PBBCC 2017 37km

Saturday, September 9, 2017 08:15 (GMT+2) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Cycling - mtn cross-country
Location: Piketberg, South Africa
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 147
Updated: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 13:26 (GMT+2)

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Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Gender Start time
2161 Luke Moir Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2162 Mark Moir Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2167 Erik Nielsen Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2070 Grant Leslie Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2128 Daniel Carr Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2076 Daniel Groenewald Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2144 Heinrich Van Eyk Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2010 Julian Dower Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2009 Juandre Van Wyk Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2122 Daniel Mouton Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2014 Alan Snelling Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2147 Joshua Louw Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2065 Willie Crous Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2094 Andre Grebe Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2012 Brian Gamsu Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2069 Pieter Warnich Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2057 Nicol Faasen Faasen Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2085 Johan Kitching Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2107 Hendre De Villiers Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2064 Luke Beverley Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2056 Karl Schultz Schultz Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2024 GIORELLO CAROSINI Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2123 AUBREY KING Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2104 Darren Colley Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2100 Vincent Bleyaert Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2181 Paul Lipschitz   M 08:15:10
2050 Coetzee Ockie Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2080 Johan Lourens Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2043 Jadyn Bam Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2045 Anthony Cloete Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2121 Christiaan Visser Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2131 James Sadler Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2175 Dick Morkel Morkel Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2117 Ross Macgillivray Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2134 Gert Brynard Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2013 Piet Rex Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2105 Christof Smit Smith Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2042 Deon Botha Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2063 Allan Beverley Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2169 Deon De Villiers Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2135 Eben Botha Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2137 David Hartley Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2138 Daniel Knight Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2103 Aldo Visser Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2087 Malcolm Bougard Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2127 Neil Botha Botha Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2011 Kobus Bergh Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2165 Riaan Steyn Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2106 Nicol Du Toit Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2139 Brian Jensen Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2116 Andy Wahl Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2119 Jason Lorn De Klerk Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2040 Johann-Marais Bezuidenhout Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2129 Nathan Lodewick Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2054 Johann Reinecke Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2097 Org Groeneveld Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2079 Martin Prest Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2073 Rusty Roest Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2176 Tony Howe Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2143 Adrian Thomas Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2074 Dirk Du Toit Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2093 Heinrich Putter Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2101 Stephan Delport Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2149 Gordon De Beer Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2132 Nicholas Bodenstein Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2146 Mark Maynard Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2077 VITOR MARQUES Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2005 Brian Wicht Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2029 Clive Randell Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2033 Lourens De Paiva Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2179 John Wilkinson Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2060 Kosie Lourens Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2052 Jurjan Van Der Laarse Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2136 Dean Pretorius Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2075 Grant Wallis Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2083 Ilan Glazer Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2006 Matthew Wicht Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2111 Duncan Kevin Meaker Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2157 Shaun Visagie Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2035 Pieter Daniel (Niel) Du Toit Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2154 Sean Hammon Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2155 Bob Elshove Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2158 Rodney McKechnie Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2072 Jean Bonthuys Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2163 Piet Carinus Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2164 Sean Neethling Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2041 Hans Heunis Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2047 Juan Van Niekerk Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2114 Eric Herrmann Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2067 Bryan Rogers Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2145 Michael Jansen Van Vuuren Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2173 Jacques Du Toit Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2180 Uwe Gossow Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2084 Michael Bradshaw Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2112 Glen Mark Meaker Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2160 Leon Martin Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2110 Steyn Grobler Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2142 Tim Stiff Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2088 Wally Van Rensburg Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2086 Schalk Leopold Van Zyl Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2115 Jeromy Van Zyl Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2177 Louis Reynolds   M 08:15:10
2178 Vion Wium   M 08:15:10
2016 Menno Brouwer Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2015 Andy Williams Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2059 Darryl Pentz Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2102 Danston Korabie Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2092 KIERAN QUINN Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2151 Ferdinand Pienaar Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2150 Duncan Bohlmann Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2091 Jason Grant Ratner Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2071 Don Van Der Meer Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2061 Jaco Vlok Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2078 Keith Swart Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2125 Grant Baron Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2037 Giuseppe [Gigi] Bisogno Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2089 Ciske Remmetts Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2118 Geoff Robertson Robertson Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2152 Kevin Bailey Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2098 Richard Rushton Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2001 MATTHEW LOCHNER Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2002 SEBASTIAN LANZ Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2003 Jean Nieuwoudt Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2004 Bernie Maree Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2007 Anthony Sedgwick Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2019 Russel Meaker Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2021 Nicholas Louw Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2022 Adrian Louw Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2023 Darty Louw Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2025 Russell Mattheus Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2026 Pieter Roux Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2031 Pieter Kotzé Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2032 BARRY O'SULLIVAN Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2034 Jacques Van Zyl Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2044 Stephen Stefano Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2046 Jacques Blom Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2058 Alan Berning Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2068 Graeme Lindenberg Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2081 Conway Nesbitt Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2090 Kyle Bedingfield Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2108 Chris Hathaway Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2113 Tristan Samuels-Bronée Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2120 Marius Sullwald Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2124 Bruce Humphrey Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2126 Warren Riley Riley Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2153 James Fisher Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10
2170 Justin Hough Individual - Individual  M 08:15:10