1 | 336 | Luke Harrison | Male Senior | 34 | M |
1:16:58.9 | --100%34.48%34.78%09:32:24.9 |
2 | 395 | Michael MooreHELPSTON HARRIERS AC | Male 45-49 | 48 | M |
1:17:26.3 | +0:27.4+0.59%99.41%34.09%34.39%09:32:24.4 |
3 | 417 | Shannon DriscollHIGHAM HARRIERS AC | Male 40-44 | 42 | M |
1:21:56.2 | +4:57.3+6.44%93.95%30.26%30.58%09:32:26.2 |
4 | 405 | Simon AdcockKINGSTON UPON HULL AC | Male Senior | 31 | M |
1:25:47.0 | +8:48.1+11.43%89.74%26.99%27.32%09:32:26.4 |
5 | 349 | Lewis SaundersFENLAND RUNNING CLUB | Male Senior | 29 | M |
1:26:24.9 | +9:26.0+12.25%89.08%26.45%26.79%09:32:28.1 |
6 | 315 | Oliver FoxwellRYSTON RUNNERS | Male Senior | 21 | M |
1:26:29.3 | +9:30.4+12.35%89.01%26.39%26.73%09:32:25.4 |
7 | 346 | Mitchell BunnRENEGADE RUNNERS | Male Senior | 17 | M |
1:27:55.1 | +10:56.2+14.21%87.56%25.17%25.52%09:32:25.3 |
8 | 356 | Phil Mckenna | Male 40-44 | 43 | M |
1:28:44.5 | +11:45.6+15.28%86.75%24.47%24.82%09:32:26.5 |
9 | 316 | Ben FoxwellRYSTON RUNNERS | Male Senior | 21 | M |
1:28:44.6 | +11:45.7+15.28%86.75%24.47%24.82%09:32:25.6 |
10 | 313 | Stephen Harrington | Male 50-54 | 53 | M |
1:28:48.1 | +11:49.2+15.35%86.69%24.42%24.77%09:32:27.3 |
11 | 364 | Alex Ashley | Male Senior | 29 | M |
1:29:09.7 | +12:10.8+15.82%86.34%24.11%24.46%09:32:28.4 |
12 | 393 | Raymond ClaytonLINCOLN WELLINGTON ATHLETIC CLUB | Male 45-49 | 45 | M |
1:30:27.3 | +13:28.4+17.50%85.10%23.01%23.37%09:32:24.4 |
13 | 369 | Amy ChapmanRYSTON RUNNERS | Female Senior | 29 | F |
1:30:37.0 | +13:38.1+17.71%84.95%22.88%23.23%09:32:26.6 |
14 | 407 | Robert CrossBOSTON COMMUNITY RUNNERS | Male 35-39 | 37 | M |
1:32:25.3 | +15:26.4+20.06%83.29%21.34%21.70%09:32:28.4 |
15 | 384 | Simon HamiltonWHIZZY TRI | Male 55-59 | 58 | M |
1:34:47.5 | +17:48.6+23.14%81.21%19.32%19.69%09:32:31.8 |
16 | 424 | Tom MclarenWORKSOP HARRIERS AC | Male Senior | 33 | M |
1:34:57.3 | +17:58.4+23.35%81.07%19.18%19.55%09:32:30.5 |
17 | 418 | Andi WoolleyTHREE COUNTIES RUNNING CLUB | Male 45-49 | 49 | M |
1:35:40.1 | +18:41.2+24.27%80.47%18.58%18.95%09:32:31.2 |
18 | 351 | Miranda ReynoldsLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Female 45-49 | 46 | F |
1:36:06.2 | +19:07.3+24.84%80.10%18.21%18.58%09:32:25.9 |
19 | 403 | Martyn Benstead | Male 40-44 | 44 | M |
1:37:53.7 | +20:54.8+27.17%78.64%16.68%17.06%09:32:44.3 |
20 | 334 | Richard MatsonROYSTON RUNNERS | Male Senior | 30 | M |
1:38:04.6 | +21:05.7+27.40%78.49%16.53%16.91%09:32:29.1 |
21 | 412 | Mohammad Basharat | Male 35-39 | 38 | M |
1:40:43.3 | +23:44.4+30.84%76.43%14.28%14.67%09:32:25.7 |
22 | 341 | Kirsty ButtersRYSTON RUNNERS | Female 35-39 | 39 | F |
1:40:46.6 | +23:47.7+30.91%76.39%14.23%14.62%09:32:29.1 |
23 | 423 | Charlotte JonesWORKSOP HARRIERS AC | Female 40-44 | 44 | F |
1:41:36.0 | +24:37.1+31.98%75.77%13.53%13.93%09:32:30.0 |
24 | 404 | U CooplandKINGSTON UPON HULL AC | Male 45-49 | 45 | M |
1:42:01.9 | +25:03.0+32.54%75.45%13.16%13.56%09:32:30.6 |
25 | 386 | Maija GarkalneHALMER HARRIERS | Female Senior | 34 | F |
1:42:34.1 | +25:35.2+33.24%75.05%12.70%13.10%09:32:35.8 |
26 | 413 | Robert Howman | Male 40-44 | 41 | M |
1:43:04.5 | +26:05.6+33.90%74.69%12.27%12.68%09:32:34.9 |
27 | 365 | Jake Jackson | Male Senior | 24 | M |
1:44:27.0 | +27:28.1+35.68%73.70%11.10%11.51%09:32:45.6 |
28 | 400 | Chris PhillipsWERRINGTON JOGGERS | Male 45-49 | 45 | M |
1:46:17.4 | +29:18.5+38.07%72.43%9.54%9.95%09:32:30.2 |
29 | 359 | Dean Markillie | Male 45-49 | 45 | M |
1:47:07.4 | +30:08.5+39.15%71.86%8.83%9.25%09:32:54.6 |
30 | 391 | Pete LuntFENLAND RUNNING CLUB | Male 40-44 | 44 | M |
1:47:34.6 | +30:35.7+39.74%71.56%8.44%8.86%09:32:43.3 |
31 | 311 | Adam HitchcockLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Male Senior | 35 | M |
1:47:47.8 | +30:48.9+40.03%71.41%8.25%8.68%09:32:45.6 |
32 | 343 | Mark KeenanLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Male 45-49 | 45 | M |
1:49:00.8 | +32:01.9+41.61%70.62%7.22%7.64%09:32:34.0 |
33 | 425 | Hugh Dootson-GreenlandLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Male 55-59 | 56 | M |
1:49:45.2 | +32:46.3+42.57%70.14%6.59%7.02%09:32:39.7 |
34 | 352 | Nick ClareyTHREE COUNTIES RUNNING CLUB | Male 45-49 | 46 | M |
1:50:17.2 | +33:18.3+43.26%69.80%6.13%6.57%09:32:31.1 |
35 | 348 | Kathryn HawkswellYAXLEY RUNNERS AND JOGGERS | Female 40-44 | 44 | F |
1:51:00.9 | +34:02.0+44.21%69.34%5.51%5.95%09:32:33.7 |
36 | 406 | Christopher Brittain | Male 65-69 | 69 | M |
1:52:16.7 | +35:17.8+45.85%68.56%4.44%4.88%09:32:29.5 |
37 | 325 | Tanya KnightBOSTON COMMUNITY RUNNERS | Female 45-49 | 45 | F |
1:52:48.1 | +35:49.2+46.53%68.25%3.99%4.44%09:32:40.7 |
38 | 329 | John BurtonBOSTON COMMUNITY RUNNERS | Male 50-54 | 53 | M |
1:52:50.4 | +35:51.5+46.58%68.22%3.96%4.40%09:32:39.3 |
39 | 382 | Simon MasonBOSTON COMMUNITY RUNNERS | Male Senior | 32 | M |
1:52:51.2 | +35:52.3+46.60%68.21%3.95%4.39%09:32:40.5 |
40 | 376 | Andy Beveridge | Male 45-49 | 46 | M |
1:53:13.3 | +36:14.4+47.08%67.99%3.64%4.08%09:32:43.2 |
41 | 345 | Heidi BunnRENEGADE RUNNERS | Female 45-49 | 45 | F |
1:53:19.6 | +36:20.7+47.21%67.93%3.55%3.99%09:32:27.4 |
42 | 321 | Carly ReadFENLAND RUNNING CLUB | Female 35-39 | 38 | F |
1:53:25.3 | +36:26.4+47.34%67.87%3.47%3.91%09:32:49.8 |
43 | 396 | Anna Hollis | Female 35-39 | 39 | F |
1:54:57.3 | +37:58.4+49.33%66.97%2.16%2.61%09:32:31.8 |
44 | 340 | Nigel MarlowFENLAND RUNNING CLUB | Male 55-59 | 58 | M |
1:55:03.1 | +38:04.2+49.45%66.91%2.08%2.53%09:32:39.5 |
45 | 371 | Joshua HarrisLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Male Senior | 27 | M |
1:55:25.6 | +38:26.7+49.94%66.69%1.76%2.21%09:32:34.3 |
46 | 409 | Jon LongMARCH AC | Male 45-49 | 45 | M |
1:56:08.6 | +39:09.7+50.87%66.28%1.15%1.60%09:32:53.5 |
47 | 342 | Ian Bridges | Male 55-59 | 57 | M |
1:56:29.2 | +39:30.3+51.32%66.09%0.86%1.31%09:32:32.1 |
48 | 308 | Melissa MilhamFENLAND RUNNING CLUB | Female 40-44 | 41 | F |
1:56:40.2 | +39:41.3+51.56%65.98%0.70%1.16%09:32:52.0 |
49 | 414 | Caroline Midgley | Female 40-44 | 42 | F |
1:56:55.5 | +39:56.6+51.89%65.84%0.48%0.94%09:32:36.3 |
50 | 421 | Natalie Mason | Female 35-39 | 38 | F |
1:57:09.3 | +40:10.4+52.19%65.71%0.29%0.75%09:32:34.8 |
51 | 362 | Michael Shaw | Male 50-54 | 52 | M |
1:57:35.2 | +40:36.3+52.75%65.47%-0.08%0.38%09:32:39.0 |
52 | 401 | Amy Greenwood | Female 35-39 | 38 | F |
1:57:58.6 | +40:59.7+53.25%65.25%-0.41%0.05%09:32:37.9 |
53 | 327 | Daniel NorthRENEGADE RUNNERS | Male 40-44 | 42 | M |
1:58:05.8 | +41:06.9+53.41%65.19%-0.51%-0.05%09:32:32.1 |
54 | 366 | Stacie YoungsFENLAND RUNNING CLUB | Female Senior | 30 | F |
1:58:11.6 | +41:12.7+53.53%65.13%-0.59%-0.13%09:32:46.0 |
55 | 415 | Sara Pearce | Female 35-39 | 38 | F |
1:58:31.5 | +41:32.6+53.97%64.95%-0.88%-0.41%09:32:33.7 |
56 | 419 | Michael Corney | Male Senior | 35 | M |
1:58:39.8 | +41:40.9+54.14%64.87%-0.99%-0.53%09:32:48.6 |
57 | 370 | Stuart Mattless | Male 45-49 | 45 | M |
1:58:58.5 | +41:59.6+54.55%64.70%-1.26%-0.79%09:32:36.8 |
58 | 323 | Natasha HardyMARCH AC | Female 45-49 | 45 | F |
2:00:11.0 | +43:12.1+56.12%64.05%-2.29%-1.82%09:32:47.9 |
59 | 302 | Peter Tompkins | Male 55-59 | 57 | M |
2:00:19.5 | +43:20.6+56.30%63.98%-2.41%-1.94%09:32:32.0 |
60 | 402 | Matt TunnardBOSTON COMMUNITY RUNNERS | Male 45-49 | 47 | M |
2:00:35.4 | +43:36.5+56.65%63.84%-2.63%-2.16%09:32:41.8 |
61 | 380 | Nicholas HornsbyLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Male 45-49 | 46 | M |
2:00:40.4 | +43:41.5+56.76%63.79%-2.71%-2.23%09:32:46.9 |
62 | 363 | Naomi EllisLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Female 45-49 | 48 | F |
2:00:46.9 | +43:48.0+56.90%63.74%-2.80%-2.33%09:32:31.9 |
63 | 307 | Bethany LinesBOSTON COMMUNITY RUNNERS | Female Senior | 27 | F |
2:01:26.7 | +44:27.8+57.76%63.39%-3.36%-2.89%09:32:40.8 |
64 | 420 | Debbie RankinRED LODGE RUNNERS | Female 45-49 | 45 | F |
2:02:24.2 | +45:25.3+59.00%62.89%-4.18%-3.70%09:32:36.8 |
65 | 383 | Conner HitchcockLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Male Senior | 17 | M |
2:02:39.3 | +45:40.4+59.33%62.76%-4.39%-3.91%09:32:57.9 |
66 | 381 | Alice BroughtonLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Female 45-49 | 46 | F |
2:02:52.9 | +45:54.0+59.62%62.65%-4.58%-4.10%09:32:38.3 |
67 | 320 | Sue YendleyBRJ RUN AND TRI | Female 50-54 | 54 | F |
2:03:02.4 | +46:03.5+59.83%62.57%-4.72%-4.24%09:32:39.9 |
68 | 322 | Leanne HaynesMARCH AC | Female 45-49 | 45 | F |
2:03:34.7 | +46:35.8+60.53%62.29%-5.18%-4.69%09:32:47.6 |
69 | 375 | Mitchell Wesley | Male 50-54 | 54 | M |
2:04:19.4 | +47:20.5+61.50%61.92%-5.81%-5.33%09:32:35.3 |
70 | 367 | Lisa Russon | Female 35-39 | 39 | F |
2:04:31.2 | +47:32.3+61.75%61.82%-5.98%-5.49%09:32:27.2 |
71 | 390 | Faye ButtressWITTERING WARRIORS | Female 40-44 | 44 | F |
2:04:44.4 | +47:45.5+62.04%61.71%-6.17%-5.68%09:32:29.0 |
72 | 394 | Hanna Waldron | Female Senior | 35 | F |
2:05:31.2 | +48:32.3+63.05%61.33%-6.83%-6.34%09:32:41.7 |
73 | 373 | Sean Compton | Male 45-49 | 48 | M |
2:05:37.5 | +48:38.6+63.19%61.28%-6.92%-6.43%09:32:38.7 |
74 | 355 | Joshua LunnLONELY GOATS RUNNING CLUB | Male Senior | 33 | M |
2:06:25.9 | +49:27.0+64.24%60.89%-7.61%-7.11%09:32:33.4 |
75 | 350 | Jane GreenwoodFENLAND RUNNING CLUB | Female 60-64 | 64 | F |
2:06:50.2 | +49:51.3+64.76%60.69%-7.95%-7.46%09:32:37.9 |
76 | 408 | Ian Lane | Male Senior | 30 | M |
2:10:00.2 | +53:01.3+68.88%59.22%-10.65%-10.14%09:32:34.7 |
77 | 317 | Carl Holland | Male 45-49 | 49 | M |
2:10:46.2 | +53:47.3+69.87%58.87%-11.30%-10.79%09:32:32.8 |
78 | 360 | Jo Wright | Female 35-39 | 39 | F |
2:12:32.6 | +55:33.7+72.18%58.08%-12.81%-12.29%09:32:35.6 |
79 | 374 | Mark Atherton | Male Senior | 34 | M |
2:13:22.0 | +56:23.1+73.24%57.72%-13.51%-12.99%09:32:27.0 |
80 | 398 | David HicksKINGS LYNN TRI CLUB | Male 45-49 | 48 | M |
2:14:09.4 | +57:10.5+74.27%57.38%-14.18%-13.66%09:32:53.3 |
81 | 301 | Amanda TeesdaleBOSTON COMMUNITY RUNNERS | Female 50-54 | 51 | F |
2:15:14.9 | +58:16.0+75.69%56.92%-15.11%-14.58%09:32:46.7 |
82 | 385 | Catherine Tipling | Female 35-39 | 39 | F |
2:15:22.7 | +58:23.8+75.86%56.86%-15.22%-14.69%09:32:43.6 |
83 | 389 | Nathan Graves | Male Senior | 29 | M |
2:16:31.3 | +59:32.4+77.34%56.39%-16.19%-15.66%09:32:44.9 |
84 | 347 | Nicki Murphy | Female 55-59 | 57 | F |
2:17:15.0 | +1:00:16.1+78.29%56.09%-16.81%-16.28%09:32:31.0 |
85 | 330 | Suzanna BesterMARCH AC | Female 35-39 | 38 | F |
2:17:55.8 | +1:00:56.9+79.17%55.81%-17.39%-16.85%09:32:51.6 |
86 | 379 | Clive WoolnoughRENEGADE RUNNERS | Male 55-59 | 57 | M |
2:18:13.8 | +1:01:14.9+79.56%55.69%-17.65%-17.11%09:32:34.5 |
87 | 410 | Winnie Gaunt | Female 50-54 | 52 | F |
2:19:43.0 | +1:02:44.1+81.49%55.10%-18.91%-18.37%09:32:36.2 |
88 | 328 | Jennifer Badcock | Female Senior | 29 | F |
2:19:58.6 | +1:02:59.7+81.83%55.00%-19.13%-18.59%09:32:33.5 |
89 | 333 | Gail BurgessCHATTERIS RUNNING CLUB | Female 45-49 | 45 | F |
2:20:04.7 | +1:03:05.8+81.96%54.96%-19.22%-18.67%09:32:32.4 |
90 | 354 | Charles WilsonRYSTON RUNNERS | Male 45-49 | 47 | M |
2:20:12.6 | +1:03:13.7+82.13%54.90%-19.33%-18.79%09:32:39.9 |
91 | 324 | Sarah Lensen | Female 50-54 | 50 | F |
2:21:05.6 | +1:04:06.7+83.28%54.56%-20.08%-19.53%09:32:33.2 |
92 | 332 | Keri Williamson | Female 35-39 | 38 | F |
2:21:10.5 | +1:04:11.6+83.39%54.53%-20.15%-19.60%09:32:33.1 |
93 | 388 | Rebecca BakerBBRC | Female 35-39 | 38 | F |
2:21:10.8 | +1:04:11.9+83.39%54.53%-20.16%-19.61%09:32:42.3 |
94 | 427 | Christine EasthallKINGS LYNN COMMUNITY RUNNERS | Female Senior | 33 | F |
2:21:19.4 | +1:04:20.5+83.58%54.47%-20.28%-19.73%09:32:39.2 |
95 | 361 | Gwenda WilliamsBELVOIR TRI CLUB | Female 40-44 | 41 | F |
2:21:20.5 | +1:04:21.6+83.60%54.46%-20.30%-19.74%09:32:37.6 |
96 | 397 | Jemma RedheadKINGS LYNN TRI CLUB | Female 45-49 | 46 | F |
2:21:33.3 | +1:04:34.4+83.88%54.38%-20.48%-19.92%09:32:43.3 |
97 | 422 | Danielle RandallEYE COMMUNITY RUNNERS | Female Senior | 34 | F |
2:21:41.4 | +1:04:42.5+84.06%54.33%-20.59%-20.04%09:32:37.2 |
98 | 331 | Tracy AdamsFENLAND RUNNING CLUB | Female 45-49 | 48 | F |
2:21:56.7 | +1:04:57.8+84.39%54.23%-20.81%-20.26%09:32:54.1 |
99 | 377 | Ray Brooks | Male 50-54 | 50 | M |
2:23:23.7 | +1:06:24.8+86.27%53.69%-22.04%-21.48%09:32:39.0 |
100 | 337 | Reachel KennySAWTRY WALK TO RUN | Female 50-54 | 54 | F |
2:24:27.8 | +1:07:28.9+87.66%53.29%-22.95%-22.39%09:32:37.9 |
101 | 306 | Heidi Taylor | Female 45-49 | 45 | F |
2:28:14.5 | +1:11:15.6+92.57%51.93%-26.17%-25.59%09:32:34.6 |
102 | 416 | Luke Mchale | Male Senior | 27 | M |
2:31:05.1 | +1:14:06.2+96.26%50.95%-28.59%-28.00%09:32:50.8 |
103 | 358 | Claire GaytonRENEGADE RUNNERS | Female 45-49 | 45 | F |
2:33:32.0 | +1:16:33.1+99.44%50.14%-30.67%-30.07%09:32:49.6 |
104 | 335 | Alan GraySTAMFORD STRIDERS | Male 65-69 | 69 | M |
2:48:27.3 | +1:31:28.4+118.82%45.70%-43.37%-42.71%09:32:37.2 |
- | 319 | Gilly Anderson | Female 35-39 | 38 | F |
DNF | -----09:32:51.0 |
- | 338 | Kevin FarquharRYSTON RUNNERS | Male 35-39 | 39 | M |
DNF | -----09:32:27.2 |
- | 339 | Elisabeth Sennitt CloughPANVAC | Female 45-49 | 45 | F |
DNF | -----09:32:27.8 |