Winter Chill 5K #4

Sunday, January 26, 2025 11:00 AM (GMT-5) - Preliminary results

Race info
Sport: Running - road
Location: Ithaca, NY, United States
Start type: Mass start
Racers: 182
Timing mode: Bib sync
Timed on: iPhone
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 7.2
Updated: Sunday, January 26, 2025 11:53 AM (GMT-5)
Organized by: Finger Lakes Runners Club
Race website:

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  • Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1386Alexander Simpson 19-2922M 15:49--100%42.55%41.46%11:00:15
2441Dan TimmermanIthaca, NY 40-4944M 17:07+1:18+8.22%92.41%37.83%36.64%11:00:15
3471Ben DickensheetsIthaca, NY 30-3931M 17:12+1:23+8.75%91.96%37.53%36.34%11:00:15
  • Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1379Anne RiordanBrooktondale, NY 40-4940F 18:27--100%37.64%36.72%11:00:15
2414Sarah WoodyearIthaca, NY 19-2927F 18:30+0:03+0.27%99.73%37.47%36.55%11:00:15
3434Margaret Frank 30-3939F 21:28+3:01+16.35%85.95%27.44%26.38%11:00:15
  • Female - 18 and under
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1477Cecelia ClemonsPHELPS, NY 18 and under15F 39:45--100%0.00%0.00%11:00:15
  • Female - 19-29
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1414Sarah WoodyearIthaca, NY 19-2927F 18:30--100%15.05%19.51%11:00:15
2285Molly DoruskaIthaca, NY 19-2927F 22:59+4:29+24.23%80.49%-5.54%0.00%11:00:15
3454Jenna RiceIthaca, NY 19-2928F 23:51+5:21+28.92%77.57%-9.52%-3.77%11:00:15
  • Female - 30-39
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1434Margaret Frank 30-3939F 21:28--100%25.96%25.98%11:00:15
2438Emily StevesGowanda, NY 30-3931F 22:29+1:01+4.74%95.48%22.45%22.47%11:00:15
3378Sarah RidenourDanby, NY 30-3939F 23:28+2:00+9.32%91.48%19.06%19.08%11:00:15
  • Female - 40-49
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1379Anne RiordanBrooktondale, NY 40-4940F 18:27--100%37.07%37.17%11:00:15
2267Caetlin Benson-AllottIthaca, NY 40-4945F 21:45+3:18+17.89%84.83%25.81%25.94%11:00:15
3358Laura MorseLansing, NY 40-4944F 24:10+5:43+30.98%76.34%17.57%17.71%11:00:15
  • Female - 50-59
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1336Caitlin LoehrIthaca, NY 50-5959F 22:32--100%25.07%23.25%11:00:15
2306Kimberly JacksonIthaca, NY 50-5956F 24:53+2:21+10.43%90.56%17.26%15.24%11:00:15
3320Andrea KielyIthaca, NY 50-5952F 25:52+3:20+14.79%87.11%13.99%11.89%11:00:15
  • Female - 60-69
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1301Laura HelmerickIthaca, NY 60-6965F 24:55--100%16.99%13.03%11:00:15
2387Mia SlotnickIthaca, NY 60-6962F 26:05+1:10+4.68%95.53%13.10%8.96%11:00:15
3279Michelle DardiaFreeville 60-6965F 28:39+3:44+14.98%86.97%4.55%0.00%11:00:15
  • Female - 70+
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1384Anne ShakespeareIthaca, NY 70+70F 32:56--100%13.14%13.14%11:00:15
2391Ruth SproulIthaca, NY 70+73F 42:54+9:58+30.26%76.77%-13.14%-13.14%11:00:15
  • Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1386Alexander Simpson 19-2922M 15:49--100%37.58%36.09%11:00:15
2441Dan TimmermanIthaca, NY 40-4944M 17:07+1:18+8.22%92.41%32.45%30.84%11:00:15
3471Ben DickensheetsIthaca, NY 30-3931M 17:12+1:23+8.75%91.96%32.13%30.51%11:00:15
  • Male - 18 and under
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1308Ryan JacobsenIthaca, NY 18 and under17M 17:43--100%27.85%31.20%11:00:15
2480Gebran KastounIthaca, NY 18 and under18M 19:53+2:10+12.23%89.10%19.03%22.78%11:00:15
3359Leo MorseLansing, NY 18 and under12M 24:05+6:22+35.94%73.56%1.92%6.47%11:00:15
  • Male - 19-29
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1386Alexander Simpson 19-2922M 15:49--100%26.32%31.41%11:00:15
2388Gideon SmithIthaca, NY 19-2924M 22:27+6:38+41.94%70.45%-4.58%2.64%11:00:15
3354Chris MellorIthaca, NY 19-2928M 23:40+7:51+49.63%66.83%-10.25%-2.64%11:00:15
  • Male - 30-39
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1471Ben DickensheetsIthaca, NY 30-3931M 17:12--100%33.50%36.22%11:00:15
2259Drew AntonyIthaca, NY 30-3934M 23:13+6:01+34.98%74.08%10.23%13.91%11:00:15
3455Jon LewisIthaca, NY 30-3934M 26:58+9:46+56.78%63.78%-4.27%0.00%11:00:15
  • Male - 40-49
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1441Dan TimmermanIthaca, NY 40-4944M 17:07--100%26.71%21.54%11:00:15
2315Dave KaniaIthaca, NY 40-4944M 18:58+1:51+10.81%90.25%18.79%13.06%11:00:15
3327Pete KresockIthaca, NY 40-4942M 21:10+4:03+23.66%80.87%9.37%2.98%11:00:15
  • Male - 50-59
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1281Scott DawsonTrumansburg, NY 50-5951M 18:55--100%30.63%28.39%11:00:15
2265Robert BellmanIthaca, NY 50-5958M 22:00+3:05+16.30%85.98%19.32%16.72%11:00:15
3479Cesar KastounIthaca, NY 50-5956M 22:39+3:44+19.74%83.52%16.93%14.26%11:00:15
  • Male - 60-69
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Age Gender Finish time
1333Michael LeonardFreeville, NY 60-6961M 21:34--100%18.42%20.10%11:00:15
2402Gerrit Van LoonIthaca, NY 60-6963M 23:04+1:30+6.96%93.50%12.75%14.54%11:00:15
3299Lawrence GlickmanIthaca, NY 60-6962M 24:45+3:11+14.76%87.14%6.38%8.31%11:00:15