1 | 237 | Simon Parker | Male | M |
21:13.0 | --100%43.95%41.20%11:00:04.8 |
2 | 201 | Powers, Patrick | Male | M |
21:39.6 | +0:26.6+2.09%97.95%42.78%39.98%10:30:05.1 |
3 | 144 | Wincklhofer, Christian | Male | M |
22:42.4 | +1:29.4+7.02%93.44%40.02%37.07%09:41:44.8 |
4 | 202 | O’Donnell, Pat | Male | M |
23:19.0 | +2:06.0+9.90%90.99%38.41%35.38%10:30:05.1 |
5 | 104 | Stevenson, Ronald | Male | M |
24:33.8 | +3:20.8+15.77%86.38%35.11%31.93%09:01:45.3 |
6 | 101 | Jellison, Lauren | Female | F |
24:53.3 | +3:40.3+17.31%85.25%34.25%31.03%09:01:45.3 |
7 | 238 | Matthew Stallard | Male | M |
25:29.1 | +4:16.1+20.12%83.25%32.68%29.38%11:00:04.8 |
8 | 233 | Tom Massy | Male | M |
26:03.8 | +4:50.8+22.84%81.40%31.15%27.77%11:00:04.8 |
9 | 234 | Steve Deschenes | Male | M |
26:08.1 | +4:55.1+23.18%81.18%30.96%27.57%11:00:04.8 |
10 | 211 | SSENYONDO, DENISABBIE 2 | Male | M |
26:14.9 | +5:01.9+23.72%80.83%30.66%27.26%10:40:04.9 |
11 | 105 | Dasch, Daniel | Male | M |
26:51.0 | +5:38.0+26.55%79.02%29.07%25.59%09:01:45.3 |
12 | 226 | LaPointe, Steve | Male | M |
27:03.0 | +5:50.0+27.49%78.43%28.54%25.04%11:00:04.8 |
13 | 168 | Locklear, ErikThunder Bay | Male | M |
27:37.1 | +6:24.1+30.17%76.82%27.04%23.46%09:59:44.5 |
14 | 166 | Miller, DanielThunder Bay | Male | M |
27:44.0 | +6:31.0+30.71%76.50%26.74%23.14%09:59:44.5 |
15 | 180 | Chester, TomTeam N = Y | Male | M |
28:01.1 | +6:48.1+32.06%75.72%25.99%22.35%09:41:44.8 |
16 | 141 | Monaghan, SeanDudes & 2 Boobs | Male | M |
28:02.6 | +6:49.6+32.18%75.66%25.92%22.29%09:41:44.8 |
17 | 143 | Soper, LeviDudes & 2 Boobs | Male | M |
28:13.5 | +7:00.5+33.03%75.17%25.44%21.78%09:41:44.8 |
18 | 118 | Brown, Nick | Male | M |
28:20.5 | +7:07.5+33.58%74.86%25.13%21.46%09:20:45.1 |
19 | 117 | Hamill, Lily | Female | F |
28:21.1 | +7:08.1+33.63%74.83%25.10%21.43%09:20:45.1 |
20 | 121 | Matteo, Stephen | Male | M |
28:22.2 | +7:09.2+33.72%74.79%25.06%21.38%09:20:45.1 |
21 | 108 | miller, jason | Male | M |
29:03.2 | +7:50.2+36.94%73.03%23.25%19.49%09:01:45.3 |
22 | 102 | Curtis, Mark | Male | M |
29:38.6 | +8:25.6+39.72%71.57%21.69%17.85%09:01:45.3 |
23 | 142 | Dietlin, JohnDudes & 2 Boobs | Male | M |
29:57.4 | +8:44.4+41.19%70.82%20.86%16.98%09:41:44.8 |
24 | 152 | Coleman, Christopher | Male | M |
30:14.3 | +9:01.3+42.52%70.16%20.12%16.20%09:52:43.7 |
25 | 213 | CHAVEZ, CONNORABBIE 2 | Male | M |
31:07.2 | +9:54.2+46.68%68.18%17.79%13.76%10:40:04.9 |
26 | 229 | Naegely, Scott | Male | M |
31:10.2 | +9:57.2+46.91%68.07%17.66%13.62%11:00:04.8 |
27 | 204 | VEIT, JOHNABBIE 1 | Male | M |
31:49.1 | +10:36.1+49.97%66.68%15.95%11.82%10:40:04.9 |
28 | 224 | Pickering, Jamie | Female | F |
32:02.2 | +10:49.2+51.00%66.23%15.37%11.22%10:09:49.3 |
29 | 214 | FERNANDEZ, ABRAMABBIE 2 | Male | M |
32:07.2 | +10:54.2+51.39%66.05%15.15%10.99%10:40:04.9 |
30 | 175 | Reardon, Rhonda | Female | F |
32:10.1 | +10:57.1+51.62%65.96%15.02%10.85%10:09:49.3 |
31 | 174 | Reardon Jr, Thomas | Male | M |
32:10.9 | +10:57.9+51.68%65.93%14.99%10.82%10:09:49.3 |
32 | 178 | Tanter, Shawn | Male | M |
32:11.5 | +10:58.5+51.73%65.91%14.96%10.79%10:09:49.3 |
33 | 139 | Hunnewell, MatthewDudes & 2 Boobs | Male | M |
32:17.4 | +11:04.4+52.19%65.71%14.70%10.52%09:41:44.8 |
34 | 165 | Ruiz, Rene | Male | M |
32:23.6 | +11:10.6+52.68%65.50%14.43%10.23%09:59:44.5 |
35 | 186 | Spang, PaulNor' Eastors | Male | M |
33:47.4 | +12:34.4+59.26%62.79%10.74%6.36%10:20:08.3 |
36 | 187 | Mount, SarahNor' Eastors | Female | F |
33:47.6 | +12:34.6+59.28%62.78%10.73%6.35%10:20:08.3 |
37 | 188 | Urey, DarbyNor' Eastors | Female | F |
33:47.9 | +12:34.9+59.30%62.77%10.72%6.34%10:20:08.3 |
38 | 189 | Urey, KatieNor' Eastors | Female | F |
33:48.1 | +12:35.1+59.32%62.77%10.71%6.33%10:20:08.3 |
39 | 190 | Hamilton, RobNor' Eastors | Male | M |
33:48.4 | +12:35.4+59.34%62.76%10.69%6.31%10:20:08.3 |
40 | 228 | Powell, Ben | Male | M |
33:52.1 | +12:39.1+59.63%62.64%10.53%6.14%11:00:04.8 |
41 | 137 | Kandziolka, Kathy | Female | F |
34:02.7 | +12:49.7+60.46%62.32%10.06%5.65%09:41:44.8 |
42 | 206 | ALMARAZ, PHYLISABBIE 1 | Female | F |
34:04.8 | +12:51.8+60.63%62.26%9.97%5.56%10:40:04.9 |
43 | 200 | Rader, Dana | Female | F |
34:20.5 | +13:07.5+61.86%61.78%9.28%4.83%09:01:45.3 |
44 | 197 | Pike, Anthony | Male | M |
34:20.7 | +13:07.7+61.88%61.78%9.27%4.82%09:01:45.3 |
45 | 172 | Michaud, Erin | Female | F |
34:29.2 | +13:16.2+62.55%61.52%8.90%4.43%10:09:49.3 |
46 | 145 | Blakney, Tyler | Male | M |
34:39.7 | +13:26.7+63.37%61.21%8.44%3.94%09:59:44.5 |
47 | 164 | Smith, William | Male | M |
34:41.1 | +13:28.1+63.48%61.17%8.37%3.88%09:59:44.5 |
48 | 167 | Scott, TanerThunder Bay | Male | M |
34:44.1 | +13:31.1+63.72%61.08%8.24%3.74%09:59:44.5 |
49 | 171 | Godfrey, Sarah | Female | F |
34:48.8 | +13:35.8+64.08%60.94%8.04%3.52%10:09:49.3 |
50 | 232 | Jonathan Sawyer | Male | M |
34:52.9 | +13:39.9+64.41%60.82%7.85%3.33%09:20:45.1 |
51 | 250 | Hoffmann, Mary | Female | F |
34:57.8 | +13:44.8+64.79%60.68%7.64%3.11%09:01:45.3 |
52 | 106 | King, Scott | Male | M |
35:03.9 | +13:50.9+65.27%60.51%7.37%2.83%10:30:05.1 |
53 | 235 | Stefan Durham | Male | M |
35:12.2 | +13:59.2+65.92%60.27%7.00%2.44%11:00:04.8 |
54 | 218 | Rachael M. | Female | F |
35:13.4 | +14:00.4+66.02%60.23%6.95%2.39%11:00:04.8 |
55 | 231 | Daggett, Sarah | Female | F |
35:16.4 | +14:03.4+66.25%60.15%6.82%2.25%11:00:04.8 |
56 | 170 | Bender, ZacThunder Bay | Male | M |
35:19.8 | +14:06.8+66.52%60.05%6.67%2.09%09:59:44.5 |
57 | 163 | Hatch, Adam | Male | M |
35:22.2 | +14:09.2+66.71%59.98%6.56%1.98%09:59:44.5 |
58 | 236 | B. Powell | Female | F |
35:23.0 | +14:10.0+66.77%59.96%6.53%1.94%11:00:04.8 |
59 | 209 | KLINZING, JOSHUAABBIE 1 | Male | M |
35:38.2 | +14:25.2+67.97%59.54%5.86%1.24%10:40:04.9 |
60 | 217 | LOYA, GREGORYABBIE 2 | Male | M |
35:40.2 | +14:27.2+68.12%59.48%5.77%1.15%10:40:04.9 |
61 | 140 | Peterson, LaneDudes & 2 Boobs | Male | M |
36:03.6 | +14:50.6+69.96%58.84%4.74%0.07%09:41:44.8 |
62 | 125 | Blakely, ShaneWhere's the Moonshine? | Male | M |
36:06.6 | +14:53.6+70.20%58.76%4.61%-0.07%09:30:44.6 |
63 | 123 | Sylvester, KyleWhere's the Moonshine? | Male | M |
36:07.1 | +14:54.1+70.24%58.74%4.59%-0.09%09:30:44.6 |
64 | 169 | Butler, KenanThunder Bay | Male | M |
36:18.3 | +15:05.3+71.12%58.44%4.09%-0.61%09:59:44.5 |
65 | 193 | Jones, TomTeam Continuum | Male | M |
36:21.4 | +15:08.4+71.36%58.36%3.96%-0.75%10:30:05.1 |
66 | 196 | Knowlton, JordanTeam Continuum | Male | M |
36:21.9 | +15:08.9+71.40%58.34%3.94%-0.78%10:30:05.1 |
67 | 151 | Coleman, Emily | Female | F |
36:27.5 | +15:14.5+71.84%58.19%3.69%-1.03%09:52:43.7 |
68 | 192 | Powell, SamTeam Continuum | Male | M |
36:41.2 | +15:28.2+72.91%57.83%3.09%-1.67%10:30:05.1 |
69 | 215 | MC DEVITT, JENNIFERABBIE 2 | Female | F |
36:43.5 | +15:30.5+73.10%57.77%2.99%-1.77%10:40:04.9 |
70 | 195 | Maddox, GwenTeam Continuum | Female | F |
36:46.5 | +15:33.5+73.33%57.69%2.85%-1.91%10:30:05.1 |
71 | 191 | Gallagher, MichaelTeam Continuum | Male | M |
36:47.1 | +15:34.1+73.38%57.68%2.83%-1.94%10:30:05.1 |
72 | 194 | Daggett, JessicaTeam Continuum | Female | F |
36:48.1 | +15:35.1+73.46%57.65%2.78%-1.99%10:30:05.1 |
73 | 173 | Knowles, Christopher | Male | M |
37:06.2 | +15:53.2+74.88%57.18%1.99%-2.82%10:09:49.3 |
74 | 132 | Cochran, TrishaMECA | Female | F |
37:45.6 | +16:32.6+77.97%56.19%0.25%-4.64%09:41:44.8 |
75 | 159 | Weaver, KyleWolf Pack | Male | M |
37:48.9 | +16:35.9+78.23%56.11%0.11%-4.79%09:59:44.5 |
76 | 160 | Merchant, MarkWolf Pack | Male | M |
37:49.4 | +16:36.4+78.27%56.09%0.08%-4.82%09:59:44.5 |
77 | 161 | Brower, LucasWolf Pack | Male | M |
37:50.0 | +16:37.0+78.32%56.08%0.06%-4.85%09:59:44.5 |
78 | 162 | Tesseyman, LynnWolf Pack | Female | F |
37:50.3 | +16:37.3+78.34%56.07%0.04%-4.86%09:59:44.5 |
79 | 135 | Nemirovsky, Reena | Female | F |
38:02.6 | +16:49.6+79.31%55.77%-0.50%-5.43%09:41:44.8 |
80 | 136 | Maniscalco, Matthew | Male | M |
38:02.8 | +16:49.8+79.32%55.76%-0.51%-5.44%09:41:44.8 |
81 | 227 | Cote, Jessica | Female | F |
39:13.2 | +18:00.2+84.85%54.10%-3.61%-8.69%11:00:04.8 |
82 | 129 | Breda, BenMECA | Male | M |
39:26.2 | +18:13.2+85.88%53.80%-4.18%-9.29%09:41:44.8 |
83 | 130 | Macintosh, MadisonMECA | Female | F |
39:29.0 | +18:16.0+86.10%53.74%-4.30%-9.42%09:41:44.8 |
84 | 210 | BARRA, DOMINGOABBIE 1 | Male | M |
40:00.6 | +18:47.6+88.58%53.03%-5.69%-10.88%10:40:04.9 |
85 | 138 | Schwartz, JessicaDudes & 2 Boobs | Female | F |
40:22.2 | +19:09.2+90.27%52.56%-6.64%-11.87%09:41:44.8 |
86 | 203 | Sally, Catherine | Female | F |
40:25.7 | +19:12.7+90.55%52.48%-6.80%-12.04%09:01:45.3 |
87 | 216 | MANFUGAS, GABRIELABBIE 2 | Male | M |
40:53.4 | +19:40.4+92.73%51.89%-8.02%-13.32%10:40:04.9 |
88 | 107 | King, Jessica | Female | F |
42:45.0 | +21:32.0+101.49%49.63%-12.93%-18.47%10:30:05.1 |
89 | 111 | Blanchette, JamesRunning Ragged | Male | M |
42:50.8 | +21:37.8+101.95%49.52%-13.19%-18.74%09:20:45.1 |
90 | 112 | Woods, KellyRunning Ragged | Female | F |
42:51.2 | +21:38.2+101.98%49.51%-13.20%-18.76%09:20:45.1 |
91 | 113 | Woods, MichaelRunning Ragged | Male | M |
42:51.6 | +21:38.6+102.01%49.50%-13.22%-18.78%09:20:45.1 |
92 | 115 | Blais, CindyRunning Ragged | Female | F |
42:52.3 | +21:39.3+102.07%49.49%-13.25%-18.81%09:20:45.1 |
93 | 114 | Morong, DelisaRunning Ragged | Female | F |
42:53.0 | +21:40.0+102.12%49.48%-13.28%-18.84%09:20:45.1 |
94 | 116 | Blanchette, JenniferRunning Ragged | Female | F |
43:00.1 | +21:47.1+102.68%49.34%-13.60%-19.17%09:20:45.1 |
95 | 103 | Denton, Leslie | Female | F |
43:16.1 | +22:03.1+103.94%49.04%-14.30%-19.91%09:01:45.3 |
96 | 177 | Soda, Jennifer | Female | F |
43:42.2 | +22:29.2+105.99%48.55%-15.45%-21.11%10:09:49.3 |
97 | 146 | Bailey, LindaThe Misfits | Female | F |
45:40.0 | +24:27.0+115.24%46.46%-20.64%-26.55%09:52:43.7 |
98 | 147 | McCormick, LanaThe Misfits | Female | F |
45:42.8 | +24:29.8+115.46%46.41%-20.76%-26.68%09:52:43.7 |
99 | 149 | Weaver, DuaneThe Misfits | Male | M |
45:52.2 | +24:39.2+116.20%46.25%-21.17%-27.12%09:52:43.7 |
100 | 148 | Emery, JeannineThe Misfits | Female | F |
47:27.7 | +26:14.7+123.70%44.70%-25.38%-31.53%09:52:43.7 |
101 | 205 | DERSHEM, EDWARDABBIE 1 | Male | M |
47:45.2 | +26:32.2+125.07%44.43%-26.15%-32.34%10:40:04.9 |
102 | 207 | GILLESPIE, ALEXANDRAABBIE 1 | Female | F |
48:08.6 | +26:55.6+126.91%44.07%-27.18%-33.42%10:40:04.9 |
103 | 133 | Ritchie, Brittanie | Female | F |
48:24.2 | +27:11.2+128.14%43.83%-27.87%-34.14%09:01:45.3 |
104 | 128 | Cochran, IsaiahMECA | Male | M |
48:34.2 | +27:21.2+128.92%43.68%-28.31%-34.60%09:30:44.6 |
105 | 199 | Winchester, Matt | Male | M |
48:48.6 | +27:35.6+130.05%43.47%-28.94%-35.26%10:30:05.1 |
106 | 198 | Winchester Warren, Ellen | Female | F |
48:55.7 | +27:42.7+130.61%43.36%-29.25%-35.59%10:30:05.1 |
107 | 225 | Lord, Mary | Female | F |
50:37.4 | +29:24.4+138.60%41.91%-33.73%-40.29%11:00:04.8 |
108 | 120 | Bagley, John | Male | M |
52:25.7 | +31:12.7+147.11%40.47%-38.50%-45.29%09:20:45.1 |
109 | 119 | Bagley, Erin | Female | F |
52:26.2 | +31:13.2+147.15%40.46%-38.52%-45.31%09:20:45.1 |
110 | 124 | Rackliff, HilaryWhere's the Moonshine? | Female | F |
53:05.8 | +31:52.8+150.26%39.96%-40.26%-47.14%09:30:44.6 |
111 | 127 | Sylvester, CourtneyWhere's the Moonshine? | Female | F |
53:10.5 | +31:57.5+150.63%39.90%-40.47%-47.36%09:30:44.6 |
112 | 126 | Moody, MarciWhere's the Moonshine? | Female | F |
53:10.9 | +31:57.9+150.66%39.89%-40.49%-47.38%09:30:44.6 |
113 | 155 | Bridges, KerryTeam KDK | Female | F |
54:37.9 | +33:24.9+157.49%38.84%-44.32%-51.40%09:52:43.7 |
114 | 154 | Withee, TheresaTeam KDLK | Female | F |
54:38.4 | +33:25.4+157.53%38.83%-44.34%-51.42%09:52:43.7 |
115 | 153 | Dinsmore, JodyTeam KDK | Female | F |
54:38.9 | +33:25.9+157.57%38.82%-44.36%-51.44%09:52:43.7 |
116 | 157 | Jackson, Sierra KristenTeam KDK | Female | F |
54:41.0 | +33:28.0+157.74%38.80%-44.45%-51.54%09:52:43.7 |
117 | 158 | Johnson, TrinaTeam KDK | Female | F |
54:45.0 | +33:32.0+158.05%38.75%-44.63%-51.73%09:52:43.7 |
118 | 156 | Phillips, MikeTeam KDK | Male | M |
54:45.7 | +33:32.7+158.11%38.74%-44.66%-51.76%09:52:43.7 |
119 | 185 | Hall, FletcherTeam N = Y | Male | M |
58:09.2 | +36:56.2+174.09%36.48%-53.62%-61.16%10:20:08.3 |
120 | 182 | Falla, ChristinaTeam N = Y | Female | F |
58:13.3 | +37:00.3+174.41%36.44%-53.80%-61.35%10:20:08.3 |
121 | 181 | Trott, ErikTeam N = Y | Male | M |
58:15.4 | +37:02.4+174.58%36.42%-53.89%-61.44%10:20:08.3 |
122 | 183 | Trott, MelanieTeam N = Y | Female | F |
58:17.7 | +37:04.7+174.76%36.40%-54.00%-61.55%10:20:08.3 |