Sunday, November 24, 2024 05:00 (GMT+8) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Running
Location: Marikina, Philippines
Start type: Manual wave start
Wave grouping: By distance
Racers: 270
Updated: Saturday, November 23, 2024 17:04 (GMT+8)

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Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Age Gender Start time
2009 Arceli Acosta 25K 50-59 25K 57 F
2014 Nohah Ali 25K 29 and below 25K 28 F
2016 Cathlene Mae Amoncio 25K 29 and below 25K 25 F
2019 Jo-Ann APAL 25K 30-39 25K 39 F
2021 Rona Ann Apugan 25K 29 and below 25K 23 F
2022 Leira Apugan 25K 29 and below 25K 29 F
2024 Lee ARANAS 25K 40-49 25K 44 F
2025 Honey Je Arellano 25K 29 and below 25K 25 F
2027 Princess Michelle Astronomo 25K 29 and below 25K 27 F
2028 Chrystal Joy Ayono 25K 29 and below 25K 26 F
2029 Branch Daneeka BACAL 25K 30-39 25K 30 F
2035 Risshellgin Balatayo 25K 29 and below 25K 26 F
2038 Mayeth Barth 25K 40-49 25K 41 F
2039 Kate BASALO 25K 29 and below 25K 26 F
2040 XyrahKaye BATO 25K 30-39 25K 30 F
2041 Ronya Mae Bayan 25K 40-49 25K 41 F
2044 Evelyn Bersabal 25K 50-59 25K 59 F
2051 Ma. Laiza Borong 25K 29 and below 25K 28 F
2056 Joanna Caballes 25K 30-39 25K 37 F
2061 Shehyll CARESS 25K 30-39 25K 34 F
2062 Marlyn CARPIO 25K 40-49 25K 46 F
2067 Odessa CASTILLO 25K 30-39 25K 38 F
2070 Kaycee Cebrian 25K 30-39 25K 32 F
2076 SHEILA CURILAN 25K 40-49 25K 48 F
2078 Jeramie DACIO 25K 29 and below 25K 20 F
2081 Stacykitz Dagbay-Corrales 25K 30-39 25K 36 F
2087 Roxette Carla Del Carmen 25K 30-39 25K 30 F
2092 Christine Joy EBRONA 25K 29 and below 25K 25 F
2099 MARISSA ESTORES 25K 40-49 25K 49 F
2100 MARIENIL Faelden 25K 30-39 25K 39 F
2103 Roquesa FRANCISCO 25K 40-49 25K 45 F
2106 EMILY GABRINO 25K 50-59 25K 53 F
2108 Lucelle Joy Galaura 25K 30-39 25K 31 F
2111 Aileen grace Garcia 25K 30-39 25K 36 F
2112 Angelisa Gaynor 25K 50-59 25K 55 F
2113 Rachel Gonzales 25K 40-49 25K 40 F
2115 Najwa Guroalim 25K 30-39 25K 35 F
2120 Charisse JACOT 25K 30-39 25K 36 F
2123 Julie Mae JAYLO 25K 29 and below 25K 26 F
2124 girafel Jeong 25K 30-39 25K 37 F
2126 Jocelyn King 25K 50-59 25K 58 F
2129 Aisah Luanne Labra 25K 40-49 25K 41 F
2131 Bella Mariz Lagbas 25K 30-39 25K 33 F
2132 Stephanie LAGUNERO 25K 29 and below 25K 26 F
2134 Lenny Lyn Lapinid 25K 30-39 25K 32 F
2135 MARY-ANN LAPURA 25K 30-39 25K 37 F
2136 Rosa LARO 25K 29 and below 25K 27 F
2142 Dulce Amor Lim 25K 40-49 25K 41 F
2148 Liezel LUMINDAS 25K 50-59 25K 50 F
2150 Genelou MACAPELIT 25K 30-39 25K 33 F
2159 Lora MARISIN 25K 40-49 25K 42 F
2162 Mary MARTINE 25K 29 and below 25K 27 F
2163 Charlyn MATURAN 25K 29 and below 25K 24 F
2164 KRISTINA MARIE MENDOZA 25K 30-39 25K 38 F
2166 Kisha Jay Marie Mier 25K 30-39 25K 35 F
2171 Dianne NAGANDANG 25K 29 and below 25K 24 F
2175 Jasen Jean Nudos 25K 30-39 25K 31 F
2177 Armia Odchigue 25K 40-49 25K 46 F
2180 May Shell Oro 25K 30-39 25K 39 F
2181 Princess Sheenah ORTIZ 25K 29 and below 25K 24 F
2185 Eleonor Pajigal 25K 30-39 25K 31 F
2186 Jean Irish Palahang 25K 30-39 25K 31 F
2189 Kimmy PANES 25K 30-39 25K 33 F
2193 Imelda Patayan 25K 50-59 25K 57 F
2194 Maricel PAULLO 25K 30-39 25K 37 F
2196 Fourteen Po 25K 30-39 25K 31 F
2201 Cake RIMANDO 25K 50-59 25K 52 F
2202 HELEN GRACE RIMANDO 25K 50-59 25K 53 F
2204 Acaso Rowena 25K 29 and below 25K 23 F
2206 Teresa Salaan 25K 50-59 25K 54 F
2207 Mechielle SALAPANG 25K 30-39 25K 37 F
2211 Joyax Sambaan 25K 60 and above 25K 62 F
2214 Kristel Mae Sipin 25K 30-39 25K 36 F
2217 Marjorie Joyce TADLAS 25K 29 and below 25K 28 F
2222 Karulyn TANGIAN 25K 29 and below 25K 27 F
2229 Jacqueline TROCIO 25K 30-39 25K 35 F
2232 Januarhe VALLEDOR 25K 40-49 25K 47 F