Thursday, November 24, 2022 9:12 AM (GMT-7) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Other
Location: Grants, NM, United States
Start type: Manual wave start
Wave grouping: Custom
Racers: 94
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 5.5
Updated: Monday, November 28, 2022 10:24 AM (GMT-7)

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  • 5K RUN Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1948Aubrie Marez13-1817F 23:07.8--100%24.90%25.63%09:18:31.0
2959Diane Aragon50-5957F 23:20.0+0:12.2+0.88%99.13%24.24%24.98%09:18:31.0
3983Philean Yazzie30-3932F 24:58.3+1:50.5+7.96%92.62%18.92%19.71%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Female - 13-18
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1948Aubrie Marez13-1817F 23:07.8--100%20.43%20.44%09:18:31.0
2917Zoe C13-1816F 28:57.2+5:49.4+25.18%79.89%0.40%0.41%09:18:31.0
3889Madison Salazar13-1817F 29:11.5+6:03.7+26.21%79.23%-0.42%-0.41%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Female - 19-29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1909Wynona Martin19-2919F 31:59.0--100%9.98%9.98%09:18:31.0
2953Ashton Baros19-2922F 39:04.3+7:05.3+22.16%81.86%-9.98%-9.98%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Female - 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1983Philean Yazzie30-3932F 24:58.3--100%21.07%17.81%09:18:31.0
2960Dyanna Aragon30-3934F 25:19.5+0:21.2+1.41%98.60%19.95%16.65%09:18:31.0
3979Natasha Valdez30-3930F 35:26.4+10:28.1+41.92%70.46%-12.02%-16.65%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Female - 40-49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1947Amber Marez40-4943F 25:05.4--100%16.22%18.13%09:18:31.0
2950Bobbie Branum40-4941F 25:45.3+0:39.9+2.65%97.42%14.00%15.96%09:18:31.0
3952Annette Martinez40-4942F 30:11.5+5:06.1+20.33%83.10%-0.81%1.49%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Female - 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1959Diane Aragon50-5957F 23:20.0--100%0.00%0.00%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Female - 60-75
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1994Yvonne Mandagaran60-7564F 33:46.1--100%1.06%1.06%09:18:31.0
2964Janie Gutierrez60-7561F 34:29.5+0:43.4+2.14%97.90%-1.06%-1.06%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1912Isaiah Jaramillo30-3932M 21:57.3--100%25.65%21.08%09:18:31.0
2893Zailan Long19-2919M 21:58.2+0:00.9+0.07%99.93%25.60%21.03%09:18:31.0
3895Knight Long13-1816M 23:28.1+1:30.8+6.89%93.55%20.53%15.64%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Male - 12 & UNDER
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1970Kaleb Macias12 & UNDER7M 40:39.2--100%0.00%0.00%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Male - 13-18
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1895Knight Long13-1816M 23:28.1--100%30.02%16.39%09:18:31.0
2990Shad Merayo13-1814M 25:23.6+1:55.5+8.20%92.42%24.28%9.53%09:18:31.0
3896Ashton Tenorio13-1815M 28:04.1+4:36.0+19.60%83.61%16.30%0.00%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Male - 19-29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1893Zailan Long19-2919M 21:58.2--100%18.00%23.71%09:18:31.0
2988Roman Martinez19-2922M 24:35.8+2:37.6+11.96%89.32%8.20%14.59%09:18:31.0
3887Sean Erice19-2925M 28:47.9+6:49.7+31.08%76.29%-7.48%0.00%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Male - 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1912Isaiah Jaramillo30-3932M 21:57.3--100%12.65%15.17%09:18:31.0
2894Chase Gaines30-3933M 25:52.9+3:55.6+17.89%84.83%-2.97%0.00%09:18:31.0
3974Maurice Martinez30-3933M 27:34.2+5:36.9+25.58%79.63%-9.69%-6.52%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Male - 40-49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1956Chad Gaines40-4940M 24:53.8--100%4.52%1.72%09:18:31.0
2962Gordon Merayo40-4946M 25:13.7+0:19.9+1.33%98.69%3.25%0.41%09:18:31.0
3949Kevin Branum40-4942M 25:26.3+0:32.5+2.18%97.87%2.44%-0.41%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Male - 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1890Del Salazar50-5956M 36:49.1--100%0.00%0.00%09:18:31.0
  • 5K RUN Male - 60-75
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1957Dale A Louis60-7567M 24:12.0--100%20.09%18.71%09:18:31.0
2958Daniel Otero60-7565M 29:46.3+5:34.3+23.02%81.29%1.70%0.00%09:18:31.0
3967John Hocker60-7573M 36:53.0+12:41.0+52.41%65.61%-21.79%-23.89%09:18:31.0
  • 5K WALK Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1908Winona Martin19-2924F 41:52.9--100%21.75%21.74%09:12:37.6
2891Jolynn Salazar40-4949F 44:02.9+2:10.0+5.17%95.08%17.70%17.69%09:12:37.6
3911Livii Jaramillo12 & UNDER10F 46:25.8+4:32.9+10.86%90.20%13.25%13.24%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Female - 12 & UNDER
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1911Livii Jaramillo12 & UNDER10F 46:25.8--100%17.17%18.35%09:12:37.6
2898Addison Tenorio12 & UNDER9F 50:53.9+4:28.1+9.62%91.22%9.20%10.50%09:12:37.6
3998Layla Tillman12 & UNDER4F 56:52.0+10:26.2+22.48%81.65%-1.45%0.00%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Female - 13-18
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1963Isela Knighton13-1815F 57:25.6--100%0.00%0.00%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Female - 19-29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1908Winona Martin19-2924F 41:52.9--100%16.37%21.06%09:12:37.6
2989Santana Macias19-2929F 46:34.8+4:41.9+11.22%89.91%6.99%12.21%09:12:37.6
3882Catherine Tena19-2928F 53:03.4+11:10.5+26.68%78.94%-5.94%0.00%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Female - 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1973Marcie Chavez30-3937F 47:54.4--100%6.17%0.26%09:12:37.6
2996Desiree Baca30-3932F 48:01.8+0:07.4+0.26%99.74%5.92%0.00%09:12:37.6
3916Kristin Garcia30-3933F 57:13.6+9:19.2+19.45%83.71%-12.09%-19.15%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Female - 40-49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1891Jolynn Salazar40-4949F 44:02.9--100%12.47%15.14%09:12:37.6
2899Amber Tenorio40-4943F 50:54.3+6:51.4+15.57%86.53%-1.16%1.93%09:12:37.6
3984Rana Sanchez40-4942F 52:54.3+8:51.4+20.11%83.26%-5.13%-1.93%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Female - 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1914Suzanne Sanchez50-5953F 48:58.2--100%11.54%8.97%09:12:37.6
2999Patricia Corley50-5956F 53:31.1+4:32.9+9.29%91.50%3.33%0.51%09:12:37.6
3961Florence Corley50-5958F 53:47.6+4:49.4+9.85%91.03%2.83%0.00%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Female - 60-75
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1955Carolyn Corley60-7561F 53:36.4--100%5.61%8.16%09:12:37.6
2951Ann Mattila60-7564F 58:22.2+4:45.8+8.89%91.84%-2.78%0.00%09:12:37.6
3971Laura Jaramillo60-7562F 58:23.7+4:47.3+8.93%91.80%-2.83%-0.04%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Female - 75 & UP
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1873Marylou Romero75 & UP78F 55:20.6--100%0.00%0.00%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1986Randy Mattila60-7567M 41:43.1--100%19.13%21.13%09:12:37.6
2878Blake Baca12 & UNDER8M 42:24.1+0:41.0+1.64%98.39%17.80%19.84%09:12:37.6
3900Reed Atencio12 & UNDER9M 43:26.4+1:43.3+4.13%96.04%15.79%17.88%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Male - 12 & UNDER
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1878Blake Baca12 & UNDER8M 42:24.1--100%11.97%2.39%09:12:37.6
2900Reed Atencio12 & UNDER9M 43:26.4+1:02.3+2.45%97.61%9.82%0.00%09:12:37.6
3881Jasen Galindo12 & UNDER7M 58:40.1+16:16.0+38.36%72.27%-21.79%-35.06%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Male - 13-18
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1993Troy Corley13-1816M 53:39.7--100%3.37%3.37%09:12:37.6
2969Juaquine Rivera13-1815M 57:24.6+3:44.9+6.99%93.47%-3.37%-3.37%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Male - 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1901Isaac Atencio30-3936M 43:26.8--100%5.12%5.12%09:12:37.6
2966Jeremy Chavez30-3936M 48:08.1+4:41.3+10.79%90.26%-5.12%-5.12%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Male - 40-49
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1913Nep Sanchez40-4942M 48:57.7--100%7.69%7.69%09:12:37.6
2875Derrick Baca40-4940M 57:07.0+8:09.3+16.66%85.72%-7.69%-7.69%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Male - 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
11000Stacey Corley50-5954M 51:54.4--100%0.00%0.00%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Male - 60-75
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1986Randy Mattila60-7567M 41:43.1--100%16.95%21.13%09:12:37.6
2997Joey Baca60-7562M 48:01.7+6:18.6+15.13%86.86%4.39%9.20%09:12:37.6
3987Richard Gutierrez60-7565M 52:53.8+11:10.7+26.79%78.87%-5.30%0.00%09:12:37.6
  • 5K WALK Male - 75 & UP
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1902Joe Valencia75 & UP80M 52:59.7--100%12.14%12.14%09:12:37.6
2946Gilbert Louis75 & UP87M 1:07:38.0+14:38.3+27.62%78.36%-12.14%-12.14%09:12:37.6
  • 10 K BIKE Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1906Amanda Valdez30-3939F 25:12.8--100%39.63%40.89%09:21:26.6
2907Debi Gonzales60-7566F 29:31.3+4:18.5+17.09%85.41%29.32%30.79%09:21:26.6
3879Stephanie Gaines30-3937F 42:39.3+17:26.5+69.18%59.11%-2.13%0.01%09:21:26.6
  • 10 K BIKE Female - 12 & UNDER
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1877Emma Baca12 & UNDER9F 55:11.2--100%0.00%0.00%09:21:26.6
  • 10 K BIKE Female - 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1906Amanda Valdez30-3939F 25:12.8--100%38.62%40.89%09:21:26.6
2879Stephanie Gaines30-3937F 42:39.3+17:26.5+69.18%59.11%-3.85%0.00%09:21:26.6
3876Amanda Baca30-3939F 55:21.3+30:08.5+119.55%45.55%-34.77%-29.77%09:21:26.6
  • 10 K BIKE Female - 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1880Milly Carpenter50-5955F 42:39.6--100%0.00%0.00%09:21:26.6
  • 10 K BIKE Female - 60-75
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1907Debi Gonzales60-7566F 29:31.3--100%0.00%0.00%09:21:26.6
  • 10 K BIKE Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1980Nic Estrada19-2922M 21:32.4--100%39.32%27.28%09:21:26.6
2874Floyd Brito50-5956M 29:37.3+8:04.9+37.52%72.72%16.56%0.00%09:21:26.6
3915Matt Garcia30-3937M 55:20.1+33:47.7+156.89%38.93%-55.88%-86.81%09:21:26.6
  • 10 K BIKE Male - 19-29
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1980Nic Estrada19-2922M 21:32.4--100%0.00%0.00%09:21:26.6
  • 10 K BIKE Male - 30-39
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1915Matt Garcia30-3937M 55:20.1--100%0.00%0.00%09:21:26.6
  • 10 K BIKE Male - 50-59
Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Finish time
1874Floyd Brito50-5956M 29:37.3--100%0.00%0.00%09:21:26.6