2022 Wildlands Trail Race

Sunday, October 23, 2022 11:00 AM (GMT-4) - Start list

Race info
Sport: Running - trail
Location: Orland, ME, United States
Start type: Manual wave start
Wave grouping: By distance
Racers: 70
Updated: Sunday, October 23, 2022 6:31 PM (GMT-4)
Organized by: Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust
Race website: runreg.com/wildlands-race

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Bib Name
Distance Category Wave Age Gender Start time
10 Scarlett Beckum   2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile 9 F 0:00
13 Warren Beckum STOCKHOLM, ME  2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile 6 M 0:00
78 Anna Grossman Somerville, MA  2 Mile 40-49 2 Mile 43 F 0:00
86 Ava beaulieu Frankfort, ME  2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile 11 F 0:00
87 Pauline Kamath   2 Mile 40-49 2 Mile 44 F 0:00
88 Syona Putzeys Orono, ME  2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile 9 F 0:00
89 Loic Putzeys Orono, ME  2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile 7 M 0:00
92 Evelyn Hanes Orono, ME  2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile 9 F 0:00
93 Teresa Johnson Orono, ME  2 Mile 40-49 2 Mile 47 F 0:00
94 Brian Hughes Belfast, ME  2 Mile 50-59 2 Mile 51 M 0:00
95 Ollie Hughes   2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile 7 M 0:00
96 Archer Davis   2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile 6 F 0:00
97 Kit Davis   2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile 8 F 0:00
98 Jenny Davis Belfast, ME  2 Mile 30-39 2 Mile 39 F 0:00
118 Alyssa Parker   2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile F 0:00
119 Chiara Parker   2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile F 0:00
165 James Dorsey Buxton, ME  2 Mile 50-59 2 Mile 51 M 0:00
216 Ausra Parker   2 Mile 14 and Under 2 Mile M 0:00
143 Thomas Beckum STOCKHOLM, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 46 M 4:52
144 Samantha Bishop Orland, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 41 F 4:52
159 John Califano Ellsworth, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 44 M 4:52
160 Jonhaven Chapman-Cevasco Brooklin, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 32 M 4:52
161 Valerie Cortes Bar Harbor, ME  6.3 Mile 20-29 6.3 Mile 28 F 4:52
162 Dan Cortes Bar Harbor, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 40 M 4:52
164 Thomas Diebold Bangor, ME  6.3 Mile 50-59 6.3 Mile 57 M 4:52
166 Amy Dowley Belmont, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 37 F 4:52
167 Robert Drach Blue Hill, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 39 M 4:52
168 Matt Farragher Bangor, ME  6.3 Mile 20-29 6.3 Mile 28 M 4:52
169 Tricia Farrell Calais, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 41 F 4:52
170 Isaak Foraker Hampden, ME  6.3 Mile 20-29 6.3 Mile 23 M 4:52
172 Linda Greenwood Bangor, ME  6.3 Mile 60-69 6.3 Mile 62 F 4:52
173 Jason W. Hamner Somerville, MA  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 46 M 4:52
174 Maegan Haney Mount Desert, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 45 F 4:52
176 Bob Irving Thorndike, ME  6.3 Mile 60-69 6.3 Mile 68 M 4:52
177 Hannah Johnson Orland, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 35 F 4:52
179 Fyn Kynd Saco, ME  6.3 Mile 20-29 6.3 Mile 22 M 4:52
180 Daphne Lang Orland, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 36 F 4:52
181 Joy Longfellow Searsport, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 37 F 4:52
182 James Longo Blue Hill, ME  6.3 Mile 20-29 6.3 Mile 26 M 4:52
183 Zeya Lorio Blue Hill, ME  6.3 Mile 20-29 6.3 Mile 23 F 4:52
184 Mariah Lussier Owls Head, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 39 F 4:52
185 Lindsey M Piper Belfast, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 43 F 4:52
186 Richard Maser Bar Harbor, ME  6.3 Mile 50-59 6.3 Mile 52 M 4:52
187 Emily McDevitt Camden, ME  6.3 Mile 50-59 6.3 Mile 57 F 4:52
188 Jonathan McDevitt Camden, ME  6.3 Mile 50-59 6.3 Mile 50 M 4:52
189 Stephen McGinley Jr. Princeton, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 40 M 4:52
191 Abigail Miller Southwest Harbor, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 49 F 4:52
192 Victoria Niedzinski Orono, ME  6.3 Mile 20-29 6.3 Mile 29 F 4:52
193 Susanna Norwood Damariscotta, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 46 F 4:52
194 Jessica Oakes Hancock, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 45 F 4:52
195 Phineas Peake Orland, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 34 M 4:52
196 Dave Perry Brewer, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 33 M 4:52
198 Jennifer Traub Blue Hill, ME  6.3 Mile 50-59 6.3 Mile 50 F 4:52
199 Isaac Vaccaro Blue Hill, ME  6.3 Mile 20-29 6.3 Mile 24 M 4:52
200 Kirstin Weed Stonington, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 37 F 4:52
201 Finn Wilder Belfast, ME  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 31 F/M 4:52
202 Elizabeth Young Stonington, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 43 F 4:52
203 Mark Berry Gouldsboro, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 49 M 4:52
204 Thomas Lucey N. Easton, MA  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 36 M 4:52
205 Beth Beaulieu Frankfort, ME  6.3 Mile 50-59 6.3 Mile 52 F 4:52
206 James Hunt Dedham, ME  6.3 Mile 50-59 6.3 Mile 56 M 4:52
207 Clifford Watson Hollis Center, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 40 M 4:52
208 Oliver Putzeys Orono, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 42 M 4:52
209 Sam Hanes Orono, ME  6.3 Mile 50-59 6.3 Mile 51 M 4:52
210 Patrick Caron Needham, MA  6.3 Mile 20-29 6.3 Mile 25 M 4:52
211 Jasmine Fowler Morrill, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 44 F 4:52
212 Brad Sealfon Prospect, Me  6.3 Mile 30-39 6.3 Mile 35 M 4:52
213 Jerome Lawlor Blue Hill, ME  6.3 Mile 50-59 6.3 Mile 50 M 4:52
214 Grady Ames Southwest Harbor, ME  6.3 Mile 14 and Under 6.3 Mile 13 M 4:52
215 Carrie Byron Portland, ME  6.3 Mile 40-49 6.3 Mile 43 F 4:52