The 2023 Shasta Grom Enduro
A fundraiser event and part of the Shasta Family Bike Party presented by Youth MTB Collective.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and operates
under Special Use Permit on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest.
UPDATE (6/4) Courses confirmed
Please note: The stages as marked on this map are the zones each stage will be within on the trail. The exact start and finish for each stage as well as directions along the full route at intersections will be marked by Thursday evening June 8th.
UPDATES (5/27)
Category Clarification:
Expert - The faster category (Cat 1 or very experienced/ fast Cat 2)
Open - The slower category (Less experienced Cat 2, Cat 3, new to racing)
Please, no Expert level riders in the Open category.
8-9 Category MUST have a follow rider!
8-9 Year old racers MUST have a follower to accompany and follow behind the racer for their race runs. A parent is recommended. Followers are allowed through age 11. The follower must ride behind the racer, not in front of them. If you can not find a follower for your young racer, or can not follow them yourself, reach out in advance to (race director) to request a follower and we will do our best to organize one for you, however it is not guaranteed.
Driving Directions & Spectating Maps & more info will be uploaded soon.
Note: On race day, it is the responsibility of the rider/ parent/ spectator to get to and from the race drop-off and pick-up areas. No shuttles will be provided on race day.
To the Start area:
Follow Everitt Memorial Highway past Mount Shasta High School for 6 miles. Just past mile marker 6, turn right onto Forest Service Road 40N76 (graveled road). Drive down 40N76 0.3 miles to the parking area and trail head. Our riders meeting will take place here. Please do not drive past the parking area and trail head.
To the Finish area:
From South Mt. Shasta Boulevard near Seven Suns Coffee, follow Old McCloud Road 2.5 miles to the East to the railroad tracks. Riders will end here after finishing their race stages. Parking in this area is limited, so please park respectfully making sure there is plenty of room for emergency vehicles to pass through. Carpooling is highly recommended.
From the Start area: Spectators & Parents can walk or ride bikes down 40N76. This is the easiest way to get to the START of Stage 1.
From the finish area:
Parents/ Spectators can drive cautiously past the railroad tracks on Old McCloud Road to the Bear Springs trail intersection (end of stage 2), park along the road, and hike or ride to spectate. This is the easiest way to access the Stage 1 Finish, Stage 2, the transfer stage, & Stage 3, and the best opportunity to provide rider support. Walk or ride only on lower 40N76 to access these areas, no vehicles please. Again, the road must be kept clear for emergency vehicles. Carpooling is highly recommended.
Please do not ride up any race course, and if walking to spectate be aware of riders on course and be prepared to clear the way. Walking up MX or Steam Donkey from the bottom near the railroad tracks is highly discouraged due to blind jumps and high speeds.
Friday Practice Shuttles & Check-In
2:00 to 7:00 PM at Shastice Park
$5.00 per racer, $5.00 parents.
Shuttles will be first come, first served. There will be two shuttles running and shuttle turnaround time is approximately 40 minutes, so shuttles could be limited. We encourage older riders and anyone who has the option to self shuttle so everyone gets a chance to practice.
Race Day Schedule
7:30 - 8:30 AM Final Check-In at Shastice Park. NO CHECK IN ALLOWED AFTER 8:30
9:00 AM Riders Meeting at the Bear Springs Trailhead
9:30 AM First rider Starts
Racers can start in any order within their category.
Start order will be younger groups to older groups, and open before expert as follows:
Open Boys & Girls 8-9
Open Girls 10-13
Open Boys 10-13
Open Girls 14-18
Open Boys 14-18
Expert Girls 10-13
Expert Boys 10-13
Expert Girls 14-18
Expert Boys 14-18
Results and awards will follow approximately 1 hour after the last racer finishes at Shastice Park & Youth MTB Collective Family Bike Party
Youth MTB Collective Family Bike Party 12-9pm See Flyer for details.
Air Bag Jump 2-8pm (Must have your race wrist band or purchase a wrist band to participate)
Food available
Movie at 8:00pm
Enduro Procedure, race rules, and important information.
All riders must complete all 3 stages in order to receive a finish time.
The rider is timed from the start and finish line of each stage. Ride time between stages is not timed. Stages, start lines, and finish lines will be marked during Friday practice and on race day. The time of all stages is combined for a final time.
Once a stage is finished, move to the next stage until all three stages are complete. Cutoff time for stage 3 will be 20 minutes after the last waiting rider drops, so make sure you are there in a timely manner.
Racers can start in any order within their category.
Start order will be younger groups to older groups, and open before expert as follows:
Open Boys & Girls 8-9
Open Girls 10-13
Open Boys 10-13
Open Girls 14-18
Open Boys 14-18
Expert Girls 10-13
Expert Boys 10-13
Expert Girls 14-18
Expert Boys 14-18
If a rider misses starting within their category, they will start with another category.
Passing: We will use variable split times to our best ability to avoid passing situations, but passing may be necessary. If you are caught by the rider behind you, you are already 30+ seconds behind the leader. Be courteous and let them pass. If you are trying to pass a rider you have caught, give plenty of warning and space. It is your responsibility to avoid the rider you are trying to pass.
Mechanical: No restart will be allowed for a mechanical failure. This is part of racing.
Rider down: If you come across an injured rider down, please STOP! Wait for the next available rider and send them to get help. A restart will be granted in this situation for all riders involved for the specific stage of the incident.
Start Procedure: Racers will be lined up by category. The racer at the front of the line will line up at the start line. Warnings will be given at 30, 20, and 10 seconds. Final countdown is 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO. VERY IMPORTANT: Racer must go on the GO signal and NOT BEFORE. Going before the go signal will result in a 10 second time penalty. (Ouch.) Racer time starts on the GO signal.
Course marking, sportsmanship, etc.:
We expect good sportsmanship and a fair and honest race time from every racer. The courses are well marked and defined. If you are obviously out of the main trail tread you may be cutting the course. If you accidentally go off course you must re-enter the course as close as possible to where you exited the course to avoid any obvious advantage or you are cutting the course. Any cutting of the course will result in disqualification.