Holy cow! Did I ever have a race, Haha
I was the sole woman oc1, there was one Male v1 and a couple of Male oc1, 1 marathon canoe, a kayak and many, many HPK and SUPs.
I was leading the back of the pack, canoe and most SUPs, all else were quite a ways ahead. While crossing from Cates to Admiralty point a large yachtwas coming from my left, it looked like we were going to intersect, he decided to accelerate instead of letting our pack cross and sent a wall/wake directly into my path. It was roughly 12' high, I had to make a decision, I swung left slightly to see if I could ride down the tail but then saw another wall immediately behind the first, I briefly considered swinging right and realized I would be caught in the trough either way, my only recourse was a straight line, up and over the wall!!! Holy shit- amazing, I made it, I raced...and afterwards, the canoeists had been swamped, the SUPs rolled, survived and said my canoe was half out when cresting the wake, wow