
Saturday, March 1, 2025 9:07 AM (GMT-10) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Paddling - outrigger
Location: Hilo, HI, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 119
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 7.3
Updated: Saturday, March 1, 2025 11:21 AM (GMT-10)
Organized by: Hawaii Island Paddlesports Association (HIPA)
Race website: https://hipa.clubexpress.com

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  • Race winners

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 Long Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Trey & Bugz 1:18:34.0 66
 Female Olson, Leilani 1:34:32.1 17
 OC-1, 19-39 Brooks, Briahna Kawena 1:42:58.1 4
 OC-1, 40-49 Olson, Leilani 1:34:32.1 6
 OC-1, 50-59 Daniel, Darcy 1:36:20.4 4
 OC-1, Novice Martin-Howe, Francesca 1:52:27.1 1
 OC-2, 19-49 Apryl Sasaki And Danielle Benke 1:37:36.4 1
 V-1, 40+ Robb, Linda 1:54:26.2 1
 Male Trey & Bugz 1:18:34.0 47
 OC-1, 19-39 Bertaina, Toa 1:21:01.8 9
 OC-1, 40-49 Noa, Joel 1:28:57.1 4
 OC-1, 50-59 Ah Yo, Nick 1:28:37.6 9
 OC-1, 60-69 Molder, Jeff 1:29:28.8 7
 OC1, 70+ Hafele, Davey Joe 1:38:37.3 1
 OC-1, Junior Kealoha, Uakea 1:27:37.1 4
 OC-1, Novice Davis, Paka 1:32:54.9 4
 OC-2, 19-49 Trey & Bugz 1:18:34.0 3
 V-1, 19-39 Somera-Lee, Kekoa 1:26:34.8 3
 V-1, 40+ Wong, Wallace 1:37:19.1 2
 V-1, Junior Kiyuna, Eha 1:29:48.8 1
 Female/Male Martinez And Fierman 1:26:02.4 2
 OC-2, 19-49 Martinez And Fierman 1:26:02.4 1
 OC-2, 60+ Team Ncw Nancye Capri Charlie White 1:28:17.2 1
 Short Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Kikaha Milham And Young 1:12:32.9 53
 Female Shizuma, Lisa 1:23:47.7 20
 OC-1, 19-39 Morris, Rita 1:38:05.5 1
 OC-1, 19-59 Kukua, Cherise 1:28:27.3 4
 OC-1, 60-69 Tompkins, Cindy 1:26:30.9 2
 OC1, 70+ O'Shaughnessy, Susan 1:29:02.2 5
 OC-1, Novice Shizuma, Lisa 1:23:47.7 4
 OC-2, 19-49 Grannies / Kanaloa 1:36:38.0 1
 OC-2, Junior Mary Pochos 1:30:45.8 1
 V-1, Junior Uyeshiro, Bailey 1:38:42.8 2
 Male Kikaha Milham And Young 1:12:32.9 32
 OC-1, 19-59 Morris, Casey 1:15:52.7 7
 OC-1, 60-69 Rodrigues, John 1:17:09.9 5
 OC1, 70+ Kane, Greg 1:19:39.9 4
 OC-1, Junior Parker, Bodhi 1:18:02.9 2
 OC-1, Novice Hayward, Ronald Ratu 1:16:27.1 7
 OC-2, 19-59 Kikaha Milham And Young 1:12:32.9 1
 OC-2, 60+ Old Guys 2:04:24.5 1
 V-1, 19-59 Freitas Jr, Douglas A 1:26:46.6 1
 V-1, 60+ Kawaiaea, Claymat 1:33:33.3 1
 V-1, Junior Okazaki, Reid 1:17:55.6 2
 V-1, Novice Publico, Kwai-Chang 1:31:20.8 1
 Female/Male Skeezahs 1:14:45.3 1
 OC-2, 19-59 Skeezahs 1:14:45.3 1