1 | 164 | Unruly Flatlanders | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 164
- Chris Durand
- 29:37.23
- +1:19.6
- 29:37.23
- +1:19.6
- 2
- 1641
- Brian Warkentin
- 29:18.31
- -
- 58:55.52
- +0:00.7
- 3
- 1640
- Ryan Daiber
- 29:56.91
- -
- 1:28:52.41
- -
- 4
- 164
- Chris Durand
- 30:11.22
- +1:11.4
- 1:59:03.51
- -
- 5
- 1641
- Brian Warkentin
- 30:00.81
- -
- 2:29:04.31
- -
- 6
- 1640
- Ryan Daiber
- 30:05.91
- -
- 2:59:10.31
- -
- 7
- 164
- Chris Durand
- 29:58.81
- -
- 3:29:09.11
- -
- 8
- 1641
- Brian Warkentin
- 31:02.72
- +0:01.0
- 4:00:11.81
- -
- 9
- 1640
- Ryan Daiber
- 29:44.31
- -
- 4:29:56.11
- -
- 10
- 164
- Chris Durand
- 29:33.02
- +0:21.9
- 4:59:29.11
- -
- 11
- 1641
- Brian Warkentin
- 31:21.92
- +0:11.8
- 5:30:51.01
- -
5:30:51.0 | 11--100%4.54%4.76%10:00:02.0 |
2 | 158 | Flat Free | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 1580
- Neals Van Wely
- 33:49.913
- +5:32.3
- 33:49.913
- +5:32.3
- 2
- 158
- Marten Wopereis
- 30:37.03
- +1:18.7
- 1:04:26.97
- +5:32.1
- 3
- 1581
- Dave Bishop
- 31:01.92
- +1:05.0
- 1:35:28.85
- +6:36.4
- 4
- 1580
- Neals Van Wely
- 28:59.81
- -
- 2:04:28.64
- +5:25.1
- 5
- 158
- Marten Wopereis
- 30:12.42
- +0:11.6
- 2:34:41.04
- +5:36.7
- 6
- 1581
- Dave Bishop
- 31:07.42
- +1:01.4
- 3:05:48.43
- +6:38.1
- 7
- 1580
- Neals Van Wely
- 36:07.711
- +6:08.9
- 3:41:56.14
- +12:47.0
- 8
- 158
- Marten Wopereis
- 31:01.71
- -
- 4:12:57.84
- +12:46.0
- 9
- 1581
- Dave Bishop
- 32:49.84
- +3:05.5
- 4:45:47.64
- +15:51.5
- 10
- 1580
- Neals Van Wely
- 29:11.11
- -
- 5:14:58.73
- +15:29.6
- 11
- 158
- Marten Wopereis
- 31:10.11
- -
- 5:46:08.82
- +15:17.8
5:46:08.8 | 11+15:17.8+4.62%95.58%0.13%0.36%10:00:02.0 |
3 | 161 | Pedal Mashers | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 161
- Dave McDonald
- 29:20.42
- +1:02.8
- 29:20.42
- +1:02.8
- 2
- 1610
- Aaron Stilson
- 30:30.82
- +1:12.5
- 59:51.23
- +0:56.4
- 3
- 1611
- Jason Ficht
- 32:45.54
- +2:48.7
- 1:32:36.72
- +3:44.3
- 4
- 161
- Dave McDonald
- 30:52.13
- +1:52.3
- 2:03:28.82
- +4:25.2
- 5
- 1610
- Aaron Stilson
- 30:23.04
- +0:22.2
- 2:33:51.72
- +4:47.4
- 6
- 1611
- Jason Ficht
- 32:54.76
- +2:48.8
- 3:06:46.44
- +7:36.2
- 7
- 161
- Dave McDonald
- 31:17.93
- +1:19.0
- 3:38:04.32
- +8:55.2
- 8
- 1610
- Aaron Stilson
- 31:13.73
- +0:12.0
- 4:09:18.02
- +9:06.2
- 9
- 1611
- Jason Ficht
- 33:59.68
- +4:15.3
- 4:43:17.62
- +13:21.5
- 10
- 161
- Dave McDonald
- 31:10.93
- +1:59.8
- 5:14:28.52
- +14:59.4
- 11
- 1610
- Aaron Stilson
- 32:00.23
- +0:50.1
- 5:46:28.73
- +15:37.7
5:46:28.7 | 11+15:37.7+4.72%95.49%0.03%0.27%10:00:02.0 |
4 | 160 | MADMAXX/PLAZA BUILDERS | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 160
- Tomm Randell Generalao
- 28:17.61
- -
- 28:17.61
- -
- 2
- 1602
- John Jonnel Achazo
- 30:37.24
- +1:18.9
- 58:54.81
- -
- 3
- 160
- Tomm Randell Generalao
- 33:50.36
- +3:53.4
- 1:32:45.13
- +3:52.8
- 4
- 1600
- 31:16.15
- +2:16.3
- 2:04:01.23
- +4:57.7
- 5
- 1602
- John Jonnel Achazo
- 30:20.13
- +0:19.3
- 2:34:21.33
- +5:17.0
- 6
- 1600
- 31:20.93
- +1:15.0
- 3:05:42.22
- +6:31.9
- 7
- 160
- Tomm Randell Generalao
- 33:42.59
- +3:43.7
- 3:39:24.73
- +10:15.6
- 8
- 1602
- John Jonnel Achazo
- 31:31.54
- +0:29.8
- 4:10:56.33
- +10:44.5
- 9
- 1601
- 33:03.66
- +3:19.3
- 4:43:59.83
- +14:03.8
- 10
- 1600
- 31:41.16
- +2:30.0
- 5:15:40.94
- +16:11.8
- 11
- 1602
- John Jonnel Achazo
- 32:38.75
- +1:28.6
- 5:48:19.74
- +17:28.6
5:48:19.7 | 11+17:28.7+5.28%94.98%-0.50%-0.27%10:00:02.0 |
5 | 159 | London MTB Knights | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 1590
- 30:46.86
- +2:29.2
- 30:46.86
- +2:29.2
- 2
- 1591
- Ralph Buchal
- 32:58.37
- +3:40.0
- 1:03:45.14
- +4:50.2
- 3
- 159
- Derek Williams
- 31:19.73
- +1:22.8
- 1:35:04.74
- +6:12.4
- 4
- 1590
- 31:51.48
- +2:51.6
- 2:06:56.15
- +7:52.6
- 5
- 1591
- Ralph Buchal
- 32:18.76
- +2:17.9
- 2:39:14.85
- +10:10.5
- 6
- 159
- Derek Williams
- 31:31.55
- +1:25.6
- 3:10:46.35
- +11:36.1
- 7
- 1590
- 32:54.97
- +2:56.0
- 3:43:41.25
- +14:32.1
- 8
- 1591
- Ralph Buchal
- 32:14.05
- +1:12.3
- 4:15:55.25
- +15:43.4
- 9
- 159
- Derek Williams
- 32:32.33
- +2:48.1
- 4:48:27.55
- +18:31.5
- 10
- 1590
- 31:40.65
- +2:29.5
- 5:20:08.15
- +20:39.0
- 11
- 1591
- Ralph Buchal
- 32:11.04
- +1:00.9
- 5:52:19.15
- +21:28.1
5:52:19.1 | 11+21:28.1+6.49%93.91%-1.65%-1.41%10:00:02.0 |
6 | 157 | Cardiac Hill Dirt Weezers | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 1570
- Maurice Haworth
- 30:40.95
- +2:23.3
- 30:40.95
- +2:23.3
- 2
- 157
- Chad Remington
- 33:04.88
- +3:46.4
- 1:03:45.65
- +4:50.8
- 3
- 1571
- Kirby Collins
- 33:02.85
- +3:06.0
- 1:36:48.46
- +7:56.0
- 4
- 1570
- Maurice Haworth
- 31:21.86
- +2:22.0
- 2:08:10.26
- +9:06.7
- 5
- 157
- Chad Remington
- 33:27.87
- +3:27.0
- 2:41:38.07
- +12:33.7
- 6
- 1571
- Kirby Collins
- 31:29.44
- +1:23.5
- 3:13:07.46
- +13:57.1
- 7
- 1570
- Maurice Haworth
- 31:22.34
- +1:23.5
- 3:44:29.76
- +15:20.6
- 8
- 157
- Chad Remington
- 33:42.06
- +2:40.3
- 4:18:11.86
- +18:00.0
- 9
- 1571
- Kirby Collins
- 32:11.62
- +2:27.3
- 4:50:23.36
- +20:27.3
- 10
- 1570
- Maurice Haworth
- 31:21.64
- +2:10.4
- 5:21:44.96
- +22:15.8
- 11
- 157
- Chad Remington
- 33:39.26
- +2:29.0
- 5:55:24.06
- +24:33.0
5:55:24.0 | 11+24:33.0+7.42%93.09%-2.54%-2.30%10:00:02.0 |
7 | 166 | Wheely Fast | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 1660
- alexandre caskanette
- 33:15.612
- +4:58.0
- 33:15.612
- +4:58.0
- 2
- 166
- Bennet Heidenreich
- 33:51.710
- +4:33.4
- 1:07:07.311
- +8:12.4
- 3
- 1661
- Geoff Hockin
- 34:58.49
- +5:01.5
- 1:42:05.79
- +13:13.3
- 4
- 1660
- alexandre caskanette
- 31:59.09
- +2:59.2
- 2:14:04.78
- +15:01.1
- 5
- 166
- Bennet Heidenreich
- 34:47.110
- +4:46.3
- 2:48:51.88
- +19:47.5
- 6
- 1661
- Geoff Hockin
- 35:09.58
- +5:03.6
- 3:24:01.38
- +24:51.1
- 7
- 1660
- alexandre caskanette
- 32:41.65
- +2:42.8
- 3:56:43.07
- +27:33.8
- 8
- 166
- Bennet Heidenreich
- 35:41.112
- +4:39.4
- 4:32:24.07
- +32:12.2
- 9
- 1661
- Geoff Hockin
- 36:19.811
- +6:35.6
- 5:08:43.87
- +38:47.8
- 10
- 1660
- alexandre caskanette
- 33:18.08
- +4:06.9
- 5:42:01.87
- +42:32.7
-1 lap | 10-----10:00:02.0 |
8 | 156 | Better Than All The Rest | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 1560
- Devin Hulshof
- 32:55.010
- +4:37.4
- 32:55.010
- +4:37.4
- 2
- 156
- Nathan Huffman
- 33:31.49
- +4:13.1
- 1:06:26.310
- +7:31.5
- 3
- 1561
- Ryan Alexander
- 36:31.110
- +6:34.2
- 1:42:57.410
- +14:05.0
- 4
- 1560
- Devin Hulshof
- 32:29.611
- +3:29.8
- 2:15:27.19
- +16:23.5
- 5
- 156
- Nathan Huffman
- 34:35.29
- +4:34.4
- 2:50:02.29
- +20:57.9
- 6
- 1561
- Ryan Alexander
- 37:12.810
- +7:06.8
- 3:27:15.09
- +28:04.7
- 7
- 1560
- Devin Hulshof
- 33:54.610
- +3:55.7
- 4:01:09.68
- +32:00.4
- 8
- 156
- Nathan Huffman
- 35:21.211
- +4:19.5
- 4:36:30.88
- +36:19.0
- 9
- 1561
- Ryan Alexander
- 35:56.510
- +6:12.2
- 5:12:27.28
- +42:31.2
- 10
- 1560
- Devin Hulshof
- 35:41.99
- +6:30.8
- 5:48:09.18
- +48:40.0
-1 lap | 10-----10:00:02.0 |
9 | 162 | Simply The Best | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 162
- Kyle Capitano
- 32:01.38
- +3:43.7
- 32:01.38
- +3:43.7
- 2
- 1620
- Adam Wiggers
- 36:04.013
- +6:45.7
- 1:08:05.312
- +9:10.4
- 3
- 1621
- Christopher Kornas
- 38:46.013
- +8:49.1
- 1:46:51.311
- +17:58.9
- 4
- 162
- Kyle Capitano
- 32:19.110
- +3:19.3
- 2:19:10.411
- +20:06.8
- 5
- 1620
- Adam Wiggers
- 37:31.913
- +7:31.2
- 2:56:42.311
- +27:38.0
- 6
- 1621
- Christopher Kornas
- 38:05.811
- +7:59.9
- 3:34:48.110
- +35:37.9
- 7
- 162
- Kyle Capitano
- 33:41.98
- +3:43.0
- 4:08:30.09
- +39:20.9
- 8
- 1620
- Adam Wiggers
- 38:45.513
- +7:43.9
- 4:47:15.69
- +47:03.8
- 9
- 1621
- Christopher Kornas
- 37:42.412
- +7:58.1
- 5:24:58.09
- +55:01.9
- 10
- 162
- Kyle Capitano
- 32:52.17
- +3:40.9
- 5:57:50.19
- +58:20.9
-1 lap | 10-----10:00:02.0 |
10 | 168 | Attack Coaches 1 | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 1682
- Greg Poisson
- 31:50.27
- +3:32.6
- 31:50.27
- +3:32.6
- 2
- 168
- Jason Gardiner
- 32:00.75
- +2:42.4
- 1:03:50.96
- +4:56.0
- 3
- 1681
- John Downing
- 34:07.57
- +4:10.6
- 1:37:58.47
- +9:06.0
- 4
- 1682
- Greg Poisson
- 31:34.47
- +2:34.6
- 2:09:32.87
- +10:29.2
- 5
- 168
- Jason Gardiner
- 31:37.75
- +1:36.9
- 2:41:10.56
- +12:06.1
- 6
- 1681
- John Downing
- 34:17.87
- +4:11.9
- 3:15:28.37
- +16:18.0
- 7
- 168
- Jason Gardiner
- 1:07:10.314
- +37:11.5
- 4:22:38.612
- +53:29.5
- 8
- 1681
- John Downing
- 34:44.19
- +3:42.4
- 4:57:22.711
- +57:10.9
- 9
- 1682
- Greg Poisson
- 33:00.85
- +3:16.6
- 5:30:23.510
- +1:00:27.4
-2 laps | 9-----10:00:02.0 |
11 | 167 | ZAKM | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 1670
- Zsolt Erdelyi
- 34:04.514
- +5:46.9
- 34:04.514
- +5:46.9
- 2
- 1672
- Alex Bennet
- 35:18.012
- +5:59.7
- 1:09:22.513
- +10:27.7
- 3
- 167
- Kevin David
- 38:32.512
- +8:35.6
- 1:47:55.012
- +19:02.6
- 4
- 1671
- Matt Stubbing
- 40:05.114
- +11:05.2
- 2:28:00.113
- +28:56.5
- 5
- 1670
- Zsolt Erdelyi
- 34:52.711
- +4:51.9
- 3:02:52.812
- +33:48.5
- 6
- 1672
- Alex Bennet
- 35:42.79
- +5:36.8
- 3:38:35.511
- +39:25.2
- 7
- 167
- Kevin David
- 37:25.912
- +7:27.1
- 4:16:01.410
- +46:52.3
- 8
- 1671
- Matt Stubbing
- 43:09.114
- +12:07.4
- 4:59:10.512
- +58:58.7
- 9
- 1670
- Zsolt Erdelyi
- 35:45.09
- +6:00.7
- 5:34:55.411
- +1:04:59.4
-2 laps | 9-----10:00:02.0 |
12 | 165 | Vuteq MTB Team | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 1652
- Jason Van Meppel Scheppink
- 32:56.611
- +4:39.0
- 32:56.611
- +4:39.0
- 2
- 1652
- Jason Van Meppel Scheppink
- 32:39.06
- +3:20.7
- 1:05:35.69
- +6:40.8
- 3
- 165
- Dave Andrew
- 34:48.08
- +4:51.1
- 1:40:23.68
- +11:31.2
- 4
- 165
- Dave Andrew
- 35:32.013
- +6:32.2
- 2:15:55.610
- +16:52.0
- 5
- 1651
- Brody Van Meppelen Scheppink
- 53:01.814
- +23:01.0
- 3:08:57.314
- +39:53.0
- 6
- 1650
- Jacob Andrew
- 47:19.813
- +17:13.9
- 3:56:17.214
- +57:06.9
- 7
- 1652
- Jason Van Meppel Scheppink
- 32:49.76
- +2:50.8
- 4:29:06.914
- +59:57.7
- 8
- 165
- Dave Andrew
- 34:23.08
- +3:21.3
- 5:03:29.814
- +1:03:18.0
- 9
- 1652
- Jason Van Meppel Scheppink
- 33:24.07
- +3:39.7
- 5:36:53.812
- +1:06:57.7
-2 laps | 9-----10:00:02.0 |
13 | 163 | Three Insane Amigos | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 1631
- Isaac Veldhuis
- 30:16.14
- +1:58.5
- 30:16.14
- +1:58.5
- 2
- 163
- Adrian Kleinikkink
- 34:56.511
- +5:38.2
- 1:05:12.68
- +6:17.8
- 3
- 1630
- Trevor Bean
- 45:25.614
- +15:28.8
- 1:50:38.213
- +21:45.9
- 4
- 1631
- Isaac Veldhuis
- 31:03.34
- +2:03.5
- 2:21:41.512
- +22:38.0
- 5
- 163
- Adrian Kleinikkink
- 34:02.88
- +4:02.0
- 2:55:44.310
- +26:40.0
- 6
- 1630
- Trevor Bean
- 49:25.214
- +19:19.3
- 3:45:09.512
- +45:59.3
- 7
- 1631
- Isaac Veldhuis
- 31:05.62
- +1:06.7
- 4:16:15.111
- +47:06.0
- 8
- 163
- Adrian Kleinikkink
- 34:14.27
- +3:12.6
- 4:50:29.310
- +50:17.5
- 9
- 1630
- Trevor Bean
- 57:34.414
- +27:50.1
- 5:48:03.713
- +1:18:07.7
-2 laps | 9-----10:00:02.0 |
14 | 155 | Attack H2O | Team Relay- Male |
- 1
- 155
- Harry Langford
- 32:51.69
- +4:34.0
- 32:51.69
- +4:34.0
- 2
- 1550
- Oliver MacDonald
- 42:12.014
- +12:53.7
- 1:15:03.614
- +16:08.7
- 3
- 1551
- Henry Williams
- 38:16.711
- +8:19.8
- 1:53:20.314
- +24:27.9
- 4
- 155
- Harry Langford
- 35:12.612
- +6:12.8
- 2:28:32.914
- +29:29.4
- 5
- 155
- Harry Langford
- 35:41.912
- +5:41.1
- 3:04:14.813
- +35:10.5
- 6
- 1550
- Oliver MacDonald
- 43:36.312
- +13:30.3
- 3:47:51.113
- +48:40.9
- 7
- 1551
- Henry Williams
- 39:52.113
- +9:53.2
- 4:27:43.213
- +58:34.1
- 8
- 155
- Harry Langford
- 35:10.010
- +4:08.3
- 5:02:53.213
- +1:02:41.4
- 9
- 1550
- Oliver MacDonald
- 46:30.113
- +16:45.9
- 5:49:23.314
- +1:19:27.3
-2 laps | 9-----10:00:02.0 |