2025 PA Canoe Marathon & SUP Championships

Thursday, April 10, 2025 07:00 (GMT+8) - Sunday, April 13, 2025 18:00 (GMT+8)

Event info
Sport: Paddling
Location: Ascot Kayak Club, Australia
Registrations: 115
Registration closes: Friday, April 4, 2025 23:59 (GMT+8)
Organized by: Paddle Australia / Paddle WA Marathon
Event website: https://paddlewa.asn.au/2025-paddle-australia-canoe-marathon-sup-championships-guidebook/
Event notes

Welcome to the 2025 Paddle Australia Canoe Marathon Championships Registration.



All paddlers must register (If competing in Doubles, BOTH individuals must enter separately).

You will need to advise which craft you are entering, Kayak/Ski and/or SUP and how many events. Your answers  will determine your final entry fee. 
Take care to enter in the correct category and class :  "W" = Woman, "M" = Man and "X" used for Mixed Doubles W/M


Entry Deadlines: 

Early Bird Entries available until midnight 17th March 2025 [Perth time]
Standard Entries available : 18th March - 31st March 2025
All entries close at midnight [Perth Time] on 4th April 2025. 


Plan Ahead to Avoid Changes !

  • Please endeavour to be clear and certain before entering. Changes in entries necessitate extensive work for registrars.
  • Once you have completed your initial entry, any changes to your entry will only be accepted through your State's Team Leader.
  • Changes will be updated each weekend in the lead-up to the Championships.
  • If you are entering in Doubles events, you must finalise partner(s) before entering. Enter partner's name in full. No nicknames


Event Timetable and Race Categories, Distances, Laps,Portages: 

Select this link to the Event Guidebook: 2025 PA Canoe Marathon & SUP Championships Guidebook


Age Categories:

Juniors: Based on your age as of 31st December 2025. If you turn 18 during 2025, you are Under 18
Masters: Based on your age as of 31st December 2025. If you turn 55 during 2025, you are 55+
Doubles: Set by the age of the oldest paddler for junior crews and the youngest paddler for Seniors/Masters crews
Masters Registrations: Initially in 10-year age groups. If 5-year sub-brackets can be constituted, (minimum 3 boats in 5-year sub-brackets) classes will be restructured and raced accordingly

Boat Classes: ICF & General

ICF Classes are for ICF K [Kayaks] and C [Canoes] and INCLUDES PORTAGE as specified by ICF Rules [Max Age for Portage = 64: ICF 65+ does not portage]

General Classes are shorter with NO PORTAGE and are available to a wide selection of boats including ski, multi-sport, canoe and also the ICF K & C class boats where the entrant does not wish to portage AND is not seeking selection. 


SUP Class:

For SUP events only.


Non-Championship Two-Lap:

NOTE THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO PEOPLE WHO DO NOT PLAN TO PADDLE ANY OTHER EVENT See Guidebook for details of this. There will be a separate registration. Select this link to enter: Register Non-Championship Two Lap Race


World Championships Selection:

As this is a Paddle Australia National Selection Event it is expected that entrants who are nominating for Selection have read and agree to the 2025 Paddle Australia Canoe Marathon Selection Criteria Supplement as found in: To be added. Entrants seeking Selection to the Australian Team to compete at the 2025 Canoe Marathon World Championships are also required to Comply with Sport Integrity Australia requirements - detailed below


Sport Integrity Australia [SIA] Compliance Check:

All participants Seeking Selection need to complete the following courses on the SIA eLearning site:

  • Anti-Doping Fundamentals
  • Annual Update [relates to Anti-Doping]
  • Safeguarding Children & Young People in Sport Induction

Link to Sport Integrty Australia E-Leaning Site: Sport Integrity Australia E-Learning Site


Life Jackets:

Participants 14 or older, and who can swim 50 metres, are exempt from wearing a life jacket.
Participants under 16 and exempt from life jacket must have written parental or guardian consent.
Competitors who are not strong or confident swimmers are recommended to wear a life jacket.
All competitors must have access to a life jacket in case the Competition Committee direct them to wear life jackets.

Event Merchandise:

Three items available:

  • Long-sleeve Tee Shirt
  • Lightweight Zip-up Fleece
  • Hat

Click this link to purchase:  Merchandise 2025 PA Canoe Marathon & SUP Championships


All Event related queries via email to marathon@paddlewa.asn.au



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Contact organizer

Use this form to send an email to the organizer.

Your name
Your email address
Confirm email address
Message to organizer

Webscorer account
Who are you registering?
Team name
First name
Last name
Email address
Year of birth
Team Name (State or Country)

Phone #
Emergency contact name
Emergency phone #
Paddler's post code
Event entry fee 0.00 AUD
Paddle Australia Membership check
Team member 1
Membership ID (e.g. PA001234)
Member last name
Member date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd)
Single-event non-member fee
12.00 24.00
Membership not yet validated
You may enter up to four events, across canoe/kayak/ski and/or SUP. This does not include Non-Champ Two-lap, registration for it is in Notes above.
Age Group & Planned Number of Events you plan to Enter
0.00 AUD 50.00 AUD 70.00 AUD 110.00 AUD 130.00 AUD 145.00 AUD 130.00 AUD 155.00 AUD 110.00 AUD 170.00 AUD 130.00 AUD 145.00 AUD
Early Bird Discount
-40.00 AUD
Are you entering any kayak/ski/canoe events?
Do you wish to nominate for selection for ICF World Canoe Marathon Championships, Gyor, Hungary, September 2025 ?
Are you entering any SUP events?
Do you wish to nominate for the Australian SUP team?
Sport Integrity Australia Anti-Doping I have completed the required level of education
Do you qualify as a Para athlete who will compete in a Para class ?
What is your Para classification ?
Name and mobile number of who gave the Para classification
Thursday Session 1 [13.30] SUP Marathon [Long Course]
Friday Session 1 (07:30) Short Course - ICF Masters (35-64)
Friday Session 2 [08.30] Short Non Portage (ICF 65+, General, Para, Juniors U14 & Above)
Friday Session 3 (10.15) Short Course ICF Singles U16 & U18 K1 & Canoe
Friday Session 4 (12:30) Short ICF Open
Friday Session 5 (15.15) ICF Mixed Doubles
Friday Session 5 (15.15) General Class Mixed doubles
Are you planning to paddle in the Mixed Doubles ?
If you are planning to paddle in Mixed Doubles, enter Double partner's name here
Saturday Session 1 (07:30): ICF Singles - Masters & U16
Saturday Session 2 (10:45): SUP Sprint
Saturday Session 3 (12.15): ICF Class Singles - U18, U23 & Open
Saturday Session 4 (15.30): ICF [65+ non Portage], General [all], Para & All Juniors
Sunday Session 1 (07:30): ICF Class Doubles - Masters & U16
Sunday Session 2 (10:30): SUP Technical
Sunday Session 3 (11.30): ICF Class Doubles - U18 & Open
Sunday Session 4 (15.15):ICF 65+ Non-Portage Doubles, General Class Doubles, Para & All Juniors
Are you planning to paddle in the Doubles ?
If planning to paddle in Doubles, enter partner's name
Volunteers Needed
Are you [or one of your support crew] willing to assist as a volunteer?
Name(s) and phone number(s) of Support Crew
If you have said "Yes" to Volunteering at the Event, please choose one or more from the list below [see Event Guidebook for Session details]:
Thursday Afternoon (13.30-17.30)
Friday Morning (07.30-12.30)
Friday Afternoon (12:30-17:30)
Saturday Morning (07.300-12.15)
Saturday Afternoon (12.15-17.30)
Sunday Morning (07.30-11:30)
Sunday Afternoon (11:30-17.30)
Do you [or Support Crew] have a Working With Children Certificate ? Please insert number
Medical Conditions
Do you have any pre-existing medical/health issues, that Organisers should be aware of, which may impact your ability to complete these events ?
If you answered YES to the above question, please provide brief details here:
Discount or coupon code
-40.00 AUD
0.00 AUD
0.00 AUD
Please review the waiver provided by the event organizer and click the check box below to accept it. Print waiver

II hereby apply for entry to participate in this Paddle Australia (PA) Sanctioned Event. In so 
applying and in consideration of my application for entry to the Event being accepted, I 
acknowledge and agree that:
1. In this Event declaration: 
Claim means and includes any action, suit, proceeding, claim, demand, damage, cost 
or expense however arising including but not limited to negligence.
Commercial Provider Member means the instructors, guides and coaches who are 
operating commercially and who have purchased a Paddle Australia Commercial 
Provider Membership 
Event means an organised competition or paddling activity conducted by a Paddling 
Member State has the same meaning as in the PA constitution.
PA means Paddle Australia Limited.
Paddling Organisation means and includes PA, Member States, affiliated canoeing, 
kayaking or paddling clubs, Commercial Provider Members and where the context so 
permits, their respective directors, officers, members, servants or agents. 
PA Rules means the Rules, Bylaws and Policies of PA (available on the PA website), 
the terms and conditions of the Event and the Rules of the Paddling Organisation.
2. If my application is accepted, I will be permitted to enter and participate in the 
Event subject to my complying with the PA Rules, this declaration and any reasonable 
direction issued by the Paddling Organisation or their representatives.
3. Insurance is in place if I am a member of a Paddling Organisation, I have paid 
the PA/State Non-Member Single Event Fee for the event or if I am participating 
in an event that PA determines does not require a PA/State Non-Member Single 
Event Fee. This insurance provides limited cover to me whilst I am participating in the 
Event. I understand that this insurance may not cover me for all injury, loss or damage 
sustained by me and that I can, in my own interests, seek and obtain personal 
insurances over and above the cover provided by PA.
4. The PA Rules and this declaration comprise a contract between the Paddling 
Organisation and me. I acknowledge and agree it is necessary and reasonable for 
promoting and conducting the Event.
5. Warning. Participation in the Event can be inherently dangerous. I understand that I 
am exposed to certain risks during the Event, including but not limited to:
(a) over exertion;
(b) equipment failure;
(c) dehydration;
(d) hyperthermia;
Paddle Australia Limited Event Entry Waiver (document date: 04/11/2020) Page | 2
(e) weather conditions;
(f) water quality;
(g) other participants acting dangerously or with a lack of skill;
(h) conditions that may be hazardous and that may vary without warning or 
(i) organisers, officials, watercourse/e owners/operators and any agents or 
representatives of any of them, in charge of the Event, being obliged to make 
decisions under pressure of time and/or events; and
(j) a lack of adequate facilities for treatment or transport if I suffer injury.
I acknowledge and accept that accidents can happen which may result in me being 
physically or mentally injured, impaired, maimed or even killed, or my property being 
damaged, lost or destroyed. I further acknowledge and accept that any policy of 
insurance of, or in respect of, my life or physical or mental health may be voided 
because of my participation in the Event. I have voluntarily read and understood this 
warning and accept and assume the inherent risks in participating in the Event.
6. Exclusion of Implied Terms. I acknowledge that where in respect of the Event I am a 
consumer of recreational services, as defined by any relevant law, certain terms and 
rights usually implied into a contract for the supply of goods or services may be 
excluded. I acknowledge that these implied terms and rights and any liability of the 
Paddling Organisations (or any of them) flowing from them, are expressly excluded to 
the extent possible by law, by this declaration. To the extent of any liability arising, the 
liability of the Paddling Organisation will, at the discretion of the relevant Paddling 
Organisation, be limited to the resupply of the services or payment of the cost of 
having the services supplied again.
7. Release and Indemnity. In consideration of the Paddling Organisation accepting my 
application for entry to the Event I, to the extent permitted by law:
(a) release and will release the Paddling Organisation from all Claims that I may have 
or may have had but for this release arising from or in connection with the Event 
and/or my participation in the Event; and
(b) indemnify and will keep indemnified the Padding Organisation in respect of any 
Claim by any person arising as a result of or in connection with the Event and/or 
my participation in the Event.
8. Fitness to Participate: I declare that I am medically, mentally and physically fit and 
able to participate in the Event. I will immediately notify a Paddling Organisation in 
writing of any change to my medical condition, fitness or ability to participate in the 
Event. I understand and accept that a Paddling Organisation will continue to rely upon 
this declaration as evidence of my fitness and ability to participate in the Event.
9. Medical Treatment: I consent to receiving any medical treatment that a Paddling 
Organisation reasonably considers necessary or desirable for me during my 
participation in the Event if I am unable to make a rational decision about my consent 
to any medical treatment that I may require. I also agree to reimburse the relevant 
Paddling Organisation for any costs or expenses incurred in providing me with medical 
Paddle Australia Limited Event Entry Waiver (document date: 04/11/2020) Page | 3
10. Privacy: I understand and agree that any information I have provided in my Event 
application will be disclosed to the Paddling Organisation and will only be used in 
accordance with the PA Privacy Policy for the objects of Paddling Organisations’ 
business and to facilitate the conduct of the Event and other events conducted by PA 
and/or other Paddling Organisations. I understand that I will be able to access the 
information directly through PA. If the information is not provided, my Event application 
may be rejected.
I acknowledge that Paddling Organisations may also use my information for the 
purposes of providing me with promotional material from Paddling Organisations’ 
sponsors or third parties. I may advise PA if I do not wish to receive such material from 
any Paddling Organisation, sponsor or third party.
11. Right to Use Image. I acknowledge and consent to photographs and electronic 
images being taken of me during the Event. I expressly waive any rights I hold or may 
hold in such images and acknowledge and agree that such photographs and electronic 
images are owned by PA and that the Paddling Organisation may use the photographs 
for promotional or other purposes without my further consent being necessary. I 
consent to PA and the Paddling Organisation using my name, image, likeness and my 
performance in the Event, at any time, by any form of media, to promote the Event, PA 
and the Paddling Organisation.
12. Prevailing Conditions. The Event and the conduct of, and participation in, the Event 
will be affected by weather and associated conditions and may also be affected by 
other events or actions beyond the reasonable control of the Paddling Organisation. 
Given there is often an element of the 'luck of the prevailing conditions' in entering and 
competing in the Event I acknowledge and agree:
a) the Paddling Organisation cannot control the weather and associated conditions; 
b) that, in circumstances where the weather is extreme or dangerous or the Event or 
part of it cannot proceed due to events or actions beyond the control of the 
Paddling Organisation, the Paddling Organisation may cancel the Event or part of 
it, whereupon I will not be entitled to any refund or compensation.
13. Severance. If any provision of this declaration is invalid or unenforceable in any 
jurisdiction, the phrase or clause is to be read down for the purpose of that jurisdiction, 
if possible, to be valid and enforceable. If the phrase or clause cannot be so read 
down, it will be severed to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability. Such 
severance does not affect the remaining provisions of this event declaration or affect 
the validity or enforceability of it in any other jurisdiction.
14. Governing Law. This declaration is governed by and construed in accordance with the 
law of the State of New South Wales and the parties irrevocably submit to the 
jurisdiction of the courts of that State.
15. I have provided the information required above and I warrant that all information 
provided is true and correct. I acknowledge this declaration cannot be amended. If I do 
amend it my application will be null and void. It cannot be accepted by PA.
Paddle Australia Limited Event Entry Waiver (document date: 04/11/2020) Page | 4
16. If the applicant for the Event has not yet reached the age of 18 years, or requires a 
guardian, I, the parent or guardian of the applicant authorise and consent to the 
applicant applying to enter and participating in the Event if the application is accepted. 
I have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the above declaration including the 
warning, potential non-refund of entry fees for force majeure or adverse weather events, 
exclusion of liability, release and indemnity. I acknowledge that if my application to enter the 
Event is successful, I will be entitled to participate in the Event.
Where the applicant is under 18 years of age the terms and conditions of this document
must also be confirmed by the applicant’s parent or legal guardian. 
I am the parent or guardian of the applicant. In consideration of the applicant's entry to the 
Event being accepted, I expressly agree to be responsible for the applicant's behaviour and 
agree to accept, in my capacity as parent or guardian, the terms set out in this declaration, 
including the provision by me of a release and indemnity in the terms set out above. In 
addition, I agree to be bound by and to comply with the Event rules and this declaration

Name of parent or guardian who approves this activity