Saturday, September 21, 2024 14:00 (GMT+12) - Saturday, September 21, 2024 17:00 (GMT+12)
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This week is the last club run from the clubrooms, for 2024!
The course will be a 2.0km circuit on grass, footpath and some limestone. We will need some parent help in three places, to point the kids in the right direction. So please make yourselves known if you can help.
After the event, meet in the clubrooms for the usual spot prizes - chocolates. Plus hot chocolate if cold - iced if warm.
Meet at 803 Sylvan Road to pick up your timing chip, which can be collected from 1.30pm.
Start times as follows:
Our end of year Club Prizegiving, Club Soccer Match and AGM will be held on Saturday 12 October at 2pm.Afterwards, please stay for shared afternoon tea at the Hastings Harriers Clubrooms.
Also, shout out to your club sponsors this year.
Hawke's Bay Orthodontics
Optimal Technology Ltd
Potts Classic Trust
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