2020 Strawberry Distance Challenge

Saturday, February 8, 2020 7:35 AM (GMT-5) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Running - road
Location: Plant City, FL, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 275
Updated: Monday, February 10, 2020 6:48 AM (GMT-5)

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2020 Strawberry Distance Challenge

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Racers per page:
Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Gender Start time
1325 Karina Mong 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1455 Leah Alanis 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1457 Melissa Allen 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1459 Carole Andrews 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1460 Gail Armold 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1461 Shannon Arturi 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1463 Nataly Ashwood 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1468 Kim Barclay 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1469 Debra Barker Sudnik 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1470 Elizabeth Barnes 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1471 Charlotte Bates 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1472 Corie Bellott 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1473 Crystal Bennett 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1475 Amy Bentz 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1478 Jessica Bierwirth 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1480 Malissa Binkley 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1481 Ashley Blanke 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1485 Karen Bowling 5K 65-69 F 07:35:07
1486 Amanda Boyer 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1488 Brittany Broussard 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1489 Jennifer Brown 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1492 JANIE BUNDRICK 5K 70 plus F 07:35:07
1493 Nicole Burgos 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1495 Angelynn Campbell 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1496 Melissa CAMPBELL 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1498 Makayla Carlton 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1499 Brittany Carr 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1500 Dixie Casey 5K 65-69 F 07:35:07
1501 Tammy Castagno 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1502 Pamela Cawley 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1507 Lucinda Clapper 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1509 Susan Clark 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1510 Kristina Coglianese 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1512 Emily Colburn 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1513 Rosa Colchado 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1514 ELLA COLLERT 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1515 Shannon Collins 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1516 Terri Contento 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1519 Raegan Craft 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1520 Sherry Craft 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1521 AMY CRAFT 5K 70 plus F 07:35:07
1525 Valerie Craver 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1529 Donna Curran 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1530 Abigail Cyra 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1532 Alana Darosa 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1533 Tywonn Davidson 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1535 Jaida Davis 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1536 Paitlyn Davis 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1538 Danielle Davis 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1539 Brianna Demello 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1540 Nadira Dhanpat 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1541 Ja'rissa Dhanpat 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1542 Michelle Diem 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1546 Dawn Doner 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1548 Lisa Donini 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1549 Kristen Douglas 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1551 Amanda Drawdy 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1552 Niki Dulaney 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1555 Tamara Fales 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1556 Avery Fales 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1557 Abbigail Farese 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1558 Sara Farese 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1561 Shallarmone Ferguson 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1562 Kathleen Ferreira 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1564 Jennifer Fields 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1565 Tina Fleming 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1566 Lisa Forrest 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1567 Hannah Franklin 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1569 Lydia Fulton 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1571 Michelle Gainor 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1572 DESIREE GARCIA 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1573 Robyn Garland 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1574 Emily Garland 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1575 Sidney Giardini 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1576 Susan Gifford 5K 70 plus F 07:35:07
1580 Grace Giraldo 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1581 Debra Girod 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1584 Tammi Glenn 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1585 Joanne Goddard 5K 65-69 F 07:35:07
1586 Julie Goddard 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1587 Mary Anne Gonsalves 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1589 Carrie Grant 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1590 Shirley Gray 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1591 Melinda Green 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1594 Tracy Griffin 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1595 Laurie Guido 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1596 Erin Gurd 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1599 Lexi Ham 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1600 Jenna Harlow 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1605 Theresa Harteneck 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1606 Sylvia Hatcher 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1609 Stephanie Heckert 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1612 Lisa Hendricks 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1614 Herlinda Hernandez 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1617 Maria Hernandez 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1619 Nicole Hernandez 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1620 Arvie Hidalgo 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1621 Renee Hlebak 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1623 Connie Holland 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1625 Kimberly Howe 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1627 Tricia Hoyle 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1628 Christa Hubble 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1629 Donya Huddy 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1630 Wendi Hudson 5K Master Winner F 07:35:07
1632 Kendalle Hughes 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1635 Sandra Inoa 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1636 Nikki Jackson 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1638 Maureen Jardin 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1639 Erica Jent 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1640 Kayla Jimenez 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1641 Parker Johnson 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1642 Payton Johnson 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1643 Lisa Jones 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1645 Lorraine Jordan 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1648 Kathy Kantrowitz 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1649 Danielle Kapanowski 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1650 Jill Kelly 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1651 Kristine Kermode 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1652 Theresa Keyes 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1653 Brandie Killingsworth 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1654 Lesa Kinnett 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1656 Andrea Knapp 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1659 Pamela Kowzan 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1661 Yateen Lad 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1662 Aneesha Lad 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1663 Shivani Lad 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1667 Shonda Lamar 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1669 Jennifer Landry 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1670 Kelly Lee 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1671 Denise Leider 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1673 Samantha Lemaster 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1676 Teresa Lloyd 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1680 Alexandra Lowden 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1681 Abrielle Lowry 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1682 Kelly Lowry 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1684 Princess Lucena-Alicea 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1685 Jeanine Lussier 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1687 Lavanna Mack 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1688 Jackie MacLean 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1690 Deanna Macon 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1691 Karen Maginnis 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1693 Maytal Manhin 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1694 Avila Maria 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1695 Gayle Marshall 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1697 Barbara Martin 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1698 Brittney Martinez 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1699 Annette Martinez 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1700 Carol Mathews 5K 70 plus F 07:35:07
1705 Lori McDonald 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1706 Megan McGee 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1707 Elizabeth McIntosh 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1709 Lisa McLaughlin 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1713 Stephanie Minervini 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1716 Charnay Mitchell 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1717 Kayla Morris 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1718 Haylee Morris 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1719 Tami Mull 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1722 Rosemary Myers 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1723 Elaine Nabach 5K 70 plus F 07:35:07
1724 Sara Nazario 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1726 Dee Nelson 5K 65-69 F 07:35:07
1729 Audrey Nixon 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1732 Nicole Nolte 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1733 Angie Nothdorf 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1735 Shauna Oberting 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1737 Kathy Olivanti 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1739 Monika Ortiz 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1740 Caroline Pacheco 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1744 Angela Parsons 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1746 Nancy Peck 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1747 Jessie Peck 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1748 Miranda Pedersen 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1750 Jacqueline Perez 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1751 Betzaida Perez 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1755 Cheryl Phipps 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1756 KYLIE PLETCHER 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1757 INDY PLETCHER 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1758 Eliza Poe 5K 15-19 F 07:35:07
1760 Laurel Polly 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1762 Michelle Porter 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1763 Marta Portillo 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1764 Shannon Preston 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1765 Heather Price 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1766 Shawn Pugh 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1767 CELIA RAMIREZ 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1769 FE RAMIREZ 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1772 Jessica Ramos 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1774 Yulma Rangel 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1775 Stephanie Reagan 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1777 Margaret Rials 5K 65-69 F 07:35:07
1780 Vanessa Richmond 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1781 Jessica Rickenbach 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1782 Amanda Riling 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1783 Paula Riveiro 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1784 Kasey Roach 5K 12-14 F 07:35:07
1786 Samantha Roberts 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1788 Amanda Rockefeller 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1789 Ashley Rodriguez 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1791 Rubye Ross 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1792 Lynda Roszel 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1793 Holly Rufo 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1795 Anita Sarlo-Elliott 5K 65-69 F 07:35:07
1796 Heidi Sayers 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1804 Betsy Sendoya 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1805 Dawn Serina 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1808 Jocelyn Shill 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1809 Kelly Shissler 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1811 Brandi Shivers 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1813 Altemese Simard 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1815 Jennie Simison 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1817 Lillian Smith 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1818 Whitney Smith 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
1819 Patricia Sprouse 5K 70 plus F 07:35:07
1820 Deb Sprouse 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1823 Stephanie Statzer 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1829 Rhonda Stephens 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1830 Kayla Strachan 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1831 Laia Strachan 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1833 Brenna Sturgis 5K 15-19 F 07:35:07
1836 Darla Surratt 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1839 Kathryn Sutton 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1844 Sharon Thompson 5K 60-64 F 07:35:07
1845 Morgan Thomson 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1846 Amy Thornton 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1847 Kate Thurston 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1849 Laney Thurston 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1852 Melody Townsend 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1854 Michelle Trask 5K 50-54 F 07:35:07
1856 Karen Twigg 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1857 Stacey Underwood 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1858 Ghylaine Valladares 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1863 Tiffany VILLANUEVA 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1865 Hayley Vora 5K 11 and under F 07:35:07
1867 Brandi Walker 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1869 Jennifer Waller 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1870 Jessica Waller 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1871 Jennifer Warburton 5K 20-24 F 07:35:07
1872 Missy Warburton 5K 55-59 F 07:35:07
1873 AQUA WARD 5K 45-49 F 07:35:07
1874 Shannon Washington 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1875 Leanne Way 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1878 MEGAN WELLS 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1879 Julie Wernicki 5K 35-39 F 07:35:07
1880 Phyliss West 5K 65-69 F 07:35:07
1882 Carol Whalen 5K 70 plus F 07:35:07
1883 Delma White 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1884 Jillian Wilder 5K 30-34 F 07:35:07
1885 Christie Willaredt 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1886 Madeline Willey 5K 40-44 F 07:35:07
1888 Kiersta Williams 5K 25-29 F 07:35:07
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