Saturday, October 19, 2024 7:00 AM (GMT-5) - Saturday, October 19, 2024 1:00 PM (GMT-5)
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The Event. Run along peaceful, rural backroads in beautiful Mathews County, Virginia. Enjoy the course that winds through dirt, gravel and paved roads and past the serenity of one of Virginia's great countrysides. The Marathon route will take you to 3 of the counties beaches; the Half Marathon will also lead you to a local beach. Registration will close upon reaching 500 total participants.
The Course. You will enjoy this FAST, FLAT course that winds around quiet backroads and through the town of Mathews. Stick around after the race and enjoy the weekly Farmers Market on the town's courthouse green. There is a 6 hour time limit for this event.
Relay Option. You can elect to complete the full marathon course (26.2 miles) as a team. The registration link for the Marathon Relay - same date/ time as the individual races - is here: Marathon Relay
The Cost Increases effective Sep 1. The cost for the full marathon is $85 ($100 effective 9/1); the half marathon registration is $60 ($75 effective 9/1) and this includes our Friday Carbo Load Pasta Dinner, hosted by Mathews YMCA. Note: Pre-registration also allows us to purchase the correct sizes and numbers of race day swag. Registration cost will increase after Sep1st. NO race day registration, sorry.
The Swag. All event participants registered by Sep 30are guaranteed a commemorative hooded sweatshirt and finisher medal (extras were ordered, available first-come-first-serve). Top finishers in the full & half marathons will be recognized along with age group categories for each event. Eff 9/19 we will begin making event purchases and cannot offer refunds for this event.
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