Bill Smith Memorial Bulldog 5K/1 Miler

Saturday, August 31, 2019 8:00 AM (GMT-4)

Event info
Sport: Running - road
Location: Delbarton, WV, United States
Registrations: 151
Registration closes: Friday, August 30, 2019 1:00 PM (GMT-4)
Organized by: Tug Valley Road Runners Club
Event website:
Event notes
Join us Saturday Morning, August 31 at the Delbarton Town Square in Downtown Delbarton for the 7th Annual Bill Smith Memorial Bulldog 5K Run/1 Mile Walk (1st of the Tug Valley Road Runners Race Series - Fastest).You can also pre-register at the Coal House in Downtown Williamson and online registration!

- $20 registration fee for the 5K and 1 Mile Walk
- $15 for the Tug Valley Road Runners Race Series...if applicable
- $5 OFF for kids 14 and under for the 5k or 1 Mile Walk
- Kids ages 11 and under are free to run the Kid's race (100 yard dash)
- Race day registration prices increase to $25 for the 5K and 1 Mile Walk and $20 for kids 14 and under
- Race day registration from 6:00am til 7:45am at the Delbarton Town Square Gazebo in Downtown Delbarton.
- Race will begin at 8:00am

1.) Tug Valley Road Runners Club Series will consist of 3 races - Bill Smith Memorial Bulldog 5K/1 Mile Walk - Aug 31, The Coal Dust Run - Sept 14 and the Frank O'Brien Memorial 8k/2 Mile Walk - Sept 21

2.) In addition to each race medals, shirts, and any other swag, the series will consist of an extra medal and shirt to be given at the last race of the series, provided the series requirements are met.

3.) Payment will be as follows:
a.) 1st race and series fee (currently $15.00) are to be paid by the day of the first race.
b.) 2nd race paid by race day.
c.) 3rd race paid by race day.
*Series and total of all 3 races are not required to be pay by day of the first race..they maybe paid in advance but not required.

4.) All 3 races, by the day of the last race, must have been paid for and ran.

5.) If one or more races are ran (but less than the required 3) have not been paid for or ran the participant forfeits the series fee to the Tug Valley Road Runners Club and will not receive the series medal or shirt.

6.) Series shirts and medals will be ordered after the first race. Exact numbers will be ordered. Sizes are not changeable. No extras will be ordered, due to th
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