2024 Stone Wall 5k10k Snoeshoe Race

Sunday, January 21, 2024 11:01 AM (GMT-5) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Snowshoeing
Location: Lorraine, NY, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 44
Updated: Sunday, January 21, 2024 3:14 PM (GMT-5)

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2024 Stone Wall 5k10k Snoeshoe Race

Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Age Gender Start time
120 Bryant, Matt   The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
121 O'Conner, Dermot Paul Smiths  The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
501 Town, Alan Baldwinsville, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 49 M 11:01:51
502 Town, Max Naldwinsville, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 18 M 11:01:51
503 Dean, Stephanie Skaneateles, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 39 F 11:01:51
504 Terzini, Gina Syracuse, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 57 F 11:01:51
505 Tinelli, Corey Syracuse, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 53 M 11:01:51
506 Loomis, Nathan Adams Center, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 35 M 11:01:51
507 Good, Chris Newfane, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 54 M 11:01:51
508 Cisne, Joel   The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
509 LaPoint, Michael Central Square, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 61 M 11:01:51
510 Trivisonno, Julia Skaneateles, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 40 F 11:01:51
511 Beasley, Braydon   The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
512 Bryant, Ellie   The Stone Wall 5K F 11:01:51
513 Bryant, Everett   The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
514 Adams, Alexa Paul Smiths  The Stone Wall 5K F 11:01:51
515 Bradt, Haven Paul Smiths  The Stone Wall 5K F 11:01:51
516 Covington, Reese Paul Smiths  The Stone Wall 5K F 11:01:51
517 Mabus, Ryleigh Paul Smiths  The Stone Wall 5K F 11:01:51
518 Couble, Cazimir Paul Smiths  The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
519 Shader, Nathan Paul Smiths  The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
520 Kellar, Danielle Evans Mills, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 48 F 11:01:51
521 McNamara, Robert Cleveland, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 72 M 11:01:51
522 Keeney, Jennifer Rodman, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 49 F 11:01:51
523 Potocki, Mary Baldwinsville, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 60 F 11:01:51
524 Reading, Grant The Stone Wall 5K 9 M 11:01:51
525 Reading, Megan The Stone Wall 5K F 11:01:51
526 Rudd, Emily Rodman, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 34 F 11:01:51
527 Urbaniak, Eliza Watertown, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 39 F 11:01:51
528 Loomis, Ashley Adams Center, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 36 F 11:01:51
529 West, Julie Henderson, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 65 F 11:01:51
530 Pelton, Jennifer Henderson, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 52 F 11:01:51
531 Battles, cory   The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
532 Bertrand, Karen   The Stone Wall 5K F 11:01:51
533 Drowne, Olivia West Chazy, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 13 F 11:01:51
534 Drowne, Shannon West Chazy, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 46 F 11:01:51
535 Brann, Scott Manlius, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 48 M 11:01:51
536 Aitken, David   The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
537 Delaney, Brandon Oswego, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 39 M 11:01:51
538 Delaney, Katharine Oswego, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 39 F 11:01:51
539 Eckert, John   The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51
540 Lawlor, Eryhn Watertown, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 36 F 11:01:51
541 Proud, Alysha MEXICO, NY  The Stone Wall 5K 34 F 11:01:51
542 Kevin Garvey   The Stone Wall 5K M 11:01:51