
- +20:40.1
- 4
- 108
- Fay, Leo
- 27:08.631
- +7:40.1
- 1:45:38.930
- +28:20.2
- 5
- 108
- Balabuck, Brock
- 28:14.729
- +8:51.7
- 2:13:53.631
- +37:10.7
- 6
- 108
- Fay, Leo
- 28:02.428
- +8:35.6
- 2:41:56.030
- +45:46.3
- 7
- 108
- Balabuck, Brock
- 27:33.628
- +8:15.7
- 3:09:29.630
- +54:02.0
- 8
- 108
- Fay, Leo
- 1:09:25.052
- +49:58.3
- 4:18:54.635
- +1:44:00.3
- 9
- 108
- Balabuck, Brock
- 26:05.920
- +6:43.8
- 4:45:00.534
- +1:50:10.2
- 10
- 108
- Fay, Leo
- 36:22.537
- +16:23.4
- 5:21:23.034
- +2:06:33.6
- 11
- 108
- Balabuck, Brock
- 25:58.218
- +5:58.4
- 5:47:21.234
- +2:12:32.0
- 12
- 108
- Balabuck, Brock
- 1:04:14.839
- +44:04.4
- 6:51:36.035
- +2:56:36.4
-11 laps | 85.8012----- |
38 | 19 | McNab, Melissa | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 30:06.040
- +11:42.6
- 30:06.040
- +11:42.6
- 2
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 31:10.846
- +11:51.4
- 1:01:16.839
- +22:51.0
- 3
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 37:19.248
- +17:54.8
- 1:38:36.043
- +40:45.8
- 4
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 31:24.538
- +11:56.0
- 2:10:00.538
- +52:41.8
- 5
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 42:41.445
- +23:18.4
- 2:52:41.937
- +1:15:59.0
- 6
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 31:37.037
- +12:10.2
- 3:24:18.936
- +1:28:09.2
- 7
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 45:56.745
- +26:38.8
- 4:10:15.637
- +1:54:48.0
- 8
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 36:37.638
- +17:10.9
- 4:46:53.237
- +2:11:58.9
- 9
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 48:01.740
- +28:39.6
- 5:34:54.938
- +2:40:04.6
- 10
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 39:18.138
- +19:19.0
- 6:14:13.039
- +2:59:23.6
- 11
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 56:50.040
- +36:50.2
- 7:11:03.039
- +3:36:13.8
- 12
- 19
- McNab, Melissa
- 40:03.637
- +19:53.2
- 7:51:06.638
- +3:56:07.0
-11 laps | 85.8012----- |
39 | 18 | Bailey, Felix | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 27:04.633
- +8:41.2
- 27:04.633
- +8:41.2
- 2
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 28:14.134
- +8:54.7
- 55:18.732
- +16:52.9
- 3
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 34:09.843
- +14:45.4
- 1:29:28.535
- +31:38.3
- 4
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 51:41.357
- +32:12.8
- 2:21:09.842
- +1:03:51.1
- 5
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 29:58.134
- +10:35.1
- 2:51:07.936
- +1:14:25.0
- 6
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 35:42.041
- +16:15.2
- 3:26:49.937
- +1:30:40.2
- 7
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 46:32.446
- +27:14.5
- 4:13:22.339
- +1:57:54.7
- 8
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 43:44.746
- +24:18.0
- 4:57:07.040
- +2:22:12.7
- 9
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 34:33.531
- +15:11.4
- 5:31:40.537
- +2:36:50.2
- 10
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 36:17.136
- +16:18.0
- 6:07:57.637
- +2:53:08.2
- 11
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 1:00:21.441
- +40:21.6
- 7:08:19.038
- +3:33:29.8
- 12
- 18
- Bailey, Felix
- 46:20.138
- +26:09.7
- 7:54:39.139
- +3:59:39.5
-11 laps | 85.8012----- |
40 | 1 | Oconnor, Constance | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 31:54.242
- +13:30.8
- 31:54.242
- +13:30.8
- 2
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 33:28.548
- +14:09.1
- 1:05:22.743
- +26:56.9
- 3
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 35:17.045
- +15:52.6
- 1:40:39.745
- +42:49.5
- 4
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 37:25.245
- +17:56.7
- 2:18:04.941
- +1:00:46.2
- 5
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 41:59.344
- +22:36.3
- 3:00:04.241
- +1:23:21.3
- 6
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 40:37.043
- +21:10.2
- 3:40:41.240
- +1:44:31.5
- 7
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 1:20:30.956
- +1:01:13.0
- 5:01:12.143
- +2:45:44.5
- 8
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 46:00.447
- +26:33.7
- 5:47:12.545
- +3:12:18.2
- 9
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 46:51.539
- +27:29.4
- 6:34:04.044
- +3:39:13.7
- 10
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 35:35.935
- +15:36.8
- 7:09:39.941
- +3:54:50.5
- 11
- 1
- Oconnor, Constance
- 34:20.436
- +14:20.6
- 7:44:00.340
- +4:09:11.1
-12 laps | 78.6511----- |
41 | 22 | Farmer Z | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 39:36.357
- +21:12.9
- 39:36.357
- +21:12.9
- 2
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 26:18.728
- +6:59.3
- 1:05:55.046
- +27:29.2
- 3
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 30:40.237
- +11:15.8
- 1:36:35.242
- +38:45.0
- 4
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 50:51.154
- +31:22.6
- 2:27:26.346
- +1:10:07.6
- 5
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 32:02.438
- +12:39.4
- 2:59:28.740
- +1:22:45.8
- 6
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 48:45.749
- +29:18.9
- 3:48:14.442
- +1:52:04.7
- 7
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 1:18:10.455
- +58:52.5
- 5:06:24.845
- +2:50:57.2
- 8
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 37:30.141
- +18:03.4
- 5:43:54.943
- +3:09:00.6
- 9
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 54:31.543
- +35:09.4
- 6:38:26.445
- +3:43:36.1
- 10
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 44:17.543
- +24:18.4
- 7:22:43.944
- +4:07:54.5
- 11
- 22
- Zavitz, Steve
- 31:20.031
- +11:20.2
- 7:54:03.941
- +4:19:14.7
-12 laps | 78.6511----- |
42 | 31 | The Lone Wheeler | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 27:51.636
- +9:28.2
- 27:51.636
- +9:28.2
- 2
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 29:56.441
- +10:37.0
- 57:48.036
- +19:22.2
- 3
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 32:37.641
- +13:13.2
- 1:30:25.638
- +32:35.4
- 4
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 51:20.855
- +31:52.3
- 2:21:46.443
- +1:04:27.7
- 5
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 41:46.343
- +22:23.3
- 3:03:32.742
- +1:26:49.8
- 6
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 1:09:46.158
- +50:19.3
- 4:13:18.846
- +2:17:09.1
- 7
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 44:49.044
- +25:31.1
- 4:58:07.842
- +2:42:40.2
- 8
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 37:10.439
- +17:43.7
- 5:35:18.241
- +3:00:23.9
- 9
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 38:04.034
- +18:41.9
- 6:13:22.240
- +3:18:31.9
- 10
- 31
- Marston, Téo
- 48:35.544
- +28:36.4
- 7:01:57.740
- +3:47:08.3
-13 laps | 71.5010----- |
43 | 2 | Haering, Kate | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 37:48.053
- +19:24.6
- 37:48.053
- +19:24.6
- 2
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 34:52.551
- +15:33.1
- 1:12:40.552
- +34:14.7
- 3
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 37:46.450
- +18:22.0
- 1:50:26.949
- +52:36.7
- 4
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 41:01.148
- +21:32.6
- 2:31:28.048
- +1:14:09.3
- 5
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 46:40.350
- +27:17.3
- 3:18:08.346
- +1:41:25.4
- 6
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 41:08.544
- +21:41.7
- 3:59:16.843
- +2:03:07.1
- 7
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 1:06:51.651
- +47:33.7
- 5:06:08.444
- +2:50:40.8
- 8
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 40:24.544
- +20:57.8
- 5:46:32.944
- +3:11:38.6
- 9
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 44:03.237
- +24:41.1
- 6:30:36.143
- +3:35:45.8
- 10
- 2
- Haering, Kate
- 41:00.640
- +21:01.5
- 7:11:36.742
- +3:56:47.3
-13 laps | 71.5010----- |
44 | 10 | Kingston, Nigel | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 35:04.849
- +16:41.4
- 35:04.849
- +16:41.4
- 2
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 30:51.745
- +11:32.3
- 1:05:56.548
- +27:30.7
- 3
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 28:27.133
- +9:02.7
- 1:34:23.641
- +36:33.4
- 4
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 35:58.942
- +16:30.4
- 2:10:22.539
- +53:03.8
- 5
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 1:27:12.661
- +1:07:49.6
- 3:37:35.150
- +2:00:52.2
- 6
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 35:19.739
- +15:52.9
- 4:12:54.844
- +2:16:45.1
- 7
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 1:11:54.054
- +52:36.1
- 5:24:48.848
- +3:09:21.2
- 8
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 34:44.935
- +15:18.2
- 5:59:33.747
- +3:24:39.4
- 9
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 26:16.821
- +6:54.7
- 6:25:50.542
- +3:31:00.2
- 10
- 10
- Kingston, Nigel
- 52:40.645
- +32:41.5
- 7:18:31.143
- +4:03:41.7
-13 laps | 71.5010----- |
45 | 116 | Narwhals | 2 Person Team (Female) | |
- 1
- 116
- McNab, Grace
- 36:01.652
- +17:38.2
- 36:01.652
- +17:38.2
- 2
- 116
- Urbanski, Madison
- 29:42.540
- +10:23.1
- 1:05:44.145
- +27:18.3
- 3
- 116
- McNab, Grace
- 33:36.242
- +14:11.8
- 1:39:20.344
- +41:30.1
- 4
- 116
- Urbanski, Madison
- 30:16.836
- +10:48.3
- 2:09:37.136
- +52:18.4
- 5
- 116
- McNab, Grace
- 47:12.351
- +27:49.3
- 2:56:49.439
- +1:20:06.5
- 6
- 116
- Urbanski, Madison
- 34:15.238
- +14:48.4
- 3:31:04.638
- +1:34:54.9
- 7
- 116
- McNab, Grace
- 39:40.741
- +20:22.8
- 4:10:45.338
- +1:55:17.7
- 8
- 116
- Urbanski, Madison
- 36:18.837
- +16:52.1
- 4:47:04.139
- +2:12:09.8
- 9
- 116
- McNab, Grace
- 2:07:26.649
- +1:48:04.5
- 6:54:30.747
- +3:59:40.4
- 10
- 116
- Urbanski, Madison
- 34:16.633
- +14:17.5
- 7:28:47.345
- +4:13:57.9
-13 laps | 71.5010----- |
46 | 29 | Pedal Power | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 27:44.134
- +9:20.7
- 27:44.134
- +9:20.7
- 2
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 30:02.742
- +10:43.3
- 57:46.835
- +19:21.0
- 3
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 31:43.239
- +12:18.8
- 1:29:30.036
- +31:39.8
- 4
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 54:05.358
- +34:36.8
- 2:23:35.344
- +1:06:16.6
- 5
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 59:53.655
- +40:30.6
- 3:23:28.947
- +1:46:46.0
- 6
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 49:42.350
- +30:15.5
- 4:13:11.245
- +2:17:01.5
- 7
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 43:55.443
- +24:37.5
- 4:57:06.641
- +2:41:39.0
- 8
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 38:12.943
- +18:46.2
- 5:35:19.542
- +3:00:25.2
- 9
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 38:08.735
- +18:46.6
- 6:13:28.241
- +3:18:37.9
- 10
- 29
- Zavitz, Josiah
- 1:19:48.146
- +59:49.0
- 7:33:16.346
- +4:18:26.9
-13 laps | 71.5010----- |
47 | 115 | Mountain Mamas | 2 Person Team (Female) | |
- 1
- 115
- Carlson, Susan
- 49:04.463
- +30:41.0
- 49:04.463
- +30:41.0
- 2
- 115
- Hunt, Julie
- 34:41.650
- +15:22.2
- 1:23:46.054
- +45:20.2
- 3
- 115
- Carlson, Susan
- 52:59.159
- +33:34.7
- 2:16:45.157
- +1:18:54.9
- 4
- 115
- Hunt, Julie
- 33:44.839
- +14:16.3
- 2:50:29.952
- +1:33:11.2
- 5
- 115
- Hunt, Julie
- 35:26.540
- +16:03.5
- 3:25:56.448
- +1:49:13.5
- 6
- 115
- Carlson, Susan
- 1:06:52.057
- +47:25.2
- 4:32:48.449
- +2:36:38.7
- 7
- 115
- Hunt, Julie
- 37:37.039
- +18:19.1
- 5:10:25.446
- +2:54:57.8
- 8
- 115
- Hunt, Julie
- 38:03.342
- +18:36.6
- 5:48:28.746
- +3:13:34.4
- 9
- 115
- Carlson, Susan
- 56:54.945
- +37:32.8
- 6:45:23.646
- +3:50:33.3
-14 laps | 64.359----- |
48 | 17 | Fry, Donna | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 17
- Fry, Donna
- 36:01.351
- +17:37.9
- 36:01.351
- +17:37.9
- 2
- 17
- Fry, Donna
- 38:30.154
- +19:10.7
- 1:14:31.453
- +36:05.6
- 3
- 17
- Fry, Donna
- 41:25.754
- +22:01.3
- 1:55:57.152
- +58:06.9
- 4
- 17
- Fry, Donna
- 45:13.550
- +25:45.0
- 2:41:10.650
- +1:23:51.9
- 5
- 17
- Fry, Donna
- 47:33.952
- +28:10.9
- 3:28:44.549
- +1:52:01.6
- 6
- 17
- Fry, Donna
- 56:28.652
- +37:01.8
- 4:25:13.147
- +2:29:03.4
- 7
- 17
- Fry, Donna
- 57:35.749
- +38:17.8
- 5:22:48.847
- +3:07:21.2
- 8
- 17
- Fry, Donna
- 53:58.850
- +34:32.1
- 6:16:47.648
- +3:41:53.3
- 9
- 17
- Fry, Donna
- 55:22.244
- +36:00.1
- 7:12:09.848
- +4:17:19.5
-14 laps | 64.359----- |
49 | 32 | The Mountain Monkey | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 32
- Zavitz, Joyanna
- 29:48.339
- +11:24.9
- 29:48.339
- +11:24.9
- 2
- 32
- Zavitz, Joyanna
- 35:35.752
- +16:16.3
- 1:05:24.044
- +26:58.2
- 3
- 32
- Zavitz, Joyanna
- 47:12.857
- +27:48.4
- 1:52:36.851
- +54:46.6
- 4
- 32
- Zavitz, Joyanna
- 34:48.841
- +15:20.3
- 2:27:25.645
- +1:10:06.9
- 5
- 32
- Zavitz, Joyanna
- 1:20:38.460
- +1:01:15.4
- 3:48:04.051
- +2:11:21.1
- 6
- 32
- Zavitz, Joyanna
- 1:17:20.260
- +57:53.4
- 5:05:24.253
- +3:09:14.5
- 7
- 32
- Zavitz, Joyanna
- 32:24.734
- +13:06.8
- 5:37:48.949
- +3:22:21.3
- 8
- 32
- Zavitz, Joyanna
- 52:02.449
- +32:35.7
- 6:29:51.349
- +3:54:57.0
- 9
- 32
- Zavitz, Joyanna
- 48:20.641
- +28:58.5
- 7:18:11.949
- +4:23:21.6
-14 laps | 64.359----- |
50 | 33 | The Moustachioed Man | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 33
- Berglund, Klaus
- 34:50.146
- +16:26.7
- 34:50.146
- +16:26.7
- 2
- 33
- Berglund, Klaus
- 52:35.563
- +33:16.1
- 1:27:25.656
- +48:59.8
- 3
- 33
- Berglund, Klaus
- 53:52.960
- +34:28.5
- 2:21:18.559
- +1:23:28.3
- 4
- 33
- Berglund, Klaus
- 42:53.649
- +23:25.1
- 3:04:12.155
- +1:46:53.4
- 5
- 33
- Berglund, Klaus
- 1:04:44.956
- +45:21.9
- 4:08:57.053
- +2:32:14.1
- 6
- 33
- Berglund, Klaus
- 44:57.646
- +25:30.8
- 4:53:54.650
- +2:57:44.9
- 7
- 33
- Berglund, Klaus
- 47:07.147
- +27:49.2
- 5:41:01.750
- +3:25:34.1
- 8
- 33
- Berglund, Klaus
- 1:07:42.651
- +48:15.9
- 6:48:44.350
- +4:13:50.0
-15 laps | 57.208----- |
51 | 9 | Van Duyn, Klara | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 9
- Van Duyn, Klara
- 35:05.350
- +16:41.9
- 35:05.350
- +16:41.9
- 2
- 9
- Van Duyn, Klara
- 30:51.044
- +11:31.6
- 1:05:56.347
- +27:30.5
- 3
- 9
- Van Duyn, Klara
- 1:04:25.564
- +45:01.1
- 2:10:21.855
- +1:12:31.6
- 4
- 9
- Van Duyn, Klara
- 1:27:12.466
- +1:07:43.9
- 3:37:34.261
- +2:20:15.5
- 5
- 9
- Van Duyn, Klara
- 35:19.939
- +15:56.9
- 4:12:54.156
- +2:36:11.2
- 6
- 9
- Van Duyn, Klara
- 1:11:56.759
- +52:29.9
- 5:24:50.856
- +3:28:41.1
- 7
- 9
- Van Duyn, Klara
- 34:43.635
- +15:25.7
- 5:59:34.451
- +3:44:06.8
- 8
- 9
- Van Duyn, Klara
- 1:18:53.353
- +59:26.6
- 7:18:27.751
- +4:43:33.4
-15 laps | 57.208----- |
52 | 25 | I Rode So Fast I Lost My Beard | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 25
- Marston, Justin
- 30:54.841
- +12:31.4
- 30:54.841
- +12:31.4
- 2
- 25
- Marston, Justin
- 29:01.636
- +9:42.2
- 59:56.438
- +21:30.6
- 3
- 25
- Marston, Justin
- 28:39.734
- +9:15.3
- 1:28:36.133
- +30:45.9
- 4
- 25
- Marston, Justin
- 59:05.159
- +39:36.6
- 2:27:41.247
- +1:10:22.5
- 5
- 25
- Marston, Justin
- 37:12.941
- +17:49.9
- 3:04:54.144
- +1:28:11.2
- 6
- 25
- Marston, Justin
- 1:26:17.961
- +1:06:51.1
- 4:31:12.048
- +2:35:02.3
- 7
- 25
- Marston, Justin
- 2:07:15.461
- +1:47:57.5
- 6:38:27.455
- +4:22:59.8
- 8
- 25
- Marston, Justin
- 47:21.848
- +27:55.1
- 7:25:49.252
- +4:50:54.9
-15 laps | 57.208----- |
53 | 120 | Shred Til Bed | 2 Person Team (Female) | |
- 1
- 120
- Glavish, Elena
- 1:05:23.766
- +47:00.3
- 1:05:23.766
- +47:00.3
- 2
- 120
- Glavish, Raquel
- 39:21.455
- +20:02.0
- 1:44:45.163
- +1:06:19.3
- 3
- 120
- Glavish, Elena
- 1:10:06.965
- +50:42.5
- 2:54:52.063
- +1:57:01.8
- 4
- 120
- Glavish, Raquel
- 37:15.244
- +17:46.7
- 3:32:07.259
- +2:14:48.5
- 5
- 120
- Glavish, Elena
- 1:12:11.359
- +52:48.3
- 4:44:18.558
- +3:07:35.6
- 6
- 120
- Glavish, Raquel
- 35:51.242
- +16:24.4
- 5:20:09.754
- +3:24:00.0
- 7
- 120
- Glavish, Elena
- 1:45:18.660
- +1:26:00.7
- 7:05:28.359
- +4:50:00.7
- 8
- 120
- Glavish, Raquel
- 37:25.340
- +17:58.6
- 7:42:53.653
- +5:07:59.3
-15 laps | 57.208----- |
54 | 136 | The Yellow Ones Don’T Stop | 2 Person Team (Female) | |
- 1
- 136
- Balec, Chelsea
- 41:21.561
- +22:58.1
- 41:21.561
- +22:58.1
- 2
- 136
- Balec, Leah
- 46:30.558
- +27:11.1
- 1:27:52.058
- +49:26.2
- 3
- 136
- Balec, Chelsea
- 40:41.852
- +21:17.4
- 2:08:33.853
- +1:10:43.6
- 4
- 136
- Balec, Leah
- 1:19:20.065
- +59:51.5
- 3:27:53.857
- +2:10:35.1
- 5
- 136
- Balec, Chelsea
- 43:45.246
- +24:22.2
- 4:11:39.054
- +2:34:56.1
- 6
- 136
- Balec, Chelsea
- 47:42.847
- +28:16.0
- 4:59:21.851
- +3:03:12.1
- 7
- 136
- Balec, Leah
- 1:07:32.352
- +48:14.4
- 6:06:54.152
- +3:51:26.5
-16 laps | 50.057----- |
55 | 5 | Page, Maureen | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 5
- Page, Maureen
- 41:17.659
- +22:54.2
- 41:17.659
- +22:54.2
- 2
- 5
- Page, Maureen
- 46:24.157
- +27:04.7
- 1:27:41.757
- +49:15.9
- 3
- 5
- Page, Maureen
- 47:26.658
- +28:02.2
- 2:15:08.356
- +1:17:18.1
- 4
- 5
- Page, Maureen
- 50:14.252
- +30:45.7
- 3:05:22.556
- +1:48:03.8
- 5
- 5
- Page, Maureen
- 54:14.054
- +34:51.0
- 3:59:36.552
- +2:22:53.6
- 6
- 5
- Page, Maureen
- 1:05:04.156
- +45:37.3
- 5:04:40.652
- +3:08:30.9
- 7
- 5
- Page, Maureen
- 1:07:57.553
- +48:39.6
- 6:12:38.153
- +3:57:10.5
-16 laps | 50.057----- |
56 | 20 | Urbanski, Rebecca | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 20
- Urbanski, Rebecca
- 34:59.348
- +16:35.9
- 34:59.348
- +16:35.9
- 2
- 20
- Urbanski, Rebecca
- 32:14.947
- +12:55.5
- 1:07:14.250
- +28:48.4
- 3
- 20
- Urbanski, Rebecca
- 34:12.944
- +14:48.5
- 1:41:27.146
- +43:36.9
- 4
- 20
- Urbanski, Rebecca
- 1:13:35.361
- +54:06.8
- 2:55:02.453
- +1:37:43.7
- 5
- 20
- Urbanski, Rebecca
- 2:14:13.464
- +1:54:50.4
- 5:09:15.864
- +3:32:32.9
- 6
- 20
- Urbanski, Rebecca
- 35:31.840
- +16:05.0
- 5:44:47.657
- +3:48:37.9
- 7
- 20
- Urbanski, Rebecca
- 38:30.440
- +19:12.5
- 6:23:18.054
- +4:07:50.4
-16 laps | 50.057----- |
57 | 24 | Gibson's Finest | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 24
- Gibson, Sawyer
- 39:33.756
- +21:10.3
- 39:33.756
- +21:10.3
- 2
- 24
- Gibson, Sawyer
- 50:45.161
- +31:25.7
- 1:30:18.860
- +51:53.0
- 3
- 24
- Gibson, Sawyer
- 1:03:41.163
- +44:16.7
- 2:33:59.961
- +1:36:09.7
- 4
- 24
- Gibson, Sawyer
- 1:18:24.962
- +58:56.4
- 3:52:24.863
- +2:35:06.1
- 5
- 24
- Gibson, Sawyer
- 1:08:24.057
- +49:01.0
- 5:00:48.862
- +3:24:05.9
- 6
- 24
- Gibson, Sawyer
- 52:39.551
- +33:12.7
- 5:53:28.360
- +3:57:18.6
- 7
- 24
- Gibson, Sawyer
- 55:22.248
- +36:04.3
- 6:48:50.556
- +4:33:22.9
-16 laps | 50.057----- |
58 | 11 | Balabuck, Jon | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 11
- Balabuck, Jon
- 2:17:09.768
- +1:58:46.3
- 2:17:09.768
- +1:58:46.3
- 2
- 11
- Balabuck, Jon
- 33:51.649
- +14:32.2
- 2:51:01.366
- +2:12:35.5
- 3
- 11
- Balabuck, Jon
- 37:26.949
- +18:02.5
- 3:28:28.265
- +2:30:38.0
- 4
- 11
- Balabuck, Jon
- 35:59.243
- +16:30.7
- 4:04:27.465
- +2:47:08.7
- 5
- 11
- Balabuck, Jon
- 40:35.242
- +21:12.2
- 4:45:02.660
- +3:08:19.7
- 6
- 11
- Balabuck, Jon
- 1:02:22.953
- +42:56.1
- 5:47:25.559
- +3:51:15.8
- 7
- 11
- Balabuck, Jon
- 1:04:00.350
- +44:42.4
- 6:51:25.857
- +4:35:58.2
-16 laps | 50.057----- |
59 | 16 | Martino, Dante | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 16
- Martino, Dante
- 26:09.532
- +7:46.1
- 26:09.532
- +7:46.1
- 2
- 16
- Martino, Dante
- 43:48.856
- +24:29.4
- 1:09:58.351
- +31:32.5
- 3
- 16
- Martino, Dante
- 41:14.353
- +21:49.9
- 1:51:12.650
- +53:22.4
- 4
- 16
- Martino, Dante
- 50:43.753
- +31:15.2
- 2:41:56.351
- +1:24:37.6
- 5
- 16
- Martino, Dante
- 1:36:39.763
- +1:17:16.7
- 4:18:36.057
- +2:41:53.1
- 6
- 16
- Martino, Dante
- 1:02:47.354
- +43:20.5
- 5:21:23.355
- +3:25:13.6
- 7
- 16
- Martino, Dante
- 1:30:14.757
- +1:10:56.8
- 6:51:38.058
- +4:36:10.4
-16 laps | 50.057----- |
60 | 13 | Skomoroh, Abigail | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 13
- Skomoroh, Abigail
- 55:28.165
- +37:04.7
- 55:28.165
- +37:04.7
- 2
- 13
- Skomoroh, Abigail
- 1:24:42.065
- +1:05:22.6
- 2:20:10.164
- +1:41:44.3
- 3
- 13
- Skomoroh, Abigail
- 31:09.038
- +11:44.6
- 2:51:19.162
- +1:53:28.9
- 4
- 13
- Skomoroh, Abigail
- 1:19:16.263
- +59:47.7
- 4:10:35.366
- +2:53:16.6
- 5
- 13
- Skomoroh, Abigail
- 46:35.449
- +27:12.4
- 4:57:10.761
- +3:20:27.8
- 6
- 13
- Skomoroh, Abigail
- 48:41.748
- +29:14.9
- 5:45:52.458
- +3:49:42.7
- 7
- 13
- Skomoroh, Abigail
- 1:42:54.559
- +1:23:36.6
- 7:28:46.960
- +5:13:19.3
-16 laps | 50.057----- |
61 | 7 | Balec, Lisa | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 7
- Balec, Lisa
- 41:21.460
- +22:58.0
- 41:21.460
- +22:58.0
- 2
- 7
- Balec, Lisa
- 46:35.259
- +27:15.8
- 1:27:56.659
- +49:30.8
- 3
- 7
- Balec, Lisa
- 40:38.451
- +21:14.0
- 2:08:35.054
- +1:10:44.8
- 4
- 7
- Balec, Lisa
- 1:19:19.864
- +59:51.3
- 3:27:54.858
- +2:10:36.1
- 5
- 7
- Balec, Lisa
- 1:34:06.462
- +1:14:43.4
- 5:02:01.263
- +3:25:18.3
- 6
- 7
- Balec, Lisa
- 1:04:54.755
- +45:27.9
- 6:06:55.961
- +4:10:46.2
- 7
- 7
- Balec, Lisa
- 1:34:16.458
- +1:14:58.5
- 7:41:12.361
- +5:25:44.7
-16 laps | 50.057----- |
62 | 27 | John T Rescigno | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 27
- Rescigno, John
- 29:14.838
- +10:51.4
- 29:14.838
- +10:51.4
- 2
- 27
- Rescigno, John
- 30:31.743
- +11:12.3
- 59:46.537
- +21:20.7
- 3
- 27
- Rescigno, John
- 32:01.640
- +12:37.2
- 1:31:48.139
- +33:57.9
- 4
- 27
- Rescigno, John
- 37:52.846
- +18:24.3
- 2:09:40.937
- +52:22.2
- 5
- 27
- Rescigno, John
- 44:25.347
- +25:02.3
- 2:54:06.238
- +1:17:23.3
-18 laps | 35.755----- |
63 | 26 | Johannes Hunt Boy | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 26
- Hunt, Jonas
- 34:44.845
- +16:21.4
- 34:44.845
- +16:21.4
- 2
- 26
- Hunt, Jonas
- 50:59.362
- +31:39.9
- 1:25:44.155
- +47:18.3
- 3
- 26
- Hunt, Jonas
- 55:30.961
- +36:06.5
- 2:21:15.058
- +1:23:24.8
- 4
- 26
- Hunt, Jonas
- 39:41.247
- +20:12.7
- 3:00:56.254
- +1:43:37.5
- 5
- 26
- Hunt, Jonas
- 1:11:49.958
- +52:26.9
- 4:12:46.155
- +2:36:03.2
-18 laps | 35.755----- |
64 | 28 | Just A Dad…..(Fill In The Blank) | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 28
- Glavish, Brian
- 1:05:24.367
- +47:00.9
- 1:05:24.367
- +47:00.9
- 2
- 28
- Glavish, Brian
- 1:49:29.167
- +1:30:09.7
- 2:54:53.467
- +2:16:27.6
- 3
- 28
- Glavish, Brian
- 37:12.647
- +17:48.2
- 3:32:06.066
- +2:34:15.8
- 4
- 28
- Glavish, Brian
- 27:25.232
- +7:56.7
- 3:59:31.264
- +2:42:12.5
- 5
- 28
- Glavish, Brian
- 44:48.448
- +25:25.4
- 4:44:19.659
- +3:07:36.7
-18 laps | 35.755----- |
65 | 12 | Mills, Isaac | SOLO (Male) | M |
- 1
- 12
- Mills, Isaac
- 34:13.544
- +15:50.1
- 34:13.544
- +15:50.1
- 2
- 12
- Mills, Isaac
- 58:32.464
- +39:13.0
- 1:32:45.961
- +54:20.1
- 3
- 12
- Mills, Isaac
- 59:37.662
- +40:13.2
- 2:32:23.560
- +1:34:33.3
- 4
- 12
- Mills, Isaac
- 1:01:49.760
- +42:21.2
- 3:34:13.260
- +2:16:54.5
-19 laps | 28.604----- |
66 | 8 | Hart, Alison | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 8
- Hart, Alison
- 45:14.662
- +26:51.2
- 45:14.662
- +26:51.2
- 2
- 8
- Hart, Alison
- 48:21.660
- +29:02.2
- 1:33:36.262
- +55:10.4
- 3
- 8
- Hart, Alison
- 1:26:31.766
- +1:07:07.3
- 3:00:07.964
- +2:02:17.7
- 4
- 8
- Hart, Alison
- 51:30.556
- +32:02.0
- 3:51:38.462
- +2:34:19.7
-19 laps | 28.604----- |
67 | 14 | Francescut, Sabrina | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 14
- Francescut, Sabrina
- 50:02.964
- +31:39.5
- 50:02.964
- +31:39.5
- 2
- 14
- Francescut, Sabrina
- 1:42:19.766
- +1:23:00.3
- 2:32:22.665
- +1:53:56.8
-21 laps | 14.302----- |
68 | 21 | Urbanski, Avery | Solo (Female) | F |
- 1
- 21
- Urbanski, Avery
- 34:54.847
- +16:31.4
- 34:54.847
- +16:31.4
- 2
- 21
- Urbanski, Avery
- 2:21:20.068
- +2:02:00.6
- 2:56:14.868
- +2:17:49.0
-21 laps | 14.302----- |