2016 Muir Woods Mar, Half & 7 Mile

Saturday, May 14, 2016 9:00 AM (GMT-8) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Stinson Beach, CA, United States
Start type: Interval wave start
Wave grouping: By distance & category
Racers: 322
Timed on: iPhone
Timed with: Webscorer PRO
Updated: Thursday, May 19, 2016 2:42 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: Enviro-Sports
Race website: www.envirosports.com

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  • Race winners

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 7 Mile Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Gabriel Rodriguez 55:55 155
 Female Gabriela Rios-Sotelo 1:03:08 97
 F0910 Caitlyn Tom 2:13:27 1
 F1314 Jillian Lim 1:46:21 3
 F1516 Sarah Tom 1:46:05 2
 F1719 Ashanti Randle 2:16:40 1
 F2024 Elaine Stanfield 1:03:15 8
 F2529 Gabriela Rios-Sotelo 1:03:08 21
 F3034 Rebecca Myers 1:15:42 17
 F3539 Nina Casey 1:19:36 15
 F4044 Lyndsey Kinane 1:11:38 11
 F4549 Fabiola Saballos 1:41:40 6
 F5054 Kim Frinzell 1:40:44 5
 F5559 Christina Jennings 1:29:30 5
 F6064 Melanie Horn 2:32:50 1
 F6569 Cathy Bohannon 3:28:30 1
 Male Gabriel Rodriguez 55:55 58
 M1516 Ck Catilus 1:47:10 1
 M1719 Sebastian Carlos 1:46:28 2
 M2024 Jake Savel 1:21:10 4
 M2529 Cris Feo 1:11:25 9
 M3034 Kyle Rudzinski 1:07:43 10
 M3539 Gabriel Rodriguez 55:55 9
 M4044 Steve Height 1:07:16 8
 M4549 Darren Morgan 1:07:50 6
 M5054 Fran Aldwell 1:15:24 2
 M5559 Richard Jennings 1:29:30 2
 M6064 Michael Thomas 1:10:10 2
 M6569 Ron Pedersen 2:22:22 1
 M7074 John Gambs 1:36:20 1
 M7579 Myron G. Smith 2:53:10 1
 7 Mile (DNF Half/Full) Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall John Kavanagh 1:32:12 8
 Female Alma Mejorado 1:32:27 7
 F2024 Olivia Huish 1:39:10 2
 F3034 Alma Mejorado 1:32:27 1
 F3539 Norma Sanchez 1:48:16 1
 F4044 Michelle Rivera 1:50:44 2
 F5054 Claudia Watkins 2:09:44 1
 Male John Kavanagh 1:32:12 1
 M5559 John Kavanagh 1:32:12 1
 Half Marathon Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Nate Seltenrich 1:55:28 125
 Female Olivia Palmer 2:19:05 57
 F1314 Olivia Palmer 2:19:05 2
 F1719 Sharon Jacob 2:48:00 3
 F2024 Ashia Reagan 2:31:07 7
 F2529 Celine Leymary 2:26:10 12
 F3034 Alison Doniger 2:45:10 7
 F3539 Megan Forbes 2:40:59 8
 F4044 Jane Sykes 2:26:40 10
 F4549 Laura Grishaver 3:10:05 3
 F5054 Elena Condes 4:11:20 1
 F5559 Susan Pelletier 4:06:42 2
 F6064 Constance Coman 2:54:01 1
 F6569 Roberta Dill 3:51:55 1
 Male Nate Seltenrich 1:55:28 68
 M2024 Michael Smith 2:08:39 8
 M2529 Pat Burns 2:11:12 12
 M3034 Nate Seltenrich 1:55:28 16
 M3539 Julien Sauvageon 2:10:36 12
 M4044 Jack Shirey 2:30:10 4
 M4549 Michael Fisch 2:10:08 10
 M5054 Chris Ingoldsby 2:30:00 4
 M5559 Tim Cole 3:35:18 1
 M6569 Joel Thomason 3:00:34 1
 Half Marathon (DNF Full) Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Amy Kerns 2:45:55 3
 Female Amy Kerns 2:45:55 3
 F2024 Maia Rosengarten 3:50:00 1
 F2529 Amy Kerns 2:45:55 1
 F4044 Laurie Bohannon 3:46:20 1
 Marathon Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Kevin Shilling 3:42:21 31
 Female Alice Anderson 4:41:56 5
 F2024 Alice Anderson 4:41:56 1
 F2529 Hanadie Yousef 6:04:50 1
 F3034 Kelly Mcgroddy 4:53:10 2
 F4044 Nicole Mcarthur 6:08:40 1
 Male Kevin Shilling 3:42:21 26
 M1516 Aleksander Cichosz 4:53:10 1
 M2529 Dj Salmon 4:11:03 5
 M3034 Ian Driver 3:54:12 8
 M3539 Ryan Jones 4:37:35 4
 M4044 Claude Zellweger 4:02:20 4
 M4549 Kevin Shilling 3:42:21 2
 M5054 Vaughan Landrum 5:33:40 1
 M5559 Rhys Henderson 5:03:10 1