all data and start sheets

Saturday, June 15, 2024 15:02 (GMT+1) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Triathlon
Location: Paignton, United Kingdom
Start type: Individual start
Racers: 20
Timed on: Amazon KFSUWI
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 6.9
Updated: Saturday, June 15, 2024 18:27 (GMT+1)

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all data and start sheets

  • Min distance - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1778Torsten McEvoyTristarM 12:33.3--100%9.64%4.74%15:10:22.9
2763Fraser SampsonTristarM 12:45.0+0:11.7+1.55%98.47%8.24%3.26%15:10:54.0
3388Fran SampsonSeniorF 12:46.0+0:12.7+1.69%98.34%8.12%3.14%15:10:55.4
4772Miro VahibogluTristorM 13:10.8+0:37.5+4.98%95.26%5.14%0.00%15:10:06.6
5765Edison PittmanTristarM 13:13.1+0:39.8+5.28%94.98%4.87%-0.29%15:07:52.2
6766Oliver RigbyTristarM 15:39.0+3:05.7+24.65%80.22%-12.63%-18.74%15:10:42.7
7783Mabel LyonTristarF 17:08.5+4:35.2+36.53%73.24%-23.37%-30.06%15:08:06.8
  • Min distance Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1388Fran SampsonSeniorF 12:46.0--100%14.63%14.63%15:10:55.4
2783Mabel LyonTristarF 17:08.5+4:22.5+34.27%74.48%-14.63%-14.63%15:08:06.8
  • Min distance Female - Senior
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1388Fran SampsonSeniorF 12:46.0--100%0.00%0.00%15:10:55.4
  • Min distance Female - Tristar
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1783Mabel LyonTristarF 17:08.5--100%0.00%0.00%15:08:06.8
  • Min distance Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1778Torsten McEvoyTristarM 12:33.3--100%6.80%4.74%15:10:22.9
2763Fraser SampsonTristarM 12:45.0+0:11.7+1.55%98.47%5.35%3.26%15:10:54.0
3772Miro VahibogluTristorM 13:10.8+0:37.5+4.98%95.26%2.16%0.00%15:10:06.6
4765Edison PittmanTristarM 13:13.1+0:39.8+5.28%94.98%1.87%-0.29%15:07:52.2
5766Oliver RigbyTristarM 15:39.0+3:05.7+24.65%80.22%-16.18%-18.74%15:10:42.7
  • Min distance Male - Tristar
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1778Torsten McEvoyTristarM 12:33.3--100%7.30%3.31%15:10:22.9
2763Fraser SampsonTristarM 12:45.0+0:11.7+1.55%98.47%5.86%1.80%15:10:54.0
3765Edison PittmanTristarM 13:13.1+0:39.8+5.28%94.98%2.40%-1.80%15:07:52.2
4766Oliver RigbyTristarM 15:39.0+3:05.7+24.65%80.22%-15.56%-20.53%15:10:42.7
  • Min distance Male - Tristor
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1772Miro VahibogluTristorM 13:10.8--100%0.00%0.00%15:10:06.6
  • You decide - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1764Croyde PittmanTristarM 20:41.1--100%29.32%29.32%15:06:33.3
2767Emma RigbySeniorF 37:51.0+17:09.9+82.98%54.65%-29.32%-29.32%15:08:43.3
  • You decide Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1767Emma RigbySeniorF 37:51.0--100%0.00%0.00%15:08:43.3
  • You decide Female - Senior
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1767Emma RigbySeniorF 37:51.0--100%0.00%0.00%15:08:43.3
  • You decide Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1764Croyde PittmanTristarM 20:41.1--100%0.00%0.00%15:06:33.3
  • You decide Male - Tristar
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1764Croyde PittmanTristarM 20:41.1--100%0.00%0.00%15:06:33.3
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1771Liam JordanSeniorM 29:56.7--100%22.04%20.91%15:02:42.2
2782Florence LyonTristar 3F 32:33.5+2:36.8+8.73%91.97%15.24%14.01%15:06:05.8
3779James CrosseyJuniorM 32:56.0+2:59.3+9.98%90.93%14.26%13.02%15:02:52.3
4776Edward PreeceJuniorM 36:40.2+6:43.5+22.46%81.66%4.53%3.15%15:02:47.1
5389Sarah GreenVet 40F 36:45.3+6:48.6+22.74%81.47%4.31%2.92%15:03:19.7
6390Kerry Kilgallon CouchVet 4043F 37:51.7+7:55.0+26.44%79.09%1.43%0.00%15:03:09.2
7769Alfred PowleslandTristar 3M 39:31.8+9:35.1+32.01%75.75%-2.91%-4.41%15:04:02.6
8773Alex PetrovTristar 3M 40:50.8+10:54.1+36.41%73.31%-6.34%-7.88%15:04:25.9
9770Herbert PowleslandTristarM 42:17.4+12:20.7+41.23%70.81%-10.10%-11.70%15:04:35.3
10768Fletcher CravenTristar 3M 44:27.6+14:30.9+48.47%67.35%-15.75%-17.43%15:05:39.7
11775Sam PreeceVet 40M 48:40.4+18:43.7+62.54%61.52%-26.72%-28.56%15:03:01.3
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1782Florence LyonTristar 3F 32:33.5--100%8.86%11.42%15:06:05.8
2389Sarah GreenVet 40F 36:45.3+4:11.8+12.89%88.58%-2.88%0.00%15:03:19.7
3390Kerry Kilgallon CouchVet 4043F 37:51.7+5:18.2+16.29%85.99%-5.98%-3.01%15:03:09.2
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k Female - Tristar 3
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1782Florence LyonTristar 3F 32:33.5--100%0.00%0.00%15:06:05.8
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k Female - Vet 40
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1389Sarah GreenVet 40F 36:45.3--100%1.48%1.48%15:03:19.7
2390Kerry Kilgallon CouchVet 4043F 37:51.7+1:06.4+3.01%97.08%-1.48%-1.48%15:03:09.2
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1771Liam JordanSeniorM 29:56.7--100%24.03%25.49%15:02:42.2
2779James CrosseyJuniorM 32:56.0+2:59.3+9.98%90.93%16.45%18.05%15:02:52.3
3776Edward PreeceJuniorM 36:40.2+6:43.5+22.46%81.66%6.97%8.75%15:02:47.1
4769Alfred PowleslandTristar 3M 39:31.8+9:35.1+32.01%75.75%-0.28%1.64%15:04:02.6
5773Alex PetrovTristar 3M 40:50.8+10:54.1+36.41%73.31%-3.62%-1.64%15:04:25.9
6770Herbert PowleslandTristarM 42:17.4+12:20.7+41.23%70.81%-7.28%-5.23%15:04:35.3
7768Fletcher CravenTristar 3M 44:27.6+14:30.9+48.47%67.35%-12.79%-10.63%15:05:39.7
8775Sam PreeceVet 40M 48:40.4+18:43.7+62.54%61.52%-23.48%-21.11%15:03:01.3
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k Male - Junior
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1779James CrosseyJuniorM 32:56.0--100%5.37%5.37%15:02:52.3
2776Edward PreeceJuniorM 36:40.2+3:44.2+11.35%89.81%-5.37%-5.37%15:02:47.1
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k Male - Senior
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1771Liam JordanSeniorM 29:56.7--100%0.00%0.00%15:02:42.2
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k Male - Tristar
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1770Herbert PowleslandTristarM 42:17.4--100%0.00%0.00%15:04:35.3
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k Male - Tristar 3
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1769Alfred PowleslandTristar 3M 39:31.8--100%5.00%3.22%15:04:02.6
2773Alex PetrovTristar 3M 40:50.8+1:19.0+3.33%96.78%1.84%0.00%15:04:25.9
3768Fletcher CravenTristar 3M 44:27.6+4:55.8+12.47%88.91%-6.84%-8.85%15:05:39.7
  • Max distance - 200m 7.5k 1.95k Male - Vet 40
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1775Sam PreeceVet 40M 48:40.4--100%0.00%0.00%15:03:01.3