SWRR - First Chance 10K 2025

Sunday, January 5, 2025 10:30 (GMT+0) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Running
Location: Exeter, United Kingdom
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 751
Updated: Saturday, January 4, 2025 15:28 (GMT+0)
Organized by: SWRR
Race website: https://www.swrr.co.uk/first-chance-10k/

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Racers per page:
Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Age Gender Start time
1 Adams Alexander   MSen 36 M
2 Adderley Daniel Erme Valley Harriers  MU20 17 M
3 Adderley Gary   MV55 59 M
4 Adderley Philip Erme Valley Harriers  MV45 49 M
5 Alcorn Andrew Team Bath AC  MV55 56 M
6 Alder Steph Bovey Valley Runners  FV50 54 F
7 Alexander Tanya Holbeton Harriers  FV40 44 F
8 Allen Alistair Greenbow Running Club  MSen 32 M
9 Anderson Imogen   FSen 37 F
10 Andrews Jilaine Storm Plymouth  FV50 52 F
11 Anstey Andrea Storm Plymouth  FV40 43 F
12 Arbury Hannah   FSen 30 F
13 Arscott Simon Bridport Runners  MV55 57 M
14 Arscott Tilly   FU20 19 F
15 Arundel Jack Storm Plymouth  MSen 31 M
16 Ashford-Lavery Minnie South Devon AC  FSen 26 F
17 Aston Eyvoll Teignbridge Trotters  FV50 52 F
18 Aston Peter Teignbridge Trotters  MV50 53 M
19 Atkins Graham   MV50 52 M
20 Atkins Karen   FV50 52 F
21 Atkins Patricia Teignbridge Trotters  FV55 59 F
22 Atkinson Mark Torbay AAC  MV55 59 M
23 Aubert Petra   FV55 58 F
24 Austin Carol Axe Valley Runners  FV60 62 F
25 Avery Nicole Taunton AC  FSen 32 F
26 Bacon James Plymouth Triathlon Club  MSen 29 M
27 Bailey Sam South West Road Runners  MSen 37 M
28 Banbury Lynda Crediton Running Network  FV60 64 F
29 Bardell Jeff South West Road Runners  MV40 44 M
30 Barnard Andrew Tiverton Harriers  MV50 51 M
31 Barnes Pearl Okehampton RC  FV55 59 F
32 Barnes Ruth Falmouth Running Club  FV45 46 F
33 Barnett Nigel Teignbridge Trotters  MV50 53 M
34 Barratt George   MSen 34 M
35 Barry Jill Up and Running Torbay  FV55 59 F
36 Bartholomew Claire   FSen 35 F
37 Bartlett Steph South Devon AC  FV45 47 F
38 Bartlett Terry Plymouth Harriers  MV60 64 M
39 Baxter Wayne South West Road Runners  MV40 41 M
40 Beattie Kim Run Fit Run Fast  FV45 45 F
41 Becconsall Emily Team Bath AC  FSen 23 F
42 Belt Keith   MV75 79 M
43 Bench Joshua   MSen 27 M
44 Bennett Lisa Teignbridge Trotters  FV45 47 F
45 Benstead Claudine Okehampton RC  FV65 65 F
46 Berthou Segolene (no club)  FSen 36 F
47 Besford Kevin Teignbridge Trotters  MV60 63 M
48 Best Steven South West Road Runners  MSen 37 M
49 Bingham Angela Dawlish Coasters  FV55 57 F
50 Bird Rowan   FV50 50 F
51 Blackett Suzi Axe Valley Runners  FV40 42 F
52 Blackmore Jason Bridport Runners  MV55 56 M
53 Blagdon Gary Plymouth Musketeers Running Club  MV40 42 M
54 Bloomfield Liam (no club)  MSen 36 M
55 Board Anthea Haldon Trail Runners  FV60 60 F
56 Boehm Haydn Axe Valley Runners  MV45 48 M
57 Bond Helene Lonely Goat RC  FV55 58 F
58 Bonney Natalie Run Fit Run Fast  FV45 46 F
59 Booth Emily Didsbury Runners  FSen 28 F
60 Border Michael Teignbridge Trotters  MSen 32 M
61 Bounsall Abby   FSen 29 F
62 Bovey Kayleigh   FSen 32 F
63 Bowen Richard Plymouth Harriers  MV60 60 M
64 Bown Hannah Exmouth Harriers  FV45 46 F
65 Boylin James Plymouth Harriers  MV40 44 M
66 Boylin Kellie Plymouth Harriers  FV40 42 F
67 Bradfield Jordan   MSen 38 M
68 Bradley Matthew City of Plymouth Athletic Club  MSen 38 M
69 Bradshaw Katie Up and Running Torbay  FSen 36 F
70 Brazcliffe Nick   MSen 31 M
71 Breading Anwen Heavitree running group  FV65 65 F
72 Brent Jodie (no club)  FV45 45 F
73 Brenton Gary Torbay Tri Club  MV50 54 M
74 Brenton Helen   FV55 58 F
75 Bridle Graeme Bad Boy Running  MV40 44 M
76 Bright Corinne Teignbridge Trotters  FV50 50 F
77 Bright Vivien South West Road Runners  FV40 41 F
78 Brighton Claire Holbeton Harriers  FV50 52 F
79 Brighton Russell Holbeton Harriers  MV50 53 M
80 Brimicombe Nicky Fordy Runs Running Club  FV55 55 F
81 Brint Martin Quay to Fitness  MV45 49 M
82 Bristow Nick Erme Valley Harriers  MV50 52 M
83 Brooks Donald Teignbridge Trotters  MV45 47 M
84 Brooks Melanie Teignbridge Trotters  FV45 49 F
85 Broom Hollie   FSen 34 F
86 Brown Adrian Launceston Road Runners  MV45 48 M
87 Brown Kate   FV55 57 F
88 Bruce-White Nick South West Road Runners  MV45 45 M
89 Bryant Ceri Run Fit Run Fast  FSen 23 F
90 Budd Julian South West Road Runners  MV55 59 M
91 Burbidge Alice Run Fit Run Fast  FV40 42 F
92 Burbridge Peter (no club)  MV45 45 M
93 Burman Debbie Torbay Tri Club  FV40 44 F
94 Burman Gary Torbay Tri Club  MV40 43 M
95 Burnett Tony (no club)  MV40 40 M
96 Burns Helen Up and Running  FV60 60 F
97 Burridge Tom Train For Change PT  MSen 34 M
98 Burry Charlotte   FV55 56 F
99 Burry Jen   FSen 30 F
100 Burt Cath Heavitree running group  FV50 51 F
101 Burton Rebecca Bovey Valley Runners  FV60 62 F
102 Bush Mike   MV50 52 M
103 Butlin Laura Riviera Racers  FV40 44 F
104 Cadeddu Miko South West Road Runners  MSen 36 M
105 Camps Ruth Honiton RC  FV50 51 F
106 Cane Liz   FV45 46 F
107 Carlyle Charlotte Storm Plymouth  FV45 47 F
108 Carpenter Dai   MV40 43 M
109 Carpenter Marianne Team Bath AC  FV50 51 F
110 Carr Steve South Devon AC  MV55 56 M
111 Carse Fiona   FV45 49 F
112 Carter Maria   FSen 38 F
113 Carter Steven Plymouth Harriers  MV50 51 M
114 York Ryan Storm Plymouth  MV50 52 M
115 Casey Nick South West Road Runners  MV55 55 M
116 Cauchi Joanne Carn Runners  FV45 48 F
117 Chapell Andrew Erme Valley Harriers  MV55 59 M
118 Chapell Helen Erme Valley Harriers  FV55 55 F
119 Chapman Steven   MV45 48 M
120 Chappell Chris Dawlish Coasters  MV60 60 M
121 Childs Helen Storm Plymouth  FV50 51 F
122 Childs Sean   MV50 54 M
123 China Rosie (no club)  FSen 34 F
124 Chiswell Kevin Storm Plymouth  MV60 60 M
125 Choak Sarah Carn Runners  FV55 57 F
126 Churchill Craig Teignbridge Trotters  MV45 47 M
127 Clark Matthew -Individual -  MSen 29 M
128 Clark Poppy WBW Solicitors  FU20 19 F
129 Clarke Pam Sutton Runners  FV70 71 F
130 Clough Myles Exeter Triathlon Club  MV50 54 M
131 Clutterbuck Jack South West Road Runners  MSen 33 M
132 Cobbledick Jack   MSen 28 M
133 Cockerham Jasmine -Individual -  FSen 35 F
134 Coish Jo Torbay Tri Club  FV50 52 F
135 Colaco Jonny Newquay Road Runners  MV50 53 M
136 Colbourne Sue   FV65 65 F
137 Collier Stephen South West Road Runners  MV45 48 M
138 Collings Clare Storm Plymouth  FSen 35 F
139 Colombini Mark Torbay Tri Club  MV40 44 M
140 Connell Monika   FV45 47 F
141 Connor Gavin South West Road Runners  MV45 45 M
142 Cordy-Jones Rachael Storm Plymouth  FV55 59 F
143 Cornish Clare   FV45 47 F
144 Cornish Debora Storm Plymouth  FV55 56 F
145 Cornish Mary Bovey Valley Runners  FV55 58 F
146 Couling Keith Storm Plymouth  MSen 39 M
147 Coverdale Heather South Devon AC  FV60 64 F
148 Coyne Josh   MSen 29 M
149 Creber Toby (no club)  MV40 42 M
150 Creese Natalie   FV40 40 F
151 Croft Dawn River Valley Runners  FV45 49 F
152 Cronk Naomi   FV40 44 F
153 Cross Tim   MSen 35 M
154 Crossman Joanna Lonely Goat RC  FV45 47 F
155 Crozier Sara Jane Torbay AAC  FV55 56 F
156 Crump Alex South West Road Runners  MSen 34 M
157 Cudmore Amy South West Road Runners  FV40 44 F
158 Cudmore Justin South West Road Runners  MV45 49 M
159 Cull Davina   FV45 45 F
160 Cull Nicholas Torbay Tri Club  MV40 41 M
161 Cushing Tom Run Fit Run Fast  MSen 36 M
162 Cusick Karen   FV55 59 F
163 Daly Luc   MU20 16 M
164 Daly Mark   MV55 56 M
165 Daly Natasha   FSen 26 F
166 Dart Tom   MSen 34 M
167 Davey Sean Storm Plymouth  MV45 48 M
168 Davies Hannah   FV45 46 F
169 Davies Michael Torbay AAC  MV65 69 M
170 Davies Sally   FV70 72 F
171 Davies Simon   MV40 41 M
172 Dawe Becci Up and Running Torbay  FV40 41 F
173 Dawkins Laurie   FSen 26 F
174 Day Jacob Teignbridge Trotters  MSen 35 M
175 Dear Diane   FV55 59 F
176 Dearden-Watts Hannah Cranbrook Running Club  FV40 44 F
177 Dearden-Watts Jason Cranbrook Running Club  MV45 48 M
178 Debenham Ellie South West Road Runners  FV40 41 F
179 Densham Colin South West Road Runners  MSen 37 M
180 Densham Martyn South West Road Runners  MSen 36 M
181 Distin Andy Teignbridge Trotters  MV55 56 M
182 Dixon Dawn Storm Plymouth  FV50 50 F
183 Dixon Eleanor -Individual-  FV45 49 F
184 Doherty Michelle Teignbridge Trotters  FV45 47 F
185 Dolby Kirsten Bad Boy Running  FSen 39 F
186 Donovan Elvira   FV45 47 F
187 Douglas Sam Plymouth Musketeers Running Club  FV45 46 F
188 Drake Deborah Dawlish Coasters  FV60 60 F
189 Driscoll Kirsty   FV45 45 F
190 Dudley Andrew (no club)  MV55 55 M
191 Duffield Jamie South Devon AC  MSen 33 M
192 Dumper Lewin Storm Plymouth  MV60 62 M
193 Dunne Damian Plymouth Musketeers Running Club  MV50 50 M
194 Dunning Ali   FV45 45 F
195 Eade Jack South West Road Runners  MSen 34 M
196 Eastell Ciara   FV50 53 F
197 Edmonds Charles Dawlish Coasters  MV45 46 M
198 Edmonds Marius Martin   MSen 20 M
199 Edmonds Sarah Dawlish Coasters  FSen 39 F
200 Edwards Garrie Dawlish Coasters  MV45 49 M
201 Egan Mike Chard road runners  MV60 61 M
202 Elliott Annie   FV45 49 F
203 Elliott Oliver   MV45 45 M
204 Ellis Mike Newquay & Par AC  MV45 49 M
205 Elphick Nathan Teignbridge Trotters  MV50 54 M
206 Elphick Tracy Teignbridge Trotters  FV50 52 F
207 Elrick Lauren   FV40 42 F
208 Elsworth Sue   FV50 50 F
209 Engledew Alison Erme Valley Harriers  FV65 66 F
210 Engledew David Erme Valley Harriers  MV65 65 M
211 Evans Robbie WBW Solicitors  MSen 26 M
212 Evenden Laura Run Fit Run Fast  FV45 49 F
213 Evison Paul Okehampton RC  MV70 71 M
214 Ezra-Ham Rebecca Tamar Trotters  FSen 32 F
215 Ezra-Ham Richard Tamar Trotters  MSen 33 M
216 Fahy Sean Lonely Goat RC  MV50 51 M
217 Fahy Tony Tiverton Harriers  MV60 64 M
218 Farr Georgie Storm Plymouth  FSen 28 F
219 Farr James Storm Plymouth  MV65 67 M
220 Farr Susan Storm Plymouth  FV60 63 F
221 Farr-Semmens Ross Plymouth Harriers  MV45 45 M
222 Farrar Claire Teignbridge Trotters  FV45 46 F
223 Fast Sarah (no club)  FSen 37 F
224 Feasby Isaac WBW Solicitors  MU20 19 M
225 Felton Richard -Individual -  MSen 34 M
226 Fenn Nigel Torbay Tri Club  MV50 51 M
227 Fennell Emily   FSen 30 F
228 Ferguson Alister South West Road Runners  MSen 38 M
229 Finch Sarah South West Road Runners  FV60 60 F
230 Fine Kevin Torbay AAC  MSen 38 M
231 Fisher Gemma Storm Plymouth  FV40 41 F
232 Fitze Simon Erme Valley Harriers  MV45 48 M
233 Fitzgerald Hollie Run Fit Run Fast  FSen 39 F
234 Flanagan Naomi Torbay Tri Club  FSen 38 F
235 Fletcher-Cooney Hamish South West Road Runners  MSen 32 M
236 Follett Tony Cullompton Crawlers  MV50 50 M
237 Ford Alison South Devon AC  FV60 62 F
238 Ford Lis Taunton AC  FSen 35 F
239 Forrest Charlotte Exmouth Harriers  FSen 34 F
240 Foster Dani   FSen 35 F
241 Foster Robert South Devon AC  MV40 40 M
242 Fox Simon '(no club)  MSen 34 M
243 Francis Amanda Vegan Runners UK  FV50 53 F
244 Francis Darren Vegan Runners UK  MV55 56 M
245 French Martin Frank Castle RC  MV50 50 M
246 Frost Matt Axe Valley Runners  MSen 32 M
247 Furze Sally Up and Running  FV55 56 F
248 Gablinger Ynon   MV50 54 M
249 Gallacher Michael Plymouth Triathlon Club  MV50 52 M
250 Galvin Ieuan Exeter Triathlon Club  MSen 23 M
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Racers per page: