Saturday, June 14, 2025 08:30 (GMT+1) - Saturday, June 14, 2025 20:30 (GMT+1)

Event info
Sport: Paddling - SUP
Location: Ashbourne, United Kingdom
Registrations: 16
Registration closes: Wednesday, May 14, 2025 20:30 (GMT+1)
Event notes



Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping, heart-racing competition like no other. The Eliminator demands a blend of speed, endurance, strategy, and adaptability, ensuring excitement and unpredictability right to the finish.


Do you have what it takes to outlast the competition?


Race Design

  • 3 Categories: Male/Male, Female/Female, and Mixed.
  • 24 Laps, 12 Hours.
  • Take turns paddling 2.5 km laps every 30 minutes.
  • Exciting route taking in parts of Carsington water that is not usually open to paddlers. 
  • One competitor per team per lap. 
  • Dedicated event village and space for competitors.
  • On water safety crew. 


Race the Clock

  • Each paddler must finish in under 28 minutes – miss the mark, and your team is out.
  • Each lap has a 2 minute warning period to prepare for the start of the next lap.
  • Racers can only race either the top of the hour lap or the bottom of the hour lap.
  • Once this is established on the first lap, racers must continue with that lap slot. So, if you are the paddler starting at the top of the hour, you have to do all your laps at the top of the hour slot…..Unless you use your wildcard. 



Change your paddling order twice during the race – use them wisely to outsmart the competition.



  • Eliminations begin at Lap 9.
  • Prior to Lap 9, the only way a team is eliminated is if they don’t complete the lap within the time limit (28mins)
  • Starting at Lap 9, the slowest paddler per category is eliminated on each lap, thus eliminating the team.
  • If one racer on a team is eliminated or quits, the team is out of the race.
  • If more than three teams per category remain in the race at lap 22. The fastest 2 per category will go through to the semi final lap, lap 23. Everyone else will be eliminated.


Re - Entry Lottery 

  •  After Lap 18, eliminated teams get a shot at redemption – one team per category will return to fight for the win of their category. This will be a lottery draw.
  • Only teams that have stayed in the race the entire time will be eligible for the overall race win. 


Winning The Race 

  • Category Champions: The last remaining team in a category, takes the category win.
  • The race continues until Lap 24 or until all but one team is eliminated.
  • Overall Winners: Conquer all 24 laps and be in the run to claim the ultimate title! 
  • This is winner-take-all regardless of category. The overall race winner is the last team standing or the fastest finisher of the final lap.
  • If all teams are eliminated before lap 24, the last surviving team is declared the champion. 


Other Rules 

  • All paddlers must be over 18 years old.
  • All competitors must wear a PFD and a leash at all times on the water.
  • All competitors must carry water or liquid hydration on each lap.
  • Each competitor must carry their cell phone.
  • No other items are allowed on water, including food, headphones, music, etc.
  • Drafting: Open Draft “If you can catch it, you can have it” Competitors are allowed to draft but may not physically impede the process of another competitor.
  • Kneeling Paddling: You are permitted to take up-to 5 strokes at the start of each lap to come to standing. You must then complete each lap standing. You may stop, rest on your knees, during the lap, but you can not make forward progress paddling on your knees, bum, tum etc.
  • Boards: Competitors may only use one board per racer (2 boards per team) and must use the same board throughout the duration of the race. You cannot switch boards, even with your teammate. Racers may use different paddles or fins, but must use only their one board. So choose your board wisely!
  • Race Directors reserve the right to remove any competitors for any reason at any time.



20 teams per category. 20 Mixed, 20 Female, 20 Male so start hustling your partner NOW. 


This is your chance to test your limits, defeat the clock, and leave your mark as a true endurance champion. Whether you’re racing for the category title, the race win or just to prove you can, this event promises unforgettable thrills.


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