Manfeild 6 Hour Cycle Challenge – Terms and Conditions
1.Acceptance of Conditions
1.1. For the well-being of all entrants, and of the event, all entrants must accept and comply with all event conditions.
1.2. I accept that it is my responsibility to contact the race organisers should any information on my entry form need to be updated e.g. emergency contact details.
2.Route Variation.
2.1. The organisers of the Manfeild 6 Hour Cycle Challenge reserve the right to vary the route without notice should any situation requiring such action arise.
3.Expected Behaviour
3.1. The Manfeild 6 Hour Cycle Challenge is a communal event, and as such it is expected that entrants will conduct themselves in a manner which reflects well upon themselves and the event. It is expected that entrants will show respect towards all event officials, marshals and members of the public. A belief in what a reasonable person would find offensive or dangerous will guide the organisers’ decision making.
3.2 Respect for venues; all personal associated with or competing in the event are required to treat the venues used with respect.
4.Preparation and Training
4.1. It is each entrant’s responsibility to ensure that they have adequately prepared themselves physically for the event. If you have any health issues or doubts about your health you should seek medical advice before entering. Please ensure you take any necessary medication with you on the ride and note any medical conditions by attaching a note to your jersey or holding a note in your jersey pocket.
5.Event Information
5.1. The event organisers publish a number of documents, in the form of information sheets and on the event website. The organisers will make every effort to ensure that each entrant receives all relevant information, but does not guarantee that each individual will receive all relevant information. It is each entrant’s responsibility to be informed and read all information made available. Each entrant will accept that all instructions, whether written or verbal, are clear and unambiguous.
5.2. The Manfeild 6 Hour Cycle Challenge collects and stores entrants details including postal address, email address and phone number. I agree that these may be used to contact me regarding the event.
6.Race Rules
6.1. The event is open to roadworthy bikes only. NO aero bars permitted
6.2. Tandem bikes can enter either in the individual event or as part of a team. If entering as part of a team although it is one bike it is counted as 2 riders.
6.3. All safety and security measures in place must be adhered to. Please comply with all Safety Marshal Instructions. Marshal’s decisions are final.
6.4. The pit area is for pedestrians and transition zone. The pit area is not a warm up area. (if you need to warm up then bring a wind-trainer).
6.5. An approved cycling helmet must be worn at all times while riding in the event. Only roadworthy bikes will be permitted onto the course. Age restriction for riders will apply this year. Only riders from Yr 7 and above will be allowed to participate.
6.6. All teams must be comprised of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 members. There will only be one (1) member from each participating team on the track at any one time. All riders must participate. School teams consist of students only from year 7 to year 13.
6.6. Each team will be provided with one transponder. This must go over the timing mat in order for the lap to be recorded. The transponder must be exchanged in the transition zone. Lap times are available immediately at the completion of each lap. Hourly updates will be posted in the pit area.
7.Equipment and Clothing
7.1. Riders should wear or carry with them appropriate clothing for cold or wet conditions.
7.2. It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that their bicycle and any other equipment used in the event are in road/track-worthy condition.
8.Legal Issues
8.1. Riders enter the event at their own risk. Any entrant involved in an accident will not seek to blame or make a claim against the organisers or assist anyone else in making a claim
8.2. Each entrant will release the organisers, their officers, volunteers, employees, sponsors or any party associated with the event of any liability, financial or otherwise, for any direct or indirect loss, injury or death which might be sustained from any intended or actual participation in this event or its related activities.
8.3. Notwithstanding the above, if any legal action does arise related to the event, jurisdiction is in New Zealand courts under New Zealand law.
8.4. The waiver that you sign as a condition of entry does not cover personal liability of participants for collisions caused by yourself or another rider.
9.1. Entrants accept that they may be photographed or filmed during the event, and agree to the creation and use of such footage for future promotions and publicity of the event.
10.Transfers, Cancellations and Refunds Policy
10.1. In the event of a variation of route, cancellation of the event due to any act beyond the power of the organisers, the organisers are under no obligation to refund fees paid.
10.2. There are no refunds for any rider who for any reason does not ride in the event. Subject to the agreement of the event organisers entries may be transferred to another person. There is a $20 administration fee for this service.
11.Disqualification from the Event
11.1. Any entrant who, in the opinion of the organisers, fails to comply with these event conditions may be disqualified from the event. Disqualification will result in the offender’s name being completely removed from the event database and may result in a refusal, by the event organisers, to accept entry to future Events. No refund will be granted.
11.2. The organiser reserves the right to refuse any person’s entry, or cancel any person’s entry up to the day before the Manfeild 6 Hour Cycle Challenge. In that event the person’s entry fee will be refunded.
12. These terms and conditions are binding on entrants’ relatives, personal representatives, heirs and successors.
13.Signing on behalf of others
13.1. If you are completing this Entry on behalf of others, then you must have read these Terms and Conditions and obtain their permission (and, in the case of a minor, their caregiver) to complete this entry on their behalf. By making the below Declaration, you will be deemed to be also making it on behalf of those persons and with their authority and they will be bound by these Terms and Conditions as if they had personally signed the.
14. Bike Manawatu INC is committed to providing and maintaining utmost health and safety standards, they will achieve this by ensuring that all identified risks and hazards associated with the event are managed to prevent harm from occurring to the event workers, participants and all other personnel involved in accordance with industry standards and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
15. No drones are permitted at this event without prior approval from the Event Director.
I agree that the event can retain my name and contact details and that they can be supplied to the Ministry of Health should they need to contact trace to support the governments national health response to Covid-19.
DECLARATION. I agree to abide by the above event terms and conditions (available by request to the organizers). I agree to follow all road rules and marshal's directions and in particular keep left of the centre line at all times. I accept that racing will occur on roads that are not closed to the public and non-race traffic, unless indicated to the contrary at the race briefing. I will attend all pre-race briefings and ensure any team members I am responsible for do likewise. I will ensure that no-one associated with me supports me on my ride with a vehicle without permission from the organisers in writing. I have obtained the permission of all other persons (including caregivers in the case of minors) who I make this Entry and Declaration on behalf of and do so with their authority and certify that they have read the above Terms and Conditions.