1 |
4181 |
Mike Rauch Glenridge Guys
Men Team of 4 |
5:09.9 |
-+0.00%100.00%12 |
2 |
4013 |
Seth Woods Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
20:04.9 |
+14:55.0+288.80%25.72%29 |
3 |
4013 |
Seth Woods Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
20:09.8 |
+14:59.9+290.38%25.62%21 |
4 |
4013 |
Seth Woods Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
20:18.5 |
+15:08.6+293.19%25.43%17 |
5 |
4013 |
Seth Woods Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
20:25.2 |
+15:15.2+295.32%25.29%9 |
6 |
4013 |
Seth Woods Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
20:32.4 |
+15:22.4+297.64%25.15%13 |
7 |
4013 |
Seth Woods Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
20:35.6 |
+15:25.6+298.68%25.08%25 |
8 |
4013 |
Seth Woods Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
20:42.9 |
+15:33.0+301.06%24.93%5 |
9 |
4041 |
Matthew Rauch Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
21:13.4 |
+16:03.5+310.91%24.34%29 |
10 |
4012 |
Caleb Warkentin Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
21:26.1 |
+16:16.1+314.97%24.10%28 |
11 |
4012 |
Caleb Warkentin Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
21:32.5 |
+16:22.6+317.07%23.98%16 |
12 |
4044 |
Erik Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
21:34.5 |
+16:24.5+317.68%23.94%28 |
13 |
4041 |
Matthew Rauch Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
21:40.8 |
+16:30.9+319.75%23.82%17 |
14 |
4012 |
Caleb Warkentin Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
21:41.6 |
+16:31.7+320.01%23.81%12 |
15 |
4042 |
Elijah Gaudet Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
21:52.6 |
+16:42.7+323.56%23.61%2 |
16 |
4042 |
Elijah Gaudet Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
21:53.0 |
+16:43.1+323.69%23.60%30 |
17 |
4011 |
Caleb Petker Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
22:23.0 |
+17:13.1+333.37%23.08%2 |
18 |
4044 |
Erik Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
22:44.7 |
+17:34.8+340.37%22.71%24 |
19 |
4044 |
Erik Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
22:44.8 |
+17:34.9+340.40%22.71%4 |
20 |
4042 |
Elijah Gaudet Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
22:50.2 |
+17:40.3+342.14%22.62%6 |
21 |
4044 |
Erik Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
22:55.5 |
+17:45.6+343.85%22.53%8 |
22 |
4012 |
Caleb Warkentin Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
22:56.2 |
+17:46.3+344.08%22.52%24 |
23 |
4041 |
Matthew Rauch Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:01.0 |
+17:51.1+345.63%22.44%21 |
24 |
4044 |
Erik Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:02.7 |
+17:52.8+346.18%22.41%12 |
25 |
4041 |
Matthew Rauch Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:03.8 |
+17:53.9+346.53%22.39%9 |
26 |
4033 |
Noah Woods The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
23:09.4 |
+17:59.5+348.34%22.30%4 |
27 |
4041 |
Matthew Rauch Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:17.7 |
+18:07.8+351.02%22.17%25 |
28 |
4041 |
Matthew Rauch Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:21.6 |
+18:11.7+352.27%22.11%13 |
29 |
4033 |
Noah Woods The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
23:25.8 |
+18:15.9+353.63%22.04%8 |
30 |
4041 |
Matthew Rauch Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:28.8 |
+18:18.9+354.60%22.00%5 |
31 |
4012 |
Caleb Warkentin Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
23:31.8 |
+18:21.9+355.57%21.95%20 |
32 |
4043 |
Lukas Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:31.9 |
+18:22.0+355.60%21.95%26 |
33 |
4012 |
Caleb Warkentin Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
23:36.0 |
+18:26.1+356.92%21.89%8 |
34 |
4033 |
Noah Woods The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
23:40.4 |
+18:30.5+358.34%21.82%12 |
35 |
4033 |
Noah Woods The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
23:40.6 |
+18:30.7+358.41%21.81%23 |
36 |
4044 |
Erik Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:46.5 |
+18:36.5+360.28%21.72%20 |
37 |
4042 |
Elijah Gaudet Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:46.5 |
+18:36.6+360.31%21.72%10 |
38 |
4042 |
Elijah Gaudet Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:48.5 |
+18:38.5+360.92%21.69%18 |
39 |
4044 |
Erik Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
23:53.2 |
+18:43.2+362.44%21.62%16 |
40 |
4042 |
Elijah Gaudet Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
24:10.7 |
+19:00.8+368.12%21.36%14 |
41 |
4033 |
Noah Woods The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
24:21.6 |
+19:11.7+371.64%21.20%16 |
42 |
4033 |
Noah Woods The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
24:33.0 |
+19:23.1+375.31%21.04%20 |
43 |
4043 |
Lukas Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
24:35.6 |
+19:25.7+376.15%21.00%11 |
44 |
4003 |
Audrey Rauch Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
24:41.4 |
+19:31.5+378.03%20.92%22 |
45 |
4003 |
Audrey Rauch Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
24:46.9 |
+19:37.0+379.80%20.84%4 |
46 |
4042 |
Elijah Gaudet Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
24:49.5 |
+19:39.5+380.61%20.81%22 |
47 |
4043 |
Lukas Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
24:52.1 |
+19:42.2+381.48%20.77%15 |
48 |
4034 |
Gregory Pringle The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
24:54.8 |
+19:44.9+382.35%20.73%9 |
49 |
4011 |
Caleb Petker Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
25:04.7 |
+19:54.8+385.54%20.60%10 |
50 |
4011 |
Caleb Petker Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
25:04.9 |
+19:55.0+385.61%20.59%22 |
51 |
4011 |
Caleb Petker Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
25:17.2 |
+20:07.3+389.58%20.43%6 |
52 |
4043 |
Lukas Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
25:22.2 |
+20:12.3+391.19%20.36%19 |
53 |
4013 |
Seth Woods Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
25:24.4 |
+20:14.5+391.90%20.33%1 |
54 |
4043 |
Lukas Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
25:25.1 |
+20:15.1+392.09%20.32%23 |
55 |
4043 |
Lukas Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
25:26.2 |
+20:16.3+392.48%20.31%7 |
56 |
4011 |
Caleb Petker Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
25:35.1 |
+20:25.2+395.35%20.19%14 |
57 |
4011 |
Caleb Petker Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
25:39.7 |
+20:29.8+396.84%20.13%18 |
58 |
4034 |
Gregory Pringle The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
25:41.3 |
+20:31.4+397.35%20.11%5 |
59 |
4043 |
Lukas Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
25:46.5 |
+20:36.6+399.03%20.04%3 |
60 |
4041 |
Matthew Rauch Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
25:56.6 |
+20:46.7+402.29%19.91%1 |
61 |
4011 |
Caleb Petker Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
25:57.9 |
+20:48.0+402.71%19.89%26 |
62 |
4003 |
Audrey Rauch Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
26:00.0 |
+20:50.0+403.36%19.87%16 |
63 |
4003 |
Audrey Rauch Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
26:01.0 |
+20:51.1+403.71%19.85%20 |
64 |
4003 |
Audrey Rauch Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
26:01.1 |
+20:51.2+403.74%19.85%12 |
65 |
4003 |
Audrey Rauch Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
26:03.0 |
+20:53.1+404.36%19.83%8 |
66 |
4034 |
Gregory Pringle The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
26:55.7 |
+21:45.8+421.36%19.18%21 |
67 |
4001 |
Jayden Blythe Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
26:57.8 |
+21:47.9+422.04%19.16%3 |
68 |
4031 |
Jack Meehan The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
27:26.5 |
+22:16.6+431.30%18.82%2 |
69 |
4014 |
Bodhi Davey Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
27:39.7 |
+22:29.8+435.56%18.67%3 |
70 |
4014 |
Bodhi Davey Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
27:41.1 |
+22:31.2+436.01%18.66%27 |
71 |
4014 |
Bodhi Davey Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
27:42.4 |
+22:32.5+436.43%18.64%7 |
72 |
4031 |
Jack Meehan The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
27:54.4 |
+22:44.5+440.30%18.51%14 |
73 |
4034 |
Gregory Pringle The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
27:58.4 |
+22:48.5+441.59%18.46%24 |
74 |
4034 |
Gregory Pringle The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
27:59.4 |
+22:49.5+441.92%18.45%13 |
75 |
4001 |
Jayden Blythe Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
28:00.1 |
+22:50.2+442.14%18.45%19 |
76 |
4031 |
Jack Meehan The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
28:05.1 |
+22:55.2+443.76%18.39%10 |
77 |
4001 |
Jayden Blythe Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
28:24.7 |
+23:14.8+450.08%18.18%7 |
78 |
4031 |
Jack Meehan The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
28:31.7 |
+23:21.8+452.34%18.10%6 |
79 |
4001 |
Jayden Blythe Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
28:42.2 |
+23:32.3+455.73%17.99%11 |
80 |
4002 |
Mila Maksymetz Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
29:04.3 |
+23:54.4+462.86%17.77%13 |
81 |
4034 |
Gregory Pringle The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
29:04.3 |
+23:54.4+462.86%17.77%1 |
82 |
4002 |
Mila Maksymetz Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
29:16.6 |
+24:06.7+466.83%17.64%17 |
83 |
4001 |
Jayden Blythe Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
29:21.1 |
+24:11.2+468.28%17.60%15 |
84 |
4002 |
Mila Maksymetz Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
29:25.6 |
+24:15.7+469.73%17.55%21 |
85 |
4014 |
Bodhi Davey Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
29:56.5 |
+24:46.6+479.70%17.25%19 |
86 |
4002 |
Mila Maksymetz Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
30:00.1 |
+24:50.2+480.86%17.22%5 |
87 |
4002 |
Mila Maksymetz Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
30:08.4 |
+24:58.5+483.54%17.14%9 |
88 |
4031 |
Jack Meehan The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
30:11.4 |
+25:01.5+484.51%17.11%18 |
89 |
4031 |
Jack Meehan The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
30:15.3 |
+25:05.4+485.77%17.07%22 |
90 |
4014 |
Bodhi Davey Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
30:29.8 |
+25:19.9+490.45%16.94%11 |
91 |
4014 |
Bodhi Davey Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
31:11.8 |
+26:01.9+504.00%16.56%15 |
92 |
4001 |
Jayden Blythe Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
31:12.4 |
+26:02.5+504.19%16.55%23 |
93 |
4014 |
Bodhi Davey Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
31:27.9 |
+26:18.0+509.20%16.42%23 |
94 |
4032 |
Ben Petker The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
32:01.9 |
+26:51.9+520.14%16.12%3 |
95 |
4034 |
Gregory Pringle The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
32:18.0 |
+27:08.1+525.36%15.99%17 |
96 |
4093 |
Ricky Federau Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
33:04.6 |
+27:54.6+540.37%15.62%15 |
97 |
4004 |
Gillian Mullan Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
33:10.0 |
+28:00.0+542.11%15.57%6 |
98 |
4201 |
Michael Van Den Ham NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
33:18.2 |
+28:08.3+544.79%15.51%9 |
99 |
4004 |
Gillian Mullan Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
33:22.7 |
+28:12.8+546.24%15.47%2 |
100 |
4201 |
Michael Van Den Ham NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
33:36.9 |
+28:27.0+550.82%15.37%14 |
101 |
4012 |
Caleb Warkentin Mountain Grinders
U12 Team of 4 |
33:57.2 |
+28:47.3+557.37%15.21%4 |
102 |
4093 |
Ricky Federau Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
33:59.7 |
+28:49.8+558.18%15.19%5 |
103 |
4093 |
Ricky Federau Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
34:15.4 |
+29:05.5+563.25%15.08%6 |
104 |
4093 |
Ricky Federau Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
34:15.8 |
+29:05.8+563.34%15.07%7 |
105 |
4201 |
Michael Van Den Ham NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
34:18.4 |
+29:08.5+564.21%15.06%5 |
106 |
4201 |
Michael Van Den Ham NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
34:22.9 |
+29:13.0+565.67%15.02%15 |
107 |
4043 |
Lukas Leikermoser Turtles with Rocket Boosters
U12 Team of 4 |
34:32.7 |
+29:22.8+568.83%14.95%27 |
108 |
4201 |
Michael Van Den Ham NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
34:55.3 |
+29:45.4+576.12%14.79%10 |
109 |
4032 |
Ben Petker The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
35:14.3 |
+30:04.4+582.25%14.66%7 |
110 |
4181 |
Mike Rauch Glenridge Guys
Men Team of 4 |
35:52.9 |
+30:43.0+594.71%14.39%5 |
111 |
2102 |
Carsten Ivany Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
36:15.9 |
+31:06.0+602.13%14.24%3 |
112 |
4004 |
Gillian Mullan Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
36:30.3 |
+31:20.4+606.78%14.15%10 |
113 |
2062 |
Scott Simpson Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
36:32.8 |
+31:22.9+607.58%14.13%2 |
114 |
4002 |
Mila Maksymetz Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
36:35.4 |
+31:25.5+608.42%14.12%1 |
115 |
2061 |
John Verdonk Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
36:36.2 |
+31:26.3+608.68%14.11%3 |
116 |
2062 |
Scott Simpson Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
36:47.0 |
+31:37.1+612.17%14.04%4 |
117 |
2101 |
Steve Devantier Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
36:50.0 |
+31:40.1+613.13%14.02%2 |
118 |
2102 |
Carsten Ivany Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
37:03.2 |
+31:53.3+617.39%13.94%5 |
119 |
2101 |
Steve Devantier Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
37:06.7 |
+31:56.8+618.52%13.92%4 |
120 |
4201 |
Michael Van Den Ham NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
37:18.3 |
+32:08.4+622.27%13.85%1 |
121 |
2101 |
Steve Devantier Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
37:36.6 |
+32:26.7+628.17%13.73%6 |
122 |
2101 |
Steve Devantier Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
37:40.1 |
+32:30.2+629.30%13.71%8 |
123 |
2102 |
Carsten Ivany Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
37:51.6 |
+32:41.7+633.01%13.64%9 |
124 |
2062 |
Scott Simpson Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
37:53.9 |
+32:43.9+633.72%13.63%6 |
125 |
2102 |
Carsten Ivany Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
37:54.4 |
+32:44.5+633.91%13.63%7 |
126 |
2062 |
Scott Simpson Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
38:09.5 |
+32:59.6+638.79%13.54%8 |
127 |
2101 |
Steve Devantier Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
38:21.2 |
+33:11.3+642.56%13.47%12 |
128 |
4182 |
Simon Blythe Glenridge Guys
Men Team of 4 |
38:22.3 |
+33:12.3+642.88%13.46%6 |
129 |
4213 |
Sheldon Orr Sofa Kings
Men Team of 4 |
38:28.1 |
+33:18.1+644.76%13.43%12 |
130 |
4004 |
Gillian Mullan Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
38:33.4 |
+33:23.5+646.50%13.40%14 |
131 |
2101 |
Steve Devantier Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
38:38.5 |
+33:28.5+648.11%13.37%10 |
132 |
4182 |
Simon Blythe Glenridge Guys
Men Team of 4 |
38:40.6 |
+33:30.7+648.82%13.35%8 |
133 |
4213 |
Sheldon Orr Sofa Kings
Men Team of 4 |
38:43.3 |
+33:33.4+649.69%13.34%7 |
134 |
2102 |
Carsten Ivany Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
38:43.8 |
+33:33.9+649.85%13.34%11 |
135 |
4233 |
Chris Stahl Stahl
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
38:46.3 |
+33:36.4+650.66%13.32%4 |
136 |
2062 |
Scott Simpson Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
38:49.1 |
+33:39.2+651.57%13.31%11 |
137 |
2102 |
Carsten Ivany Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
38:52.1 |
+33:42.2+652.53%13.29%1 |
138 |
2061 |
John Verdonk Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
38:58.1 |
+33:48.2+654.47%13.25%5 |
139 |
4233 |
Chris Stahl Stahl
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
39:02.1 |
+33:52.2+655.76%13.23%8 |
140 |
4032 |
Ben Petker The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
39:07.1 |
+33:57.1+657.34%13.20%19 |
141 |
2061 |
John Verdonk Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
39:10.0 |
+34:00.0+658.28%13.19%1 |
142 |
4212 |
Brad Issel Sofa Kings
Men Team of 4 |
39:14.4 |
+34:04.5+659.73%13.16%8 |
143 |
4212 |
Brad Issel Sofa Kings
Men Team of 4 |
39:15.8 |
+34:05.9+660.18%13.15%2 |
144 |
4212 |
Brad Issel Sofa Kings
Men Team of 4 |
39:16.2 |
+34:06.3+660.31%13.15%3 |
145 |
4182 |
Simon Blythe Glenridge Guys
Men Team of 4 |
39:19.9 |
+34:10.0+661.50%13.13%3 |
146 |
4233 |
Chris Stahl Stahl
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
39:28.4 |
+34:18.5+664.25%13.08%12 |
147 |
2102 |
Carsten Ivany Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
39:29.3 |
+34:19.4+664.54%13.08%13 |
148 |
4032 |
Ben Petker The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
39:32.8 |
+34:22.9+665.67%13.06%15 |
149 |
4004 |
Gillian Mullan Ferns
U12 Team of 4 |
39:34.4 |
+34:24.5+666.18%13.05%18 |
150 |
4032 |
Ben Petker The Energizer Bunnies
U12 Team of 4 |
39:36.8 |
+34:26.9+666.96%13.04%11 |
151 |
2082 |
Evan Girard The Revengers
Men Team of 2 |
39:41.7 |
+34:31.8+668.54%13.01%3 |
152 |
4093 |
Ricky Federau Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
39:51.2 |
+34:41.2+671.57%12.96%14 |
153 |
2062 |
Scott Simpson Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
39:54.2 |
+34:44.2+672.54%12.94%18 |
154 |
2082 |
Evan Girard The Revengers
Men Team of 2 |
39:58.3 |
+34:48.3+673.86%12.92%5 |
155 |
2101 |
Steve Devantier Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
40:01.1 |
+34:51.2+674.80%12.91%14 |
156 |
4213 |
Sheldon Orr Sofa Kings
Men Team of 4 |
40:11.3 |
+35:01.3+678.06%12.85%15 |
157 |
4212 |
Brad Issel Sofa Kings
Men Team of 4 |
40:11.7 |
+35:01.8+678.22%12.85%9 |
158 |
4024 |
Lennard Pretorius Team Fruit Loops
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
40:12.8 |
+35:02.8+678.54%12.84%2 |
159 |
2062 |
Scott Simpson Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
40:18.4 |
+35:08.5+680.38%12.81%12 |
160 |
4233 |
Chris Stahl Stahl
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
40:23.6 |
+35:13.6+682.03%12.79%1 |
161 |
4203 |
Trevor Howard NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
40:23.7 |
+35:13.7+682.06%12.79%11 |
162 |
4203 |
Trevor Howard NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
40:24.3 |
+35:14.4+682.28%12.78%6 |
163 |
2082 |
Evan Girard The Revengers
Men Team of 2 |
40:24.5 |
+35:14.6+682.35%12.78%8 |
164 |
4051 |
Levi Rauch Mach-4
Youth Team of 4 |
40:32.4 |
+35:22.5+684.90%12.74%12 |
165 |
4222 |
Jaime Lemay Some-Bull
Men Team of 4 |
40:34.1 |
+35:24.2+685.45%12.73%5 |
166 |
4202 |
Bob Jones NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
40:34.4 |
+35:24.5+685.54%12.73%8 |
167 |
4021 |
Bjoern Ossenbrink Team Fruit Loops
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
40:35.7 |
+35:25.8+685.96%12.72%1 |
168 |
2082 |
Evan Girard The Revengers
Men Team of 2 |
40:39.5 |
+35:29.6+687.19%12.70%6 |
169 |
11 |
Harv Bergen Harv Bergen
Solo Men |
40:39.8 |
+35:29.8+687.25%12.70%3 |
170 |
2102 |
Carsten Ivany Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
40:41.7 |
+35:31.8+687.90%12.69%15 |
171 |
2102 |
Carsten Ivany Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
40:43.9 |
+35:34.0+688.61%12.68%17 |
172 |
4213 |
Sheldon Orr Sofa Kings
Men Team of 4 |
40:47.3 |
+35:37.4+689.71%12.66%1 |
173 |
2101 |
Steve Devantier Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
40:50.5 |
+35:40.6+690.74%12.65%16 |
174 |
4202 |
Bob Jones NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
40:50.8 |
+35:40.9+690.84%12.64%4 |
175 |
2061 |
John Verdonk Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
40:53.0 |
+35:43.1+691.55%12.63%7 |
176 |
4203 |
Trevor Howard NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
40:59.6 |
+35:49.7+693.68%12.60%2 |
177 |
2062 |
Scott Simpson Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
41:04.6 |
+35:54.7+695.29%12.57%16 |
178 |
4051 |
Levi Rauch Mach-4
Youth Team of 4 |
41:06.2 |
+35:56.3+695.81%12.57%4 |
179 |
2062 |
Scott Simpson Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
41:08.9 |
+35:59.0+696.68%12.55%14 |
180 |
4182 |
Simon Blythe Glenridge Guys
Men Team of 4 |
41:09.0 |
+35:59.1+696.71%12.55%9 |
181 |
2061 |
John Verdonk Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
41:11.7 |
+36:01.8+697.58%12.54%13 |
182 |
4234 |
Matthias Stahl Stahl
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
41:13.2 |
+36:03.3+698.06%12.53%2 |
183 |
4174 |
Ken Leggatt Epic Ride Weather
Men Team of 4 |
41:15.2 |
+36:05.2+698.68%12.52%11 |
184 |
4241 |
Michael Woods Team DBSM
Men Team of 4 |
41:18.6 |
+36:08.7+699.81%12.50%3 |
185 |
4222 |
Jaime Lemay Some-Bull
Men Team of 4 |
41:26.2 |
+36:16.3+702.26%12.46%9 |
186 |
4201 |
Michael Van Den Ham NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
41:35.4 |
+36:25.4+705.20%12.42%13 |
187 |
4213 |
Sheldon Orr Sofa Kings
Men Team of 4 |
41:37.2 |
+36:27.3+705.81%12.41%17 |
188 |
2061 |
John Verdonk Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
41:39.2 |
+36:29.3+706.45%12.40%15 |
189 |
4204 |
Aaron Rahim NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
41:42.3 |
+36:32.4+707.45%12.38%7 |
190 |
4234 |
Matthias Stahl Stahl
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
41:42.5 |
+36:32.6+707.52%12.38%5 |
191 |
2061 |
John Verdonk Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
41:44.8 |
+36:34.8+708.23%12.37%9 |
192 |
4204 |
Aaron Rahim NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
41:56.5 |
+36:46.6+712.04%12.31%12 |
193 |
4081 |
Eva Leikermoser See Ya Tuesday
Women Team of 4 |
42:03.2 |
+36:53.3+714.20%12.28%13 |
194 |
4241 |
Michael Woods Team DBSM
Men Team of 4 |
42:03.4 |
+36:53.5+714.26%12.28%15 |
195 |
5 |
Benjamin Schmidt Benjamin Schmidt
Solo Men |
42:05.6 |
+36:55.7+714.97%12.27%5 |
196 |
4092 |
Drew Pilling Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
42:07.3 |
+36:57.4+715.52%12.26%10 |
197 |
4241 |
Michael Woods Team DBSM
Men Team of 4 |
42:08.2 |
+36:58.3+715.81%12.26%11 |
198 |
2042 |
Dave Chamberlain F2C
Men Team of 2 |
42:10.4 |
+37:00.5+716.52%12.25%5 |
199 |
2101 |
Steve Devantier Win or Booze
Men Team of 2 |
42:10.9 |
+37:01.0+716.68%12.24%18 |
200 |
4051 |
Levi Rauch Mach-4
Youth Team of 4 |
42:14.2 |
+37:04.3+717.75%12.23%8 |
201 |
2042 |
Dave Chamberlain F2C
Men Team of 2 |
42:15.3 |
+37:05.4+718.10%12.22%3 |
202 |
4214 |
Men Team of 4 |
42:18.8 |
+37:08.8+719.20%12.21%6 |
203 |
2082 |
Evan Girard The Revengers
Men Team of 2 |
42:20.4 |
+37:10.5+719.75%12.20%10 |
204 |
2041 |
Roy McBeth F2C
Men Team of 2 |
42:24.6 |
+37:14.6+721.07%12.18%2 |
205 |
4144 |
Amelie Zunk Twenty ways to scratch the dog
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
42:25.7 |
+37:15.8+721.46%12.17%3 |
206 |
4243 |
Steven Uruski Team DBSM
Men Team of 4 |
42:26.0 |
+37:16.1+721.56%12.17%5 |
207 |
4204 |
Aaron Rahim NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
42:26.6 |
+37:16.7+721.75%12.17%17 |
208 |
4021 |
Bjoern Ossenbrink Team Fruit Loops
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
42:27.0 |
+37:17.1+721.88%12.17%4 |
209 |
4241 |
Michael Woods Team DBSM
Men Team of 4 |
42:32.9 |
+37:23.0+723.78%12.14%7 |
210 |
4144 |
Amelie Zunk Twenty ways to scratch the dog
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
42:36.2 |
+37:26.2+724.81%12.12%7 |
211 |
4214 |
Men Team of 4 |
42:37.1 |
+37:27.1+725.10%12.12%11 |
212 |
5 |
Benjamin Schmidt Benjamin Schmidt
Solo Men |
42:38.0 |
+37:28.1+725.43%12.11%4 |
213 |
2041 |
Roy McBeth F2C
Men Team of 2 |
42:39.9 |
+37:30.0+726.04%12.11%6 |
214 |
4122 |
Mike Rothengatter Team GIANT Vancouver
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
42:43.1 |
+37:33.2+727.07%12.09%5 |
215 |
4021 |
Bjoern Ossenbrink Team Fruit Loops
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
42:44.2 |
+37:34.2+727.40%12.09%10 |
216 |
11 |
Harv Bergen Harv Bergen
Solo Men |
42:44.3 |
+37:34.4+727.46%12.09%1 |
217 |
2082 |
Evan Girard The Revengers
Men Team of 2 |
42:47.0 |
+37:37.1+728.33%12.07%1 |
218 |
4171 |
David Green Epic Ride Weather
Men Team of 4 |
42:49.0 |
+37:39.0+728.94%12.06%6 |
219 |
4102 |
Dave Eleiter Honey badgers
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
42:53.7 |
+37:43.8+730.49%12.04%5 |
220 |
5 |
Benjamin Schmidt Benjamin Schmidt
Solo Men |
42:58.5 |
+37:48.6+732.04%12.02%3 |
221 |
2061 |
John Verdonk Notarious Fellers
Men Team of 2 |
43:02.8 |
+37:52.9+733.43%12.00%17 |
222 |
4094 |
Melanie Federau Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:04.1 |
+37:54.2+733.85%11.99%3 |
223 |
4171 |
David Green Epic Ride Weather
Men Team of 4 |
43:04.4 |
+37:54.4+733.91%11.99%9 |
224 |
2041 |
Roy McBeth F2C
Men Team of 2 |
43:04.8 |
+37:54.9+734.08%11.99%4 |
225 |
4222 |
Jaime Lemay Some-Bull
Men Team of 4 |
43:06.5 |
+37:56.6+734.62%11.98%1 |
226 |
4021 |
Bjoern Ossenbrink Team Fruit Loops
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:08.9 |
+37:59.0+735.40%11.97%7 |
227 |
4204 |
Aaron Rahim NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
43:09.1 |
+37:59.2+735.46%11.97%3 |
228 |
5 |
Benjamin Schmidt Benjamin Schmidt
Solo Men |
43:17.7 |
+38:07.8+738.24%11.93%2 |
229 |
2082 |
Evan Girard The Revengers
Men Team of 2 |
43:18.2 |
+38:08.3+738.40%11.93%11 |
230 |
4024 |
Lennard Pretorius Team Fruit Loops
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:20.0 |
+38:10.1+738.98%11.92%8 |
231 |
4171 |
David Green Epic Ride Weather
Men Team of 4 |
43:21.2 |
+38:11.3+739.37%11.91%2 |
232 |
4243 |
Steven Uruski Team DBSM
Men Team of 4 |
43:21.9 |
+38:12.0+739.59%11.91%9 |
233 |
4122 |
Mike Rothengatter Team GIANT Vancouver
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:24.0 |
+38:14.1+740.27%11.90%9 |
234 |
4214 |
Men Team of 4 |
43:34.7 |
+38:24.7+743.69%11.85%14 |
235 |
4144 |
Amelie Zunk Twenty ways to scratch the dog
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:39.5 |
+38:29.6+745.27%11.83%11 |
236 |
4234 |
Matthias Stahl Stahl
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:40.6 |
+38:30.6+745.60%11.83%13 |
237 |
4203 |
Trevor Howard NOBL Racing
Men Team of 4 |
43:46.4 |
+38:36.4+747.47%11.80%16 |
238 |
2042 |
Dave Chamberlain F2C
Men Team of 2 |
43:52.3 |
+38:42.4+749.40%11.77%7 |
239 |
4102 |
Dave Eleiter Honey badgers
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:53.2 |
+38:43.3+749.69%11.77%9 |
240 |
4091 |
Rob Bruni Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:54.4 |
+38:44.5+750.08%11.76%16 |
241 |
2041 |
Roy McBeth F2C
Men Team of 2 |
43:55.4 |
+38:45.5+750.40%11.76%8 |
242 |
4091 |
Rob Bruni Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:58.6 |
+38:48.7+751.44%11.74%8 |
243 |
4092 |
Drew Pilling Bruni-Pilling
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
43:58.9 |
+38:48.9+751.50%11.74%2 |
244 |
5 |
Benjamin Schmidt Benjamin Schmidt
Solo Men |
44:02.3 |
+38:52.4+752.63%11.73%1 |
245 |
4234 |
Matthias Stahl Stahl
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
44:09.3 |
+38:59.4+754.89%11.70%9 |
246 |
4081 |
Eva Leikermoser See Ya Tuesday
Women Team of 4 |
44:15.6 |
+39:05.7+756.92%11.67%9 |
247 |
4081 |
Eva Leikermoser See Ya Tuesday
Women Team of 4 |
44:26.3 |
+39:16.4+760.37%11.62%5 |
248 |
4122 |
Mike Rothengatter Team GIANT Vancouver
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
44:27.5 |
+39:17.6+760.76%11.62%13 |
249 |
2011 |
Derek Slykerman Bottle Neck
Men Team of 2 |
44:36.0 |
+39:26.1+763.50%11.58%2 |
250 |
4133 |
Wayne Kooy Totally Unwheel
Co-Ed Team of 4 |
44:36.5 |
+39:26.6+763.67%11.58%6 |