RoM 2018 Sprint FINAL U10-U14 M+F

Saturday, February 10, 2018 2:00 PM (GMT-8) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Skiing - cross-country
Location: Winthrop, WA, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 60
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO
Updated: Saturday, February 10, 2018 6:16 PM (GMT-8)

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  • Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Finish time
1104Balazs, BenjaminTeacup U14 M13 0:01--100%96.72%96.72%
2101Richardson, DerekLeavenworth U14 M13 0:02+0:01+100.00%50.00%93.44%93.44%
3122Grialou, JordanMethow U14 F13 0:03+0:02+200.00%33.33%90.16%90.16%
  • 0.9k U10-14 - U10 F
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Finish time
1172Nelson, MaritMethow U10 F9 0:28--100%43.09%47.17%
2180Tveten, NaomiLeavenworth U10 F9 0:51+0:23+82.14%54.90%-3.66%3.77%
3181Smith, WylieMethow U10 F8 0:53+0:25+89.29%52.83%-7.72%0.00%
  • 0.9k U10-14 - U10 M
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Finish time
1177Kaufman, BenMethow U10 M9 0:24--100%50.44%57.14%
2176Lambiotte, NathanSpokane U10 M9 0:40+0:16+66.67%60.00%17.40%28.57%
3173Schkrohowsky, EmilMethow U10 M9 0:44+0:20+83.33%54.55%9.14%21.43%
  • 0.9k U10-14 - U12 F
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Finish time
1151McCabe, DasheMethow U12 F11 0:10--100%73.62%75.61%
2141Albright, LekiMethow U12 F11 0:20+0:10+100.00%50.00%47.24%51.22%
3143Allen, EmmaMomentum U12 F11 0:30+0:20+200.00%33.33%20.86%26.83%
  • 0.9k U10-14 - U12 M
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Finish time
1145Norby, PeterPlain U12 M11 0:07--100%77.33%78.79%
2159Delaney, DexterMethow U12 M11 0:17+0:10+142.86%41.18%44.94%48.48%
3152Jacobus, AidanMt Bachelor U12 M11 0:25+0:18+257.14%28.00%19.03%24.24%
  • 0.9k U10-14 - U14 F
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Finish time
1122Grialou, JordanMethow U14 F13 0:03--100%84.66%80.65%
2121Lucy, MariahMethow U14 F13 0:04+0:01+33.33%75.00%79.55%74.19%
3136Albright, WyattMethow U14 F13 0:06+0:03+100.00%50.00%69.33%61.29%
  • 0.9k U10-14 - U14 M
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Finish time
1104Balazs, BenjaminTeacup U14 M13 0:01--100%95.15%94.74%
2101Richardson, DerekLeavenworth U14 M13 0:02+0:01+100.00%50.00%90.30%89.47%
3113Eifert, IanLeavenworth U14 M13 0:05+0:04+400.00%20.00%75.75%73.68%