Electric Games Race 2 Street

Saturday, July 17, 2021 00:00 (GMT+2) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Other
Location: La Teste-de-Buch, France
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 139
Laps: 5
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 4.8
Chip timing: RFID - LLRP
RFID reader: Impinj
Updated: Sunday, July 18, 2021 17:19 (GMT+2)
Organized by: Esk8eu

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Place Bib Name Category Lap 1
1 44 Jérémie Le Juif Onewheel 14:24:58.38 -+0.00%100.00%
2 108 Brice Fanouillere Onewheel 14:25:06.63 +0:08.25+0.02%99.98%
3 159 Vincent François Onewheel 14:25:09.93 +0:11.55+0.02%99.98%
4 156 Damien Alegre Onewheel 14:25:16.53 +0:18.15+0.03%99.97%
5 87 Walid Taa Onewheel 14:25:25.28 +0:26.90+0.05%99.95%
6 68 Nicolas Chausse Onewheel 14:25:33.45 +0:35.07+0.07%99.93%
7 89 Jules Pollet Onewheel 14:25:43.35 +0:44.97+0.09%99.91%
8 99 Louis Laurin Onewheel 14:25:44.31 +0:45.93+0.09%99.91%
9 48 Tarek Basly Onewheel 14:25:53.03 +0:54.65+0.11%99.89%
10 52 Maxime Dufour Onewheel 14:25:58.92 +1:00.54+0.12%99.88%
11 63 Benjamin Lepretre Onewheel 14:29:13.07 +4:14.69+0.49%99.51%
12 62 Simon Girard Onewheel 14:29:37.81 +4:39.43+0.54%99.46%
13 93 Gerard Roadboarding Onewheel 14:30:10.21 +5:11.83+0.60%99.40%
14 107 Andrzej Zaborski Onewheel 14:30:43.98 +5:45.60+0.67%99.34%
15 101 Virginie Rubio Onewheel 14:30:56.00 +5:57.62+0.69%99.32%
16 100 Manuel Rubio Onewheel 14:30:57.56 +5:59.18+0.69%99.31%
17 18 Sebastien Lafoy Onewheel 14:31:16.77 +6:18.39+0.73%99.28%
18 130 Bachisio Murtas Onewheel 14:31:24.93 +6:26.55+0.74%99.26%
19 117 Gaël Zimmermann Onewheel 14:32:14.37 +7:15.99+0.84%99.17%
20 53 RAPHAEL DELAHAYE Onewheel 14:32:19.49 +7:21.11+0.85%99.16%
21 23 Patrick Lopez Onewheel 14:32:27.84 +7:29.46+0.87%99.14%
22 50 Vincent Gellier Onewheel 14:32:34.43 +7:36.05+0.88%99.13%
23 10 Matty DARKA Onewheel 14:32:39.08 +7:40.70+0.89%99.12%
24 70 PR Pochet Onewheel 14:32:46.18 +7:47.80+0.90%99.11%
25 106 Andy Kämpf Onewheel 14:32:56.03 +7:57.65+0.92%99.09%
26 121 Adrien Pandelé Onewheel 14:33:12.13 +8:13.75+0.95%99.06%
27 123 Julia Dany Onewheel 14:33:55.42 +8:57.04+1.03%98.98%
28 126 Jessica Dupire Onewheel 14:34:08.94 +9:10.56+1.06%98.95%
29 109 Chloé Deminiere Gyroroue 14:34:38.27 +9:39.89+1.12%98.89%
30 138 Gabriel Gyroroue 14:35:23.17 +10:24.79+1.20%98.81%
31 56 Eliot Calas Gyroroue 14:35:43.93 +10:45.55+1.24%98.77%
32 17 Nicolas ETIENNE Gyroroue 14:35:52.15 +10:53.77+1.26%98.76%
33 125 Jean-Marc Esperet Gyroroue 14:36:04.13 +11:05.75+1.28%98.73%
34 7 Florian ETIENNE Gyroroue 14:36:08.95 +11:10.56+1.29%98.72%
35 69 Olivier Salpetrier Gyroroue 14:36:30.62 +11:32.24+1.33%98.68%
36 145 Marie Delamerie Gyroroue 14:36:51.93 +11:53.55+1.37%98.64%
37 30 Yann Guillemot Gyroroue 14:37:16.14 +12:17.76+1.42%98.60%
38 3 Sylvain DA SILVA Gyroroue 14:37:29.80 +12:31.42+1.45%98.57%
39 98 Humberto Fernandes Gyroroue 14:37:45.63 +12:47.25+1.48%98.54%
40 97 Kevin Hany Gyroroue 14:38:06.97 +13:08.59+1.52%98.50%
41 12 jérome LESOUEF Trott 14:38:23.09 +13:24.71+1.55%98.47%
42 135 Ivan Sofin Gyroroue 14:38:39.11 +13:40.73+1.58%98.44%
43 134 Andrey Bordeyanu Gyroroue 14:38:49.73 +13:51.35+1.60%98.42%
44 160 Lukas Balcar Gyroroue 14:38:58.24 +13:59.86+1.62%98.41%
45 152 Cedric Nys Gyroroue 14:39:41.01 +14:42.63+1.70%98.33%
46 124 Alexandre De andrade Gyroroue 14:40:01.10 +15:02.72+1.74%98.29%
47 83 Yvain Audinot Gyroroue 14:40:05.83 +15:07.45+1.75%98.28%
48 45 Etienne Tran Gyroroue 14:40:33.49 +15:35.11+1.80%98.23%
49 46 Tobias Scholz Gyroroue 14:40:55.48 +15:57.10+1.84%98.19%
50 55 Franz Wenzel Gyroroue 14:41:12.91 +16:14.53+1.88%98.16%
51 51 Erwann Bisson Gyroroue 14:41:21.28 +16:22.90+1.89%98.14%
52 65 Nada Elawad Gyroroue 14:41:40.53 +16:42.15+1.93%98.11%
53 54 Mathieu Rival Gyroroue 14:41:54.42 +16:56.04+1.96%98.08%
54 67 Sébastien Ferrand Gyroroue 14:42:14.49 +17:16.11+2.00%98.04%
55 137 Adam Malicki Gyroroue 14:42:18.63 +17:20.25+2.00%98.03%
56 59 Oscar Lechado Gyroroue 14:42:28.07 +17:29.69+2.02%98.02%
57 29 Guillaume ELLUL Gyroroue 14:42:38.30 +17:39.92+2.04%98.00%
58 5 jean Philippe DUMAS Gyroroue 14:42:53.40 +17:55.02+2.07%97.97%
59 6 Manu RIDER Gyroroue 14:43:06.34 +18:07.96+2.10%97.95%
60 64 Maxime Blanché Gyroroue 14:43:20.47 +18:22.09+2.12%97.92%
61 142 Fatima Da Silva Goncalves Gyroroue 14:43:33.47 +18:35.09+2.15%97.90%
62 144 Komo Ndiaye Gyroroue 14:43:43.15 +18:44.77+2.17%97.88%
63 143 Nicolas Jourde Gyroroue 14:44:08.78 +19:10.40+2.22%97.83%
64 151 Jonathan Robinne Gyroroue 14:44:29.22 +19:30.84+2.26%97.79%
65 111 Valentin Collin Gyroroue 14:45:03.37 +20:04.99+2.32%97.73%
66 94 Renaud Oussoukpevi Gyroroue 14:45:07.61 +20:09.23+2.33%97.72%
67 40 Christophe TAI Gyroroue 14:45:37.32 +20:38.94+2.39%97.67%
68 8 Frédéric ETIENNE Gyroroue 14:46:11.05 +21:12.67+2.45%97.61%
69 22 Thierry VITEL Gyroroue 14:46:17.47 +21:19.09+2.46%97.59%
70 136 Julien Josse Gyroroue 14:46:22.06 +21:23.68+2.47%97.59%
71 39 Stéphane ROUX Gyroroue 14:46:36.40 +21:38.02+2.50%97.56%
72 79 Arjan Tel Gyroroue 14:46:50.41 +21:52.03+2.53%97.53%
73 82 Timo Slijkerman Gyroroue 14:46:59.21 +22:00.83+2.55%97.52%
74 155 Gauthier Lateve Houssemand Gyroroue 14:47:12.37 +22:13.99+2.57%97.49%
75 14 Gwenael MICHEL ESK8 14:47:24.77 +22:26.39+2.59%97.47%
76 21 Rui Inocêncio Gyroroue 14:47:54.08 +22:55.70+2.65%97.42%
77 133 Cosmo Wheeleuse Gyroroue 14:48:37.87 +23:39.49+2.74%97.34%
78 25 Franck BLIN Gyroroue 14:48:56.16 +23:57.78+2.77%97.30%
79 13 Sebastien MICHEL Gyroroue 14:49:07.71 +24:09.33+2.79%97.28%
80 49 Vincent Hermann Gyroroue 14:49:22.34 +24:23.96+2.82%97.26%
81 113 Fabien Thalgott Gyroroue 14:49:40.09 +24:41.71+2.86%97.22%
82 91 Caroline Collin Gyroroue 14:50:04.69 +25:06.31+2.90%97.18%
83 16 Mickael RICHAUD Gyroroue 14:50:20.65 +25:22.27+2.93%97.15%
84 38 Alexandre RICHAUD Gyroroue 14:50:29.56 +25:31.19+2.95%97.13%
85 120 Jérémy Ferré Gyroroue 14:50:53.43 +25:55.05+3.00%97.09%
86 127 Cécile Ranquet Gyroroue 14:51:19.06 +26:20.68+3.05%97.04%
87 153 Elodie Salmon Gyroroue 14:51:33.99 +26:35.61+3.07%97.02%
88 146 Fabrice Durand Gyroroue 14:51:40.87 +26:42.49+3.09%97.00%
89 154 Elise Leppelletiergardais Gyroroue 14:51:47.65 +26:49.27+3.10%96.99%
90 86 Vincent Regnard Gyroroue 14:52:17.42 +27:19.04+3.16%96.94%
91 115 Félix Lubin Gyroroue 14:52:49.12 +27:50.74+3.22%96.88%
92 92 Pierre Tardy Gyroroue 14:53:25.85 +28:27.47+3.29%96.81%
93 28 Gael DUVERT ESK8 14:56:33.46 +31:35.08+3.65%96.48%
94 73 Pierre Samolany ESK8 14:56:55.74 +31:57.36+3.69%96.44%
95 112 Manu Hirzut ESK8 14:57:04.27 +32:05.89+3.71%96.42%
96 37 Laurent RAPHOSE ESK8 14:57:19.28 +32:20.90+3.74%96.40%
97 1 MATTHIEU CARIE ESK8 14:57:32.31 +32:33.93+3.76%96.37%
98 57 Sebastien Zatorski ESK8 14:57:43.94 +32:45.56+3.79%96.35%
99 72 Nicolas Pinson ESK8 14:57:48.62 +32:50.24+3.80%96.34%
100 77 Lara Saint Guilhem ESK8 14:57:52.96 +32:54.57+3.80%96.33%
101 74 Thierry Klein ESK8 14:58:15.80 +33:17.42+3.85%96.29%
102 75 Antoine Marpaux ESK8 14:58:47.05 +33:48.67+3.91%96.24%
103 102 Clement Le Priol ESK8 14:59:01.22 +34:02.84+3.94%96.21%
104 60 Nicolas Verdier ESK8 14:59:31.40 +34:33.02+3.99%96.16%
105 158 Antoine Carlotti ESK8 15:00:02.16 +35:03.78+4.05%96.10%
106 85 Julien Marc ESK8 15:00:34.82 +35:36.44+4.12%96.05%
107 131 Damiens Apecarena ESK8 15:00:56.95 +35:58.56+4.16%96.01%
108 78 William Faugere ESK8 15:01:15.84 +36:17.46+4.20%95.97%
109 84 Tony Rouzaire ESK8 15:01:39.10 +36:40.72+4.24%95.93%
110 35 Alexis OWADENKO ESK8 15:01:41.56 +36:43.18+4.25%95.93%
111 132 Waahib Pekone ESK8 15:01:54.02 +36:55.64+4.27%95.91%
112 163 David Pilny ESK8 15:02:11.17 +37:12.79+4.30%95.88%
113 162 Jan Skorepa ESK8 15:02:22.76 +37:24.38+4.32%95.85%
114 161 Vaclav Hruby ESK8 15:02:38.86 +37:40.48+4.36%95.83%
115 66 Nicolas Ferrand ESK8 15:02:49.24 +37:50.86+4.38%95.81%
116 114 Toma Latreuille ESK8 15:03:05.06 +38:06.68+4.41%95.78%
117 27 Dimitri DIMKIN ESK8 15:03:16.25 +38:17.87+4.43%95.76%
118 157 Pierre Marabese ESK8 15:03:40.83 +38:42.45+4.47%95.72%
119 76 Didier Segly ESK8 15:03:53.87 +38:55.49+4.50%95.69%
120 80 Antoine Wuillemin ESK8 15:03:58.97 +39:00.59+4.51%95.68%
121 116 Pierre-Yves Comte ESK8 15:04:07.48 +39:09.10+4.53%95.67%
122 110 Gregory Barbier ESK8 15:04:32.03 +39:33.65+4.57%95.63%
123 119 Julien Wasner ESK8 15:05:12.99 +40:14.61+4.65%95.55%
124 32 Yann NEFF ESK8 15:05:27.31 +40:28.93+4.68%95.53%
125 31 Marc Antoine MIRALLES ESK8 15:05:42.02 +40:43.64+4.71%95.50%
126 105 Mathilde Monnero ESK8 15:05:59.52 +41:01.14+4.74%95.47%
127 47 Luc BRUSSEAU ESK8 15:06:22.74 +41:24.36+4.79%95.43%
128 11 THOMAS CARIE ESK8 15:06:39.04 +41:40.66+4.82%95.40%
129 150 Mikail Aslan Trott 15:09:21.80 +44:23.42+5.13%95.12%
130 149 David Spinella Trott 15:09:38.83 +44:40.45+5.16%95.09%
131 61 Dezi Spark Trott 15:10:01.67 +45:03.28+5.21%95.05%
132 122 Martinet Quentin Trott 15:10:10.22 +45:11.84+5.23%95.03%
133 34 Phuc N GUYEN Trott 15:10:20.43 +45:22.05+5.24%95.02%
134 148 Torrent Emmanuel Trott 15:10:31.08 +45:32.70+5.27%95.00%
135 33 Kevin NGO Trott 15:10:41.20 +45:42.82+5.28%94.98%
136 129 Sepp Vande Velde ESK8 15:13:33.85 +48:35.47+5.62%94.68%
137 103 Lars Heeneman Gyroroue 15:13:42.12 +48:43.74+5.63%94.67%
138 19 Diana Aubry Onewheel 15:14:54.56 +49:56.19+5.77%94.54%
139 147 Franck Royer Gyroroue 15:17:29.97 +52:31.59+6.07%94.28%