Jade's Furry Friends 5K 2025

Saturday, June 21, 2025 7:30 AM (GMT-7)

Event info
Sport: Running
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA, United States
Registrations: 20
Registration closes: Friday, June 13, 2025 11:59 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: Jade's Furry Friends 5K
Event website: https://jadesfurryfriends5k.com/

Contact organizer

Use this form to send an email to the organizer.

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Message to organizer

There is a fee to register for this event.
Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Date of birth
Team name

Emergency contact name
Emergency phone #
Zip code / Postal code
State / Province
Event entry fee increases after
January 31, 2025
Event entry fee 40.00 USD
Would you like to make an additional donation?
Would you like information on how you can fundraise for this event?
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Processing fee
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver

Jade’s Furry Friends 5K Run and Walk, Waiver & Release Form

I know that running or walking a trail race is a potentially hazardous activity, which could cause injury or death. I will not enter and participate unless I am medically able and properly trained, and by my signature, I certify that I am medically able to perform this event, and am in good health, and I am properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to any aspect of my participation in this event, including the right of any official to deny or suspend my participation for any reason whatsoever. I attest that I have read the rules of the race and agree to abide by them.  I assume all risks associated with running or walking in this event, including but not limited to: falls, physical contact with other participants, volunteers, race personnel, contract service providers, employees, and spectators including the potential the contraction of a communicable disease resulting from contact with other participants, volunteers, race personnel, contract service providers, employees, and spectators.  I assume all risks including: the effects of the weather; high heat and/or humidity; traffic and the conditions of the trail including surrounding terrain. I further agree to abide by the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendations for the prevention of the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and other communicable diseases, and I attest to having read the CDC’s guidance at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html. I assume all such risks being known, appreciated, and accepted by me. 

I understand that bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers/strollers, roller skates or inline skates, animals, and personal music players are not allowed in the race, and I will abide by all race rules. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release Jade’s Furry Friends 5K, Jonathan & Danielle Hurtado, the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, Cats and Comics, No Stray Left Behind, Tacos Los Carnales, Vince’s Spaghetti, all event sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver.  In addition, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases and voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 and/or other communicable diseases by participating in this event. I acknowledge that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 in connection with my participation in this event and personally assume this risk.

I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use my photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purposes.  I understand that this event does not provide refunds in the event of a cancellation, and by signing this waiver, I consent that I am not entitled to a refund if the event is cancelled before or during the event.

Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity
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