Danby Down & Dirty

Saturday, October 12, 2024 9:02 AM (GMT-4) - Preliminary results

Race info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Ithaca, NY, United States
Start type: Manual wave start
Wave grouping: By distance
Racers: 106
Category results: Exclude top 1 overall
Timed on: iPhone
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 7.0
Updated: Sunday, October 13, 2024 12:22 PM (GMT-4)

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Danby Down & Dirty

  • 10K - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1414Glenn SeeholzerHuntingdon Valley, PA 30-3938M 46:56--100%36.25%34.49%09:15:52
2371Tim PhelpsIthaca, NY 30-3933M 48:45+1:49+3.87%96.27%33.78%31.95%09:15:52
3365Nora McIver-SheridanIthaca 30-3939F 52:33+5:37+11.97%89.31%28.62%26.65%09:15:52
  • 10K Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1365Nora McIver-SheridanIthaca 30-3939F 52:33--100%33.60%31.23%09:15:52
2351Cecelia MadsenFreeville, NY 30-3934F 57:51+5:18+10.09%90.84%26.91%24.30%09:15:52
3298Emily BellmanIthaca, NY 18 and under18F 59:15+6:42+12.75%88.69%25.14%22.46%09:15:52
  • 10K Female - 18 and under
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1298Emily BellmanIthaca, NY 18 and under18F 59:15--100%14.14%16.74%09:15:52
2358Mckenzie LeonardDryden, NY 18 and under12F 1:11:10+11:55+20.11%83.26%-3.13%0.00%09:15:52
3408Rasa WarrenIthaca, NY 18 and under10F 1:16:36+17:21+29.28%77.35%-11.01%-7.63%09:15:52
  • 10K Female - 19-29
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1334Hannah GrazulIthaca, NY 19-2929F 1:12:16--100%14.54%15.30%09:15:52
2400Megan TracyClifton Park, NY 19-2924F 1:15:38+3:22+4.66%95.55%10.55%11.36%09:15:52
3350Deirdre KennedyIthaca, NY 19-2927F 1:20:24+8:08+11.25%89.88%4.92%5.77%09:15:52
  • 10K Female - 30-39
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1351Cecelia MadsenFreeville, NY 30-3934F 57:51--100%20.45%16.24%09:15:52
2360Emily MadanIthaca, NY 30-3939F 1:04:10+6:19+10.92%90.16%11.77%7.09%09:15:52
3377Amanda RobertsonTrumansburg, NY 30-3936F 1:04:36+6:45+11.67%89.55%11.17%6.47%09:15:52
  • 10K Female - 40-49
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1361Darby KileyFreeville, NY 40-4949F 1:12:05--100%14.31%12.73%09:15:52
2319Dani DiciccoIthaca 40-4942F 1:17:09+5:04+7.03%93.43%8.29%6.60%09:15:52
3353Anna KoshcheevaIthaca, NY 40-4941F 1:20:01+7:56+11.01%90.09%4.88%3.13%09:15:52
  • 10K Female - 50-59
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1374Christine ReynoldsNewfield, NY 50-5954F 1:12:58--100%20.27%4.26%09:15:52
2336Kris Haines-SharpIthaca, NY 50-5958F 1:16:13+3:15+4.45%95.74%16.72%0.00%09:15:52
3317Pam CronkGroton, NY 50-5954F 2:05:22+52:24+71.81%58.20%-36.99%-64.49%09:15:52
  • 10K Female - 60-69
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1310Vicki CastellucciApalachin 60-6965F 1:28:05--100%0.00%0.00%09:15:52
  • 10K Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1414Glenn SeeholzerHuntingdon Valley, PA 30-3938M 46:56--100%31.87%30.07%09:15:52
2371Tim PhelpsIthaca, NY 30-3933M 48:45+1:49+3.87%96.27%29.23%27.37%09:15:52
3406Columbia WarrenIthaca, NY 40-4947M 53:02+6:06+13.00%88.50%23.01%20.98%09:15:52
  • 10K Male - 19-29
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1339Artan IsomWebster Groves, MO 19-2919M 58:22--100%12.86%12.86%09:15:52
2399Matthew TimoneyClifton Park, NY 19-2924M 1:15:36+17:14+29.53%77.20%-12.86%-12.86%09:15:52
  • 10K Male - 30-39
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1371Tim PhelpsIthaca, NY 30-3933M 48:45--100%20.75%16.88%09:15:52
2309Terry CarrollTrumansburg, NY 30-3935M 56:04+7:19+15.01%86.95%8.86%4.40%09:15:52
3388Wade SimmonsIthaca, NY 30-3934M 56:21+7:36+15.59%86.51%8.40%3.92%09:15:52
  • 10K Male - 40-49
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1406Columbia WarrenIthaca, NY 40-4947M 53:02--100%22.16%24.69%09:15:52
2348Dave KaniaIthaca, NY 40-4944M 53:05+0:03+0.09%99.91%22.09%24.62%09:15:52
3349Rob KaplanTrumansburg, NY 40-4948M 1:00:07+7:05+13.36%88.22%11.76%14.63%09:15:52
  • 10K Male - 50-59
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1383Mark ScholenoMoravia, NY 50-5955M 55:56--100%24.18%22.35%09:15:52
2297Jeff AugustineIthaca, NY 50-5954M 1:00:15+4:19+7.72%92.84%18.33%16.36%09:15:52
3299Robert BellmanIthaca, NY 50-5958M 1:00:17+4:21+7.78%92.78%18.29%16.31%09:15:52
  • 10K Male - 60-69
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1352Bill KingIthaca, NY 60-6965M 1:06:01--100%9.84%1.64%09:15:52
2401Klaas Van WijkIthaca, NY 60-6964M 1:07:07+1:06+1.67%98.36%8.34%0.00%09:15:52
3398George ThomasSkaneateles, NY 60-6968M 1:26:32+20:31+31.08%76.29%-18.18%-28.93%09:15:52
  • 10K Male - 70+
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1345Tom JoyceIthaca, NY 70+73M 1:31:57--100%6.15%6.15%09:15:52
2311David ChambersCenterville, NY 70+74M 1:44:00+12:03+13.10%88.41%-6.15%-6.15%09:15:52
  • 10K Non-Binary - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1404Laura VineyardSpencer, NY 40-4941NB 1:43:22--100%0.00%0.00%09:15:52
  • 23K - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1294Ryan Allen-ParrotNew York, NY 30-3933M 2:07:49--100%29.49%28.61%09:02:29
2380Johnny SchellengerAlexandria, LA 30-3935M 2:08:15+0:26+0.34%99.66%29.25%28.37%09:02:29
3385Michael SeligElmira, NY 40-4946M 2:14:41+6:52+5.37%94.90%25.70%24.77%09:02:29
  • 23K Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1303Jennifer BoernerElmira, NY 40-4942F 2:17:20--100%29.50%34.51%09:02:29
2325Doreen FantonIthaca 40-4949F 2:30:27+13:07+9.55%91.28%22.76%28.26%09:02:29
3409Lauren WetterhahnSyracuse, NY 30-3935F 2:49:46+32:26+23.62%80.90%12.85%19.05%09:02:29
  • 23K Female - 19-29
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1368Rossy NataleIthaca, NY 19-2928F 3:08:57--100%6.05%6.05%09:02:29
2391Anna SmithPenn Yan, NY 19-2922F 3:33:17+24:20+12.88%88.59%-6.05%-6.05%09:02:29
  • 23K Female - 30-39
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1409Lauren WetterhahnSyracuse, NY 30-3935F 2:49:46--100%17.79%19.97%09:02:29
2370Caroline PaquetteFRANKLIN, NH 30-3935F 3:29:43+39:57+23.53%80.95%-1.56%1.14%09:02:29
3363Cat MassaFreeville, NY 30-3931F 3:32:08+42:22+24.96%80.03%-2.73%0.00%09:02:29
  • 23K Female - 40-49
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1325Doreen FantonIthaca 40-4949F 2:30:27--100%20.77%16.33%09:02:29
2382Julie SchneiderKingston, ON 40-4944F 2:59:49+29:22+19.52%83.67%5.30%0.00%09:02:29
3322Cadence DubusBrooklyn, NY 40-4942F 3:59:24+1:28:57+59.12%62.84%-26.07%-33.14%09:02:29
  • 23K Female - 50-59
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1405Melissa WallaceIthaca, NY 50-5951F 3:31:31--100%0.00%0.00%09:02:29
  • 23K Female - 60-69
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1342Lori JohnsonBerkshire, NY 60-6960F 2:59:02--100%0.00%0.00%09:02:29
  • 23K Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1294Ryan Allen-ParrotNew York, NY 30-3933M 2:07:49--100%26.52%26.32%09:02:29
2380Johnny SchellengerAlexandria, LA 30-3935M 2:08:15+0:26+0.34%99.66%26.27%26.07%09:02:29
3385Michael SeligElmira, NY 40-4946M 2:14:41+6:52+5.37%94.90%22.57%22.37%09:02:29
  • 23K Male - 19-29
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1393Gideon SmithIthaca, NY 19-2924M 2:59:32--100%0.00%0.00%09:02:29
  • 23K Male - 30-39
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1380Johnny SchellengerAlexandria, LA 30-3935M 2:08:15--100%28.76%36.56%09:02:29
2304Timothy BoycottCortland, NY 30-3932M 3:22:10+1:13:55+57.63%63.44%-12.30%0.00%09:02:29
3384Christopher SchwarzLansing, NY 30-3933M 3:29:38+1:21:23+63.46%61.18%-16.45%-3.69%09:02:29
  • 23K Male - 40-49
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1385Michael SeligElmira, NY 40-4946M 2:14:41--100%21.85%16.62%09:02:29
2340Scotie JacobsBrooktondale, NY 40-4949M 2:15:41+1:00+0.74%99.26%21.27%16.00%09:02:29
3372Michael Pelzel PoklembaLisle, NY 40-4940M 2:23:00+8:19+6.17%94.18%17.02%11.47%09:02:29
  • 23K Male - 50-59
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1341Stephen JeschIthaca, NY 50-5955M 2:28:43--100%6.23%2.82%09:02:29
2315Damian ClemonsPhelps, NY 50-5950M 2:28:52+0:09+0.10%99.90%6.14%2.72%09:02:29
3402Steven J VanekIthaca, NY 50-5953M 2:33:02+4:19+2.90%97.18%3.51%0.00%09:02:29
  • 23K Male - 60-69
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1344David JonesIthaca, NY 60-6966M 2:54:05--100%9.62%8.22%09:02:29
2366John MilesPasadena, CA 60-6960M 2:58:14+4:09+2.38%97.67%7.46%6.04%09:02:29
3312Jim ChelyElmira 60-6968M 2:58:56+4:51+2.79%97.29%7.10%5.67%09:02:29