Awbridge 10 Mile & Half Marathon Trail Race

Sunday, February 23, 2025 09:59 (GMT+0) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Awbridge, United Kingdom
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 134
Updated: Sunday, February 23, 2025 19:54 (GMT+0)

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Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Gender Start time
1 Sharon Avery 10 Mile F 09:59:18
3 Terri Ballard 10 Mile F 09:59:18
7 Susie Boardman 10 Mile F 09:59:18
8 Louise Bryant 10 Mile F 09:59:18
9 Peter Campion 10 Mile M 09:59:18
11 Meghan Claridge 10 Mile F 09:59:18
12 Emily Clark 10 Mile F 09:59:18
13 Ellie Cooper 10 Mile F 09:59:18
14 Jack Cooper 10 Mile M 09:59:18
15 Harvey Craig 10 Mile M 09:59:18
16 Ian Dodkin 10 Mile M 09:59:18
17 James Dunne 10 Mile M 09:59:18
18 Rachel Edwards 10 Mile F 09:59:18
19 Tom Foote 10 Mile M 09:59:18
20 Clive Francis 10 Mile M 09:59:18
22 Pippa Gillingham 10 Mile F 09:59:18
23 Neil Grant 10 Mile M 09:59:18
24 Henry Grant 10 Mile M 09:59:18
25 Arthur Grant 10 Mile M 09:59:18
26 Jonathan Griffiths 10 Mile M 09:59:18
27 Thomas Hallett 10 Mile M 09:59:18
29 Angie Harper 10 Mile F 09:59:18
30 Tessa Higham 10 Mile F 09:59:18
31 Jo Hooper 10 Mile F 09:59:18
32 Peter Humphries 10 Mile M 09:59:18
33 Beth Hunt 10 Mile F 09:59:18
35 Jane Jackson 10 Mile F 09:59:18
36 Penny Jennings 10 Mile F 09:59:18
37 Cara King 10 Mile F 09:59:18
38 Daniel Latham 10 Mile M 09:59:18
39 Mark Lee 10 Mile M 09:59:18
40 Marcus Luce 10 Mile M 09:59:18
41 Paul Mansbridge 10 Mile M 09:59:18
45 Debbie Patching 10 Mile F 09:59:18
46 Christopher Pater 10 Mile M 09:59:18
49 Summer Pidgley 10 Mile F 09:59:18
50 Michelle Pipet 10 Mile F 09:59:18
52 John Roe 10 Mile M 09:59:18
53 Harry Rymer 10 Mile M 09:59:18
54 Marnie Seymour 10 Mile F 09:59:18
56 Naomi Small 10 Mile F 09:59:18
57 Patricia Sotoudeh 10 Mile F 09:59:18
58 Tom Squires 10 Mile M 09:59:18
60 Jess Steinborn-Busse 10 Mile F 09:59:18
61 Ian Stiff 10 Mile M 09:59:18
62 Caroline Street 10 Mile F 09:59:18
63 James Sturgess 10 Mile M 09:59:18
64 Julie Swainston 10 Mile F 09:59:18
65 Emma Way 10 Mile F 09:59:18
66 Dameon Walker 10 Mile M 09:59:18
67 Elizabeth Weighell 10 Mile F 09:59:18
68 Ally Whitfield 10 Mile M 09:59:18
69 Steve Whittington 10 Mile M 09:59:18
71 Heather Walker 10 Mile F 09:59:18
72 Gemma Murphy 10 Mile F 09:59:18
101 Tom Ackland Half Marathon M 09:59:18
102 Carl Allain Half Marathon M 09:59:18
104 Simon Armitstead Half Marathon M 09:59:18
105 Karen Arney Half Marathon F 09:59:18
106 David Ball Half Marathon M 09:59:18
108 Jenny Barham Half Marathon F 09:59:18
110 John Borrows Half Marathon M 09:59:18
111 William Brooks Half Marathon M 09:59:18
112 Les Brown Half Marathon M 09:59:18
113 Mary Burnfield Half Marathon F 09:59:18
114 Andy Cave Half Marathon M 09:59:18
115 Billy Clegg Half Marathon M 09:59:18
116 Michael Contreras Half Marathon M 09:59:18
117 Mary Corrigan Half Marathon F 09:59:18
118 Niamh Corrigan Half Marathon F 09:59:18
120 Robert Cross Half Marathon M 09:59:18
121 George Daniels Half Marathon M 09:59:18
122 Teresa Dodkin Half Marathon F 09:59:18
123 Saul Duck Half Marathon M 09:59:18
124 Tim Edwards Half Marathon M 09:59:18
126 Simon Elsey Half Marathon M 09:59:18
128 Alice Foster Half Marathon F 09:59:18
129 Adam Freeman Half Marathon M 09:59:18
130 Ian Freeman Half Marathon M 09:59:18
131 Chris Frontczak Half Marathon M 09:59:18
134 Del Granger Half Marathon M 09:59:18
135 Sandra Grant Half Marathon F 09:59:18
136 Nick Heath Half Marathon M 09:59:18
138 Kyle Holloway Half Marathon M 09:59:18
140 Francesca Hough Half Marathon F 09:59:18
141 Daniel Hughes Half Marathon M 09:59:18
143 Neil Jennings Half Marathon M 09:59:18
144 Harry Jones Half Marathon M 09:59:18
145 Makomborero Kasipo Half Marathon F 09:59:18
146 Anna Kukla Half Marathon F 09:59:18
149 Stephen Lawrence Half Marathon M 09:59:18
150 Kim Levey Half Marathon F 09:59:18
152 Edward Limbrey Half Marathon M 09:59:18
153 Kenny MacLennan Half Marathon M 09:59:18
154 Jack Madgwick Half Marathon M 09:59:18
155 Martin Marriott Half Marathon M 09:59:18
156 Benjamin Martin Half Marathon M 09:59:18
158 Diane Mattingly Half Marathon F 09:59:18
159 Sarah Mitchell Half Marathon F 09:59:18
160 Andrew Mitchell Half Marathon M 09:59:18
161 Tom Moore Half Marathon M 09:59:18
163 Adela Murray-Brown Half Marathon F 09:59:18
164 Seb Olway Half Marathon M 09:59:18
165 Jason Phillips Half Marathon M 09:59:18
166 Steve Pickard Half Marathon M 09:59:18
167 Adrian Piddington Half Marathon M 09:59:18
168 Harrison Real Half Marathon M 09:59:18
169 Alyson Richards Half Marathon F 09:59:18
170 Pete Richards Half Marathon M 09:59:18
173 John Roberts Half Marathon M 09:59:18
174 Jamie Robertson Half Marathon M 09:59:18
175 Oli Schofield Half Marathon M 09:59:18
176 Steve Seymour Half Marathon M 09:59:18
177 Pete Siddall Half Marathon M 09:59:18
178 Robert Snell Half Marathon M 09:59:18
179 Clair Sparkes 10 Mile F 09:59:18
180 Natalie Stacey Half Marathon F 09:59:18
181 Joshuah Stanbrook Tompkins Half Marathon M 09:59:18
182 Oliver Starkey Half Marathon M 09:59:18
183 Lewis Tallack Half Marathon M 09:59:18
184 Nathann Thornton Half Marathon M 09:59:18
186 Taylor Vane Half Marathon M 09:59:18
187 Emily Vaz Half Marathon F 09:59:18
188 Mark West Half Marathon M 09:59:18
191 Lin Windsor Half Marathon F 09:59:18
192 Sam Wooller Half Marathon M 09:59:18
193 Jim Wright Half Marathon M 09:59:18
194 Debbie Pentland Half Marathon F 09:59:18
195 Bob Pentland Half Marathon M 09:59:18
196 Stephen Taylor Half Marathon M 09:59:18
197 Claire Hemmings Half Marathon F 09:59:18
198 Ian Knight Half Marathon M 09:59:18
199 Gavin Smillie Half Marathon M 09:59:18
201 Michael Harding Half Marathon M 09:59:18