CollegeSport Wellington Cross Country Champs 2024

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 11:59 (GMT+12) - Preliminary results

Race info
Sport: Running - cross-country
Location: Upper Hutt, New Zealand
Start type: Interval wave start
Wave grouping: Custom
Racers: 303
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 6.9
Chip timing: RFID - LLRP
RFID reader: Motorola
Updated: Friday, May 24, 2024 18:24 (GMT+12)

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CollegeSport Wellington Cross Country Champs 2024

  • 2km - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1793Albert O'BrienOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 9:13--100%41.96%36.87%1
2432Toby IrelandHutt Valley High School AWD - Boys (PD)M 9:22+0:09+1.63%98.40%41.02%35.84%-
3791Eddie JohnsonOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 10:55+1:42+18.44%84.43%31.26%25.23%3
4503Regan JarvisNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 12:18+3:05+33.45%74.93%22.55%15.75%4
4790Kaimon SumiokaOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 12:18+3:05+33.45%74.93%22.55%15.75%4
6592Orlaith GearySolway College AWD - Girls (ID)F 12:44+3:31+38.16%72.38%19.82%12.79%-
7450Ivy HungerfordKāpiti College AWD - Girls (ID)F 12:46+3:33+38.52%72.19%19.61%12.56%7
8699Alex WalshWairarapa College AWD - Boys (ID)M 12:52+3:39+39.60%71.63%18.98%11.87%8
9685Braydon Henare-TimeWainuiomata High School AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:01+3:48+41.23%70.81%18.03%10.84%9
10789Adam SmithOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:03+3:50+41.59%70.63%17.82%10.62%-
11452Euan LordKāpiti College AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:13+4:00+43.40%69.74%16.77%9.47%11
12695Lachie DunbarWairarapa College AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:38+4:25+47.92%67.60%14.15%6.62%12
13698Amelia TrokeWairarapa College AWD - Girls (ID)F 13:48+4:35+49.73%66.79%13.10%5.48%13
14446Hermes CooperKāpiti College AWD - Boys (ID)M 14:28+5:15+56.96%63.71%8.90%0.91%14
15687Nikolai MackenzieWainuiomata High School AWD - Boys (ID)M 14:32+5:19+57.69%63.42%8.48%0.46%15
16697Keira Scott - SmithWairarapa College AWD - Girls (ID)F 14:35+5:22+58.23%63.20%8.17%0.11%-
17502Sasha HowardNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 14:36+5:23+58.41%63.13%8.06%0.00%17
18492William PeatMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 15:01+5:48+62.93%61.38%5.44%-2.85%18
19692Harry BaylisWairarapa College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:12+6:59+75.77%56.89%-2.01%-10.96%-
20472Eli AhernMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:21+7:08+77.40%56.37%-2.96%-11.99%20
21507Rain NandwaniNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:38+7:25+80.47%55.41%-4.74%-13.93%21
22460Timothy MichaelKimi Ora School AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:45+7:32+81.74%55.02%-5.48%-14.73%22
22506James MacleanNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:45+7:32+81.74%55.02%-5.48%-14.73%-
24686Ruby LasiniWainuiomata High School AWD - Girls (ID)F 17:30+8:17+89.87%52.67%-10.20%-19.86%24
25688Jahquaydis RuwhiuWainuiomata High School AWD - Boys (ID)M 18:31+9:18+100.90%49.77%-16.60%-26.83%-
26510Harry ProopsNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 18:52+9:39+104.70%48.85%-18.81%-29.22%-
27485Jaykhan MeteMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 19:28+10:15+111.21%47.35%-22.58%-33.33%27
28474Megan BranderMana College AWD - Girls (ID)F 19:34+10:21+112.30%47.10%-23.21%-34.02%-
29461Lily PrinceKimi Ora School AWD - Girls (ID)F 21:35+12:22+134.18%42.70%-35.91%-47.83%29
30792Jayd Tuarea-GibsonOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 22:29+13:16+143.94%40.99%-41.58%-54.00%-
31482Tearima KatekeimoaMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 22:35+13:22+145.03%40.81%-42.21%-54.68%-
32443Tyler BrownKāpiti College AWD - Boys (PD)M 23:40+14:27+156.78%38.94%-49.03%-62.10%-
33459Miles ChapmanKimi Ora School AWD - Boys (ID)M 24:45+15:32+168.54%37.24%-55.85%-69.52%33
-484Cooper MathesonMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M DSQ------
  • 2km Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1592Orlaith GearySolway College AWD - Girls (ID)F 12:44--100%20.79%12.69%-
2450Ivy HungerfordKāpiti College AWD - Girls (ID)F 12:46+0:02+0.26%99.74%20.59%12.46%-
3698Amelia TrokeWairarapa College AWD - Girls (ID)F 13:48+1:04+8.38%92.27%14.16%5.37%-
4697Keira Scott - SmithWairarapa College AWD - Girls (ID)F 14:35+1:51+14.53%87.31%9.29%0.00%-
5686Ruby LasiniWainuiomata High School AWD - Girls (ID)F 17:30+4:46+37.43%72.76%-8.86%-20.00%-
6474Megan BranderMana College AWD - Girls (ID)F 19:34+6:50+53.66%65.08%-21.71%-34.17%-
7461Lily PrinceKimi Ora School AWD - Girls (ID)F 21:35+8:51+69.50%59.00%-34.26%-48.00%-
  • 2km Female - AWD - Girls (ID)
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1592Orlaith GearySolway College AWD - Girls (ID)F 12:44--100%20.79%12.69%-
2450Ivy HungerfordKāpiti College AWD - Girls (ID)F 12:46+0:02+0.26%99.74%20.59%12.46%-
3698Amelia TrokeWairarapa College AWD - Girls (ID)F 13:48+1:04+8.38%92.27%14.16%5.37%-
4697Keira Scott - SmithWairarapa College AWD - Girls (ID)F 14:35+1:51+14.53%87.31%9.29%0.00%-
5686Ruby LasiniWainuiomata High School AWD - Girls (ID)F 17:30+4:46+37.43%72.76%-8.86%-20.00%-
6474Megan BranderMana College AWD - Girls (ID)F 19:34+6:50+53.66%65.08%-21.71%-34.17%-
7461Lily PrinceKimi Ora School AWD - Girls (ID)F 21:35+8:51+69.50%59.00%-34.26%-48.00%-
  • 2km Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1793Albert O'BrienOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 9:13--100%41.77%37.76%1
2432Toby IrelandHutt Valley High School AWD - Boys (PD)M 9:22+0:09+1.63%98.40%40.82%36.75%-
3791Eddie JohnsonOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 10:55+1:42+18.44%84.43%31.03%26.28%3
4503Regan JarvisNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 12:18+3:05+33.45%74.93%22.29%16.94%4
4790Kaimon SumiokaOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 12:18+3:05+33.45%74.93%22.29%16.94%4
6699Alex WalshWairarapa College AWD - Boys (ID)M 12:52+3:39+39.60%71.63%18.71%13.11%6
7685Braydon Henare-TimeWainuiomata High School AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:01+3:48+41.23%70.81%17.76%12.10%7
8789Adam SmithOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:03+3:50+41.59%70.63%17.55%11.87%-
9452Euan LordKāpiti College AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:13+4:00+43.40%69.74%16.50%10.75%9
10695Lachie DunbarWairarapa College AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:38+4:25+47.92%67.60%13.86%7.93%10
11446Hermes CooperKāpiti College AWD - Boys (ID)M 14:28+5:15+56.96%63.71%8.60%2.31%11
12687Nikolai MackenzieWainuiomata High School AWD - Boys (ID)M 14:32+5:19+57.69%63.42%8.18%1.86%12
13502Sasha HowardNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 14:36+5:23+58.41%63.13%7.76%1.41%13
14492William PeatMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 15:01+5:48+62.93%61.38%5.12%-1.41%14
15692Harry BaylisWairarapa College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:12+6:59+75.77%56.89%-2.35%-9.40%15
16472Eli AhernMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:21+7:08+77.40%56.37%-3.30%-10.41%16
17507Rain NandwaniNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:38+7:25+80.47%55.41%-5.09%-12.32%17
18460Timothy MichaelKimi Ora School AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:45+7:32+81.74%55.02%-5.83%-13.11%-
18506James MacleanNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:45+7:32+81.74%55.02%-5.83%-13.11%-
20688Jahquaydis RuwhiuWainuiomata High School AWD - Boys (ID)M 18:31+9:18+100.90%49.77%-16.99%-25.04%20
21510Harry ProopsNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 18:52+9:39+104.70%48.85%-19.20%-27.41%-
22485Jaykhan MeteMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 19:28+10:15+111.21%47.35%-22.99%-31.46%22
23792Jayd Tuarea-GibsonOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 22:29+13:16+143.94%40.99%-42.05%-51.83%-
24482Tearima KatekeimoaMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 22:35+13:22+145.03%40.81%-42.68%-52.50%-
25443Tyler BrownKāpiti College AWD - Boys (PD)M 23:40+14:27+156.78%38.94%-49.53%-59.82%25
26459Miles ChapmanKimi Ora School AWD - Boys (ID)M 24:45+15:32+168.54%37.24%-56.37%-67.14%-
-484Cooper MathesonMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M DSQ------
  • 2km Male - AWD - Boys (ID)
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1793Albert O'BrienOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 9:13--100%41.56%37.76%1
2791Eddie JohnsonOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 10:55+1:42+18.44%84.43%30.78%26.28%2
3503Regan JarvisNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 12:18+3:05+33.45%74.93%22.00%16.94%3
3790Kaimon SumiokaOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 12:18+3:05+33.45%74.93%22.00%16.94%3
5699Alex WalshWairarapa College AWD - Boys (ID)M 12:52+3:39+39.60%71.63%18.41%13.11%5
6685Braydon Henare-TimeWainuiomata High School AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:01+3:48+41.23%70.81%17.46%12.10%6
7789Adam SmithOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:03+3:50+41.59%70.63%17.25%11.87%-
8452Euan LordKāpiti College AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:13+4:00+43.40%69.74%16.19%10.75%-
9695Lachie DunbarWairarapa College AWD - Boys (ID)M 13:38+4:25+47.92%67.60%13.55%7.93%9
10446Hermes CooperKāpiti College AWD - Boys (ID)M 14:28+5:15+56.96%63.71%8.27%2.31%-
11687Nikolai MackenzieWainuiomata High School AWD - Boys (ID)M 14:32+5:19+57.69%63.42%7.84%1.86%11
12502Sasha HowardNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 14:36+5:23+58.41%63.13%7.42%1.41%12
13492William PeatMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 15:01+5:48+62.93%61.38%4.78%-1.41%13
14692Harry BaylisWairarapa College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:12+6:59+75.77%56.89%-2.73%-9.40%14
15472Eli AhernMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:21+7:08+77.40%56.37%-3.68%-10.41%15
16507Rain NandwaniNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:38+7:25+80.47%55.41%-5.47%-12.32%16
17460Timothy MichaelKimi Ora School AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:45+7:32+81.74%55.02%-6.21%-13.11%-
17506James MacleanNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 16:45+7:32+81.74%55.02%-6.21%-13.11%-
19688Jahquaydis RuwhiuWainuiomata High School AWD - Boys (ID)M 18:31+9:18+100.90%49.77%-17.42%-25.04%19
20510Harry ProopsNewlands College AWD - Boys (ID)M 18:52+9:39+104.70%48.85%-19.64%-27.41%-
21485Jaykhan MeteMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 19:28+10:15+111.21%47.35%-23.44%-31.46%21
22792Jayd Tuarea-GibsonOnslow College AWD - Boys (ID)M 22:29+13:16+143.94%40.99%-42.57%-51.83%-
23482Tearima KatekeimoaMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M 22:35+13:22+145.03%40.81%-43.20%-52.50%-
24459Miles ChapmanKimi Ora School AWD - Boys (ID)M 24:45+15:32+168.54%37.24%-56.94%-67.14%-
-484Cooper MathesonMana College AWD - Boys (ID)M DSQ------
  • 2km Male - AWD - Boys (PD)
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1432Toby IrelandHutt Valley High School AWD - Boys (PD)M 9:22--100%43.29%43.29%-
2443Tyler BrownKāpiti College AWD - Boys (PD)M 23:40+14:18+152.67%39.58%-43.29%-43.29%-
  • 3km - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1440Jacob WilliamsHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:01--100%28.79%26.17%1
2665Noah TonkinTawa College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:40+0:39+6.49%93.91%24.17%21.38%2
3431Leo HyinkHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:41+0:40+6.66%93.76%24.05%21.25%3
4424Jacob RiceHutt International Boys' School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:45+0:44+7.32%93.18%23.57%20.76%-
5438Finnigan StricklandHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:47+0:46+7.65%92.89%23.34%20.52%5
6714Henry EllwoodWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:55+0:54+8.99%91.76%22.39%19.53%6
7563Madison WosSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Int (U16)F 11:01+1:00+9.98%90.92%21.68%18.80%7
8549Sebastian CampionRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:02+1:01+10.15%90.79%21.56%18.67%8
9567Emma LowdenSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 11:08+1:07+11.15%89.97%20.85%17.94%9
10453Olivia McdowellKāpiti College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 11:13+1:12+11.98%89.30%20.26%17.32%10
11763Juju MoorheadWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 11:14+1:13+12.15%89.17%20.14%17.20%11
12629Cam StarrSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:16+1:15+12.48%88.91%19.90%16.95%12
12737Isaac ThompsonWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:16+1:15+12.48%88.91%19.90%16.95%12
14771Hannah WadeWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 11:38+1:37+16.14%86.10%17.29%14.25%14
15736Henry RobinsonWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:40+1:39+16.47%85.86%17.06%14.00%15
16466Noah MonastraKuranui College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:42+1:41+16.81%85.61%16.82%13.76%16
17467Kurt NicholasKuranui College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:50+1:49+18.14%84.65%15.87%12.78%17
17635James WallaceSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:50+1:49+18.14%84.65%15.87%12.78%17
17726Lewis KenworthyWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:50+1:49+18.14%84.65%15.87%12.78%-
20762Lucy MabinWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 11:55+1:54+18.97%84.06%15.28%12.16%20
21620Ethan AmyesSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:01+2:00+19.97%83.36%14.57%11.43%21
22511Mei Von DadelszenNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:03+2:02+20.30%83.13%14.33%11.18%22
23727Jonah LiuWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:05+2:04+20.63%82.90%14.09%10.93%-
24717Leo FooteWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:06+2:05+20.80%82.78%13.98%10.81%-
25673Zoe HiltonUpper Hutt College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:12+2:11+21.80%82.10%13.27%10.07%25
26755Sophie HoarWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:13+2:12+21.96%81.99%13.15%9.95%-
27773Xanthe WongWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:14+2:13+22.13%81.88%13.03%9.83%-
27779Ava LaingWellington High School Girls - Int (U16)F 12:14+2:13+22.13%81.88%13.03%9.83%28
27499Shriya DalviNewlands College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:14+2:13+22.13%81.88%13.03%9.83%28
27580Yigit GiderScots College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:14+2:13+22.13%81.88%13.03%9.83%28
31566Isla DapasSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:16+2:15+22.46%81.66%12.79%9.58%31
32570Phoebe SimsSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:20+2:19+23.13%81.22%12.32%9.09%32
33804Felix StoltzScots College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:21+2:20+23.29%81.11%12.20%8.97%33
34405Justin WangAotea College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:23+2:22+23.63%80.89%11.96%8.72%34
35529Sarah ZhouQueen Margaret College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:26+2:25+24.13%80.56%11.61%8.35%-
36420Reuben HayneHutt International Boys' School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:27+2:26+24.29%80.46%11.49%8.23%-
37730Hugh McconnellWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:33+2:32+25.29%79.81%10.78%7.49%-
38613Naomi GuershomSt Mary's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:35+2:34+25.62%79.60%10.54%7.25%38
39622Sid BetteridgeSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:38+2:37+26.12%79.29%10.18%6.88%-
39806Rayyan MohammedRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:38+2:37+26.12%79.29%10.18%6.88%40
41407Elme PienaarChilton St James School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:40+2:39+26.46%79.08%9.95%6.63%-
42742Ollie WinterWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:43+2:42+26.96%78.77%9.59%6.27%-
42410Jack MillerHeretaunga College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:43+2:42+26.96%78.77%9.59%6.27%-
42559Savannah AllenSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Int (U16)F 12:43+2:42+26.96%78.77%9.59%6.27%44
45731Leo MckenzieWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:45+2:44+27.29%78.56%9.36%6.02%-
46758Hadassah HumphriesWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:46+2:45+27.45%78.46%9.24%5.90%-
47751Emily EastwoodWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:48+2:47+27.79%78.26%9.00%5.65%-
48590Violet FisherSolway College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:49+2:48+27.95%78.15%8.88%5.53%48
49406Bianca NicholasChanel College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:50+2:49+28.12%78.05%8.76%5.41%-
50465Octavian IsaacKuranui College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:51+2:50+28.29%77.95%8.64%5.28%50
51611Octavia BurnsSt Mary's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:52+2:51+28.45%77.85%8.53%5.16%51
52716Matthew FernieWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:57+2:56+29.28%77.35%7.93%4.55%-
53663Bianca CornellTawa College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:58+2:57+29.45%77.25%7.81%4.42%53
54750Alice DoolanWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:01+3:00+29.95%76.95%7.46%4.05%-
55744Elodie DentWellington East Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:02+3:01+30.12%76.85%7.34%3.93%-
56516Tyron BakerParaparaumu College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:06+3:05+30.78%76.46%6.87%3.44%56
57519Braxtyn KentParaparaumu College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:08+3:07+31.11%76.27%6.63%3.19%57
58401Charlotte HarrisonAotea College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:09+3:08+31.28%76.17%6.51%3.07%58
58500Neve HermannNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:09+3:08+31.28%76.17%6.51%3.07%58
60427Josh BruceHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:10+3:09+31.45%76.08%6.39%2.95%-
61403Joseph HolmesAotea College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:12+3:11+31.78%75.88%6.16%2.70%61
62674Ruby MeatesUpper Hutt College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:13+3:12+31.95%75.79%6.04%2.58%62
62561Katie JordanSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Int (U16)F 13:13+3:12+31.95%75.79%6.04%2.58%62
64672Jothika ArunUpper Hutt College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:20+3:19+33.11%75.13%5.21%1.72%64
65631Ruben Van DeventerSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:24+3:23+33.78%74.75%4.73%1.23%-
65772Lucy WillsonWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:24+3:23+33.78%74.75%4.73%1.23%-
67759Nimisha KCWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:26+3:25+34.11%74.57%4.50%0.98%-
67754Lucy FowlerWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:26+3:25+34.11%74.57%4.50%0.98%-
69641Noah IsaiaSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:27+3:26+34.28%74.47%4.38%0.86%69
70711Ben CrokeWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:28+3:27+34.44%74.38%4.26%0.74%-
71766Indi SinclairWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:29+3:28+34.61%74.29%4.14%0.61%-
72578Sophie FloodScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:33+3:32+35.27%73.92%3.67%0.12%72
73618Connie ReedSt Oran's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:34+3:33+35.44%73.83%3.55%0.00%73
74807Harvey RevellRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:35+3:34+35.61%73.74%3.43%-0.12%74
75528Brooke MartinQueen Margaret College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:38+3:37+36.11%73.47%3.08%-0.49%-
76402Soren HodgsonAotea College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:41+3:40+36.61%73.20%2.72%-0.86%-
77470Ursula WhitemanKuranui College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:44+3:43+37.10%72.94%2.36%-1.23%-
78603Jack GentleSt Bernard's College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:48+3:47+37.77%72.58%1.89%-1.72%78
79464Riley GalbreathKuranui College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:51+3:50+38.27%72.32%1.53%-2.09%-
79619Maddi RoosSt Oran's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:51+3:50+38.27%72.32%1.53%-2.09%80
81595Renee MensenSolway College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:52+3:51+38.44%72.24%1.42%-2.21%81
82497Brianna BIRNewlands College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:53+3:52+38.60%72.15%1.30%-2.33%-
83694Maia BuickWairarapa College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:54+3:53+38.77%72.06%1.18%-2.46%-
84746Chloe AugueuxWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:56+3:55+39.10%71.89%0.94%-2.70%-
85602Alfie ClenchSt Bernard's College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:57+3:56+39.27%71.80%0.82%-2.83%85
86604Ezekiel HaraweraSt Bernard's College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:58+3:57+39.43%71.72%0.71%-2.95%86
86404Daniella StarrAotea College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:58+3:57+39.43%71.72%0.71%-2.95%-
86501Zoe HoldenNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:58+3:57+39.43%71.72%0.71%-2.95%-
89693Georgia BuickWairarapa College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:59+3:58+39.60%71.63%0.59%-3.07%-
89428Kylah ConnollyHutt Valley High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:59+3:58+39.60%71.63%0.59%-3.07%-
91637Xander BreslinSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:06+4:05+40.77%71.04%-0.24%-3.93%91
92587Amelia RobertsScots College Girls - Int (U16)F 14:08+4:07+41.10%70.87%-0.48%-4.18%-
93753Katie FowlerWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:09+4:08+41.26%70.79%-0.60%-4.30%-
94752Lily FisherWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:11+4:10+41.60%70.62%-0.84%-4.55%-
94664Sophie MenziesTawa College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:11+4:10+41.60%70.62%-0.84%-4.55%95
96569Isla NottageSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:14+4:13+42.10%70.37%-1.19%-4.91%-
97797Luella WylieScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:18+4:17+42.76%70.05%-1.66%-5.41%-
98617Aria LaurensonSt Oran's College Girls - Int (U16)F 14:19+4:18+42.93%69.97%-1.78%-5.53%98
99703Toby BarrettWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:22+4:21+43.43%69.72%-2.14%-5.90%-
100679Fletcher McgrathWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:23+4:22+43.59%69.64%-2.26%-6.02%100
101437Matheson PorterHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:24+4:23+43.76%69.56%-2.38%-6.14%-
102796Sydney WrightScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:26+4:25+44.09%69.40%-2.61%-6.39%-
103648Daniel NguyenSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:27+4:26+44.26%69.32%-2.73%-6.51%103
103579Alena FuerstenauScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:27+4:26+44.26%69.32%-2.73%-6.51%-
105747Maddie BadenhorstWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 14:41+4:40+46.59%68.22%-4.39%-8.23%-
106805Mick SaundersRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:45+4:44+47.25%67.91%-4.86%-8.72%-
106558Griffin ShirtcliffeRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:45+4:44+47.25%67.91%-4.86%-8.72%-
108598Bella Tua-DavidsonSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:51+4:50+48.25%67.45%-5.57%-9.46%108
109458Skylar Van Der MerweKāpiti College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:55+4:54+48.92%67.15%-6.05%-9.95%109
110677Soham KamanahalliWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:56+4:55+49.08%67.08%-6.17%-10.07%110
110560Koko ImazuSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:56+4:55+49.08%67.08%-6.17%-10.07%-
112568Isla MorrisonSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Int (U16)F 15:23+5:22+53.58%65.11%-9.37%-13.39%-
113680Oliver PartridgeWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 15:29+5:28+54.58%64.69%-10.08%-14.13%113
114612Maggie ElmigerSt Mary's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:34+5:33+55.41%64.35%-10.67%-14.74%114
115518Lucy CostleyParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 15:43+5:42+56.91%63.73%-11.74%-15.85%115
115588Ruby SmithScots College Girls - Int (U16)F 15:43+5:42+56.91%63.73%-11.74%-15.85%-
115571Mia WhyteSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:43+5:42+56.91%63.73%-11.74%-15.85%-
118425Olivia AndersonHutt Valley High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:45+5:44+57.24%63.60%-11.97%-16.09%-
119745Rose AppletonWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:47+5:46+57.57%63.46%-12.21%-16.34%-
120748Dinithi ChandrasekeraWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:50+5:49+58.07%63.26%-12.57%-16.71%-
120505Mary-May KirtonNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:50+5:49+58.07%63.26%-12.57%-16.71%-
120498Sianné BlignautNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:50+5:49+58.07%63.26%-12.57%-16.71%-
123795Esme CordinerWellington High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:09+6:08+61.23%62.02%-14.82%-19.04%123
124577Isabella FloodScots College Girls - Int (U16)F 16:15+6:14+62.23%61.64%-15.53%-19.78%-
125522Emily RobbieParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 16:22+6:21+63.39%61.20%-16.36%-20.64%-
125596Thora ShepardSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:22+6:21+63.39%61.20%-16.36%-20.64%-
127775Hannah BarkerWellington High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:23+6:22+63.56%61.14%-16.48%-20.76%127
128597Jody SutherlandSolway College Girls - Int (U16)F 16:42+6:41+66.72%59.98%-18.73%-23.10%-
129599Poppy TuckwellSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:46+6:45+67.39%59.74%-19.20%-23.59%-
129594Lucinda HightSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:46+6:45+67.39%59.74%-19.20%-23.59%-
131564Lucy WrigleySacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 17:01+7:00+69.88%58.86%-20.98%-25.43%-
132777Edie JohnstonWellington High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 17:08+7:07+71.05%58.46%-21.81%-26.29%-
133445Finlay CollinsKāpiti College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 17:12+7:11+71.71%58.24%-22.28%-26.78%133
134523Paige RolandParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 17:14+7:13+72.05%58.12%-22.52%-27.03%-
135520Eve MasonParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 17:17+7:16+72.55%57.96%-22.87%-27.40%-
136491Kaylee PaeaMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 17:54+7:53+78.70%55.96%-27.26%-31.94%136
137682Ishan VallabhWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 20:10+10:09+101.33%49.67%-43.37%-48.65%-
138429Charlotte GoodeyHutt Valley High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 20:32+10:31+104.99%48.78%-45.98%-51.35%-
138676Rosa BuescherWa Ora Montessori School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 20:32+10:31+104.99%48.78%-45.98%-51.35%-
140478Salem EdmondsMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:07+11:06+110.82%47.43%-50.13%-55.65%140
140486Ivy MuirMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:07+11:06+110.82%47.43%-50.13%-55.65%140
142480Kahukura EllisonMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:11+11:10+111.48%47.29%-50.60%-56.14%-
143476Paige CollinsMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:13+11:12+111.81%47.21%-50.84%-56.39%-
144475Georgia CollinsMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:15+11:14+112.15%47.14%-51.07%-56.63%-
145675Nina BuescherWa Ora Montessori School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 21:56+11:55+118.97%45.67%-55.93%-61.67%-
  • 3km Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1563Madison WosSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Int (U16)F 11:01--100%25.07%21.12%1
2567Emma LowdenSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 11:08+0:07+1.06%98.95%24.27%20.29%2
3453Olivia McdowellKāpiti College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 11:13+0:12+1.82%98.22%23.71%19.69%-
4763Juju MoorheadWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 11:14+0:13+1.97%98.07%23.59%19.57%4
5771Hannah WadeWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 11:38+0:37+5.60%94.70%20.87%16.71%5
6762Lucy MabinWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 11:55+0:54+8.17%92.45%18.95%14.68%6
7511Mei Von DadelszenNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:03+1:02+9.38%91.42%18.04%13.72%7
8673Zoe HiltonUpper Hutt College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:12+1:11+10.74%90.30%17.02%12.65%8
9755Sophie HoarWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:13+1:12+10.89%90.18%16.90%12.53%-
10773Xanthe WongWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:14+1:13+11.04%90.05%16.79%12.41%-
10779Ava LaingWellington High School Girls - Int (U16)F 12:14+1:13+11.04%90.05%16.79%12.41%11
10499Shriya DalviNewlands College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:14+1:13+11.04%90.05%16.79%12.41%11
13566Isla DapasSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:16+1:15+11.35%89.81%16.56%12.17%13
14570Phoebe SimsSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:20+1:19+11.95%89.32%16.11%11.69%14
15529Sarah ZhouQueen Margaret College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:26+1:25+12.86%88.61%15.43%10.98%-
16613Naomi GuershomSt Mary's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:35+1:34+14.22%87.55%14.41%9.90%16
17407Elme PienaarChilton St James School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:40+1:39+14.98%86.97%13.84%9.31%-
18559Savannah AllenSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Int (U16)F 12:43+1:42+15.43%86.63%13.50%8.95%18
19758Hadassah HumphriesWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:46+1:45+15.89%86.29%13.16%8.59%-
20751Emily EastwoodWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:48+1:47+16.19%86.07%12.94%8.35%-
21590Violet FisherSolway College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:49+1:48+16.34%85.96%12.82%8.23%21
22406Bianca NicholasChanel College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:50+1:49+16.49%85.84%12.71%8.11%-
23611Octavia BurnsSt Mary's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:52+1:51+16.79%85.62%12.48%7.88%23
24663Bianca CornellTawa College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:58+1:57+17.70%84.96%11.80%7.16%-
25750Alice DoolanWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:01+2:00+18.15%84.64%11.46%6.80%-
26744Elodie DentWellington East Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:02+2:01+18.31%84.53%11.35%6.68%-
27401Charlotte HarrisonAotea College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:09+2:08+19.36%83.78%10.56%5.85%-
27500Neve HermannNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:09+2:08+19.36%83.78%10.56%5.85%28
29674Ruby MeatesUpper Hutt College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:13+2:12+19.97%83.35%10.10%5.37%29
29561Katie JordanSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Int (U16)F 13:13+2:12+19.97%83.35%10.10%5.37%29
31672Jothika ArunUpper Hutt College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:20+2:19+21.03%82.63%9.31%4.53%31
32772Lucy WillsonWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:24+2:23+21.63%82.21%8.86%4.06%-
33759Nimisha KCWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:26+2:25+21.94%82.01%8.63%3.82%-
33754Lucy FowlerWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:26+2:25+21.94%82.01%8.63%3.82%-
35766Indi SinclairWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:29+2:28+22.39%81.71%8.29%3.46%-
36578Sophie FloodScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:33+2:32+23.00%81.30%7.84%2.98%36
37618Connie ReedSt Oran's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:34+2:33+23.15%81.20%7.72%2.86%37
38528Brooke MartinQueen Margaret College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:38+2:37+23.75%80.81%7.27%2.39%-
39470Ursula WhitemanKuranui College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:44+2:43+24.66%80.22%6.59%1.67%-
40464Riley GalbreathKuranui College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:51+2:50+25.72%79.54%5.79%0.84%-
40619Maddi RoosSt Oran's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:51+2:50+25.72%79.54%5.79%0.84%41
42595Renee MensenSolway College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:52+2:51+25.87%79.45%5.68%0.72%42
43497Brianna BIRNewlands College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:53+2:52+26.02%79.35%5.57%0.60%-
44694Maia BuickWairarapa College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:54+2:53+26.17%79.26%5.45%0.48%-
45746Chloe AugueuxWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:56+2:55+26.48%79.07%5.23%0.24%-
46404Daniella StarrAotea College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:58+2:57+26.78%78.88%5.00%0.00%-
46501Zoe HoldenNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:58+2:57+26.78%78.88%5.00%0.00%-
48693Georgia BuickWairarapa College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:59+2:58+26.93%78.78%4.89%-0.12%-
48428Kylah ConnollyHutt Valley High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:59+2:58+26.93%78.78%4.89%-0.12%49
50587Amelia RobertsScots College Girls - Int (U16)F 14:08+3:07+28.29%77.95%3.87%-1.19%50
51753Katie FowlerWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:09+3:08+28.44%77.86%3.75%-1.31%-
52752Lily FisherWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:11+3:10+28.74%77.67%3.53%-1.55%-
52664Sophie MenziesTawa College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:11+3:10+28.74%77.67%3.53%-1.55%-
54569Isla NottageSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:14+3:13+29.20%77.40%3.19%-1.91%-
55797Luella WylieScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:18+3:17+29.80%77.04%2.73%-2.39%55
56617Aria LaurensonSt Oran's College Girls - Int (U16)F 14:19+3:18+29.95%76.95%2.62%-2.51%56
57796Sydney WrightScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:26+3:25+31.01%76.33%1.83%-3.34%-
58579Alena FuerstenauScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:27+3:26+31.16%76.24%1.71%-3.46%-
59747Maddie BadenhorstWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 14:41+3:40+33.28%75.03%0.13%-5.13%-
60598Bella Tua-DavidsonSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:51+3:50+34.80%74.19%-1.01%-6.32%60
61560Koko ImazuSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:56+3:55+35.55%73.77%-1.57%-6.92%-
62568Isla MorrisonSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Int (U16)F 15:23+4:22+39.64%71.61%-4.63%-10.14%-
63612Maggie ElmigerSt Mary's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:34+4:33+41.30%70.77%-5.88%-11.46%63
64518Lucy CostleyParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 15:43+4:42+42.66%70.10%-6.90%-12.53%64
64588Ruby SmithScots College Girls - Int (U16)F 15:43+4:42+42.66%70.10%-6.90%-12.53%-
64571Mia WhyteSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:43+4:42+42.66%70.10%-6.90%-12.53%-
67425Olivia AndersonHutt Valley High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:45+4:44+42.97%69.95%-7.13%-12.77%67
68745Rose AppletonWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:47+4:46+43.27%69.80%-7.36%-13.01%-
69748Dinithi ChandrasekeraWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:50+4:49+43.72%69.58%-7.70%-13.37%-
69505Mary-May KirtonNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:50+4:49+43.72%69.58%-7.70%-13.37%-
69498Sianné BlignautNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:50+4:49+43.72%69.58%-7.70%-13.37%-
72795Esme CordinerWellington High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:09+5:08+46.60%68.21%-9.85%-15.63%72
73577Isabella FloodScots College Girls - Int (U16)F 16:15+5:14+47.50%67.79%-10.53%-16.35%-
74522Emily RobbieParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 16:22+5:21+48.56%67.31%-11.32%-17.18%74
74596Thora ShepardSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:22+5:21+48.56%67.31%-11.32%-17.18%-
76775Hannah BarkerWellington High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:23+5:22+48.71%67.24%-11.44%-17.30%76
77597Jody SutherlandSolway College Girls - Int (U16)F 16:42+5:41+51.59%65.97%-13.59%-19.57%-
78599Poppy TuckwellSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:46+5:45+52.19%65.71%-14.04%-20.05%-
78594Lucinda HightSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:46+5:45+52.19%65.71%-14.04%-20.05%-
80564Lucy WrigleySacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 17:01+6:00+54.46%64.74%-15.74%-21.84%-
81777Edie JohnstonWellington High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 17:08+6:07+55.52%64.30%-16.54%-22.67%-
82445Finlay CollinsKāpiti College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 17:12+6:11+56.13%64.05%-16.99%-23.15%-
83523Paige RolandParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 17:14+6:13+56.43%63.93%-17.22%-23.39%83
84520Eve MasonParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 17:17+6:16+56.88%63.74%-17.56%-23.75%-
85491Kaylee PaeaMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 17:54+6:53+62.48%61.55%-21.75%-28.16%85
86429Charlotte GoodeyHutt Valley High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 20:32+9:31+86.38%53.65%-39.66%-47.02%86
86676Rosa BuescherWa Ora Montessori School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 20:32+9:31+86.38%53.65%-39.66%-47.02%-
88478Salem EdmondsMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:07+10:06+91.68%52.17%-43.63%-51.19%88
88486Ivy MuirMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:07+10:06+91.68%52.17%-43.63%-51.19%88
90480Kahukura EllisonMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:11+10:10+92.28%52.01%-44.08%-51.67%-
91476Paige CollinsMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:13+10:12+92.59%51.92%-44.31%-51.91%-
92475Georgia CollinsMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:15+10:14+92.89%51.84%-44.54%-52.15%-
93675Nina BuescherWa Ora Montessori School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 21:56+10:55+99.09%50.23%-49.19%-57.04%-
  • 3km Female - Girls - Int (U16)
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1563Madison WosSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Int (U16)F 11:01--100%26.59%20.93%1
2763Juju MoorheadWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 11:14+0:13+1.97%98.07%25.15%19.38%2
3771Hannah WadeWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 11:38+0:37+5.60%94.70%22.48%16.51%3
4673Zoe HiltonUpper Hutt College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:12+1:11+10.74%90.30%18.70%12.44%-
5773Xanthe WongWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:14+1:13+11.04%90.05%18.48%12.20%5
5779Ava LaingWellington High School Girls - Int (U16)F 12:14+1:13+11.04%90.05%18.48%12.20%-
5499Shriya DalviNewlands College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:14+1:13+11.04%90.05%18.48%12.20%-
8559Savannah AllenSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Int (U16)F 12:43+1:42+15.43%86.63%15.26%8.73%8
9758Hadassah HumphriesWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:46+1:45+15.89%86.29%14.93%8.37%-
10751Emily EastwoodWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:48+1:47+16.19%86.07%14.71%8.13%-
11590Violet FisherSolway College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:49+1:48+16.34%85.96%14.60%8.01%11
12663Bianca CornellTawa College Girls - Int (U16)F 12:58+1:57+17.70%84.96%13.60%6.94%-
13401Charlotte HarrisonAotea College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:09+2:08+19.36%83.78%12.37%5.62%-
14561Katie JordanSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Int (U16)F 13:13+2:12+19.97%83.35%11.93%5.14%14
15464Riley GalbreathKuranui College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:51+2:50+25.72%79.54%7.71%0.60%-
16595Renee MensenSolway College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:52+2:51+25.87%79.45%7.60%0.48%16
17497Brianna BIRNewlands College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:53+2:52+26.02%79.35%7.49%0.36%-
18694Maia BuickWairarapa College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:54+2:53+26.17%79.26%7.38%0.24%-
19404Daniella StarrAotea College Girls - Int (U16)F 13:58+2:57+26.78%78.88%6.93%-0.24%-
20587Amelia RobertsScots College Girls - Int (U16)F 14:08+3:07+28.29%77.95%5.82%-1.44%20
21617Aria LaurensonSt Oran's College Girls - Int (U16)F 14:19+3:18+29.95%76.95%4.60%-2.75%-
22747Maddie BadenhorstWellington Girls' College Girls - Int (U16)F 14:41+3:40+33.28%75.03%2.16%-5.38%-
23568Isla MorrisonSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Int (U16)F 15:23+4:22+39.64%71.61%-2.51%-10.41%-
24518Lucy CostleyParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 15:43+4:42+42.66%70.10%-4.73%-12.80%24
24588Ruby SmithScots College Girls - Int (U16)F 15:43+4:42+42.66%70.10%-4.73%-12.80%24
26577Isabella FloodScots College Girls - Int (U16)F 16:15+5:14+47.50%67.79%-8.28%-16.63%26
27522Emily RobbieParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 16:22+5:21+48.56%67.31%-9.06%-17.46%27
28597Jody SutherlandSolway College Girls - Int (U16)F 16:42+5:41+51.59%65.97%-11.28%-19.86%28
29523Paige RolandParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 17:14+6:13+56.43%63.93%-14.84%-23.68%29
30520Eve MasonParaparaumu College Girls - Int (U16)F 17:17+6:16+56.88%63.74%-15.17%-24.04%-
31491Kaylee PaeaMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 17:54+6:53+62.48%61.55%-19.28%-28.47%31
32478Salem EdmondsMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:07+10:06+91.68%52.17%-40.71%-51.56%32
32486Ivy MuirMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:07+10:06+91.68%52.17%-40.71%-51.56%32
34480Kahukura EllisonMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:11+10:10+92.28%52.01%-41.16%-52.03%-
35476Paige CollinsMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:13+10:12+92.59%51.92%-41.38%-52.27%-
36475Georgia CollinsMana College Girls - Int (U16)F 21:15+10:14+92.89%51.84%-41.60%-52.51%-
  • 3km Female - Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1567Emma LowdenSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 11:08--100%23.27%20.38%1
2453Olivia McdowellKāpiti College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 11:13+0:05+0.75%99.26%22.69%19.79%-
3762Lucy MabinWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 11:55+0:47+7.04%93.43%17.87%14.78%3
4511Mei Von DadelszenNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:03+0:55+8.23%92.39%16.95%13.83%4
5755Sophie HoarWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:13+1:05+9.73%91.13%15.80%12.63%5
6566Isla DapasSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:16+1:08+10.18%90.76%15.46%12.28%6
7570Phoebe SimsSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:20+1:12+10.78%90.27%15.00%11.80%7
8529Sarah ZhouQueen Margaret College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:26+1:18+11.68%89.54%14.31%11.08%-
9613Naomi GuershomSt Mary's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:35+1:27+13.02%88.48%13.27%10.01%9
10407Elme PienaarChilton St James School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:40+1:32+13.77%87.89%12.70%9.42%-
11406Bianca NicholasChanel College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:50+1:42+15.27%86.75%11.55%8.22%-
12611Octavia BurnsSt Mary's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 12:52+1:44+15.57%86.53%11.32%7.99%12
13750Alice DoolanWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:01+1:53+16.92%85.53%10.29%6.91%13
14744Elodie DentWellington East Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:02+1:54+17.07%85.42%10.17%6.79%-
15500Neve HermannNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:09+2:01+18.11%84.66%9.37%5.96%15
16674Ruby MeatesUpper Hutt College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:13+2:05+18.71%84.24%8.91%5.48%-
17672Jothika ArunUpper Hutt College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:20+2:12+19.76%83.50%8.11%4.65%-
18772Lucy WillsonWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:24+2:16+20.36%83.08%7.65%4.17%-
19759Nimisha KCWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:26+2:18+20.66%82.88%7.42%3.93%-
19754Lucy FowlerWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:26+2:18+20.66%82.88%7.42%3.93%-
21766Indi SinclairWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:29+2:21+21.11%82.57%7.07%3.58%-
22578Sophie FloodScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:33+2:25+21.71%82.16%6.61%3.10%22
23618Connie ReedSt Oran's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:34+2:26+21.86%82.06%6.50%2.98%-
24528Brooke MartinQueen Margaret College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:38+2:30+22.46%81.66%6.04%2.50%-
25470Ursula WhitemanKuranui College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:44+2:36+23.35%81.07%5.35%1.79%-
26619Maddi RoosSt Oran's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:51+2:43+24.40%80.39%4.54%0.95%-
27746Chloe AugueuxWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:56+2:48+25.15%79.90%3.97%0.36%-
28501Zoe HoldenNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:58+2:50+25.45%79.71%3.74%0.12%28
29693Georgia BuickWairarapa College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:59+2:51+25.60%79.62%3.63%0.00%-
29428Kylah ConnollyHutt Valley High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 13:59+2:51+25.60%79.62%3.63%0.00%30
31753Katie FowlerWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:09+3:01+27.10%78.68%2.48%-1.19%-
32752Lily FisherWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:11+3:03+27.40%78.50%2.25%-1.43%-
32664Sophie MenziesTawa College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:11+3:03+27.40%78.50%2.25%-1.43%-
34569Isla NottageSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:14+3:06+27.84%78.22%1.90%-1.79%-
35797Luella WylieScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:18+3:10+28.44%77.86%1.44%-2.26%35
36796Sydney WrightScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:26+3:18+29.64%77.14%0.52%-3.22%36
37579Alena FuerstenauScots College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:27+3:19+29.79%77.05%0.41%-3.34%-
38598Bella Tua-DavidsonSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:51+3:43+33.38%74.97%-2.35%-6.20%38
39560Koko ImazuSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 14:56+3:48+34.13%74.55%-2.92%-6.79%-
40612Maggie ElmigerSt Mary's College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:34+4:26+39.82%71.52%-7.29%-11.32%40
41571Mia WhyteSamuel Marsden Collegiate Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:43+4:35+41.17%70.84%-8.32%-12.40%-
42425Olivia AndersonHutt Valley High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:45+4:37+41.47%70.69%-8.55%-12.63%42
43745Rose AppletonWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:47+4:39+41.77%70.54%-8.78%-12.87%-
44748Dinithi ChandrasekeraWellington Girls' College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:50+4:42+42.22%70.32%-9.12%-13.23%-
44505Mary-May KirtonNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:50+4:42+42.22%70.32%-9.12%-13.23%-
44498Sianné BlignautNewlands College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 15:50+4:42+42.22%70.32%-9.12%-13.23%-
47795Esme CordinerWellington High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:09+5:01+45.06%68.94%-11.31%-15.49%47
48596Thora ShepardSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:22+5:14+47.01%68.02%-12.80%-17.04%48
49775Hannah BarkerWellington High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:23+5:15+47.16%67.96%-12.92%-17.16%49
50599Poppy TuckwellSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:46+5:38+50.60%66.40%-15.56%-19.90%50
50594Lucinda HightSolway College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 16:46+5:38+50.60%66.40%-15.56%-19.90%-
52564Lucy WrigleySacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 17:01+5:53+52.84%65.43%-17.28%-21.69%-
53777Edie JohnstonWellington High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 17:08+6:00+53.89%64.98%-18.08%-22.53%53
54445Finlay CollinsKāpiti College Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 17:12+6:04+54.49%64.73%-18.54%-23.00%-
55429Charlotte GoodeyHutt Valley High School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 20:32+9:24+84.43%54.22%-41.52%-46.84%55
55676Rosa BuescherWa Ora Montessori School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 20:32+9:24+84.43%54.22%-41.52%-46.84%-
57675Nina BuescherWa Ora Montessori School Girls - Jnr (Year 9 and under)F 21:56+10:48+97.01%50.76%-51.17%-56.85%-
  • 3km Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1440Jacob WilliamsHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:01--100%22.52%21.34%1
2665Noah TonkinTawa College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:40+0:39+6.49%93.91%17.49%16.23%-
3431Leo HyinkHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:41+0:40+6.66%93.76%17.36%16.10%3
4424Jacob RiceHutt International Boys' School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:45+0:44+7.32%93.18%16.85%15.58%-
5438Finnigan StricklandHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:47+0:46+7.65%92.89%16.59%15.31%5
6714Henry EllwoodWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:55+0:54+8.99%91.76%15.56%14.27%6
7549Sebastian CampionRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:02+1:01+10.15%90.79%14.66%13.35%7
8629Cam StarrSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:16+1:15+12.48%88.91%12.85%11.52%8
8737Isaac ThompsonWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:16+1:15+12.48%88.91%12.85%11.52%8
10736Henry RobinsonWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:40+1:39+16.47%85.86%9.76%8.38%10
11466Noah MonastraKuranui College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:42+1:41+16.81%85.61%9.50%8.12%11
12467Kurt NicholasKuranui College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:50+1:49+18.14%84.65%8.47%7.07%12
12635James WallaceSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:50+1:49+18.14%84.65%8.47%7.07%12
12726Lewis KenworthyWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:50+1:49+18.14%84.65%8.47%7.07%-
15620Ethan AmyesSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:01+2:00+19.97%83.36%7.05%5.63%15
16727Jonah LiuWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:05+2:04+20.63%82.90%6.54%5.10%-
17717Leo FooteWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:06+2:05+20.80%82.78%6.41%4.97%-
18580Yigit GiderScots College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:14+2:13+22.13%81.88%5.37%3.93%-
19804Felix StoltzScots College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:21+2:20+23.29%81.11%4.47%3.01%-
20405Justin WangAotea College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:23+2:22+23.63%80.89%4.21%2.75%20
21420Reuben HayneHutt International Boys' School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:27+2:26+24.29%80.46%3.70%2.23%-
22730Hugh McconnellWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:33+2:32+25.29%79.81%2.93%1.44%-
23622Sid BetteridgeSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:38+2:37+26.12%79.29%2.28%0.79%-
23806Rayyan MohammedRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:38+2:37+26.12%79.29%2.28%0.79%24
25742Ollie WinterWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:43+2:42+26.96%78.77%1.64%0.13%-
25410Jack MillerHeretaunga College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:43+2:42+26.96%78.77%1.64%0.13%-
27731Leo MckenzieWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:45+2:44+27.29%78.56%1.38%-0.13%-
28465Octavian IsaacKuranui College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:51+2:50+28.29%77.95%0.60%-0.92%28
29716Matthew FernieWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:57+2:56+29.28%77.35%-0.17%-1.70%-
30516Tyron BakerParaparaumu College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:06+3:05+30.78%76.46%-1.33%-2.88%-
31519Braxtyn KentParaparaumu College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:08+3:07+31.11%76.27%-1.59%-3.14%-
32427Josh BruceHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:10+3:09+31.45%76.08%-1.84%-3.40%-
33403Joseph HolmesAotea College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:12+3:11+31.78%75.88%-2.10%-3.66%33
34631Ruben Van DeventerSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:24+3:23+33.78%74.75%-3.65%-5.24%-
35641Noah IsaiaSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:27+3:26+34.28%74.47%-4.04%-5.63%35
36711Ben CrokeWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:28+3:27+34.44%74.38%-4.17%-5.76%-
37807Harvey RevellRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:35+3:34+35.61%73.74%-5.07%-6.68%37
38402Soren HodgsonAotea College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:41+3:40+36.61%73.20%-5.84%-7.46%38
39603Jack GentleSt Bernard's College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:48+3:47+37.77%72.58%-6.74%-8.38%39
40602Alfie ClenchSt Bernard's College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:57+3:56+39.27%71.80%-7.90%-9.55%40
41604Ezekiel HaraweraSt Bernard's College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:58+3:57+39.43%71.72%-8.03%-9.69%41
42637Xander BreslinSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:06+4:05+40.77%71.04%-9.06%-10.73%42
43703Toby BarrettWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:22+4:21+43.43%69.72%-11.13%-12.83%-
44679Fletcher McgrathWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:23+4:22+43.59%69.64%-11.26%-12.96%44
45437Matheson PorterHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:24+4:23+43.76%69.56%-11.38%-13.09%-
46648Daniel NguyenSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:27+4:26+44.26%69.32%-11.77%-13.48%46
47805Mick SaundersRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:45+4:44+47.25%67.91%-14.09%-15.84%-
47558Griffin ShirtcliffeRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:45+4:44+47.25%67.91%-14.09%-15.84%-
49458Skylar Van Der MerweKāpiti College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:55+4:54+48.92%67.15%-15.38%-17.15%-
50677Soham KamanahalliWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:56+4:55+49.08%67.08%-15.51%-17.28%50
51680Oliver PartridgeWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 15:29+5:28+54.58%64.69%-19.76%-21.60%51
52682Ishan VallabhWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 20:10+10:09+101.33%49.67%-55.99%-58.38%-
  • 3km Male - Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1440Jacob WilliamsHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:01--100%22.52%21.34%1
2665Noah TonkinTawa College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:40+0:39+6.49%93.91%17.49%16.23%-
3431Leo HyinkHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:41+0:40+6.66%93.76%17.36%16.10%3
4424Jacob RiceHutt International Boys' School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:45+0:44+7.32%93.18%16.85%15.58%-
5438Finnigan StricklandHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:47+0:46+7.65%92.89%16.59%15.31%5
6714Henry EllwoodWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 10:55+0:54+8.99%91.76%15.56%14.27%6
7549Sebastian CampionRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:02+1:01+10.15%90.79%14.66%13.35%7
8629Cam StarrSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:16+1:15+12.48%88.91%12.85%11.52%8
8737Isaac ThompsonWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:16+1:15+12.48%88.91%12.85%11.52%8
10736Henry RobinsonWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:40+1:39+16.47%85.86%9.76%8.38%10
11466Noah MonastraKuranui College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:42+1:41+16.81%85.61%9.50%8.12%11
12467Kurt NicholasKuranui College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:50+1:49+18.14%84.65%8.47%7.07%12
12635James WallaceSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:50+1:49+18.14%84.65%8.47%7.07%12
12726Lewis KenworthyWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 11:50+1:49+18.14%84.65%8.47%7.07%-
15620Ethan AmyesSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:01+2:00+19.97%83.36%7.05%5.63%15
16727Jonah LiuWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:05+2:04+20.63%82.90%6.54%5.10%-
17717Leo FooteWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:06+2:05+20.80%82.78%6.41%4.97%-
18580Yigit GiderScots College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:14+2:13+22.13%81.88%5.37%3.93%-
19804Felix StoltzScots College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:21+2:20+23.29%81.11%4.47%3.01%-
20405Justin WangAotea College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:23+2:22+23.63%80.89%4.21%2.75%20
21420Reuben HayneHutt International Boys' School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:27+2:26+24.29%80.46%3.70%2.23%-
22730Hugh McconnellWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:33+2:32+25.29%79.81%2.93%1.44%-
23622Sid BetteridgeSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:38+2:37+26.12%79.29%2.28%0.79%-
23806Rayyan MohammedRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:38+2:37+26.12%79.29%2.28%0.79%24
25742Ollie WinterWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:43+2:42+26.96%78.77%1.64%0.13%-
25410Jack MillerHeretaunga College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:43+2:42+26.96%78.77%1.64%0.13%-
27731Leo MckenzieWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:45+2:44+27.29%78.56%1.38%-0.13%-
28465Octavian IsaacKuranui College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:51+2:50+28.29%77.95%0.60%-0.92%28
29716Matthew FernieWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 12:57+2:56+29.28%77.35%-0.17%-1.70%-
30516Tyron BakerParaparaumu College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:06+3:05+30.78%76.46%-1.33%-2.88%-
31519Braxtyn KentParaparaumu College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:08+3:07+31.11%76.27%-1.59%-3.14%-
32427Josh BruceHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:10+3:09+31.45%76.08%-1.84%-3.40%-
33403Joseph HolmesAotea College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:12+3:11+31.78%75.88%-2.10%-3.66%33
34631Ruben Van DeventerSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:24+3:23+33.78%74.75%-3.65%-5.24%-
35641Noah IsaiaSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:27+3:26+34.28%74.47%-4.04%-5.63%35
36711Ben CrokeWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:28+3:27+34.44%74.38%-4.17%-5.76%-
37807Harvey RevellRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:35+3:34+35.61%73.74%-5.07%-6.68%37
38402Soren HodgsonAotea College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:41+3:40+36.61%73.20%-5.84%-7.46%38
39603Jack GentleSt Bernard's College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:48+3:47+37.77%72.58%-6.74%-8.38%39
40602Alfie ClenchSt Bernard's College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:57+3:56+39.27%71.80%-7.90%-9.55%40
41604Ezekiel HaraweraSt Bernard's College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 13:58+3:57+39.43%71.72%-8.03%-9.69%41
42637Xander BreslinSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:06+4:05+40.77%71.04%-9.06%-10.73%42
43703Toby BarrettWellington College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:22+4:21+43.43%69.72%-11.13%-12.83%-
44679Fletcher McgrathWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:23+4:22+43.59%69.64%-11.26%-12.96%44
45437Matheson PorterHutt Valley High School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:24+4:23+43.76%69.56%-11.38%-13.09%-
46648Daniel NguyenSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:27+4:26+44.26%69.32%-11.77%-13.48%46
47805Mick SaundersRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:45+4:44+47.25%67.91%-14.09%-15.84%-
47558Griffin ShirtcliffeRongotai College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:45+4:44+47.25%67.91%-14.09%-15.84%-
49458Skylar Van Der MerweKāpiti College Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:55+4:54+48.92%67.15%-15.38%-17.15%-
50677Soham KamanahalliWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 14:56+4:55+49.08%67.08%-15.51%-17.28%50
51680Oliver PartridgeWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 15:29+5:28+54.58%64.69%-19.76%-21.60%51
52682Ishan VallabhWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Jnr (Year 9 and under)M 20:10+10:09+101.33%49.67%-55.99%-58.38%-
  • 4km - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1725Alex MacbethWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 13:27--100%19.99%17.82%1
2422Hugo MillarHutt International Boys' School Boys - Int (U16)M 13:33+0:06+0.74%99.26%19.39%17.21%2
3728Xavier JamesWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 13:39+0:12+1.49%98.53%18.80%16.60%3
4733Tom PesciniWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 13:42+0:15+1.86%98.18%18.50%16.29%4
5646Lachlan MacleanSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 13:47+0:20+2.48%97.58%18.00%15.78%5
6632Bair WaldromSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 13:57+0:30+3.72%96.42%17.01%14.77%6
7708Ben CookWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:01+0:34+4.21%95.96%16.62%14.36%-
8706Sam Bulbulia SmartWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:07+0:40+4.96%95.28%16.02%13.75%-
9623Alvaro Grave MedranoSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 14:11+0:44+5.45%94.83%15.62%13.34%9
10548Hugo CampionRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:18+0:51+6.32%94.06%14.93%12.63%10
10732Robert NaullsWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:18+0:51+6.32%94.06%14.93%12.63%-
12739Archie TullochWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:19+0:52+6.44%93.95%14.83%12.53%-
13647Charles McdougallSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 14:34+1:07+8.30%92.33%13.34%11.00%13
14527Poppy HealyQueen Margaret College Girls - Senior (U19)F 14:37+1:10+8.67%92.02%13.05%10.69%-
15628Fin RobinsonSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 14:42+1:15+9.29%91.50%12.55%10.18%15
16433Jessie MckenzieHutt Valley High School Girls - Senior (U19)F 14:44+1:17+9.54%91.29%12.35%9.98%-
17710Sam CosterWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:56+1:29+11.03%90.07%11.16%8.76%-
17418Tyler CampbellHutt International Boys' School Boys - Int (U16)M 14:56+1:29+11.03%90.07%11.16%8.76%18
19581Guy LesterScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:02+1:35+11.77%89.47%10.57%8.15%19
19702Noah BaguleyWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:02+1:35+11.77%89.47%10.57%8.15%-
21756Maia HoldenWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:03+1:36+11.90%89.37%10.47%8.04%21
21601Stanley CampbellSt Bernard's College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:03+1:36+11.90%89.37%10.47%8.04%21
23735Nikhil RanchordWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:09+1:42+12.64%88.78%9.87%7.43%-
23738Jack TitterWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:09+1:42+12.64%88.78%9.87%7.43%-
25749Issy De HairWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:12+1:45+13.01%88.49%9.58%7.13%25
26743Lulu DaviesWellington East Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:15+1:48+13.38%88.20%9.28%6.82%-
27462Gillet BenKuranui College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:18+1:51+13.75%87.91%8.98%6.52%-
28645Isaac LondonSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 15:19+1:52+13.88%87.81%8.88%6.42%28
29709Liam CosgroveWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:21+1:54+14.13%87.62%8.68%6.21%-
29614Maddison MacleanSt Mary's College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:21+1:54+14.13%87.62%8.68%6.21%-
31627Noah PahinaSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 15:26+1:59+14.75%87.15%8.19%5.70%-
32760Giselle KenworthyWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:35+2:08+15.86%86.31%7.30%4.79%32
33441Amir Al MasriKāpiti College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:39+2:12+16.36%85.94%6.90%4.38%33
34419Angus CoxHutt International Boys' School Boys - Int (U16)M 15:40+2:13+16.48%85.85%6.80%4.28%34
35526Lucy HannahQueen Margaret College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:51+2:24+17.84%84.86%5.71%3.16%-
36704Toby BrookWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:53+2:26+18.09%84.68%5.51%2.95%-
37585George MatthewsScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:02+2:35+19.21%83.89%4.62%2.04%37
38621Oliver BarghSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 16:04+2:37+19.45%83.71%4.42%1.83%-
39576Ella EganScots College Girls - Senior (U19)F 16:09+2:42+20.07%83.28%3.93%1.32%39
40630Roman Summerville-MurraySt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 16:18+2:51+21.19%82.52%3.03%0.41%-
41696Brooke MillerWairarapa College Girls - Senior (U19)F 16:19+2:52+21.31%82.43%2.93%0.31%-
42784Joseph Du ToitZZZ- Home Schooled Boys - Int (U16)M 16:20+2:53+21.44%82.35%2.83%0.20%-
43481Dylan HutchinsonMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:22+2:55+21.69%82.18%2.64%0.00%43
44740Thomas WakemanWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:36+3:09+23.42%81.02%1.25%-1.43%-
45721Charlie HercusWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:41+3:14+24.04%80.62%0.75%-1.93%-
46821Oscar StoltzScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:42+3:15+24.16%80.54%0.65%-2.04%-
47605Arama McdonaldSt Bernard's College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:44+3:17+24.41%80.38%0.45%-2.24%47
48512Scarlett AndersonOnslow College Girls - Senior (U19)F 16:47+3:20+24.78%80.14%0.16%-2.55%-
49463Noah DouglasKuranui College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:49+3:22+25.03%79.98%-0.04%-2.75%-
50508Tyler NaughtonNewlands College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:54+3:27+25.65%79.59%-0.54%-3.26%-
51550Corey DornanRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:10+3:43+27.63%78.35%-2.12%-4.89%51
51822Mitchell YoundRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:10+3:43+27.63%78.35%-2.12%-4.89%51
53479Kassem El FaresMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:11+3:44+27.76%78.27%-2.22%-4.99%53
53483Fynn LivingstonMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:11+3:44+27.76%78.27%-2.22%-4.99%53
53651Aidan RookSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 17:11+3:44+27.76%78.27%-2.22%-4.99%-
56496Micah BaileyNewlands College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:12+3:45+27.88%78.20%-2.32%-5.09%-
57705Felix BuckWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:22+3:55+29.12%77.45%-3.31%-6.11%-
58734Noam PhillipsWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:40+4:13+31.35%76.13%-5.10%-7.94%-
59439William ToddHutt Valley High School Boys - Int (U16)M 17:44+4:17+31.85%75.85%-5.49%-8.35%-
59761Grace LucasWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:44+4:17+31.85%75.85%-5.49%-8.35%-
61583Luke MaldenScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:49+4:22+32.47%75.49%-5.99%-8.86%-
62515Morag MclellanOnslow College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:51+4:24+32.71%75.35%-6.19%-9.06%-
63494Floyd PullanMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:53+4:26+32.96%75.21%-6.39%-9.27%-
64823Elijah Mullin-RakinumuaRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:54+4:27+33.09%75.14%-6.49%-9.37%-
65757Emmasen HolmesWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:56+4:29+33.33%75.00%-6.68%-9.57%-
66768Holly TaylorWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:57+4:30+33.46%74.93%-6.78%-9.67%-
67493Eli PriceMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 18:06+4:39+34.57%74.31%-7.68%-10.59%-
68769Sophie TaylorWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 18:09+4:42+34.94%74.10%-7.97%-10.90%-
69667Manaaki AndertonTe Kura Māori o Porirua Boys - Int (U16)M 18:11+4:44+35.19%73.97%-8.17%-11.10%-
70562Gwen McgrathSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Senior (U19)F 18:18+4:51+36.06%73.50%-8.87%-11.81%-
71606Rome ScrimgeourSt Bernard's College Boys - Int (U16)M 18:42+5:15+39.03%71.93%-11.24%-14.26%71
71701Saad AzharWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 18:42+5:15+39.03%71.93%-11.24%-14.26%-
73591Aimee FordSolway College Girls - Senior (U19)F 18:57+5:30+40.89%70.98%-12.73%-15.78%-
74557Jacques SamynRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 19:00+5:33+41.26%70.79%-13.03%-16.09%-
75593Nevaeh GreenleesSolway College Girls - Senior (U19)F 19:17+5:50+43.37%69.75%-14.71%-17.82%-
76575Sophie CresswellScots College Girls - Senior (U19)F 19:40+6:13+46.22%68.39%-17.00%-20.16%-
77408Tora KusabsHeretaunga College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:08+6:41+49.69%66.80%-19.77%-23.01%77
78778Flynn JonesWellington High School Boys - Int (U16)M 20:27+7:00+52.04%65.77%-21.66%-24.95%-
79449Chelsea HollandKāpiti College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:48+7:21+54.65%64.66%-23.74%-27.09%79
79830Tara HealyKāpiti College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:48+7:21+54.65%64.66%-23.74%-27.09%79
81409Lylah MartinHeretaunga College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:59+7:32+56.01%64.10%-24.83%-28.21%81
82413Alexa ShirleyHeretaunga College Girls - Senior (U19)F 21:04+7:37+56.63%63.84%-25.32%-28.72%82
83487Nidhish NandMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 23:43+10:16+76.33%56.71%-41.09%-44.91%-
84671Akela Youmans-JohnstonTe Kura Māori o Porirua Girls - Senior (U19)F 25:01+11:34+86.00%53.76%-48.82%-52.85%-
85609Katherine HickeySt Catherine's College Girls - Senior (U19)F 25:02+11:35+86.12%53.73%-48.92%-52.95%-
-451Ruby KeeneKāpiti College Girls - Senior (U19)F DNF-----86
  • 4km Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1527Poppy HealyQueen Margaret College Girls - Senior (U19)F 14:37--100%19.55%18.49%-
2433Jessie MckenzieHutt Valley High School Girls - Senior (U19)F 14:44+0:07+0.80%99.21%18.90%17.84%-
3756Maia HoldenWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:03+0:26+2.96%97.12%17.16%16.08%3
4749Issy De HairWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:12+0:35+3.99%96.16%16.34%15.24%4
5743Lulu DaviesWellington East Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:15+0:38+4.33%95.85%16.06%14.96%-
6614Maddison MacleanSt Mary's College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:21+0:44+5.02%95.22%15.51%14.41%-
7760Giselle KenworthyWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:35+0:58+6.61%93.80%14.23%13.10%7
8526Lucy HannahQueen Margaret College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:51+1:14+8.44%92.22%12.76%11.62%-
9576Ella EganScots College Girls - Senior (U19)F 16:09+1:32+10.49%90.51%11.11%9.94%-
10696Brooke MillerWairarapa College Girls - Senior (U19)F 16:19+1:42+11.63%89.58%10.19%9.01%-
11512Scarlett AndersonOnslow College Girls - Senior (U19)F 16:47+2:10+14.82%87.09%7.62%6.41%-
12761Grace LucasWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:44+3:07+21.32%82.42%2.39%1.12%-
13515Morag MclellanOnslow College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:51+3:14+22.12%81.89%1.75%0.46%-
14757Emmasen HolmesWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:56+3:19+22.69%81.51%1.29%0.00%-
15768Holly TaylorWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:57+3:20+22.81%81.43%1.20%-0.09%-
16769Sophie TaylorWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 18:09+3:32+24.17%80.53%0.10%-1.21%-
17562Gwen McgrathSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Senior (U19)F 18:18+3:41+25.20%79.87%-0.73%-2.04%-
18591Aimee FordSolway College Girls - Senior (U19)F 18:57+4:20+29.65%77.13%-4.30%-5.67%-
19593Nevaeh GreenleesSolway College Girls - Senior (U19)F 19:17+4:40+31.93%75.80%-6.14%-7.53%-
20575Sophie CresswellScots College Girls - Senior (U19)F 19:40+5:03+34.55%74.32%-8.25%-9.67%-
21408Tora KusabsHeretaunga College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:08+5:31+37.74%72.60%-10.82%-12.27%21
22449Chelsea HollandKāpiti College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:48+6:11+42.30%70.27%-14.49%-15.99%-
22830Tara HealyKāpiti College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:48+6:11+42.30%70.27%-14.49%-15.99%-
24409Lylah MartinHeretaunga College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:59+6:22+43.56%69.66%-15.50%-17.01%24
25413Alexa ShirleyHeretaunga College Girls - Senior (U19)F 21:04+6:27+44.13%69.38%-15.96%-17.47%25
26671Akela Youmans-JohnstonTe Kura Māori o Porirua Girls - Senior (U19)F 25:01+10:24+71.15%58.43%-37.70%-39.50%-
27609Katherine HickeySt Catherine's College Girls - Senior (U19)F 25:02+10:25+71.27%58.39%-37.79%-39.59%-
-451Ruby KeeneKāpiti College Girls - Senior (U19)F DNF-----28
  • 4km Female - Girls - Senior (U19)
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1527Poppy HealyQueen Margaret College Girls - Senior (U19)F 14:37--100%19.55%18.49%-
2433Jessie MckenzieHutt Valley High School Girls - Senior (U19)F 14:44+0:07+0.80%99.21%18.90%17.84%-
3756Maia HoldenWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:03+0:26+2.96%97.12%17.16%16.08%3
4749Issy De HairWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:12+0:35+3.99%96.16%16.34%15.24%4
5743Lulu DaviesWellington East Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:15+0:38+4.33%95.85%16.06%14.96%-
6614Maddison MacleanSt Mary's College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:21+0:44+5.02%95.22%15.51%14.41%-
7760Giselle KenworthyWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:35+0:58+6.61%93.80%14.23%13.10%7
8526Lucy HannahQueen Margaret College Girls - Senior (U19)F 15:51+1:14+8.44%92.22%12.76%11.62%-
9576Ella EganScots College Girls - Senior (U19)F 16:09+1:32+10.49%90.51%11.11%9.94%-
10696Brooke MillerWairarapa College Girls - Senior (U19)F 16:19+1:42+11.63%89.58%10.19%9.01%-
11512Scarlett AndersonOnslow College Girls - Senior (U19)F 16:47+2:10+14.82%87.09%7.62%6.41%-
12761Grace LucasWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:44+3:07+21.32%82.42%2.39%1.12%-
13515Morag MclellanOnslow College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:51+3:14+22.12%81.89%1.75%0.46%-
14757Emmasen HolmesWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:56+3:19+22.69%81.51%1.29%0.00%-
15768Holly TaylorWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 17:57+3:20+22.81%81.43%1.20%-0.09%-
16769Sophie TaylorWellington Girls' College Girls - Senior (U19)F 18:09+3:32+24.17%80.53%0.10%-1.21%-
17562Gwen McgrathSacred Heart College (Wgtn) Girls - Senior (U19)F 18:18+3:41+25.20%79.87%-0.73%-2.04%-
18591Aimee FordSolway College Girls - Senior (U19)F 18:57+4:20+29.65%77.13%-4.30%-5.67%-
19593Nevaeh GreenleesSolway College Girls - Senior (U19)F 19:17+4:40+31.93%75.80%-6.14%-7.53%-
20575Sophie CresswellScots College Girls - Senior (U19)F 19:40+5:03+34.55%74.32%-8.25%-9.67%-
21408Tora KusabsHeretaunga College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:08+5:31+37.74%72.60%-10.82%-12.27%21
22449Chelsea HollandKāpiti College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:48+6:11+42.30%70.27%-14.49%-15.99%-
22830Tara HealyKāpiti College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:48+6:11+42.30%70.27%-14.49%-15.99%-
24409Lylah MartinHeretaunga College Girls - Senior (U19)F 20:59+6:22+43.56%69.66%-15.50%-17.01%24
25413Alexa ShirleyHeretaunga College Girls - Senior (U19)F 21:04+6:27+44.13%69.38%-15.96%-17.47%25
26671Akela Youmans-JohnstonTe Kura Māori o Porirua Girls - Senior (U19)F 25:01+10:24+71.15%58.43%-37.70%-39.50%-
27609Katherine HickeySt Catherine's College Girls - Senior (U19)F 25:02+10:25+71.27%58.39%-37.79%-39.59%-
-451Ruby KeeneKāpiti College Girls - Senior (U19)F DNF-----28
  • 4km Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1725Alex MacbethWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 13:27--100%16.86%16.20%1
2422Hugo MillarHutt International Boys' School Boys - Int (U16)M 13:33+0:06+0.74%99.26%16.24%15.58%2
3728Xavier JamesWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 13:39+0:12+1.49%98.53%15.62%14.95%3
4733Tom PesciniWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 13:42+0:15+1.86%98.18%15.31%14.64%4
5646Lachlan MacleanSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 13:47+0:20+2.48%97.58%14.80%14.12%5
6632Bair WaldromSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 13:57+0:30+3.72%96.42%13.77%13.08%6
7708Ben CookWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:01+0:34+4.21%95.96%13.36%12.67%-
8706Sam Bulbulia SmartWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:07+0:40+4.96%95.28%12.74%12.05%-
9623Alvaro Grave MedranoSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 14:11+0:44+5.45%94.83%12.33%11.63%9
10548Hugo CampionRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:18+0:51+6.32%94.06%11.61%10.90%10
10732Robert NaullsWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:18+0:51+6.32%94.06%11.61%10.90%-
12739Archie TullochWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:19+0:52+6.44%93.95%11.50%10.80%-
13647Charles McdougallSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 14:34+1:07+8.30%92.33%9.96%9.24%13
14628Fin RobinsonSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 14:42+1:15+9.29%91.50%9.13%8.41%14
15710Sam CosterWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:56+1:29+11.03%90.07%7.69%6.96%-
15418Tyler CampbellHutt International Boys' School Boys - Int (U16)M 14:56+1:29+11.03%90.07%7.69%6.96%16
17581Guy LesterScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:02+1:35+11.77%89.47%7.07%6.33%17
17702Noah BaguleyWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:02+1:35+11.77%89.47%7.07%6.33%-
19601Stanley CampbellSt Bernard's College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:03+1:36+11.90%89.37%6.97%6.23%19
20735Nikhil RanchordWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:09+1:42+12.64%88.78%6.35%5.61%-
20738Jack TitterWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:09+1:42+12.64%88.78%6.35%5.61%-
22462Gillet BenKuranui College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:18+1:51+13.75%87.91%5.42%4.67%-
23645Isaac LondonSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 15:19+1:52+13.88%87.81%5.32%4.57%23
24709Liam CosgroveWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:21+1:54+14.13%87.62%5.12%4.36%-
25627Noah PahinaSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 15:26+1:59+14.75%87.15%4.60%3.84%-
26441Amir Al MasriKāpiti College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:39+2:12+16.36%85.94%3.26%2.49%-
27419Angus CoxHutt International Boys' School Boys - Int (U16)M 15:40+2:13+16.48%85.85%3.16%2.39%27
28704Toby BrookWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:53+2:26+18.09%84.68%1.82%1.04%-
29585George MatthewsScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:02+2:35+19.21%83.89%0.89%0.10%29
30621Oliver BarghSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 16:04+2:37+19.45%83.71%0.69%-0.10%-
31630Roman Summerville-MurraySt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 16:18+2:51+21.19%82.52%-0.76%-1.56%-
32784Joseph Du ToitZZZ- Home Schooled Boys - Int (U16)M 16:20+2:53+21.44%82.35%-0.96%-1.77%-
33481Dylan HutchinsonMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:22+2:55+21.69%82.18%-1.17%-1.97%33
34740Thomas WakemanWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:36+3:09+23.42%81.02%-2.61%-3.43%-
35721Charlie HercusWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:41+3:14+24.04%80.62%-3.13%-3.95%-
36821Oscar StoltzScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:42+3:15+24.16%80.54%-3.23%-4.05%36
37605Arama McdonaldSt Bernard's College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:44+3:17+24.41%80.38%-3.44%-4.26%37
38463Noah DouglasKuranui College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:49+3:22+25.03%79.98%-3.95%-4.78%-
39508Tyler NaughtonNewlands College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:54+3:27+25.65%79.59%-4.47%-5.30%-
40550Corey DornanRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:10+3:43+27.63%78.35%-6.11%-6.96%40
40822Mitchell YoundRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:10+3:43+27.63%78.35%-6.11%-6.96%40
42479Kassem El FaresMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:11+3:44+27.76%78.27%-6.22%-7.06%42
42483Fynn LivingstonMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:11+3:44+27.76%78.27%-6.22%-7.06%42
42651Aidan RookSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 17:11+3:44+27.76%78.27%-6.22%-7.06%-
45496Micah BaileyNewlands College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:12+3:45+27.88%78.20%-6.32%-7.17%-
46705Felix BuckWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:22+3:55+29.12%77.45%-7.35%-8.20%-
47734Noam PhillipsWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:40+4:13+31.35%76.13%-9.20%-10.07%-
48439William ToddHutt Valley High School Boys - Int (U16)M 17:44+4:17+31.85%75.85%-9.62%-10.49%-
49583Luke MaldenScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:49+4:22+32.47%75.49%-10.13%-11.01%-
50494Floyd PullanMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:53+4:26+32.96%75.21%-10.54%-11.42%-
51823Elijah Mullin-RakinumuaRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:54+4:27+33.09%75.14%-10.65%-11.53%-
52493Eli PriceMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 18:06+4:39+34.57%74.31%-11.88%-12.77%-
53667Manaaki AndertonTe Kura Māori o Porirua Boys - Int (U16)M 18:11+4:44+35.19%73.97%-12.40%-13.29%-
54606Rome ScrimgeourSt Bernard's College Boys - Int (U16)M 18:42+5:15+39.03%71.93%-15.59%-16.51%54
54701Saad AzharWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 18:42+5:15+39.03%71.93%-15.59%-16.51%-
56557Jacques SamynRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 19:00+5:33+41.26%70.79%-17.45%-18.38%-
57778Flynn JonesWellington High School Boys - Int (U16)M 20:27+7:00+52.04%65.77%-26.41%-27.41%-
58487Nidhish NandMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 23:43+10:16+76.33%56.71%-46.60%-47.77%-
  • 4km Male - Boys - Int (U16)
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1725Alex MacbethWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 13:27--100%16.86%16.20%1
2422Hugo MillarHutt International Boys' School Boys - Int (U16)M 13:33+0:06+0.74%99.26%16.24%15.58%2
3728Xavier JamesWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 13:39+0:12+1.49%98.53%15.62%14.95%3
4733Tom PesciniWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 13:42+0:15+1.86%98.18%15.31%14.64%4
5646Lachlan MacleanSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 13:47+0:20+2.48%97.58%14.80%14.12%5
6632Bair WaldromSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 13:57+0:30+3.72%96.42%13.77%13.08%6
7708Ben CookWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:01+0:34+4.21%95.96%13.36%12.67%-
8706Sam Bulbulia SmartWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:07+0:40+4.96%95.28%12.74%12.05%-
9623Alvaro Grave MedranoSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 14:11+0:44+5.45%94.83%12.33%11.63%9
10548Hugo CampionRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:18+0:51+6.32%94.06%11.61%10.90%10
10732Robert NaullsWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:18+0:51+6.32%94.06%11.61%10.90%-
12739Archie TullochWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:19+0:52+6.44%93.95%11.50%10.80%-
13647Charles McdougallSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 14:34+1:07+8.30%92.33%9.96%9.24%13
14628Fin RobinsonSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 14:42+1:15+9.29%91.50%9.13%8.41%14
15710Sam CosterWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 14:56+1:29+11.03%90.07%7.69%6.96%-
15418Tyler CampbellHutt International Boys' School Boys - Int (U16)M 14:56+1:29+11.03%90.07%7.69%6.96%16
17581Guy LesterScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:02+1:35+11.77%89.47%7.07%6.33%17
17702Noah BaguleyWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:02+1:35+11.77%89.47%7.07%6.33%-
19601Stanley CampbellSt Bernard's College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:03+1:36+11.90%89.37%6.97%6.23%19
20735Nikhil RanchordWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:09+1:42+12.64%88.78%6.35%5.61%-
20738Jack TitterWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:09+1:42+12.64%88.78%6.35%5.61%-
22462Gillet BenKuranui College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:18+1:51+13.75%87.91%5.42%4.67%-
23645Isaac LondonSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 15:19+1:52+13.88%87.81%5.32%4.57%23
24709Liam CosgroveWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:21+1:54+14.13%87.62%5.12%4.36%-
25627Noah PahinaSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 15:26+1:59+14.75%87.15%4.60%3.84%-
26441Amir Al MasriKāpiti College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:39+2:12+16.36%85.94%3.26%2.49%-
27419Angus CoxHutt International Boys' School Boys - Int (U16)M 15:40+2:13+16.48%85.85%3.16%2.39%27
28704Toby BrookWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 15:53+2:26+18.09%84.68%1.82%1.04%-
29585George MatthewsScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:02+2:35+19.21%83.89%0.89%0.10%29
30621Oliver BarghSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 16:04+2:37+19.45%83.71%0.69%-0.10%-
31630Roman Summerville-MurraySt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Int (U16)M 16:18+2:51+21.19%82.52%-0.76%-1.56%-
32784Joseph Du ToitZZZ- Home Schooled Boys - Int (U16)M 16:20+2:53+21.44%82.35%-0.96%-1.77%-
33481Dylan HutchinsonMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:22+2:55+21.69%82.18%-1.17%-1.97%33
34740Thomas WakemanWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:36+3:09+23.42%81.02%-2.61%-3.43%-
35721Charlie HercusWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:41+3:14+24.04%80.62%-3.13%-3.95%-
36821Oscar StoltzScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:42+3:15+24.16%80.54%-3.23%-4.05%36
37605Arama McdonaldSt Bernard's College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:44+3:17+24.41%80.38%-3.44%-4.26%37
38463Noah DouglasKuranui College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:49+3:22+25.03%79.98%-3.95%-4.78%-
39508Tyler NaughtonNewlands College Boys - Int (U16)M 16:54+3:27+25.65%79.59%-4.47%-5.30%-
40550Corey DornanRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:10+3:43+27.63%78.35%-6.11%-6.96%40
40822Mitchell YoundRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:10+3:43+27.63%78.35%-6.11%-6.96%40
42479Kassem El FaresMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:11+3:44+27.76%78.27%-6.22%-7.06%42
42483Fynn LivingstonMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:11+3:44+27.76%78.27%-6.22%-7.06%42
42651Aidan RookSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Int (U16)M 17:11+3:44+27.76%78.27%-6.22%-7.06%-
45496Micah BaileyNewlands College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:12+3:45+27.88%78.20%-6.32%-7.17%-
46705Felix BuckWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:22+3:55+29.12%77.45%-7.35%-8.20%-
47734Noam PhillipsWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:40+4:13+31.35%76.13%-9.20%-10.07%-
48439William ToddHutt Valley High School Boys - Int (U16)M 17:44+4:17+31.85%75.85%-9.62%-10.49%-
49583Luke MaldenScots College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:49+4:22+32.47%75.49%-10.13%-11.01%-
50494Floyd PullanMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:53+4:26+32.96%75.21%-10.54%-11.42%-
51823Elijah Mullin-RakinumuaRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 17:54+4:27+33.09%75.14%-10.65%-11.53%-
52493Eli PriceMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 18:06+4:39+34.57%74.31%-11.88%-12.77%-
53667Manaaki AndertonTe Kura Māori o Porirua Boys - Int (U16)M 18:11+4:44+35.19%73.97%-12.40%-13.29%-
54606Rome ScrimgeourSt Bernard's College Boys - Int (U16)M 18:42+5:15+39.03%71.93%-15.59%-16.51%54
54701Saad AzharWellington College Boys - Int (U16)M 18:42+5:15+39.03%71.93%-15.59%-16.51%-
56557Jacques SamynRongotai College Boys - Int (U16)M 19:00+5:33+41.26%70.79%-17.45%-18.38%-
57778Flynn JonesWellington High School Boys - Int (U16)M 20:27+7:00+52.04%65.77%-26.41%-27.41%-
58487Nidhish NandMana College Boys - Int (U16)M 23:43+10:16+76.33%56.71%-46.60%-47.77%-
  • 6km - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1513Max DohertyOnslow College Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:24--100%18.94%19.47%-
2636Callum WosSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:40+0:16+1.37%98.64%17.83%18.37%2
3556Desmond ReddyRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:45+0:21+1.80%98.23%17.48%18.02%3
4642Connor KempSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:53+0:29+2.49%97.57%16.92%17.47%4
5723Logan HopflerWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 20:04+0:40+3.44%96.68%16.16%16.71%5
6644Wilson LISt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 20:40+1:16+6.53%93.87%13.65%14.22%6
7653Bernard StallardSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:12+1:48+9.28%91.51%11.42%12.00%7
8715James EllwoodWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:25+2:01+10.40%90.58%10.52%11.10%8
9718George GrayWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:30+2:06+10.82%90.23%10.17%10.76%9
10741Harrison WillsWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:41+2:17+11.77%89.47%9.40%10.00%-
11650Jacob RodgersSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:51+2:27+12.63%88.79%8.71%9.30%-
12707Silas CampbellWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:58+2:34+13.23%88.32%8.22%8.82%-
13720Ollie HarlandWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 22:22+2:58+15.29%86.74%6.55%7.16%-
14837Blake MiscalSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 22:47+3:23+17.44%85.15%4.81%5.43%14
15634Caleb WalkinshawSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:02+3:38+18.73%84.23%3.76%4.39%15
16423Caleb RiceHutt International Boys' School Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:10+3:46+19.42%83.74%3.21%3.84%16
17514Jake MclellanOnslow College Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:15+3:51+19.85%83.44%2.86%3.49%-
18681Ashton TietjensWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:29+4:05+21.05%82.61%1.88%2.53%-
19552Samuel JonesRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:56+4:32+23.37%81.06%0.00%0.66%19
20517Otis BlakeParaparaumu College Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:15+4:51+25.00%80.00%-1.32%-0.66%-
21643Mackenzie KirkSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:19+4:55+25.34%79.78%-1.60%-0.93%-
22713Max DelahuntyWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:20+4:56+25.43%79.73%-1.67%-1.00%-
23421Casey KyleHutt International Boys' School Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:24+5:00+25.77%79.51%-1.95%-1.28%23
24639Cormac ChesneySt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:51+5:27+28.09%78.07%-3.83%-3.15%-
25607Liam TaylorSt Bernard's College Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:56+5:32+28.52%77.81%-4.18%-3.49%-
26838Burtie McGuiganRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:00+5:36+28.87%77.60%-4.45%-3.77%26
27525Willem YoungParaparaumu College Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:06+5:42+29.38%77.29%-4.87%-4.19%-
28638Charles BurnsSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:45+6:21+32.73%75.34%-7.59%-6.88%-
28417Alastair BaileyHutt International Boys' School Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:45+6:21+32.73%75.34%-7.59%-6.88%29
30551Otis GallowayRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:49+6:25+33.08%75.15%-7.87%-7.16%-
31719Theo HardyWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:09+6:45+34.79%74.19%-9.26%-8.54%-
32624Oliver HeffernanSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:10+6:46+34.88%74.14%-9.33%-8.61%-
33434Noah McneillHutt Valley High School Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:12+6:48+35.05%74.05%-9.47%-8.75%-
34600Finlay BosworthSt Bernard's College Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:56+7:32+38.83%72.03%-12.53%-11.80%-
35553Ceferino McdonaldRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 28:05+8:41+44.76%69.08%-17.34%-16.57%-
36652Conor RookSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 28:44+9:20+48.11%67.52%-20.05%-19.27%-
37471Oscar WrightKuranui College Boys - Snr (U19)M 30:47+11:23+58.68%63.02%-28.62%-27.78%-
38414Noah SmithHeretaunga College Boys - Snr (U19)M 30:52+11:28+59.11%62.85%-28.97%-28.12%-
  • 6km Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1513Max DohertyOnslow College Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:24--100%18.94%19.47%-
2636Callum WosSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:40+0:16+1.37%98.64%17.83%18.37%2
3556Desmond ReddyRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:45+0:21+1.80%98.23%17.48%18.02%3
4642Connor KempSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:53+0:29+2.49%97.57%16.92%17.47%4
5723Logan HopflerWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 20:04+0:40+3.44%96.68%16.16%16.71%5
6644Wilson LISt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 20:40+1:16+6.53%93.87%13.65%14.22%6
7653Bernard StallardSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:12+1:48+9.28%91.51%11.42%12.00%7
8715James EllwoodWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:25+2:01+10.40%90.58%10.52%11.10%8
9718George GrayWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:30+2:06+10.82%90.23%10.17%10.76%9
10741Harrison WillsWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:41+2:17+11.77%89.47%9.40%10.00%-
11650Jacob RodgersSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:51+2:27+12.63%88.79%8.71%9.30%-
12707Silas CampbellWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:58+2:34+13.23%88.32%8.22%8.82%-
13720Ollie HarlandWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 22:22+2:58+15.29%86.74%6.55%7.16%-
14837Blake MiscalSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 22:47+3:23+17.44%85.15%4.81%5.43%14
15634Caleb WalkinshawSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:02+3:38+18.73%84.23%3.76%4.39%15
16423Caleb RiceHutt International Boys' School Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:10+3:46+19.42%83.74%3.21%3.84%16
17514Jake MclellanOnslow College Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:15+3:51+19.85%83.44%2.86%3.49%-
18681Ashton TietjensWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:29+4:05+21.05%82.61%1.88%2.53%-
19552Samuel JonesRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:56+4:32+23.37%81.06%0.00%0.66%19
20517Otis BlakeParaparaumu College Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:15+4:51+25.00%80.00%-1.32%-0.66%-
21643Mackenzie KirkSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:19+4:55+25.34%79.78%-1.60%-0.93%-
22713Max DelahuntyWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:20+4:56+25.43%79.73%-1.67%-1.00%-
23421Casey KyleHutt International Boys' School Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:24+5:00+25.77%79.51%-1.95%-1.28%23
24639Cormac ChesneySt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:51+5:27+28.09%78.07%-3.83%-3.15%-
25607Liam TaylorSt Bernard's College Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:56+5:32+28.52%77.81%-4.18%-3.49%-
26838Burtie McGuiganRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:00+5:36+28.87%77.60%-4.45%-3.77%26
27525Willem YoungParaparaumu College Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:06+5:42+29.38%77.29%-4.87%-4.19%-
28638Charles BurnsSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:45+6:21+32.73%75.34%-7.59%-6.88%-
28417Alastair BaileyHutt International Boys' School Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:45+6:21+32.73%75.34%-7.59%-6.88%29
30551Otis GallowayRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:49+6:25+33.08%75.15%-7.87%-7.16%-
31719Theo HardyWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:09+6:45+34.79%74.19%-9.26%-8.54%-
32624Oliver HeffernanSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:10+6:46+34.88%74.14%-9.33%-8.61%-
33434Noah McneillHutt Valley High School Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:12+6:48+35.05%74.05%-9.47%-8.75%-
34600Finlay BosworthSt Bernard's College Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:56+7:32+38.83%72.03%-12.53%-11.80%-
35553Ceferino McdonaldRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 28:05+8:41+44.76%69.08%-17.34%-16.57%-
36652Conor RookSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 28:44+9:20+48.11%67.52%-20.05%-19.27%-
37471Oscar WrightKuranui College Boys - Snr (U19)M 30:47+11:23+58.68%63.02%-28.62%-27.78%-
38414Noah SmithHeretaunga College Boys - Snr (U19)M 30:52+11:28+59.11%62.85%-28.97%-28.12%-
  • 6km Male - Boys - Snr (U19)
Place Bib Name Affiliation Category Gender Finish time
1513Max DohertyOnslow College Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:24--100%18.94%19.47%-
2636Callum WosSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:40+0:16+1.37%98.64%17.83%18.37%2
3556Desmond ReddyRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:45+0:21+1.80%98.23%17.48%18.02%3
4642Connor KempSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 19:53+0:29+2.49%97.57%16.92%17.47%4
5723Logan HopflerWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 20:04+0:40+3.44%96.68%16.16%16.71%5
6644Wilson LISt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 20:40+1:16+6.53%93.87%13.65%14.22%6
7653Bernard StallardSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:12+1:48+9.28%91.51%11.42%12.00%7
8715James EllwoodWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:25+2:01+10.40%90.58%10.52%11.10%8
9718George GrayWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:30+2:06+10.82%90.23%10.17%10.76%9
10741Harrison WillsWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:41+2:17+11.77%89.47%9.40%10.00%-
11650Jacob RodgersSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:51+2:27+12.63%88.79%8.71%9.30%-
12707Silas CampbellWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 21:58+2:34+13.23%88.32%8.22%8.82%-
13720Ollie HarlandWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 22:22+2:58+15.29%86.74%6.55%7.16%-
14837Blake MiscalSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 22:47+3:23+17.44%85.15%4.81%5.43%14
15634Caleb WalkinshawSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:02+3:38+18.73%84.23%3.76%4.39%15
16423Caleb RiceHutt International Boys' School Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:10+3:46+19.42%83.74%3.21%3.84%16
17514Jake MclellanOnslow College Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:15+3:51+19.85%83.44%2.86%3.49%-
18681Ashton TietjensWa Ora Montessori School Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:29+4:05+21.05%82.61%1.88%2.53%-
19552Samuel JonesRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 23:56+4:32+23.37%81.06%0.00%0.66%19
20517Otis BlakeParaparaumu College Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:15+4:51+25.00%80.00%-1.32%-0.66%-
21643Mackenzie KirkSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:19+4:55+25.34%79.78%-1.60%-0.93%-
22713Max DelahuntyWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:20+4:56+25.43%79.73%-1.67%-1.00%-
23421Casey KyleHutt International Boys' School Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:24+5:00+25.77%79.51%-1.95%-1.28%23
24639Cormac ChesneySt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:51+5:27+28.09%78.07%-3.83%-3.15%-
25607Liam TaylorSt Bernard's College Boys - Snr (U19)M 24:56+5:32+28.52%77.81%-4.18%-3.49%-
26838Burtie McGuiganRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:00+5:36+28.87%77.60%-4.45%-3.77%26
27525Willem YoungParaparaumu College Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:06+5:42+29.38%77.29%-4.87%-4.19%-
28638Charles BurnsSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:45+6:21+32.73%75.34%-7.59%-6.88%-
28417Alastair BaileyHutt International Boys' School Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:45+6:21+32.73%75.34%-7.59%-6.88%29
30551Otis GallowayRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 25:49+6:25+33.08%75.15%-7.87%-7.16%-
31719Theo HardyWellington College Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:09+6:45+34.79%74.19%-9.26%-8.54%-
32624Oliver HeffernanSt Patrick's College, Silverstream Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:10+6:46+34.88%74.14%-9.33%-8.61%-
33434Noah McneillHutt Valley High School Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:12+6:48+35.05%74.05%-9.47%-8.75%-
34600Finlay BosworthSt Bernard's College Boys - Snr (U19)M 26:56+7:32+38.83%72.03%-12.53%-11.80%-
35553Ceferino McdonaldRongotai College Boys - Snr (U19)M 28:05+8:41+44.76%69.08%-17.34%-16.57%-
36652Conor RookSt Patrick's College, Town Boys - Snr (U19)M 28:44+9:20+48.11%67.52%-20.05%-19.27%-
37471Oscar WrightKuranui College Boys - Snr (U19)M 30:47+11:23+58.68%63.02%-28.62%-27.78%-
38414Noah SmithHeretaunga College Boys - Snr (U19)M 30:52+11:28+59.11%62.85%-28.97%-28.12%-