Land Rover XCO MTB Race

Saturday, June 24, 2017 08:04 (GMT+2) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Cycling - mtn cross-country
Location: Tzaneen, South Africa
Start type: Manual wave start
Wave grouping: Custom
Racers: 107
Timed on: iPhone
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 2.7
Updated: Saturday, June 24, 2017 16:36 (GMT+2)
Organized by: Limpopo XCO Provincial Series

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  • Race winners

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 2 LAPS - NIP BOYS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall John-Ross DONOVAN 14:10.8 12  Race review  Lap times
 Male John-Ross DONOVAN 14:10.8 12  Race review  Lap times
 NIPPER BOYS John-Ross DONOVAN 14:10.8 12  Race review  Lap times
 2 LAPS - NIP GIRLS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Jana KOTZE 18:06.2 2  Race review  Lap times
 Female Jana KOTZE 18:06.2 2  Race review  Lap times
 NIPPER GIRLS Jana KOTZE 18:06.2 2  Race review  Lap times
 3 LAPS - JNR GIRLS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Henja GLAS 1:35:43.9 1  Race review  Lap times
 Female Henja GLAS 1:35:43.9 1  Race review  Lap times
 JUNIOR GIRLS Henja GLAS 1:35:43.9 1  Race review  Lap times
 3 LAPS - SJNR GIRLS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Lilian BABER 45:17.9 6  Race review  Lap times
 Female Lilian BABER 45:17.9 6  Race review  Lap times
 SUB-JUNIOR GIRLS Lilian BABER 45:17.9 6  Race review  Lap times
 3 LAPS - SPR BOYS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Willem(Jnr) WILLEMSE 21:31.6 11  Race review  Lap times
 Male Willem(Jnr) WILLEMSE 21:31.6 11  Race review  Lap times
 SPROG BOYS Willem(Jnr) WILLEMSE 21:31.6 11  Race review  Lap times
 3 LAPS - SPR GIRLS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Tshane Ehlers 25:07.8 3  Race review  Lap times
 Female Tshane Ehlers 25:07.8 3  Race review  Lap times
 SPROG GIRLS Tshane Ehlers 25:07.8 3  Race review  Lap times
 3 LAPS - VET WOMAN Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Lizelle CRONJE 1:34:28.6 2  Race review  Lap times
 Female Lizelle CRONJE 1:34:28.6 2  Race review  Lap times
 VET WOMAN Lizelle CRONJE 1:34:28.6 2  Race review  Lap times
 3 LAPS - YTH GIRLS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Emma VAN COLLER 46:36.0 10  Race review  Lap times
 Female Emma VAN COLLER 46:36.0 10  Race review  Lap times
 YOUTH GIRLS Emma VAN COLLER 46:36.0 10  Race review  Lap times
 4 LAPS - MASTER MEN Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Clive Garrett 1:06:00.9 2  Race review  Lap times
 Male Clive Garrett 1:06:00.9 2  Race review  Lap times
 MASTER MEN Clive Garrett 1:06:00.9 2  Race review  Lap times
 4 LAPS - SJNR BOYS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Herman FOURIE 52:14.6 15  Race review  Lap times
 Male Herman FOURIE 52:14.6 15  Race review  Lap times
 SUB-JUNIOR BOYS Herman FOURIE 52:14.6 15  Race review  Lap times
 4 LAPS - VET MEN Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall David BABER 1:07:09.8 7  Race review  Lap times
 Male David BABER 1:07:09.8 7  Race review  Lap times
 VET MEN David BABER 1:07:09.8 7  Race review  Lap times
 4 LAPS - YTH BOYS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Benjamin BABER 57:47.8 20  Race review  Lap times
 Male Benjamin BABER 57:47.8 20  Race review  Lap times
 YOUTH BOYS Benjamin BABER 57:47.8 20  Race review  Lap times
 5 LAPS - ELITE MEN Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Alan Gordan 1:04:19.4 7  Race review  Lap times
 Male Alan Gordan 1:04:19.4 7  Race review  Lap times
 ELITE MEN Alan Gordan 1:04:19.4 7  Race review  Lap times
 5 LAPS - JNR BOYS Winner Winning time Total racers Progress view Lap times
 Overall Matthew WILKINSON 1:11:51.1 9  Race review  Lap times
 Male Matthew WILKINSON 1:11:51.1 9  Race review  Lap times
 JUNIOR BOYS Matthew WILKINSON 1:11:51.1 9  Race review  Lap times