Sprint et chocolat

Sunday, January 14, 2024 09:10 (GMT+1) - LIVE results

Race info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Le Boulou, France
Start type: Interval start
Racers: 105
Category results: Exclude top 3 overall
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 5.7
Updated: Saturday, March 30, 2024 20:01 (GMT+1)
Organized by: Centre Chrono Sports
Race website: http://class-chronosports.fr.nf

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  • Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
116Amat Mathis ESM 26:29--100%33.17%25.54%09:18:10
282Oliva MathysTocats del cim ESM 27:10+0:41+2.58%97.48%31.44%23.62%09:51:10
314Llavanera Jean SEM 27:18+0:49+3.08%97.01%31.11%23.24%09:17:10
  • Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
125Fischer AlexandraTocats del cim SEF 33:24--100%32.67%26.57%09:22:40
2100Burq NoemieYou can trail SEF 34:26+1:02+3.09%97.00%30.59%24.29%10:00:10
384Martin MaudTocats del cim M1F 34:32+1:08+3.39%96.72%30.39%24.07%09:52:10
  • Female - ES
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
169Bonnet Sarahathle 66 ESF 35:04--100%0.00%0.00%09:44:40
  • Female - M0
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1105Mingorance Manon M0F 36:53--100%10.44%10.44%10:02:40
243Perrottey ClaudineBabaus corredors M0F 45:29+8:36+23.32%81.09%-10.44%-10.44%09:31:40
  • Female - M1
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
112Franchemiche Cécile M1F 1:04:23--100%3.88%3.88%09:16:10
248Villelongue CharlèneIsards catalans M1F 1:09:35+5:12+8.08%92.53%-3.88%-3.88%09:34:10
  • Female - M2
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
119Hameau Natachast laurent running M2F 41:25--100%13.00%3.76%09:19:40
2101Pla AudreyASP2 M2F 43:02+1:37+3.90%96.24%9.60%0.00%10:00:40
38Arquer SandraBabaucorredors M2F 58:22+16:57+40.93%70.96%-22.60%-35.63%09:14:10
  • Female - M3
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
178Riere StéphanieASSA ARGELES M3F 39:24--100%38.86%37.34%09:49:10
244Destriez CaroleLes vigatanes M3F 47:41+8:17+21.02%82.63%26.00%24.17%09:32:10
334Galy Sandra M3F 1:18:05+38:41+98.18%50.46%-21.18%-24.17%09:27:10
  • Female - M4
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
156Morard Valerie M4F 44:17--100%6.54%6.54%09:38:10
264Jaulent ElisabethL'ENJAMBEE LEUCATOISE M4F 50:29+6:12+14.00%87.72%-6.54%-6.54%09:42:10
  • Female - M5
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
111Georget ColineM5F 55:19--100%0.00%0.00%09:15:40
  • Female - M6
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
163Forel NicoleL’enjambée M6F 51:01--100%0.00%0.00%09:41:40
  • Female - SE
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
127Llacer VirginieBabau corredors SEF 40:49--100%15.53%9.38%09:23:40
241Pascal MarineRMT SEF 42:43+1:54+4.65%95.55%11.60%5.16%09:30:40
379Laumet MagaliRONDA DES BOJOS SEF 42:52+2:03+5.02%95.22%11.29%4.83%09:49:40
  • Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
116Amat Mathis ESM 26:29--100%26.06%21.36%09:18:10
282Oliva MathysTocats del cim ESM 27:10+0:41+2.58%97.48%24.15%19.33%09:51:10
314Llavanera Jean SEM 27:18+0:49+3.08%97.01%23.78%18.93%09:17:10
  • Male - ES
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1102Leroy RaphaëlESM 30:57--100%6.61%9.28%10:01:10
271Sigal SebastienESM 34:07+3:10+10.23%90.72%-2.95%0.00%09:45:40
398Desvaux AurelienESM 34:21+3:24+10.99%90.10%-3.65%-0.68%09:59:10
  • Male - JU
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
165Villard ThomasJUM 28:56--100%0.00%0.00%09:42:40
  • Male - M0
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
190Vernier Jean François M0M 31:42--100%13.83%8.43%09:55:10
280Baron VincentRONDA DES BOJOS M0M 31:47+0:05+0.26%99.74%13.61%8.18%09:50:10
299March Christian M0M 31:47+0:05+0.26%99.74%13.61%8.18%09:59:40
  • Male - M1
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1110Guenebaut Loic M1M 27:56--100%10.20%10.01%10:05:10
224Portas SébastienITR M1M 29:55+1:59+7.10%93.37%3.82%3.62%09:22:10
393Pinauldt MatthieuTocats del cim M1M 30:10+2:14+8.00%92.60%3.02%2.82%09:56:40
  • Male - M2
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
167Gomez José-Manuel M2M 29:34--100%10.26%6.78%09:43:40
294Menau SebastienRunning 66/ team Trail cailloux M2M 29:35+0:01+0.06%99.94%10.21%6.73%09:57:10
331Come StéphaneS/L ITSWEIRE TEAM RUNNING M2M 29:48+0:14+0.79%99.22%9.55%6.04%09:25:40
  • Male - M3
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
138Becker Gérald M3M 30:40--100%10.45%11.45%09:29:10
281Martin SamuelClub Itsweire M3M 31:43+1:03+3.42%96.69%7.38%8.42%09:50:40
339Puig FrançoisHVA M3M 32:17+1:37+5.27%94.99%5.73%6.79%09:29:40
  • Male - M4
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
118Parayre Vincent M4M 35:27--100%25.30%8.24%09:19:10
240Komin LaurentVigatanes Del Volo M4M 35:50+0:23+1.08%98.93%24.49%7.25%09:30:10
313Mezy Pierre M4M 37:24+1:57+5.50%94.79%21.19%3.19%09:16:40
  • Male - M5
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
136Blésès Jean-Paul3T / Vigatanes Del Volo M5M 30:55--100%14.98%12.97%09:28:10
277Bidard FabienVigatanes Del Volo M5M 31:56+1:01+3.29%96.82%12.18%10.11%09:48:40
376Vroom HermanVigatanes M5M 32:29+1:34+5.07%95.18%10.67%8.56%09:48:10
  • Male - M7
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1107Duchene Gerard M7M 40:06--100%3.64%3.64%10:03:40
262Alain LamyE2A M7M 43:08+3:02+7.56%92.97%-3.64%-3.64%09:41:10
  • Male - M9
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
11Piquet RobertRUNNING66 M9M 54:20--100%0.00%0.00%09:10:40
  • Male - SE
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
154Roca SimonTocats del cim SEM 27:46--100%19.74%16.66%09:37:10
272Autrique HugoTocats del cim SEM 28:07+0:21+1.26%98.76%18.73%15.61%09:46:10
388Palmier TomTeam Trail Thuir SEM 29:01+1:15+4.50%95.69%16.13%12.91%09:54:10