Sunday, December 15, 2024 09:13 (GMT+1) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Bouleternère, France
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 243
Category results: Exclude top 5 overall
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 5.7
Updated: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 21:57 (GMT+1)
Organized by: Centre Chrono Sports
Race website:

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  • Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
176Drechou Hugo SEM 1:27:56--100%34.20%33.77%09:13:17
2253Deniaud Youn SEM 1:29:44+1:48+2.05%97.99%32.85%32.41%08:59:47
3240Verhaghe Louis SEM 1:30:38+2:42+3.07%97.02%32.18%31.73%09:13:17
  • Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1137Limouzy AmandineAthlé66 SEF 1:48:15--100%28.39%25.00%09:13:17
268Dedieu LeaRMT SEF 1:49:36+1:21+1.25%98.77%27.50%24.06%09:13:17
3254Rabat Agnes M0F 1:50:29+2:14+2.06%97.98%26.91%23.45%08:59:47
  • Female - ES
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1218Vallier Mary-LouSMAPSL ESF 2:02:02--100%0.00%0.00%09:13:17
  • Female - JU
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1228Warg JadeJUF 2:07:39--100%0.00%0.00%09:13:17
  • Female - M0
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
18Aubertot VanessaSalses-le-Château Basket Club M0F 2:12:41--100%18.95%18.80%09:13:17
2124Kaioun StéphanieL'enjambée leucatoise M0F 2:19:55+7:14+5.45%94.83%14.53%14.37%09:13:17
395Gaze Sonia M0F 2:21:35+8:54+6.71%93.71%13.51%13.35%09:13:17
  • Female - M1
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1215Trevisan Celia M1F 2:03:47--100%16.90%8.13%09:13:17
281Dutertre MelanieANT M1F 2:05:07+1:20+1.08%98.93%16.00%7.14%09:13:17
375Adjiriou Fairouz M1F 2:12:29+8:42+7.03%93.43%11.06%1.67%09:13:17
  • Female - M2
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1171Perason ClareA C Font Romeu M2F 1:58:16--100%25.09%23.37%09:13:17
2196Roucolle AlexandraArgeles Nature Trail (ANT) M2F 2:05:41+7:25+6.27%94.10%20.39%18.56%09:13:17
37Atif MeriemUNION PERPIGNAN ATHLE 66 M2F 2:15:44+17:28+14.77%87.13%14.02%12.05%09:13:17
  • Female - M3
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1252Riere Stephanie M3F 2:15:24--100%6.37%3.42%08:59:47
2236Ponsich Virginie M3F 2:17:11+1:47+1.32%98.70%5.13%2.15%09:13:17
31Adam GwenolaRAC St Esteve M3F 2:23:12+7:48+5.76%94.55%0.97%-2.15%09:13:17
  • Female - M4
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1177Piquemal MariejoseRunning 66 M4F 2:20:15--100%12.49%12.49%09:13:17
2169Penas Patricia M4F 3:00:17+40:02+28.54%77.79%-12.49%-12.49%09:13:17
  • Female - M6
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1213Tigneres MaryseM6F 2:46:13--100%0.00%0.00%09:13:17
  • Female - M7
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1237Boixaderas CathyM7F 3:18:46--100%0.00%0.00%09:13:17
  • Female - SE
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1250De Ascensao Pauline SEF 1:54:47--100%24.54%20.82%09:13:17
2255Burq Noemie SEF 2:02:58+8:11+7.13%93.35%19.16%15.18%08:59:47
347Clamens Manon SEF 2:05:51+11:04+9.64%91.21%17.26%13.19%09:13:17
  • Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
176Drechou Hugo SEM 1:27:56--100%31.21%30.18%09:13:17
2253Deniaud Youn SEM 1:29:44+1:48+2.05%97.99%29.80%28.75%08:59:47
3240Verhaghe Louis SEM 1:30:38+2:42+3.07%97.02%29.09%28.04%09:13:17
  • Male - JU
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
115Barbe Valentinathlé bompas JUM 1:59:59--100%11.95%11.95%09:13:17
2179Poinot KillianBabaus corredors JUM 2:32:33+32:34+27.14%78.65%-11.95%-11.95%09:13:17
  • Male - M0
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
196Gaze KévinTrail Vernet Aventure M0M 1:40:34--100%19.22%16.21%09:13:17
2202Selva NicolasITR M0M 1:42:12+1:38+1.62%98.40%17.91%14.85%09:13:17
3180Popescu CostinYou Can Trail M0M 1:43:40+3:06+3.08%97.01%16.73%13.62%09:13:17
  • Male - M1
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1105Gonzalez PhilippeCap Trail Catalan M1M 1:33:31--100%26.26%24.83%09:13:17
2238Guenebaut Loic M1M 1:38:22+4:51+5.19%95.07%22.44%20.93%09:13:17
3142Maraval Thomaseasysport-galopins brassagais M1M 1:40:40+7:09+7.65%92.90%20.63%19.08%09:13:17
  • Male - M2
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1182Puig Julien3 T Thuir M2M 1:38:48--100%22.21%23.77%09:13:17
2135Lheureux NielsClub des Rikikis M2M 1:41:27+2:39+2.68%97.39%20.13%21.72%09:13:17
3152Menau SebastienRunning 66 / team Trail cailloux M2M 1:42:19+3:31+3.56%96.56%19.45%21.05%09:13:17
  • Male - M3
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1183Rabia FirminLES BAROUDEURS DES ASPRES M3M 1:38:17--100%20.17%16.61%09:13:17
2102Gomez José-Manuel M3M 1:42:00+3:43+3.78%96.36%17.15%13.46%09:13:17
354Conceicao Carlos M3M 1:43:10+4:53+4.97%95.27%16.21%12.47%09:13:17
  • Male - M4
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
178Dupland Jean-Michel3T M4M 1:39:48--100%29.69%29.15%09:13:17
2114Guy DanielASP2 M4M 1:55:32+15:44+15.76%86.38%18.60%17.98%09:13:17
3210Taricco Fabrice M4M 2:01:03+21:15+21.29%82.45%14.72%14.07%09:13:17
  • Male - M5
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1121Itsweire BertrandITR M5M 1:36:21--100%29.17%29.85%09:13:17
2201Sanz HenriGNT M5M 2:04:03+27:42+28.75%77.67%8.81%9.68%09:13:17
3173Piccioli EricANT M5M 2:08:07+31:46+32.97%75.20%5.82%6.72%09:13:17
  • Male - M6
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
113Badie Alain M6M 2:12:03--100%14.49%13.00%09:13:17
262Crayssac Philipperunning66 M6M 2:28:28+16:25+12.43%88.94%3.86%2.19%09:13:17
3168Pélissier Patrickslm66 M6M 2:35:06+23:03+17.46%85.14%-0.44%-2.19%09:13:17
  • Male - M7
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1249Moreno AntoineM7M 2:35:48--100%6.45%6.45%09:13:17
221Berthet Jean PaulM7M 2:57:16+21:28+13.78%87.89%-6.45%-6.45%09:13:17
  • Male - M8
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
152Coll Claudeitsweire team running M8M 2:08:16--100%0.00%0.00%09:13:17
  • Male - SE
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1197Roux Pierre UlysseVC Saillans SEM 1:33:37--100%22.48%21.95%09:13:17
236Cambos Albin SEM 1:34:13+0:36+0.64%99.36%21.98%21.45%09:13:17
3170Penot Victor SEM 1:34:32+0:55+0.98%99.03%21.72%21.19%09:13:17