PVTC Ed Barron Series By George 5K and 10K

Saturday, February 15, 2025 8:00 AM (GMT-4) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Running
Location: Washington, DC, United States
Start type: Manual wave start
Wave grouping: By distance
Racers: 112
Updated: Thursday, February 13, 2025 10:06 PM (GMT-4)
Organized by: Potomac Valley Track Club
Race website: www.pvtc.org
Race notes

Thank you for joining PVTC Ed Barron Series By George 5K and 10K on Saturday, February 15, 2025 at East Potomac Park Golf Course, 927 Ohio Drive SW, Washington DC


Please check the start list to verify your personal information, and please write me with any corrections or changes. 


Nearby parking is ample at East Potomac Park Golf Course.  Clubhouse serves coffee and opens is restrooms at 7:00 AM.


At the picnic table south of the main gate, please pick up your bib number from 6:45 AM to 7:45 AM .  

On the back of your bib number, an RFID tag is attached in a protective plastic waterproof envelope.

We re-use the RFID tags race-after-race, so please leave it intact on the tear-off tag with your name at the bottom of your bib number.  Please wear the bib number on the fornt of your shirt, not obscured in any way, so we can see your number from far away. 


We play the National Anthem at 7:50 AM, followed by the race director Mike Cannon's instructions.


If you are in the 5K, you start at 8:00 AM, and your course is out-and-back .  Please finish to the left in front of the scoring table and over the timing mat.  If you're in the 10K, you start at 8:10 AM, and your course is out-and-back to a cone to the right of the finish line, then out-and-back to finish on your left.  The RFID system picks up your midpoint (5K) split.     


When the 5K starts, the Webscorer RFID system automatically creates a unique URL (web page)

that is included in the individual results, which are emailed to you instantly after you finish, including a link to the complete results.  The prefix is always https://www.webscorer.com/race?raceid=[RACE ID#]


At any time, you

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  • Start list

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see the start list
 All distances Total racers
 All racers 112
 5K Total racers
 All racers 59
 Female 31
 19&under 1
 20-29 11
 30-39 5
 40-49 1
 50-59 5
 60-69 5
 70&over 3
 Male 28
 20-29 6
 30-39 1
 40-49 4
 50-59 2
 60-69 7
 70&over 8
 10K Total racers
 All racers 53
 Female 20
 19&under 2
 20-29 9
 30-39 4
 40-49 3
 50-59 1
 60-69 1
 Male 33
 19&under 1
 20-29 11
 30-39 5
 40-49 7
 50-59 7
 60-69 2