2024 NUE EPIC Series

Saturday, November 2, 2024 8:00 AM (GMT-8) - Series standings

Race info
Sport: Cycling - mtn cross-country
Location: Butler, OH, United States
Series type: Points per place: 1, 2, ...
Series races: Best 3 out of 10
Completed races: 10
Racers: 1184
Updated: Monday, January 13, 2025 5:45 AM (GMT-8)
Organized by: NUE MTB
Race website: https://nuemtb.com
Race notes

NUE TIE-BREAKING RULES: The tie-breaking event will be held at the Big Bear Grizzly in Big Bear Lake, California. Racers are not required to enter the tie-breaking event to become eligible for series awards, provided at least three races have been completed, however, racers must compete head-to-head in the final event to break the ties. Ties will NOT be broken by evaluating finish times! If any racers with tied scores fail to complete the final NUE Series event, the tie will stand. If one racer completes the final event, that racer will be scored ahead of the other tied racer. If a racer comes into the championship with 2 races and the third race creates a tie, the winner at the head-to-head championship wins. In the case of a final tie in the Top 3 overall based on riders not attending the final NUE Event, we will look to time differential from the last head-to-head race that those who are tied competed in.

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  • Series winners

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 Category Winner Winning total Racers
 Men's Masters 50+ Magnuson, Eric 3 239
 Men's Open Collins, Patrick 3 823
 Singlespeed Paunovich, Thad 3 33
 Women's Open Kochan, Jacqueline 4 89