2018 Stone Wall Snow Shoe Race

Sunday, January 28, 2018 10:01 AM (GMT-5) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Snowshoeing
Location: Mannsville, NY, United States
Start type: Interval wave start
Wave grouping: Custom
Racers: 133
Updated: Monday, January 29, 2018 9:31 PM (GMT-5)
Organized by: Winona Adventure Racing
Race website: www.winonaforest.com
Race notes
Results for the 5k are best viewed by selecting "Overall" or "Male" or "Female" this will include all racers.

selecting "open men" or "open women" will exclude the top three. this is an unfortunate side effect to having age categories in the Empire State Championship 10k and not in the 5k walk run.
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  • Start list

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see the start list
 All distances Total racers
 All racers 133
 5k Run/Walk Total racers
 All racers 92
 Female 47
 Women open 47
 Male 45
 Men open 45
 10k Empire State Champion Total racers
 All racers 41
 Female 14
 Women 30-39 5
 Women 40-49 5
 Women 50-59 2
 Women 60-69 2
 Male 27
 Men 10-19 2
 Men 20-29 1
 Men 30-39 5
 Men 40-49 10
 Men 50-59 7
 Men 60-69 2
 Wave Total racers
 800 41
 830 92