Hopedale Memorial School 5K Trail Race

Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:33 AM (GMT-4) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Running - cross-country
Location: Manchester, CT, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 53
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 1.6
Updated: Sunday, September 7, 2014 2:14 PM (GMT-4)

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Hopedale Memorial School 5K Trail Race

  • Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1153Todd Sawyer 40-49M 22:51.8--100%76.36%22.69%08:33:37.6
2146Steve Kinkaid 50 and overM 23:30.9+0:39.1+2.85%97.23%75.68%20.49%08:33:37.6
3151Jack Figgins 19 and underM 23:36.5+0:44.7+3.26%96.84%75.58%20.17%08:33:37.6
  • Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1124Julia CarusoMilford, MA 30-3932F 25:51.2--100%88.63%21.36%08:33:37.6
2143Hannah Lyall 20-2921F 26:47.7+0:56.5+3.64%96.49%88.22%18.50%08:33:37.6
3152Jacki Jones 20-29F 29:05.1+3:13.9+12.50%88.89%87.21%11.54%08:33:37.6
  • Female - 20-29
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1143Hannah Lyall 20-2921F 26:47.7--100%21.43%13.48%08:33:37.6
2152Jacki Jones 20-29F 29:05.1+2:17.4+8.55%92.13%14.71%6.09%08:33:37.6
3126Karissa BlissHopedale, MA 20-2928F 30:58.2+4:10.5+15.58%86.52%9.19%0.00%08:33:37.6
  • Female - 30-39
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1124Julia CarusoMilford, MA 30-3932F 25:51.2--100%94.48%22.94%08:33:37.6
2120Jenn KerasHopedale, MA 30-3934F 29:34.5+3:43.3+14.40%87.42%93.69%11.85%08:33:37.6
3138Andrea MontanariDouglas, MA 30-3930F 37:31.5+11:40.3+45.15%68.90%91.99%-11.85%08:33:37.6
  • Female - 40-49
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1111Jessica BasileUpton 40-4940F 29:12.5--100%13.61%13.69%08:33:37.6
2148Karen Devine 40-49F 29:47.3+0:34.8+1.99%98.05%11.90%11.98%08:33:37.6
3101Julie KellyHopedale, MA 40-4946F 31:25.3+2:12.8+7.58%92.96%7.07%7.15%08:33:37.6
  • Female - 50 and over
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1107Linda FarringtonMendon, MA 50 and over51F 31:54.8--100%96.48%96.48%08:33:37.6
2122Elizabeth RicketsonHolliston, MA 50 and over56F 29:40:54.8+29:09:00.0+5480.47%1.79%-96.48%-96.48%08:33:37.6
  • Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1153Todd Sawyer 40-49M 22:51.8--100%22.38%19.49%08:33:37.6
2146Steve Kinkaid 50 and overM 23:30.9+0:39.1+2.85%97.23%20.17%17.19%08:33:37.6
3151Jack Figgins 19 and underM 23:36.5+0:44.7+3.26%96.84%19.85%16.86%08:33:37.6
  • Male - 19 and under
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1151Jack Figgins 19 and underM 23:36.5--100%25.64%27.90%08:33:37.6
2102Mario MikhailMilford, MA 19 and under14M 24:00.6+0:24.1+1.70%98.33%24.38%26.68%08:33:37.6
3133Tyler DoyleHopedale, MA 19 and under11M 28:25.5+4:49.0+20.40%83.05%10.47%13.19%08:33:37.6
  • Male - 20-29
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1131Tim GoncalvesMilford, MA 20-2925M 26:43.4--100%3.04%3.04%08:33:37.6
2109Cody HodneyMilford, MA 20-2924M 28:23.8+1:40.4+6.26%94.11%-3.04%-3.04%08:33:37.6
  • Male - 30-39
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1137Nicholas GuidoMilford, MA 30-3938M 24:34.4--100%13.50%5.13%08:33:37.6
2141Philip Gallo 30-3932M 24:52.6+0:18.2+1.23%98.78%12.43%3.95%08:33:37.6
3140Chris Orchard 30-3934M 25:47.9+1:13.5+4.99%95.25%9.19%0.40%08:33:37.6
  • Male - 40-49
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1153Todd Sawyer 40-49M 22:51.8--100%19.94%20.81%08:33:37.6
2106Gerry WilsonHopedale, MA 40-4949M 23:37.5+0:45.7+3.33%96.78%17.28%18.17%08:33:37.6
3113Greg KomaraHopedale, MA 40-4946M 24:34.9+1:43.1+7.52%93.01%13.93%14.85%08:33:37.6
  • Male - 50 and over
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1146Steve Kinkaid 50 and overM 23:30.9--100%18.52%13.59%08:33:37.6
2116Sean ReillyHopedale, MA 50 and over52M 24:12.8+0:41.9+2.97%97.12%16.10%11.02%08:33:37.6
3142Andrew Lyall 50 and over54M 26:48.4+3:17.5+14.00%87.72%7.12%1.49%08:33:37.6