The Paddle Skedaddle & Skedaddle 'Double Trouble'

Saturday, May 10, 2025 06:00 (GMT+1) - Saturday, May 10, 2025 18:00 (GMT+1)

Event info
Sport: Paddling
Location: The Pleasure Boat Inn, Hickling Broad, United Kingdom
Registrations: 103
Registration closes: Saturday, May 3, 2025 23:59 (GMT+1)
Organized by: Norfolk SUP Racing
Event website:
Event notes

Dear Skedaddler...!

In order to take part in the 2025 Paddle Skedaddle and Paddle Skedaddle 'Double Bubble' - you must read and understand the following event terms and conditions:


You and Your Ability:

If taking on the 'Single Paddle Skedaddle'- you should have the ability and to have appropriately trained to reach the 15km checkpoint (Thurne Mill) within 2.5 hours of your start time and that the total amount of time allowed to complete the course is 5 hours - This equates to 5.3kph or 3.3mph average paddle speed.


If taking on the 'Skedaddle Double Trouble' - you should have the ability and to have appropriately trained to reach the 26km checkpoint (Double Bubble Island Turn Around) within 3.5 hours of your start time and that the total amount of time allowed to complete the course is 8 hours - This equates to 6.63kph or 4.12mph paddle speed- (an added 1 hour for Prone Paddlers - total 9 hours allowed making an average required speed of 5.89kph or 3.66mph).


Should this not be the case and in extrodanary slow paced paddlers, then the organisers have the right to ask all participants who do not make these cut-off allowances to withdraw from the event. Paddlers may wish to carry on after this point, but accept that they will not be listed in the event results, no longer be covered by the event insurances or safety cover and complete the event at their own risk - please note that this is without prejudice.


Kayaks - we’re not able to accept inflatable constructions of Kayak for this event.



Minimum Age Restriction:


The minimum age for participation in The Paddle Skedaddle is 16 and the paddler must be of that age on the day of the event. This age restriction is due to the challenging environment of the Norfolk Broads and by the request of the event insurers.


The Paddle Skedaddle is organised by Norfolk SUP Racing in partnership and is insured by Paddle UK. First Aid responders, water safety and rescue craft will be present throughout the duration of the event.


Refunds, Participant Cancelations, Withdrawals & Deferals:


You are eligible for a 50% refund (minus a the online booking fee) up to 1st March 2025, and any withdrawals after 25th March 2025 not be eligible for a refund as costs will have been inccured and deemed to far into race organisation.


Deferrals to the next years event cannot be accepted however, you are able to transfer to another participant - please email if this is to be the case. Due to the nature of sporting events and the asociated costs involved, we are unable to make exceptions for injuries, pregnancy etc.


Course Amendment & Cancellation Policy:


Norfolk SUP Racing will host the best and safest event possible, and In the event of circumstances beyond our control which results in potentially unsafe conditions, Norfolk SUP Racing will either:


Amend the course to make the event safe.


Where conditions cannot be made safe, cancel the event.


Where the event is modified under condition 1 above, no refund will be applicable. In the event of a cancellation under condition 2 above, competitors will be offered the option to transfer to the next years event under the same terms of their existing registration. Where possible, we shall give at least 24 hours notice to any potential amendment or cancellation.


Refunds will a value of 50% be offered if cancellation is due to an unforeseeable severe natural disaster or ‘act of God’.


If you have any further queries please email:

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This event is 69% full.
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