March Fun Run

Saturday, March 23, 2019 8:03 AM (GMT-6) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Other
Location: Grants, NM, United States
Start type: Manual wave start
Wave grouping: By distance
Racers: 29
Timed on: iPad
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 3.1
Updated: Monday, March 25, 2019 8:31 AM (GMT-6)

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March Fun Run

  • Overall (All racers)
Place Bib Name Distance Category Gender Finish time
1854Diane Aragon5K Run50-54F 23:51.2--100%39.07%35.74%08:17:19.5
2864Rudy Cdebaca5K Run25-29M 25:04.0+1:12.8+5.09%95.16%35.97%32.47%08:17:19.5
3835Philean Yazzie5K Run25-29F 25:47.3+1:56.1+8.11%92.50%34.13%30.53%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1854Diane Aragon50-54F 23:51.2--100%25.27%26.15%08:17:19.5
2864Rudy Cdebaca25-29M 25:04.0+1:12.8+5.09%95.16%21.47%22.40%08:17:19.5
3835Philean Yazzie25-29F 25:47.3+1:56.1+8.11%92.50%19.21%20.16%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1854Diane Aragon50-54F 23:51.2--100%21.61%25.43%08:17:19.5
2835Philean Yazzie25-29F 25:47.3+1:56.1+8.11%92.50%15.25%19.38%08:17:19.5
3860Anissa Poncho40-44F 31:26.2+7:35.0+31.79%75.88%-3.31%1.72%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Female - 25-29
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1835Philean Yazzie25-29F 25:47.3--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Female - 40-44
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1860Anissa Poncho40-44F 31:26.2--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Female - 45-49
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1842Nicole Kormick45-49F 33:11.2--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Female - 50-54
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1854Diane Aragon50-54F 23:51.2--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Female - 55-59
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1846Janie Gutierrez55-59F 35:46.8--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Female - 60-64
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1843Yvonne Mandagaran60-64F 32:32.1--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1864Rudy Cdebaca25-29M 25:04.0--100%24.13%27.13%08:17:19.5
2868Timothy Jaramillo25-29M 28:30.4+3:26.4+13.72%87.93%13.72%17.13%08:17:19.5
3859Thelton Riley60-64M 29:45.4+4:41.4+18.71%84.24%9.94%13.49%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Male - 12-15
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1861Steven Soboleff Jr12-15M 36:43.7--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Male - 25-29
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1864Rudy Cdebaca25-29M 25:04.0--100%6.42%6.42%08:17:19.5
2868Timothy Jaramillo25-29M 28:30.4+3:26.4+13.72%87.93%-6.42%-6.42%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Male - 30-34
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1865Ed Sanshu30-34M 37:56.2--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Male - 35-39
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1852Rudy Graham35-39M 37:07.7--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Male - 60-64
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1859Thelton Riley60-64M 29:45.4--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Male - 65-69
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1857John Hocker65-69M 32:04.1--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Run Male - 8-11
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1853Gabriel Graham8-11M 37:07.3--100%0.00%0.00%08:17:19.5
  • 5K Walk - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1856Nivia M Acevedo50-54F 43:16.6--100%16.82%17.31%08:03:35.8
2858Joe Valencia75-79M 49:11.1+5:54.5+13.65%87.99%5.47%6.03%08:03:35.8
3839Sharon MacKendrick70-74F 51:04.7+7:48.1+18.03%84.73%1.83%2.41%08:03:35.8
  • 5K Walk Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1856Nivia M Acevedo50-54F 43:16.6--100%17.02%18.26%08:03:35.8
2839Sharon MacKendrick70-74F 51:04.7+7:48.1+18.03%84.73%2.05%3.53%08:03:35.8
3862Claudette Jaramillo70-74F 52:20.2+9:03.6+20.94%82.69%-0.36%1.15%08:03:35.8
  • 5K Walk Female - 40-44
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1841Melissa Garcia40-44F 56:19.7--100%0.00%0.00%08:03:35.8
  • 5K Walk Female - 45-49
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1840Irene Jaramillo45-49F 56:19.4--100%0.00%0.00%08:03:35.8
  • 5K Walk Female - 50-54
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1856Nivia M Acevedo50-54F 43:16.6--100%0.00%0.00%08:03:35.8
  • 5K Walk Female - 70-74
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1839Sharon MacKendrick70-74F 51:04.7--100%2.38%2.40%08:03:35.8
2862Claudette Jaramillo70-74F 52:20.2+1:15.5+2.46%97.60%-0.02%0.00%08:03:35.8
3867Lisa Hudsen70-74F 53:33.4+2:28.7+4.85%95.37%-2.36%-2.33%08:03:35.8
  • 5K Walk Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1858Joe Valencia75-79M 49:11.1--100%5.14%6.01%08:03:35.8
2847Richard Gutierrez60-64M 52:19.3+3:08.2+6.38%94.01%-0.91%0.02%08:03:35.8
3863Norman Jaramillo75-79M 52:20.5+3:09.4+6.42%93.97%-0.95%-0.02%08:03:35.8
  • 5K Walk Male - 40-44
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1866Donald Hudsen40-44M 53:33.0--100%0.00%0.00%08:03:35.8
  • 5K Walk Male - 60-64
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1847Richard Gutierrez60-64M 52:19.3--100%0.00%0.00%08:03:35.8
  • 5K Walk Male - 75-79
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1858Joe Valencia75-79M 49:11.1--100%3.11%3.11%08:03:35.8
2863Norman Jaramillo75-79M 52:20.5+3:09.4+6.42%93.97%-3.11%-3.11%08:03:35.8
  • 10K Bike - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1848Todd Metzger35-39M 28:56.1--100%13.97%3.53%08:24:01.9
2850Aidan Metzgar8-11M 29:01.5+0:05.4+0.31%99.69%13.70%3.23%08:24:01.9
3855Vanessa Marquez35-39F 29:59.6+1:03.5+3.66%96.47%10.82%0.00%08:24:01.9
  • 10K Bike Female - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1855Vanessa Marquez35-39F 29:59.6--100%14.46%14.46%08:24:01.9
2849Chelci Metzger30-34F 40:08.2+10:08.6+33.82%74.73%-14.46%-14.46%08:24:01.9
  • 10K Bike Female - 30-34
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1849Chelci Metzger30-34F 40:08.2--100%0.00%0.00%08:24:01.9
  • 10K Bike Female - 35-39
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1855Vanessa Marquez35-39F 29:59.6--100%0.00%0.00%08:24:01.9
  • 10K Bike Male - Overall
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1848Todd Metzger35-39M 28:56.1--100%11.46%0.31%08:24:01.9
2850Aidan Metzgar8-11M 29:01.5+0:05.4+0.31%99.69%11.18%0.00%08:24:01.9
3851Ethan Metzgar8-11M 40:04.5+11:08.4+38.50%72.20%-22.63%-38.07%08:24:01.9
  • 10K Bike Male - 35-39
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1848Todd Metzger35-39M 28:56.1--100%0.00%0.00%08:24:01.9
  • 10K Bike Male - 8-11
Place Bib Name Category Gender Finish time
1850Aidan Metzgar8-11M 29:01.5--100%15.99%15.99%08:24:01.9
2851Ethan Metzgar8-11M 40:04.5+11:03.0+38.07%72.43%-15.99%-15.99%08:24:01.9