2023 Potomac River Run Marathon & Half

Saturday, May 6, 2023 8:00 AM (GMT-5) - Final results

Race info
Sport: Adventure racing
Location: Washington, DC, United States
Start type: Manual wave start
Wave grouping: By distance
Racers: 481
Category results: Exclude top 3 overall
Timed on: Dell Inspiron 5537
Timed with: Webscorer PRO 6.3
Chip timing: RFID - LLRP
Updated: Thursday, May 25, 2023 10:04 PM (GMT-4)
Organized by: Safety And Health Foundation
Race website: www.safetyandfoundation.org

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  • Race winners

  • right arrow imageClick on a green category name to see full results
 8:00 AM Full Marathon Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Dustin Jutras 2:32:47.5 176
 Female Allison Rosen 3:01:03.9 60
 19&under Julia Smith 5:31:16.7 1
 20-29 Noelle Hagy 3:29:10.5 24
 30-39 Noelle Crepin 3:29:03.1 9
 40-49 Michelle Bruch 3:36:54.3 13
 50-59 Clara Koh 3:52:21.6 9
 60-69 Kebo Mendley 4:46:38.5 1
 Male Dustin Jutras 2:32:47.5 116
 19&under Parker Hendrickson 3:21:44.2 4
 20-29 Andrew Hutto 3:22:25.4 36
 30-39 Andrei Ridzel 2:59:15.3 30
 40-49 Matthew Barnes 3:16:38.0 25
 50-59 Christopher Wiggs 3:13:37.7 13
 60-69 Henry Wigglesworth 3:39:51.5 5
 9:00 AM Half Marathon Winner Winning time Total racers
 Overall Giacomo Francisci 1:23:31.3 305
 Female Halle Gill 1:29:09.3 138
 20-29 Mia Dandrea 1:42:35.3 74
 30-39 Suzy Wang 1:50:29.5 32
 40-49 Alison Manning 1:45:03.9 16
 50-59 Christina Manning 2:03:34.3 9
 60-69 Dawn Larson 2:15:04.9 3
 70&over Rathna Prasad 2:58:42.3 1
 Male Giacomo Francisci 1:23:31.3 158
 19&under Erik Hjelm 1:37:12.4 3
 20-29 Joseph Scaramuzzini 1:33:39.6 64
 30-39 Thomas Witter 1:28:28.4 50
 40-49 Kenli Okada 1:29:28.8 21
 50-59 Jeffrey Radgowski 1:38:49.7 14
 60-69 Mark A. Johnson 2:14:42.3 3
 Female/Male Unknown Runner 997 1:50:25.0 9
 30-39 Unknown Runner 443 2:53:29.0 6