XXIV Triatló Popular de Xerta - 2022

Sunday, August 28, 2022 10:03 (GMT+2) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Triathlon
Location: Xerta, Spain
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 64
Timed on: Mac
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 5.6
Updated: Sunday, August 28, 2022 15:48 (GMT+2)
Organized by: Ajuntament de Xerta
Race website: http://triatloxerta.blogspot.com/
Race notes
Memorial Josep Lluis Horta

El triatló de Xerta és una prova de caire popular on tothom qui ho desitgi es pot iniciar al món del triatló, sense que sigui necessari tenir una condició física excepcional. Per tant és una proba on l'exigència se la marca un mateix, apretant el que cadascú cregui convenient.

· 400m natació: Recorregut circular al riu en zona sense corrent al voltant de l'embarcador de Xerta.

· 12km bicicleta BTT o gravel (camí Tarelloles, canal Xerta-Sénia, camí dels Bous)

· 4km carrera asfalt (volta de la "O" a l'horta de Xerta)
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  • Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
126Xavi Matheu GasVETERA MASCULÍ43M 43:24.5--100%23.02%19.98%10:03:54.4
228Albert Giné CidVETERA MASCULÍ44M 44:01.6+0:37.1+1.42%98.60%21.92%18.84%10:03:54.4
341Jordi Varas AliauVETERA MASCULÍ46M 45:05.5+1:41.0+3.88%96.27%20.03%16.87%10:03:54.4
  • Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
151ALaura Miralles de Cid:MIXTE37F 45:28.8--100%22.94%21.40%10:03:54.4
248ACristina Monclús ArasaMIXTE38F 49:32.7+4:03.9+8.94%91.80%16.05%14.37%10:03:54.4
345BAida Ponce SanchezMIXTE32F 49:36.0+4:07.2+9.06%91.69%15.96%14.27%10:03:54.4
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
111Mercè Avinyó GarciaABSOLUT FEMENÍ31F 1:11:16.8--100%0.00%0.00%10:03:54.4
  • Female - FEMENÍ
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
117Pia Anne NielsenFEMENÍ47F 56:37.7--100%6.37%4.03%10:03:54.4
21AAlba Estorach SolFEMENÍ27F 59:00.2+2:22.5+4.19%95.97%2.44%0.01%10:03:54.4
31BHelena Castillo BalaguéFEMENÍ33F 59:00.8+2:23.1+4.21%95.96%2.43%-0.01%10:03:54.4
  • Female - MASTER FEMENÍ
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
140Trish MellorMASTER FEMENÍ63F 56:42.9--100%0.00%0.00%10:03:54.4
  • Female - MIXTE
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
151ALaura Miralles de Cid:MIXTE37F 45:28.8--100%20.22%10.28%10:03:54.4
248ACristina Monclús ArasaMIXTE38F 49:32.7+4:03.9+8.94%91.80%13.09%2.26%10:03:54.4
345BAida Ponce SanchezMIXTE32F 49:36.0+4:07.2+9.06%91.69%12.99%2.16%10:03:54.4
  • Female - VETERA FEMENÍ
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
135Monica Pellejero GarciaVETERA FEMENÍ40F 50:03.1--100%12.44%12.44%10:03:54.4
25Maribel Alfaro NogueraVETERA FEMENÍ44F 1:04:16.3+14:13.2+28.41%77.88%-12.44%-12.44%10:03:54.4
  • Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
126Xavi Matheu GasVETERA MASCULÍ43M 43:24.5--100%21.98%19.56%10:03:54.4
228Albert Giné CidVETERA MASCULÍ44M 44:01.6+0:37.1+1.42%98.60%20.87%18.41%10:03:54.4
341Jordi Varas AliauVETERA MASCULÍ46M 45:05.5+1:41.0+3.88%96.27%18.95%16.44%10:03:54.4
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
149David Solé MirallesABSOLUT MASCULÍ36M 52:11.5--100%8.07%4.60%10:03:54.4
243Pau Avinyó ArasaABSOLUT MASCULÍ34M 53:38.0+1:26.5+2.76%97.31%5.53%1.97%10:03:54.4
344Jordi Marro CodorniuABSOLUT MASCULÍ39M 53:55.5+1:44.0+3.32%96.79%5.02%1.43%10:03:54.4
  • Male - MASCULÍ
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
129AClaudio Franco SmeetsMASCULÍ36M 45:49.4--100%15.43%10.54%10:03:54.4
229BJordi Fernandez SalvansMASCULÍ45M 45:50.3+0:00.9+0.03%99.97%15.40%10.51%10:03:54.4
39ARoger Ripoll DuranMASCULÍ34M 46:27.2+0:37.8+1.37%98.64%14.27%9.31%10:03:54.4
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
110Joan Miret GamundiMASTER MASCULÍ54M 54:28.5--100%11.90%11.04%10:03:54.4
221Paco Antó AudíMASTER MASCULÍ53M 58:28.8+4:00.3+7.35%93.15%5.43%4.50%10:03:54.4
355José Luis Fortuño NavarroMASTER MASCULÍ50M 1:03:59.3+9:30.8+17.46%85.13%-3.48%-4.50%10:03:54.4
  • Male - MIXTE
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
151BArtur Bel AznarMIXTE38M 45:29.8--100%20.19%10.23%10:03:54.4
248BDani Meseguer SerretMIXTE37M 49:33.4+4:03.6+8.92%91.81%13.06%2.22%10:03:54.4
345AJordi Gimenez BellobiMIXTE36M 49:35.2+4:05.4+8.99%91.75%13.01%2.16%10:03:54.4
  • Male - SUB-23 MASCULÍ
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
16Oriol Miret RodríguezSUB-23 MASCULÍ21M 47:56.3--100%9.64%9.64%10:03:54.4
22Roc Campanero GisbertSUB-23 MASCULÍ14M 58:09.9+10:13.6+21.33%82.42%-9.64%-9.64%10:03:54.4
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
126Xavi Matheu GasVETERA MASCULÍ43M 43:24.5--100%19.88%11.07%10:03:54.4
228Albert Giné CidVETERA MASCULÍ44M 44:01.6+0:37.1+1.42%98.60%18.74%9.81%10:03:54.4
341Jordi Varas AliauVETERA MASCULÍ46M 45:05.5+1:41.0+3.88%96.27%16.78%7.62%10:03:54.4