Wed Night MTB 7-31-24

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 5:19 PM (GMT-7) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Cycling - mtn cross-country
Location: SeaTac, WA, United States
Start type: Individual start
Racers: 93
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 7.0
Chip timing: RFID - LLRP
RFID reader: Impinj
Updated: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 4:43 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: Wednesday Night World Championships
Race website:

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  • Race winners

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 LJ Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Tucker Latterell 15:29.2 5    
 Female Samantha Siegl 30:42.6 1    
 5:15pm Junior 10-12 Samantha Siegl 30:42.6 1    
 Male Tucker Latterell 15:29.2 4    
 5:15pm Junior 10-12 Tucker Latterell 15:29.2 4    
 Cat 1 Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Lain Van Ogle 46:50.6 15  Race review  Lap times
 Female Stephanie Taplin 55:15.0 2  Race review  Lap times
 7pm Adult Stephanie Taplin 55:15.0 2  Race review  Lap times
 Male Lain Van Ogle 46:50.6 13  Race review  Lap times
 7pm Adult Lain Van Ogle 46:50.6 8  Race review  Lap times
 7pm Junior 16-18 Ronan Kroll 47:22.6 1  Race review  Lap times
 7pm Master 50+ Chris Rodde 48:59.2 4  Race review  Lap times
 Cat 2 Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Justin Captis 36:18.3 24  Race review  Lap times
 Female Becca Book 43:57.9 1  Race review  Lap times
 7pm Single Speed Becca Book 43:57.9 1  Race review  Lap times
 Male Justin Captis 36:18.3 23  Race review  Lap times
 7pm Adult Kevin Merkling 37:51.9 12  Race review  Lap times
 7pm Junior 13-15 Boris Grant-Riess 37:28.6 2  Race review  Lap times
 7pm Master 50+ Aaron Erbeck 37:41.8 7  Race review  Lap times
 7pm Single Speed Justin Captis 36:18.3 2  Race review  Lap times
 Cat 3 Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Erik Peterson 39:02.3 37  Race review  Lap times
 Female Nicole Gunton 43:58.2 5  Race review  Lap times
 6pm Adult Nicole Gunton 43:58.2 1  Race review  Lap times
 6pm Junior 13-15 Ora Monton 59:54.5 1  Race review  Lap times
 6pm Master 50+ Tracy Erbeck 46:15.0 3  Race review  Lap times
 Male Erik Peterson 39:02.3 31  Race review  Lap times
 6pm Adult Erik Peterson 39:02.3 22  Race review  Lap times
 6pm Master 50+ Brian Hall 39:11.3 9  Race review  Lap times
 Nonbinary - - 1  Race review  Lap times
 6pm Adult - - 1  Race review  Lap times
 Cat 4 Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Scott Phillips 28:55.3 12  Race review  Lap times
 Female Liza Severs 35:14.7 1  Race review  Lap times
 6pm Adult Liza Severs 35:14.7 1  Race review  Lap times
 Male Scott Phillips 28:55.3 11  Race review  Lap times
 5:15pm Junior 13-15 Timothy Nachtigal 34:28.9 1  Race review  Lap times
 5:15pm Junior 16-18 - - 1  Race review  Lap times
 6pm Adult Scott Phillips 28:55.3 9  Race review  Lap times