You may enter up to four events, across canoe/kayak/ski and/or SUP. This does not include Non-Champ Two-lap, registration for it is in Notes above.
Age Group & Planned Number of Events you plan to Enter
* |
0.00 AUD
50.00 AUD
70.00 AUD
110.00 AUD
130.00 AUD
145.00 AUD
130.00 AUD
155.00 AUD
110.00 AUD
170.00 AUD
130.00 AUD
145.00 AUD
Early Bird Discount
-40.00 AUD
Are you entering any kayak/ski/canoe events?
* |
Do you wish to nominate for selection for ICF World Canoe Marathon Championships, Gyor, Hungary, September 2025 ?
* |
Are you entering any SUP events?
* |
Do you wish to nominate for the Australian SUP team?
* |
Sport Integrity Australia Anti-Doping I have completed the required level of education
Do you qualify as a Para athlete who will compete in a Para class ?
What is your Para classification ?
Name and mobile number of who gave the Para classification
Thursday Session 1 [13.30] SUP Marathon [Long Course]
Friday Session 1 (07:30) Short Course - ICF Masters (35-64)
Friday Session 2 [08.30] Short Non Portage (ICF 65+, General, Para, Juniors U14 & Above)
Friday Session 3 (10.15) Short Course ICF Singles U16 & U18 K1 & Canoe
Friday Session 4 (12:30) Short ICF Open
Friday Session 5 (15.15) ICF Mixed Doubles
Friday Session 5 (15.15) General Class Mixed doubles
Are you planning to paddle in the Mixed Doubles ?
If you are planning to paddle in Mixed Doubles, enter Double partner's name here
* |
Saturday Session 1 (07:30): ICF Singles - Masters & U16
Saturday Session 2 (10:45): SUP Sprint
Saturday Session 3 (12.15): ICF Class Singles - U18, U23 & Open
Saturday Session 4 (15.30): ICF [65+ non Portage], General [all], Para & All Juniors
Sunday Session 1 (07:30): ICF Class Doubles - Masters & U16
Sunday Session 2 (10:30): SUP Technical
Sunday Session 3 (11.30): ICF Class Doubles - U18 & Open
Sunday Session 4 (15.15):ICF 65+ Non-Portage Doubles, General Class Doubles, Para & All Juniors
Are you planning to paddle in the Doubles ?
* |
If planning to paddle in Doubles, enter partner's name
* |
Volunteers Needed
Are you [or one of your support crew] willing to assist as a volunteer?
* |
Name(s) and phone number(s) of Support Crew
If you have said "Yes" to Volunteering at the Event, please choose one or more from the list below [see Event Guidebook for Session details]:
Thursday Afternoon (13.30-17.30)
Friday Morning (07.30-12.30)
Friday Afternoon (12:30-17:30)
Saturday Morning (07.300-12.15)
Saturday Afternoon (12.15-17.30)
Sunday Morning (07.30-11:30)
Sunday Afternoon (11:30-17.30)
Do you [or Support Crew] have a Working With Children Certificate ? Please insert number
Medical Conditions
Do you have any pre-existing medical/health issues, that Organisers should be aware of, which may impact your ability to complete these events ?
* |
If you answered YES to the above question, please provide brief details here: