2021 Splash-n-Dash

Sunday, July 4, 2021 7:59 AM (GMT-7) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Triathlon
Location: Prineville, OR, United States
Start type: Interval wave start
Wave grouping: Custom
Racers: 37
Updated: Sunday, July 4, 2021 5:25 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: Crook County Track and Field
Race website: https://splashdash.org

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2021 Splash-n-Dash

Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Gender Start time
12 Austin Bouck Quadrathlon Male 30-39 M 0:00
13 Imagine Freedom Quadrathlon Team - Mixed F/M 0:00
14 Lethal Dose Quadrathlon Team - Mixed F/M 0:00
15 Lumpy Cucumber and The Bucket Quadrathlon Team - Male F/M 0:00
16 Team Reno Quadrathlon Team - Family F/M 0:00
17 Aimee Metcalf Quadrathlon Female 50 and over F 0:00
18 Tate Metcalf Quadrathlon Male 50 and over M 0:00
20 Neon Glaciers Quadrathlon Team - Female F/M 0:00
21 The Pace Makers Quadrathlon Team - Family F/M 0:00
22 Team Noland Quadrathlon Team - Family F/M 0:00
23 G-Force Quadrathlon Team - Family F/M 0:00
24 Sparklettes Quadrathlon Team - Mixed F/M 0:00
25 Homeschool Heros Quadrathlon Team - School F/M 0:00
26 The cats pajamas Quadrathlon Team - Mixed F/M 0:00
27 Speedy Squad Quadrathlon Team - Mixed F/M 0:00
28 St. Charles Prineville Family Care Quadrathlon Team - Business F/M 0:00
30 WildCats Quadrathlon Team - Mixed F/M 0:00
31 Reehery Slow Quadrathlon Team - Family F/M 0:00
32 Hannah Young Triathlon Female 18 and under F 0:00
33 Vincent Foley Triathlon Male 50 and over M 0:00
34 Charlie Trent Triathlon Male 19-29 M 0:00
35 Henry Trent Triathlon Male 19-29 M 0:00
36 Joshua Kuchenmeister Triathlon Male 40-49 M 0:00
37 RORK Triathlon Team - Mixed F/M 0:00
38 Tomlinson family circus Triathlon Team - Family F/M 0:00
39 Collin Robinson Triathlon Male 40-49 M 0:00
40 Mark Friesen Triathlon Male 40-49 M 0:00
41 Susy Friesen Triathlon Female 40-49 F 0:00
42 Housley's Reborn Triathlon Team - Family F/M 0:00
43 Ronan Feely Triathlon Male 40-49 M 0:00
44 Jessica Mumm Triathlon Female 30-39 F 0:00
45 Fanny Hollingshead Triathlon Female 40-49 F 0:00
46 Scott Abrams Duathlon Male 50 and over M 0:00
47 Bob Trautner Duathlon Male 50 and over M 0:00
48 Alisa Jeffries Triathlon Female 40-49 F 0:00
49 Pump Around The Cross Quadrathlon Team - Mixed F/M 0:00
50 Wolverines Quadrathlon Team - Mixed F/M 0:00