Chacombe Sunday Enduro Playday

Sunday, October 20, 2024 10:00 (GMT+0) - Sunday, October 20, 2024 16:00 (GMT+0)

Event info
Sport: Motor sports - motorcycle
Location: Chacombe, United Kingdom
Registration closes: Friday, October 18, 2024 23:59 (GMT+0)
Organized by: EnduRocks Events
Event website:
Event notes

Entries Members £35 Non Members £40 Payment can be made online in full or £10 deposit and the rest cash on the day. Disclaimers printed out and filled in prior to arrival at the venue.

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Contact organizer

Use this form to send an email to the organizer.

Your name
Your email address
Confirm email address
Message to organizer

There is a fee to register for this event.
Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Phone #
Emergency contact name
Emergency phone #
Event entry fee 40.00 GBP
Are you an EnduRocks member? Card will be checked on the day.
-5.00 GBP
Are you registering a child (UNDER 10) to ride just the beginner loop? (Must be supervised at all times by a riding adult)
-15.00 GBP
Would you like to pay in full now? Or pay £10 deposit and the rest cash on the day?
-30.00 GBP
40.00 GBP
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver
  1. It is accepted by the Signee below that they knowingly intend to participate in a challenging and risky activity using mechanically propelled vehicles, (referred to as the vehicle) recognised as such under the Road Traffic Act (Off Road) Regulations 1991. The Signee accepts that dangerous conditions plus dangerous, careless and inconsiderate driving plus high speeds plus the use of amateur constructed or modified vehicles may significantly increase the risk of being killed, permanently disabled or seriously injured.
  2.  The Signee acknowledges that participation in an event of this type entails known and unanticipated risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death or damage to themselves, to property or to third parties. It is understood that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of this event. 
  3.  The Signee confirms that they possess the standard of competence necessary for the type of event they are entering.
  4. The Signee will before participating satisfy themselves of the preparation and condition of their vehicle. That it is suitable, safe and complies with the Regulations. Correct PPE must be worn and used in the correct manor.
  5. The Signee confirms that their vehicle has no known faults which may lead to a mechanical failure which could cause Third Party damage, injury or death and will use all appropriate Safety Equipment. They accept that a ’head cam’ attachment could compromise their safety in a collision.
  6. The Signee will before participating satisfy themselves of the preparation and condition of the course and its facilities and do self-certify that the margins of safety, barriers and braking areas are adequate and suitable for their degree of competence and type of vehicle for the event they have entered.
  7. The Signee accepts the responsibility of monitoring all conditions that may materially change the aforementioned and they participate voluntarily and of their own free will in spite of the risks. They know they are free to withdraw at any time without penalty.
  8. The Signee certifies that they have adequate insurance to cover damage caused or suffered whilst participating, or agrees to bear the costs of such damage to their vehicle.
  9. The Signee accepts that none of the involved parties shall have any liability for loss or damage which may be sustained or incurred by the Signee as a result of participation in the Event. They understand that they forgo all rights to compensation from driver/rider to driver/rider liability and Insurance. Nothing in this clause is intended to or shall be deemed to exclude or limit liability permitted by law.
  10. The Signee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each of the Parties in respect of any loss or damage. 
  11.  The Signee states that they are not taking or have not taken or drunk any substance / medication (prescribed or otherwise) which may affect their ability or judgement in the control of the vehicle.
  12. The Signee states that they have no known medical condition or physical disability that would make it unsafe for them to participate or which may be adversely affected by participating.
  13. The Signee confirms that should they be aware of any medical condition or injury be it age related or otherwise, prescribed medication or disability which may affect their ability to control or direct the vehicle, they will present themselves to the Chief Medical Officer or Clerk of the Course, prior to signing on for a final appraisal.
  14. The Signee accepts that the Organisers may use volunteer marshals in order to keep the costs of participating in this event affordable.
  15. The Signee authorises and permits the Organiser (and third parties connected with the event) to administer first aid and to authorise such other medical treatment and transportation as may be recommended by physicians, paramedics and other medical personnel, in the event of illness, accident or injury.
  16. The Signee understands that their personal data is being retained solely for the purposes of staging and insuring the event and will be handled by the organisers in accordance with the IOPD data protection policy.
  17. The Signee confirms that any information given is correct to the best of their knowledge and any changes will be notified to the organisers.
  18. The Signee has read the rules and regulations governing the event along with any briefings or notices on the day.
  19. My agreement below proves that I have read the conditions herein and agree to be bound by them.
Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity
Please enter your name here