DP Testival men July 2020 individual start

Wednesday, July 8, 2020 9:00 AM (GMT-6) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Skiing - biathlon
Location: Canmore, AB, Canada
Start type: Interval start
Racers: 12
Updated: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 9:33 AM (GMT-6)

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DP Testival men July 2020 individual start

Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Gender Start time
1 Scott Gow M 9:00:00
2 Christian Gow M 9:01:00
3 Trevor Kiers M 9:02:00
5 Aidan Millar M 9:04:00
7 Thomas Manktelow M 9:06:00
8 Haldan Borglum M 9:07:00
9 Reid Lovstrom M 9:08:00
10 Toby Quinn M 9:09:00
11 Troy Martel M 9:10:00
12 Quentin Wedderburn M 9:11:00
13 Zachary Grappolini M 9:12:00