Oregon Triple Crown 2025 - Categories

Sunday, March 16, 2025 10:00 AM (GMT-7) - Series standings

Race info
Sport: Cycling - gravel
Location: Monroe, OR, United States
Series type: Points per place: 100 - 1
Series races: Best 3 out of 10
Completed races: 2
Racers: 70
Updated: Monday, March 17, 2025 3:08 PM (GMT-7)
Organized by: Mudslinger Events
Race website: https://www.mudslingerevents.com
Race notes

Points will be awarded based on distance, with longer races receiving more points than shorter races.You can mix and match any distance to be in the final series scoring as long as you have completed 3 events. 


The final race decides any ties based on head-to-head results at Takelma Gravel Grinder. Further tie-breaking will be based on head-to-head cumulative time for the top 3 riders per age group.


The following LONG courses receive 100% of the points:

(100 for first, 99 for second, 98 for third, etc)

Real West Gravel 68 mile: LONG course

Sasquatch Duro Long Squatch 67 mile: LONG course

Oregon Coast Gravel Epic Abomination 61 mile: LONG course
West Coast Gravel Erik the Red 53 mile: LONG course
Oregon Gran Fondo Gran 103 mile: LONG course
Oregon Gran Fondo Adventure 98 mile mixed surface: LONG course

The following SHORT courses receive 97% of points:

(97 for first, 96.03 for second, 95.06 for third, etc)

Real West Gravel 47 mile: SHORT course

Sasquatch Duro Short Squatch 40 mile: SHORT course

Oregon Coast Gravel Epic Son of Abomination 38 mile: SHORT course
West Coast Gravel Leif Erikson 33 mile: SHORT course
Oregon Gran Fondo Medio 66 mile: SHORT course

The following LONG course receives 101% of points:

(101 for first, 99.99 for second, 98.98 for third, etc)

Takelma Gravel Grinder Bold 57 mile: only route

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  • Series standings

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 Category Leader Leading score Racers
 24-39 Men Davis, Austen 100 7
 40-49 Men Sophocles, Aris 100 12
 40-49 Women Compton, Erin 97 4
 50-59 Men Hanel, Chris 100 19
 50-59 Women Gray, Kristina 100 5
 60-64 Men Carroll, Scott 100 9
 60-64 Women Slawta, Jenny 100 2
 65-69 Men Thomas, Jay 100 7
 70-74 Men Longmire, Mike 97 3
 Elite Men Lippert, Jacob 100 1
 Elite Women Hanel, Kylee 100 1