Great Train Run Barbados 2025

Sunday, February 16, 2025 06:00 (GMT-4) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Three Houses, Barbados
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 149
Updated: Saturday, February 15, 2025 20:21 (GMT-4)
Organized by: Mountain Goats BB
Race website:
Race notes

Race Timing Provided By Barbados Adventure Race

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Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Age Gender Start time
101 Patrick Bellamy 40-49 42 M
102 Adeline Lamorell 30-39 39 F
103 Aled Thomas 30-39 37 M
104 Alex Cole 50-59 51 M
105 Alexander Gozney 30-39 35 M
106 Alicia Egea Vandepette 30-39 31 F
107 Amaris Chase 30-39 34 F
108 Amelia Mitchell 21-29 29 F
109 Anne-Marie Bourne 50-59 59 F
110 Annelise Inniss 40-49 45 F
111 Patrick Moufarrige 40-49 42 M
112 Sabrina Thompson 21-29 28 F
113 Asia White 30-39 34 F
114 Ayanna Goring 30-39 31 F
116 Brent Davis 30-39 32 M
117 Brent Sylvester 30-39 35 M
118 Brett Clarke 40-49 43 M
119 Brian Gill 40-49 49 M
120 Bruce Jardine 60-69 65 M
121 Stuart Maloney 50-59 51 M
122 Carlos Arthur 40-49 43 M
123 Carlos Brathwaite 30-39 35 M
124 Darren Treasure 50-59 54 M
125 Chanel Gill 40-49 43 F
126 Charlotte Smith 21-29 29 F
127 Chris Straughn 40-49 40 M
128 Jeremy Gunn 50-59 52 M
129 Christopher Moseley 21-29 28 M
130 David Armstrong 30-39 34 M
131 Daniel Nuet 50-59 57 M
132 Daniel Staffner 40-49 42 M
133 Derek ince 50-59 52 M
134 Dominic Seale 30-39 32 M
135 Douglas Waters 50-59 53 M
136 Elisaveta Gouretskaia 30-39 31 F
137 Elise Wilson 21-29 25 F
138 Mark Thompson 40-49 40 M
139 Fabian Norgrove 30-39 35 M
140 Falicia Goodridge 30-39 39 F
141 Fulvia Stevens 50-59 53 F
142 Gabriel Gunby 21-29 29 M
144 Gillian Marshall 60-69 60 F
145 Giselle Roach 30-39 36 F
146 Gregory Austin 50-59 56 M
147 Guy Earle 30-39 39 M
148 Hanif Seale 30-39 38 M
149 Hans Grane 30-39 33 M
150 Henri Valles 50-59 52 M
151 Imani Douglin 40-49 43 M
152 Ingrid Burrowes 40-49 45 F
153 Innes Begg 50-59 55 M
154 Jacob Ince 21-29 26 M
155 Jacques Monteil 50-59 56 M
156 Jaimee Cox 21-29 26 F
157 Jamal Waithe 30-39 37 M
158 James Lauder 40-49 47 M
159 Jamie Harrison 40-49 42 F
160 Janelle Clarke 40-49 43 F
161 Jason Pile 40-49 42 M
162 Jeffrey Manning 30-39 36 M
163 Jennifer Dawicki 50-59 50 F
164 Jeremy Clarke 30-39 39 M
165 Jessica Allan 21-29 27 F
166 Joanne Odle 40-49 47 F
167 Joe Jenkins 30-39 33 M
168 Johan Rogers 30-39 37 M
169 John Coppin 60-69 60 M
170 John Mapp 60-69 62 M
171 Joseph Stangler 21-29 24 M
172 Joshua Bomett 30-39 36 M
173 Justin Browne 30-39 36 M
174 Justin Inniss 40-49 46 M
175 Kaleb Brathwaite 30-39 38 M
176 KatieLynn Parker 30-39 33 F
178 Kemar Norgrove 30-39 35 M
179 Kenny Renée 30-39 38 M
180 Kenroy Weekes 40-49 45 M
181 Krystle Lynch 30-39 37 F
182 Laura Serrao 40-49 40 F
183 Lauren Smith 21-29 27 F
184 Leonora Lynch 50-59 59 F
185 Diane Clarke 50-59 53 F
186 Levar Greaves 40-49 43 M
187 Liam Valles Desrochers < 18 15 M
188 Liz Brower 30-39 32 F
189 Lyndon Clarke 60-69 61 M
190 Marcelle Baron 60-69 61 F
191 Maria Nicholls 50-59 56 F
192 Mark Jordan 30-39 39 M
194 Marlo Hunte 40-49 48 F
195 Marlon Best 60-69 62 M
196 Marta Blades 30-39 37 F
197 Mellissa Austin 40-49 48 F
198 Michael Watson 30-39 34 M
199 Michel Loustric 60-69 61 M
200 Mickhail Kwang 30-39 38 M
201 Murray Bishop 60-69 61 M
202 Natalie Ann Clarke 40-49 43 F
203 Natalie Gonzalez 30-39 37 F
204 Neil Burke 50-59 56 M
205 Niall Patrick 30-39 31 M
206 Nick Parker 21-29 28 M
207 Arabella Lauder 30-39 36 F
208 Paul Baron 60-69 60 M
209 Paul Marshall 50-59 54 M
210 Peter Clarke 30-39 32 M
211 Peter Graham 40-49 41 M
212 Philip Reckord 60-69 60 M
213 Prassilla Rampersad 40-49 40 F
214 Ray Ward 30-39 37 M
215 Ricardo Shallow 30-39 37 M
216 Richard Boyce 50-59 51 M
217 Robert Warren 50-59 56 M
218 Robin Short 60-69 61 M
219 Roger Boyce 50-59 57 M
220 Rory Butler 30-39 36 M
221 Rosanne Milligan 60-69 65 F
222 Ross Callender 30-39 35 M
223 Ryan Marshall 40-49 41 M
224 Ryan Proudfoot 50-59 53 M
225 Samantha Foster 40-49 48 F
226 Sarah Corless 40-49 45 F
227 Sarah Proudfoot 40-49 46 F
228 Scott Stollmeyer 40-49 49 M
229 Sean Gill 60-69 60 M
230 Serena Gill < 18 17 F
231 Shawn Knight 40-49 46 M
232 Shayn Franklyn 40-49 42 M
233 Shayne Arseneault 40-49 48 M
234 Sherwin Benskin 50-59 58 M
235 Silvia Loustric 60-69 64 F
236 Simon Wilkie 21-29 28 M
237 Sisi Watts 30-39 33 F
238 Sophia Waithe 50-59 52 F
239 Sophie Carr 21-29 26 F
240 Stanley Brooker 40-49 47 M
241 Stephen Ogbedeagu 21-29 27 M
242 Stewart Gill 50-59 57 M
243 Sylvia Dohnert 50-59 55 F
244 Tal Shorr 21-29 25 F
245 Terrell Dickens 21-29 26 M
246 Toby Baxendale 50-59 55 M
247 Victoria Cox 30-39 32 F
248 Warwick Vlantis 30-39 32 M
249 Zane Stoute 30-39 39 M
394 Carlos Edwards 40-49 44 M
395 Christopher Gregory 40-49 42 M
396 Clint Gregory 40-49 47 M
397 Paul Lorde 21-29 24 M